- Which of the following equipment should not be placed in the tower ladder basket when
the tower ladder is used for ventilation purposes on a flat roof? (4.1.2)
a. Axe and halligan tool
b. Six foot hook
c. Utility rope
d. Power saw
- C
- Operating on the roof of an unstable building is a very dangerous operation. Which one of
the following suggestions is incorrect when operating on these roofs from a tower ladder?
a. Keep the basket close to roof level and secure members with a utility rope. Do not engage
in prolonged operations
b. Use of a portable ladder laid flat on the roof will help distribute the weight of a member
over a greater area
c. If conditions permit place the basket on the roof and have members operate from the basket
d. When operating on taxpayers and similar structures with hanging ceilings, 10’ hooks or
portable ladders may be used to push down ceilings below roof openings, operating from the
- A
4.2.2 When instability of the roof is suspected, exercise extreme caution:
A. Keep basket close to roof level. Secure members to basket with life saving
rope. Do not engage in prolonged operations.
B. Use portable ladder, laid flat on roof, to help distribute weight of
member(s) over a greater area.
C. If condition permits, place basket onto the roof and have members work
from the basket.
D. When operating on taxpayers and similar structures with hanging ceilings,
ten foot hooks or portable ladders may be used to push down ceilings
below roof openings, operating from basket.
- Two firefighters are preparing to operate from a tower ladder basket on a roof of
questionable stability. Prior to operating on the roof, the officer in charge of the operation insure
that the member on the roof was tied off to the basket via a bowline with a _____ foot loop,
which limits the member to a radius of not more than _____ feet from the basket ( 4.1.4)
a. 10 ft., 15 ft.
b. 5 ft., 10 ft.
c. 15 ft., 15 ft.
d. 15 ft., 10 ft.
- D
- Members of Ladder Company 153 are preparing to cut a hole in the roof of a peaked roof
private dwelling. In regard to cutting this type of roof from the tower ladder basket, these
members would be incorrect if they were to perform which action? (4.3)
a. The saw was started inside the basket and then help outside the basket until it was shut
b. The first cut was made parallel to the ridgepole
c. The size of the cut should be approximately 3’x 6’
d. The saw operator cuts with one foot on the roof and the other in the basket
- C
Note: The size of the cut will depend on the reach of the operator. He shall never
over-extend himself. Re-position basket if larger opening is necessary.
- Masonry walls can be breached utilizing power tools from the tower ladder basket. While
breaching a brick wall using the partner saw, two firefighters from a ladder company had the
following thoughts. In which one were they incorrect? (4.4)
a. They insure the saw had the correct blade, painted yellow
b. A triangular cut was made with the first and second cuts being made at the brickwork. The
apex of the triangle faced downward.
c. The third cut at the mortar joint may not be necessary. Brickwork may be loosened and
removed with hand tools
d. The opening should be large enough to insert the saw in order to cut the second course of
brick if necessary
- B
4.4 Breaching Walls
4.4.1 Exterior walls can be breached with power tools. Breaching may be necessary to
gain access for life saving or stream penetration. This is an arduous operation
requiring frequent relief of saw operator.
A. Power saw with proper blade is used for brick and concrete work.
B. Where necessary, electric or pneumatic hammers may be used for
breaching work from basket.
C. Cuts in brick walls should be triangular form with vertex angle upward to
prevent further collapse. (See Fig. 12)
D. 1st and 2nd cuts should be at brickwork since easiest cut is at mortar joint
and blade at this point will be worn. Cut at mortar joint may not be
necessary since bricks along this plane can be loosened and removed
easily with hand tools.
Note: Make opening large enough so saw can be inserted to cut inner wall
if necessary. Usually on two course brick wall the second course can be
remove by hand tools, or if heavy stream is to be used, by the stream
itself. Opening can also be enlarged by use of the stream. Frame building
shingles, siding, roof shingles and boards can also be removed by use of
the stream if fire conditions pre-empt structural damage
- The lieutenant of a tower ladder whose basket has double acting swinging gates responds to
a fire scene where the apparatus must be placed for rescue and removal. Which one of the
following would be an appropriate action for the lieutenant to direct members to take? (5.1)
a. Place the basket initially so that the top railing of the basket is level with the sill
b. Place the apparatus parallel with the building so that the pedestal is in line with the window
c. Place the basket directly on the roof if the roof has no parapet
d. Use the platforms “dead man” trigger handle to perform all delicate positioning operations
- C
5.1.5 Parapetless roofs can be safely approached by actually placing the basket directly
on the roof, if possible, especially when ice conditions are encountered, to effect
removal of persons trapped thereon.
- Ladder Company 19 is preparing to remove a seriously injured construction worker from
the roof of a peaked roof private dwelling utilizing a stokes basket via the tower ladder. As the
lieutenant in command of this operation, you were correct when you advised the members of the
unit: (5.2.1)
a. The pedestal man should perform the lowering operation in all circumstances
b. Never lash the stokes basket to the top railing of the basket, as this may make a conscious
victim feel insecure and limit the administering of first aid
c. Speed is generally more important than a smooth and careful operation
d. Diagonal placement of the stokes basket is easier and safer
- D
D. The Stokes basket may be placed in an upright or diagonal position and
leaning or lashed to a solid part of basket railing. This position enables
two members to administer first aid if necessary. The Stokes may also be
lashed to the top railings of the basket, however, this is more time
consuming, limits administering of first aid and a conscious victim will
possibly feel insecure since part of his body will be beyond rail of basket.
