1 In brownstone buildings, what is the first floor known as? (2.1.1-2.1.2)
a Basement
b Cellar
c Parlor
d Sub-cellar
- A
2 Which description concerning a “Deadman Room” is inaccurate? (2.1.2)
a Small bedroom
b Only entrance is from the hall
c Located on the lower floors
d May be found in the front or the rear of the building
- C
3 A Lieutenant discussing at drill rear extensions on Brownstones was mistaken in what
choice below? (2.2.12)
a Added on the first floor
b May be 2 - 3 stories in height
c 25 - 50 feet in depth
d Have their own cockloft
- C
2.2.12 Rear extensions also have been added on the first floor. In some cases these
extensions may be two or three stories in height, and 10 to 20 feet in depth (See
Figure 3). They will have their own cockloft.
4 Select an accurate statement regarding Brownstone roof construction features.
a in flat roof buildings, the cockloft space is approx. 2-3 feet in height
b in flat roof buildings, the pitch of the roof is toward the front
c the majority are flat construction with a parapet in the rear
d some have more floors and higher roof in the front than in the rear
- A
5 Fire can extend to adjoining buildings in many ways. Select the choice that provides a
correct example. (2.3.2-2.3.3)
a Dumbwaiter shafts
b Cornice
c Hot air ducts and registers
d Pockets in the walls on the parlor floor
- B
6 What should a Medium Fire Situation indicate to a company officer? (2.5)
a Fire can only be extinguished with large caliber streams
b Fire can be extinguished with the operation of one hand line
c Fire can be extinguished with hand extinguishers
d Fire may be extinguished with 2 hand lines
- D
There is a light-to-medium fire situation within the building with one or more rooms
involved and both ladder companies and required engine companies will arrive at the scene.
Light Fire Situation. Indicates a fire which can be extinguished with the operation of
one hand line and/or hand extinguishers or those that can be readily extinguished without
resorting to extinguishing agents.
Medium Fire Situation. Indicates a fire which may be extinguished with the operation
of two handlines.
7 What must the officer of the first Ladder Company do prior to ordering any horizontal
ventilation? (2.6)
a Call for water
b Verify that all parts of the fire floor have been covered
c Evaluate the impact on interior conditions
d Proceed to the seat of the fire
- C
8 What member is not under the “Immediate Supervision” of an officer? (2