Stability of rails to be considered.
Note: To insure smooth operation of basket maneuver, the pedestal man should
perform the lowering operation, if conditions permit. (Diagonal placement easier
and safer.)
- Tower ladder streams can be very effective when used to control a large or rapidly moving
fire, but many precautions must be taken to insure a safe operation. Which of the following
statements is incorrect? (6.1)
a. Only the tower ladder officer may order the use of tower ladder streams
b. Large caliber outside streams generally should not be directed into occupied buildings.
However life hazard or fire conditions may demand such use
c. When victims on a fire escape endangered by fire emitting from windows below them, a
fog stream from a tower ladder used at an acute angle to the building can be used to protect them
while the basket moves in for removal
d. The stream does not always have to utilized at its full potential in order to be effective
- A
6.1.1 Only the officer in command of operations may order the use of TL streams.
- Tower Ladder 163 is preparing to operate their large caliber stream to extinguish a fire in a
five story non fireproof factory. The building is involved on several floors and is in the cockloft.
The officer of this company would be correct to instruct her members to: (6.2.2, 6.2.3)
a. Direct the stream into any roof openings, allowing water to enter the cockloft and
extinguish fire below
b. Start heavy stream delivery at the lowest floor and work upwards through the building
c. Extinguish the fire in the cockloft first by placing the nozzle close to and low in the
d. Work from the center of the building towards the most serious exposure
- B
6.2.2 When fire building is heavily involved on several floors, heavy stream delivery
should generally start at the lowest level and work upward, effecting a quick
knock-down on the way up to top floor and/or cockloft area, in order to protect
members in basket operating at the highest level. Prevention of fire spread upward
or extension via cockloft is the prime objective. Basket personnel and pedestal
man shall frequently assess conditions on lower floors previously passed.
Operation into lower floors may have to be repeated in order to protect members
in basket to continue operations at highest level.
6.2.3 Positioning the nozzle close to and low in the window will insure:
A. Opening ceiling with stream to expose fire area or cockloft and extinguish
fire therein. Operation into cockloft, work stream from party wall of most
serious exposure toward center of building then from party wall of other
exposure toward center or a roof opening.
B. Maximum stream penetration.
C. Good deflection off ceilings and walls.
D. In extreme situations the stream through attic window of peaked frame
dwelling can be used to ventilate by literally blowing off the roof.
- You are a covering lieutenant in a tower ladder company. The incident commander has just
ordered you to place your tower ladders large caliber stream into operation at a four story
rowframe building. The building is fully involved and you fear that its stability is doubtful. In
this situation, you would be incorrect if you were to follow which guideline? (6.3.2)
a. You insured that the basket was kept beyond the collapse area when possible
b. Only a minimum section of the boom was exposed
c. The basket was kept at a distance of one half of distance horizontally as it was vertically
below the top of the building
d. You ordered the apparatus positioned at the edge of the building, thereby limiting the
exposure of the apparatus in the event of collapse
- C
6.3.2 When used to provide elevated streams, care must be taken to avoid the collapse
of walls on the basket or boom. If fire has been burning for a considerable period
of time and stability of the building is doubtful, the following guidelines are
A. Keep basket beyond the collapse area of the building when possible. (See
Section 6.2.3).
B. Expose a minimum section of the boom.
C. Position apparatus so that basket can be placed at the edge of the building
thereby limiting exposure of apparatus in event of collapse. Use two tower
ladders, one at each edge if necessary, to obtain full coverage of building.
D. Directing a stream from above roof area into openings to attack a cockloft
fire is generally counter productive, unless collapse has been extensive
and an exterior attack is in progress. This practice will push fire and heat
back into building and probably cause the hanging ceiling to collapse.
E. Using a large caliber stream onto roof of building with peaked, hip, or
domed roof with a parapet could result in buildup of water at parapet if
run-off is inadequate and thereby possibly cause collapse of parapet. Take
steps to assure such buildup is relieved before moving to operate basket
below parapet if such condition exists.
- Captain Marrotta is preparing to utilize Ladder Company 9’s large caliber stream at a
fourth alarm in the 1st division. Prior to operating, he conferred with the Water Resource Officer
and insured all of the following to insure the optimum effectiveness of the tower ladder stream.
Which piece of information should he disregard? (6.6.1)
a. High pressure engine companies are the best source of supply
b. Supply water to the base of the tower ladder at 200 – 250 psi
c. Generally, only one source of water at the base of the tower ladder is used
d. When necessary to shut down water to the tower ladder, do so at the pumper, not the base
of the tower ladder
- A
A. A Satellite Water Unit is the best source of supply, if available. Largest
diameter hose is used
- A lieutenant supervising a multi unit drill with members of a tower ladder unit was correct
when he informed the probationary firefighter in the tower ladder basket that nozzle pressure
should not exceed how many psi at the tower ladder nozzle? (6.6.2)
a. 250 p.s.i.
b. 100 p.s.i.
c. 75 p.s.i.
d. 450 p.s.i.
- B
- During an extended tower ladder operation during subfreezing weather, members of Ladder
Company 117 lost all control of the basket due to an icing condition. Because the basket operator
was a sharp student, the action he chose that usually results in restoration of control can be found
in which choice? (6.7.6)
a. Notify the officer and chauffeur and have the basket bedded from the pedestal. The tower
ladder is out of service
b. Simultaneously depress and rotate the control handle vigorously while engaging the
“deadman” control
c. Have the chauffeur take control of the basket after shutting down the proper isolation valve
at the base of the turntable
d. Without engaging the “deadman” control simultaneously depress and rotate the control
handle vigorously several times
- D
6.7.6 Loss of control at basket can result if contacts become wet and/or Iced and/or
dirty. Usually only one control movement is affected, e.g., left or right, extend or
retract, etc. Depressing the control handle at basket without engaging “deadman”
and rotating control handle vigorously several times usually results in restoration
of control. If this procedure does not clear condition, operation must be controlled
from pedestal.
- Members of tower ladder 100 were cutting the cornice of a four story rowframe building.
The officer should hold an immediate drill on safe overhauling practices, because the only
correct thing the members of the unit did at this operation can be found in which answer?
(7.1.2, 7.1.5)
a. The top rail of the basket was positioned slightly below the work area
b. The basket was placed against the sagging cornice to secure it against the building
c. A section of the cornice was secured by a utility rope to the basket, lifted from the roof via
the rope, and lowered to the street
d. Small light pieces of cornice were placed in the basket, protruding slightly beyond the
basket railing and lowered to the street
- A
7.1.5 Boom shall not be used:
A. To force timbers or cornices back into building or onto roof.
B. To pull or push objects.
C. As a derrick.
7.1.6 Basket shall not rest against building wall as the movement caused by members in
basket may cause chafing action that could damage basket and/or waterway.
7.2.2 When materials are not too heavy and size is not prohibitive, they may be placed
inside basket and lowered to street, onto floor, up to roof, whichever is most
convenient. Such items should not protrude beyond basket railing.
- After operations are completed and the tower ladder is taking up, the following actions are
taken. Which one is incorrect? (9.1)
a. Drains on the main waterway are opened , supply lines at the 3”x 3” gated Siamese are
removed, and the gates are opened
b. Prior to the boom being bedded, the drain plugs at the basket base shall be removed
c. After jacks and outriggers are raised, the boom shall be rebidded
d. Hydraulic pressure relief valve is to be opened after the boom is bedded and jacks and
outriggers are seated
- B
9.1.1 Drains on main waterway should be opened while boom elevated at a sixty degree
angle, feedlines at gated siamese removed and gates of siamese opened.
- A tower ladder unit is operating at a fire in a private dwelling when live high voltage
wires servicing the house fall on the apparatus. The lieutenant in command of the tower ladder
should realize all of the following are correct in this situation with which exception?
a. The apparatus should be considered “live” and no member should touch it. Also consider
the supply line and supply pumper.
b. Immediately notify the officer in command and place the tower ladder out of service
c. Attempt to remove the wire utilizing a 10’ wooden hook from an area of safety such as
planking or tires
d. Immediately request a priority response from the utility company
- C
8.1 Live Wires on Apparatus
8.1.1 Live overhead wires can present a problem if they fall on the apparatus. It is
possible for the apparatus to be energized, particularly if the jacks and outriggers
are down in place. If this should occur:
A. No member shall touch the apparatus. Safeguard civilians and other
unsuspecting members. Also consider supply line and supply pumper.
B. Immediately notify the Officer in Command that TL is out of service.
C. Immediately request a priority response of the utility company.
Note: Consideration should also be given regarding operations of TL during
severe lightning storms. Apparatus is grounded and usually wet during stream
operations and in many instances higher than surrounding objects or buildings
- Inspection for safety and maintenance of the tower ladder is of the utmost importance. The
item that does not require daily inspection is found in which choice? (10.1.1, 10.1.2)
a. Basket and pedestal railings
b. Visual check of compression and tension bolts at the turntable 5 wheel
c. Condition of safety belts
d. Evidence of hydraulic leaks at all connection
- B
10.1.2 During Multi-Unit drill, at operations or in quarters, a visual check of
compression and tension bolts at turntable 5th wheel shall be made for missing or
sheared bolts. A hand check for tightness of those bolts that are accessible shall
be made.
1. A lieutenant conducting a company drill in regard to the features of the Model I XTS
3500R company handie talkie. A Fire Tech student at the drill politely corrected which statement
that the lieutenant made? (2.1, 2.2)
a. The nickel cadmium battery is rechargeable
b. It has an LCD display which displays a unique transmission code for each message
c. The radio has a 2 – 5 watt capacity
d. It is equipped with a 5’ antenna and carrying case with an adjustable strap
- B
- Continuing on with the drill, the lieutenant made the following statements. In which one of
them was he incorrect? (2.3, 2.4)
a. Operating at maximum volume will increase feedback and may interfere with radio
b. The handie talkie should be turned on prior to donning the turnout coat
c. Handie talkies should be worn under the turnout coat to protect them from damage and
adverse weather conditions
d. When the push to talk button (PTT) is released at the end of a transmission, a tone will be
heard at maximum volume, regardless of the unit’s volume setting
- D
2.4 Push-To-Talk (PTT) Button:
Puts Radio in the Transmit Mode – PTT function is also extended to the remote
microphone. When the PTT button is depressed it transmits a pre-determined 7-digit
number, specifically assigned to that radio. When the PTT switch is released at the end
of a transmission, a tone will be heard through the microphone speaker. The tone level is
proportional to the volume setting.
- You are a lieutenant operating at a severe fire in a brownstone building. While supervising
the members of your unit in the basement you hear the “Emergency Alert Tones” being
transmitted on your handie talkie. An incorrect choice regarding these tones may be found in
which answer? (2.7)
a. All radio transmissions should cease to clear the channel for the message to be heard
b. The wattage will automatically be boosted to 5 watts on the transmitting members handie
c. A beacon will immediately be transmitted from the transmitting members radio. A second
set of emergency alert tones may be transmitted 10 seconds later under certain conditions
d. An electronic identification signal preceded by the letters EM will be sent out from the
transmitting members handie talkie and will be visible on al Model I handie talkies
- D
2.2 LCD Display: (Model III only)
- When a member depresses the emergency alert button on his/her unit handie talkie, the
Model I H/T will transmit an emergency alert beacon. In regard to this beacon, which piece of
information is incorrect? (2.7.5)
a. The beacon will continue to transmit until reset by the member
b. In the event of an accidental activation, a member must immediately notify the incident
commander, cancel the emergency, and reset the emergency alert button
c. The emergency alert tones will be heard at a volume proportional to the handie talkie’s
volume setting
d. To reset the emergency alert button a member can turn the radio off and then back on
again. Another method is to depress the emergency alert button for two seconds until a reset tone
is heard and then release the button
- C
- Lieutenant Dan is operating at an automobile accident on an express highway when she
notices that the LED light on her handie talkie is flashing green when she transmits a message.
The lieutenant realizes that in this situation, which of the following is correct? (2.11)
a. The battery is too weak to transmit but reception is possible
b. This is a normal situation, the radio is in good working order
c. The LED light is malfunctioning, place the H/T out of service upon return to quarters
d. The battery is low, or the voltage has temporarily dropped below the preset alert level
- A
- The Motorola H/T is equipped with a feature designed to eliminate long messages and is
especially useful in correcting the “stuck button” problem. This feature will cut off handie talkie
transmissions after how many seconds? (3.4)
a. 15 seconds
b. 30 seconds
c. 45 seconds
d. One minute
- B
- Special features of the unit handie talkie can be found in all but which one of the
following? (3.1 – 3.5)
a. Although the handie talkie is water resistant, it should not be subject to casual submersion
outside the normal function of firefighting
b. At the end of each transmission the radio emits an audible tone to inform the operator of
the volume setting, indicate that the radio is functioning properly, and signal the receivers radio
of the end of the transmission
c. The radio will release sufficient electrical or thermal energy under normal or abnormal
conditions to cause the ignition of specific flammable vapors in their most easily ignitable
d. A member must re-key the microphone when he/she desires to transmit a message longer
than 30 seconds
- C
- At a recent all hands fire, the following handie talkie transmissions were recorded on the
Battalion Vehicle Recorder. Which one was not entirely correct? (5.1)
a. “Ladder 173 to Command, Primary searches are negative”
b. “Engine 14 to Engine 14 Chauffeur, Start water”
c. ”URGENT- URGENT- URGENT, Ladder 152 OV to Command URGENT”
d. “Ladder 200 Officer to Engine 100 Officer, Missing Member Located”
- D
- A lieutenant supervising a probationary firefighter in regard to proper maintenance
procedures would be giving bad information if he were to make which statement? (6.1 – 6.7)
a. Use an eraser to clean the external battery charging contacts if they are observed to have a
coating on them. Never use an abrasive.
b. When a component of the handie talkie becomes defective (radio, antenna, battery or
external remote microphone) send only the individual unit out for repair
c. If the H/T become wet or submerged at an operation, remove the battery, dry and clean the
H/T and the contacts before reattaching the battery to the H/T
d. If the remote microphone becomes wet or submerged, water inside the speaker grill can be
removed by shaking the unit well
- B
- You are a lieutenant operating at a third alarm in the Borough of Richmond. The Incident
Commander has just issued the following order via handie talkie: COMMAND TO ALL UNITS
were correct when you performed which action? (pg. 12)
a. Switched to handie talkie channel 2
b. Remained on handie talkie channel 1
c. Switched to handie talkie channel 3
d. Switched to handie talkie channel 4
- C
- During a busy 9x6 tour in the Borough of Queens a firefighter asks the officer of Engine
Company 302 which incident would have priority use of the primary tactical channel if there
were several fires in the same area simultaneously. The senior lieutenant’s answer can be found
in which choice? (7.2.2A)
a. First 10-75
b. First signal 7-5
c. First 10-84
d. First greater alarm
- B
- A group of firefighters are preparing for a 6x9 tour. They notice that handie talkie batteries
in the charger all have a steady red LED light beneath them. The steady red light is an indication
of which condition? (Add. 1, 2.4)
a. The battery is rapid charging
b. The battery is unchargeable
c. The battery is not making proper contact with the charger
d. Battery is to hot to be rapid charged. Charging resumes after the condition is corrected
- A
- Each handie talkie battery comes with a color coded sticker containing the date that it is
due back to the radio shops for reconditioning. An officer should have all batteries in his/her unit
inspected and take a mark in the company journal in regard to this inspection when?
(Add. 1, 4.1)
a. Daily
b. Weekly
c. Monthly
d. First day of the month on the 9x6 tour
- D
- The incident commander has just informed you, a lieutenant, that a MAYDAY message has
been received on her handie talkie radio. The message has not been repeated, but the internal
radio code identification number on her Model III handie talkie reads 5005 005. You inform her
that this transmission originated with which member? (Add. 2, 2.1)
a. Engine 500 Door Firefighter
b. Engine 50 Control Firefighter
c. Engine 5 Control Firefighter
d. Engine 5 Spare Radio
- C
- You are a lieutenant in Ladder Company 131. A firefighter has just informed you that the
handie talkie assigned to the roof position is out of service. He has already tried several batteries,
with negative results. In this situation, you were incorrect when you performed which action?
(Add. 2, 1.2)
a. Record the defect in the Company and Office Record Journals
b. Notify the administrative battalion for pickup and replacement of the defective radio
c. Upon receipt of the spare radio record the ID number engraved on its side in the company
and office record journal
d. Update the BF-4 with the spare radio’s engraved ID number
- B
- You are a lieutenant in Engine Company 201, a four firefighter engine. You have just
notified Division 8, your administrative division, that the control person’s handie talkie is out of
service and in need of replacement. The division aide has informed you that the division’s supply
of spare handie talkies is depleted. In this situation, you would be correct if you were to:
(Add. 6, 2.2)
a. Notify the administrative battalion to send a spare handie talkie from the battalion handie
talkie depot
b. Assign the nozzle firefighters handie talkie to the control person pending arrival of a spare
handie talkie and have the nozzle firefighter under your immediate supervision at any fires or
c. Contact another division for a replacement radio
d. Utilize the spare handie talkie (door position) assigned to four firefighter engine companies
- A
1. Two members preparing to transport a 24’ adjustable portable ladder performed the
following actions. In which one were they incorrect? (1.1-1.7)
a. They were positioned at each end of the ladder with the fly out, grasping the upper beam
b. The rear man gave the command “Ready, Lift”. The ladder is then raised in unison by both
men with the upper beam resting on their shoulders
c. The rear man gave the command “Ready, Transport” and moves with the front man to the
point of operation
d. When the distance is short, the ladder may be transported to the point of operation by two
members holding onto the upper rail farthest from the body
- C
- COMMAND: “Transport ladder” - Figure 1
OBJECTIVE: To transport portable ladders from apparatus or other location to
point of operation.
1.1 Two men, positioned one at each end of the ladder, with fly out, grasp upper beam.
1.2 Rear man, gives command “Ready, Lift” (see Note E)
1.3 Ladder is raised to shoulder in unison
with rear man, with underside of upper
beam resting on shoulder.
1.4 Places arm through 2nd and 3rd rungs
from tip, grasping 1st rung from tip.
Free arm is used to avoid obstructions
1.5 Gives command “Ready, Transport” and
moves toward operation point.
1.6 When destination has been reached,
gives command “Ready, Halt.” Halts.
1.7 Gives command “Ready, Lower.”
Lowers ladder to ground
Ladder is raised to shoulder, in unison
with front man, with underside of upper
beam resting on shoulder.
Places arm through last two rungs and
grasps 3rd rung from butt.
Transports ladder towards operation
Halts and awaits next command.
Lowers ladder to ground.
- A lieutenant instructing members of a ladder company regarding the raising of portable
ladders to a window made the following statements. In which one was he not entirely correct?
a. Ladder is placed initially on both beams flat on the ground and perpendicular to the
building. The tip of the ladder is is in line with the objective, fly of the ladder facing up
b. The raising man takes a position 1/3 the distance from the tip on the street side of the
ladder facing the tip
c. The buttman takes a position with back towards the building. After properly placing hands
and feet, buttman gives the command “prepare to raise” and then “raise”
d. Raising member, upon command “raise” lifts ladder from the ground, pivots in under lower
beam to a position facing the buttman and uses a hand under motion along lower beam to raise
- A
2.1 Ladder is positioned on beam parallel to building, fly facing away from building, butt
directly below objective.
- Two firefighters are about to place a 24’ extension ladder to the roof of a taxpayer. The
following actions were taken. Which one was incorrect? (4)
a. The buttman grasps both beams on inner rails about shoulder high, steps backward
lowering the ladder into the building. Looks forward, not upward
b. The raising man placed his left foot center on the bottom rung, grasps the rung at shoulder
level with both hands palm down. Looks upward and guides the ladder into the building
c. The halyard was secured by tying a bowline on a bight on the fourth rung
d. The raising man adjusts the angle of the ladder, if necessary
- C
4.2 Secures halyard by making clove hitch
and binder on taut part of rope above the
3rd rung.
- Three firefighters are preparing to raise a 35’ portable ladder to the side of the building.
Upon hearing the command “Raise” from the buttman, the two raising firefighters should begin
to raise the ladder utilizing which method? (8.4)
a. Hand over hand along the upper beam
b. Hand over hand on the rungs
c. Hand under hand along the lower beam
d. Sliding their hands along the lower beam
- C
- Ordered by their lieutenant to place a portable ladder against exposure 4A at a recent fire in
a rowframe building, two probationary firefighters realize that they have in fact placed it against
exposure 2. Hoping their lieutenant would not notice, they quickly took the following actions
prior to and while carrying the 24’ portable ladder vertically. In which one were they incorrect?
a. Ladder is returned to the vertical position in the reverse order of the way it was placed
against the building
b. Each firefighter moves to the right, facing the beams and grasps the beams in front of them
about head high with the left hand and third rung from the bottom with the right hand, palm up
c. The firefighter facing away from the direction of travel gives all commands
d. When ladder reaches objective, the command “Ready, Halt” is given. Ladder is placed on
the ground
- C
- COMMAND: “Carry Vertical Ladder” - Figure 7
5.1 Ladder is returned to vertical position in reverse order of the way it was placed against
the building.
5.2 Each man moves to his right, facing beams, grasps beam in front of him about head high
with left hand, grasps 3rd rung from butt with right hand, palm up.
5.3 Man facing direction of travel gives command “Ready, Lift”. Both men lift ladder a few
inches off ground.
5.4 Man facing direction of travel gives command “Prepare to carry”. Both men set
themselves to carry ladder.
5.5 Member facing direction of travel gives command “Carry”. Both men carry ladder to
objective. Man facing direction of travel looks alternately at tip and direction of travel to
avoid obstructions.
5.6 When ladder reaches objective, man facing direction of travel gives command “Ready,
halt”. Both men halt. Place ladder on ground.
- Two firefighters are preparing to lower a portable ladder to the street. A firefighter
preparing for the lieutenants test observing the operation advised the buttman to issue the order
“Prepare To Step Out” and “Step Out” when the raising man approaches and reaches what
distance from the tip of the ladder? (7.6, 7.7)
a. 1/3
b. 2/3
c. 1/2
d. 1/4
- A
- When available manpower is insufficient, all ladders (other than 35’) may be raised by one
member or if 35’ duo safety, by two members. Consider the following statements and indicate
the one that is incorrect. (14.1- 14.4)
a. Ladder is placed perpendicular to the building, fly up
b. Firefighter/s stand at the tip of the ladder facing the building and grasp the top rung
c. Member swings ladder up and steps in under the ladder
d. Moves in toward the building raising the ladder with a hand under hand motion on the
rungs until the ladder is in a vertical position against the building, fly in
- D
14.3 Move(s) toward building, raising ladder with a hand under hand motion on the beams,
(one man on each beam on Duo-Safety) until ladder is in vertical position against the
building, fly in.
- A firefighter from Ladder Company 14 has just completed a one person raise of a 24’
portable extension ladder to the side of a fire escape. To gain the additional height that is needed
the firefighter must now extend the fly section of the ladder. When performing this evolution, the
firefighter was correct in which action performed? (15.1-15.4)
a. The ladder was rolled away from the building so the fly section was out
b. The knot was untied prior to rolling the ladder
c. The fly section was raised prior to rolling the ladder (fly section facing the building)
d. Three firefighters are required when extending the fly section of a 24’ portable extension
- A
- COMMAND: “Extend Fly Ladder”
15.1 With tip against building, one man snubs toe against left beam.
15.2 Unties knot, raises fly ladder to desired height.
15.3 Roll ladder to turn fly away from building. (This must be done even if ladder is not
15.4 Move ladder by rolling it along building where necessary. Readjust angle if required.
Rope must be re-tied before ladder is rolled
1. A lieutenant explaining facts about flow paths to members of her unit during a company
drill made the following statements. In which one was she incorrect? (Glossary, pg. 1)
a. Flow path is the movement of heat and smoke from an area of low pressure into an area of
high pressure, within and outside of a fire building
b. It is common for a ventilation opening to act as both an inlet for fresh air and an outlet for
the products of combustion
c. There may be several flow paths during a building fire
d. Every opening in a building made during a fire operation not only creates a new flow path
but also has an impact on existing flow paths
(Delete B, D)
- A ladder company firefighter is preparing to Vent, Enter and Search a fire apartment on the
third floor of a multiple dwelling. Proper VES techniques the member should be mindful of
include all of the following with which exception? (Pg. 2)
a. Ventilation by opening or removing a window creates a potential flow path for the fire
b. After entering through a window and creating a flow path, it is a good practice to isolate
the room by shutting the door
c. Be sure to sweep the entire room for victims prior to closing the door
d. Conduct the search of the room after isolating the room from the flow path
- C
- Prior to performing VES in a brownstone building, the Outside Vent Person of a Bronx
ladder company had the following thoughts. In which one was he not entirely correct?
(Glossary pg. 3, 2.2)
a. When opening windows while venting for extinguishment, the windows should be opposite
the operating hoseline if possible
b. Vent points for extinguishment should be as distant as possible to the seat of the fire
c. Horizontal ventilation shall not occur until a charged hoseline is in position on the fire or
until approval is given by the ladder company officer in the fire area or apartment
d. Venting for life occurs when a horizontal ventilation point is made in an attempt to reach a
known or suspected life hazard
- B
(Delete A, C, D),
- You are a lieutenant of a ladder company in Brooklyn. A newly assigned firefighter has
asked you to explain some of the differences between a primary and a secondary search to him.
You made the following statements. In which one were you not entirely correct? (6.1, 7.1)
a. A primary search is the immediate search for life. This search is rapid, but thorough and
b. The secondary search is a thorough and painstakingly complete search for life of all areas
that required a primary search. This search also includes the entire outside of the building and all
shafts, basements, cellars, elevators etc.
c. All overhauling shall be completed before any secondary searches are attempted
d. Company officers must control all ventilation tactics, including doors to and within the
- C
- A good search is one of the most important functions that members of this department
routinely perform. A true statement in regard to searches can be found in which answer below?
(6.4, 6.6, 7.3, 8.2)
a. When both ladder companies arrive at approximately the same time but out of sequence,
the ladder company that arrives first shall be assigned to the fire floor
b. If for any reason a member cannot complete his/her search of an area, the member should
notify another member of his/her unit to complete the search
c. Secondary searches must be performed by a different unit than the unit which performed
the primary search
d. Ladder companies shall not conduct searches without a charged hoseline in place
- C
- Proper search techniques for firefighters, and particularly ladder company firefighters may
be found in all but which of the following statements? (9.5 – 9.9)
a. If there are any indications of fire on the inside of a door while forcing it, stay to one side
of the door and keep low. If fire is wrapping around the doorjamb a hoseline must be charged
and in place prior to opening the door
b. The area in the vicinity of, and behind the door must be checked as soon as entry is made.
If the door opens easily at first and then is stopped by something, continue forcing the door until
it is wide open
c. Upon entering while searching, do not let a door lock behind you. Set the lock or put a Sure
Search Door Marker over the latch and around both knobs
d. If unable to enter to search due to severe fire conditions, probe the area in the vicinity of
the door with a hand or a tool, and close the door. Maintain control of the door. Once the engine
company has a charged hoseline in place, move in behind the engine company and start the
search for life
- B
- You are a newly promoted lieutenant working a 6x9 tour in a busy ladder company. Your
unit has arrived at a severe fire on the fifth floor of a New York City housing project. You have a
report from the occupant of the apartment that members of her family are trapped in the
occupancy. The deciding factor that will determine whether or not the apartment door will be left
open while your unit performs a primary search of the fire apartment will be: (9.10.1)
a. The experience factor of the forcible entry team
b. Wind conditions on the outside of the building
c. Whether or not the engine has a charged handline in place
d. The flow path of the products of combustion
- C
- A senior firefighter is instructing a ladder company probationary firefighter in regard to
Vent, Enter and Search Tactics (VES) from a fire escape. The Captain of the house should
correct the senior member in which statement? (9.11)
a. Before entering from a window, members must notify their company officer
b. Open the window to be entered from 2/3 from the bottom and 1/3 from the top
c. Before entering, probe for victims and then check the floor for stability
d. Upon entering from the window locate and close the door to the room, isolating the room
- B
- Searching above the fire involves placing members and units in extremely arduous
positions. A ladder company officer searching the fourth floor of an old law tenement building
with a severe fire on the second floor would be correct to believe all but which of the following?
a. Prior to proceeding to the floor above, notification shall be made to the officers operating
on the fire floor. An acknowledgement of this message must be received
b. Upon reaching the fire floor, it is good practice to force an area of refuge, generally the
apartment directly over the fire apartment
c. If there is any indication of a delay in getting water on an uncontrolled fire, all members
operating on the floor above should return to the fire floor or floor below
d. Searching for fire extension is not a valid reason to remain on the floor above an
uncontrolled fir
- B
- You are a lieutenant preparing to remove an ambulatory victim from the third floor of a
four story multiple dwelling in Queens. The interior stairs have become untenable due to the
volume of fire and there are no horizontal exits or hallways available to you for removal. You
should now consider removing the victim via which method? (13.2)
a. Life Saving Rope
b. Tower Ladder
c. Aerial ladder
d. Fire Escape
- D
- An officer instructing members of an engine company in good search tips would be correct
to make which statement? (12.1-12.9)
a. If a room has a padlock on it, it is safe to assume it is unoccupied
b. If a person is found on a bed, give the bed an extra sweep to insure there is not more than
one person on it
c. Moving furniture is a good practice, as it will insure a good search
d. Narrow, tapered legs with wheels usually indicate bunk beds
- B
- Ladder Company 13 has responded to an alarm for an odor in a New York City subway
station. There is a distinct odor of garlic in the station, but no people in the station are exhibiting
any outward signs or symptoms of distress. A possible cause of this can be due to exposure to
which type of chemical agent? (2.2)
a. Sarin (Nerve Agent)
b. Phosgene (Choking Agent)
c. Hydrogen Cyanide (Pulmonary Agent)
d. Mustard (Blister Agent)
- D
- The officer of the first unit to arrive at a suspected chemical attack underground is charged
with the initial recognition of the incident. Indicators of people adversely affected by the release
would include which of the following? Indicate all that are correct. (3.1)
a. Civilians displaying similar signs and symptoms such as pulmonary distress, cardiac
distress, skin lesions or numerous fatalities with no apparent cause of injury or trauma
b. Presence of suspicious spray devices , cylinders, powders, gels or liquids
c. Unusual odors
d. Mists or vapor clouds
- All
3.1 Incident Recognition
3.1.1 Indicators of people or animals adversely affected by the release: civilians displaying
similar signs and symptoms such as pulmonary distress, cardiac distress and/or skin
lesions or numerous fatalities with no apparent cause of injury or trauma.
3.1.2 Other Outward Warning Signs
A. Presence of suspicious spray devices or cylinders
B. Unusual odors
C. Presence of suspicious powders, gels, liquids
D. Mists or vapor clouds
- An engine company lieutenant has arrived first at an alarm for a suspicious package in the
subway. Upon arrival numerous civilians are self evacuating the below ground station exhibiting
outward signs of exposure to a nerve agent. The lieutenant should perform/realize all of the
following with which exception? (3.3, 4.1-4.8)
a. Transmit signal 10-80 with the appropriate code
b. Operate downwind of the chemical release
c. Ensure members avoid contact with puddles, liquids, vapors and mists
d. Be aware of secondary devices and multiple release points. Protection from a secondary
device shall take priority over establishing a command post or staging area
- B
- A Captain has been charged by the incident commander with establishing the incident
command post during a chemical attack incident in the subway. The captain wishes to place the
command post in the best possible location? This location can be found in which choice?
(4.3.3, ERP HAZ MAT pg. 7)
a. In the Support Zone outside the subway entrance, away from ventilation gratings, upwind
from the incident
b. In the Contamination Reduction Zone, near the subway entrance, line of sight with the first
level of the subway station stairwell
c. In the Safe Refuge Area, upwind of the incident, line of sight with the incident, away from
ventilation gratings
d. In the Hot Zone, on top of the nearest subway gratings, downwind of the incident
- A
- You are the officer of the first unit to arrive at an alarm for a chemical release in the New
York City Subway System below grade. Upon arrival at the station you look down the subway
stairs and within your sight are numerous victims both conscious and unconscious, exhibiting
signs and symptoms consistent with a chemical attack. In this situation, you were correct in
which decision you made? (4.5.4)
a. You ordered the rescue of any non ambulatory victims, ensuring that all members were
equipped with bunker gear and using SCBA
b. Ordered members of your unit not to enter the subway and operated in a defensive mode
c. Did not assist with the self evacuating civilians, despite having all members wearing
bunker gear and using SCBA
d. Ordered the rescue of the nearest trapped or incapacitated persons in the station using a
minimum number of personnel
- B
4.5.4 Strategic Operations
A. Defensive Mode
Members are NOT to enter a subway where visible persons are
B. Evacuation
If civilians are self-evacuating, members shall assist evacuation using
bunker gear and SCBA.
1. Ensure means of egress are enlarged by forcing/removing gates,
fences, and other obstructions
2. Direct evacuees to Safe Refuge Area for decontamination
assessment; use apparatus PA system, bullhorn, signs, barrier tape
C. Rescue
Rescue involves non-ambulatory or trapped victims. Members attempting
rescue of civilians may require a higher level of protection.
Note: Trained personnel wearing appropriate PPE may be required to
administer antidote during rescue
- Initial strategic and tactical considerations at a chemical release in the subway will be
incident driven. A sharp officer at these incidents would be incorrect if he/she were to believe
which statement? (5.1 – 5.5)
a. If the dispersal device is still active, perform mitigation by attempting to stop the device
b. Members operating in bunker gear should not proceed into the exclusion zone any further
than the farthest live victim when performing hazard assessment or rescue of ambulatory victims
c. Immediate actions should include checking for secondary devices and monitoring radiation
d. Avoid any contact with the suspected agent, as well as physical contact with contaminated
- A
- Students from a study group in the Borough of Richmond were discussing duties of the
second ladder company to arrive at a confirmed chemical release in the subway system. They
were incorrect in which statement? (6.4, 6.5, 6.6)
a. Coordinate and limit site access, remaining outside of the exclusion zone
b. Bring a stokes stretcher/Sked with a length of utility rope to drag non ambulatory victims to
the gross decontamination area, if necessary
c. Direct ambulatory victims to the gross decontamination area, if necessary
d. Define the initial exclusion zone with yellow fire line tape
- D
- The unit which is charged with providing an estimate of the number of victims to the
incident commander at a below ground chemical release is the: (7.1.7)
a. First ladder company
b. Second ladder company
c. First engine company
d. Third engine company
- C
- The officer of the first engine company to arrive at a chemical attack underground should
realize that his/her unit is charged with all of the following duties with which exception?
a. Locate a working hydrant, but do not hook up to it until ordered by the Incident
b. Remain outside the subway system unless ordered by the Incident Commander
c. Provide emergency gross decontamination for ambulatory victims of the attack
d. Inform the Incident Commander and second arriving ladder company officer if victims
collapse on their way from the subway exit to the gross decontamination area
- A
7.1 First Arriving Engine Company
7.1.1 Stage the apparatus and equipment upwind and away from any potential sources
of contamination such as subway entrances and sidewalk gratings, but near
enough to begin Gross Decontamination of contaminated victims. When staging
apparatus, position near the location of the access/egress point(s) of First Arriving
Ladder Company performing assessment.
7.1.2 Locate a working hydrant and connect to it, establishing a positive water supply.
7.1.3 Don appropriate PPE.
7.1.4 Remain outside the subway system unless ordered by the IC.
7.1.5 Provide Emergency Gross Decontamination for ambulatory victims in accordance
with decontamination procedures
7.1.6 Direct persons who have been decontaminated to Casualty Collection Points
(CCPs) staffed by EMS for triage, treatment and transport.
7.1.7 Provide estimate of number of victims to Incident Commander.
7.1.8 Inform Second Arriving Ladder Company and Incident Commander if victims
collapse on their way from the subway exit to the Gross Decontamination Area.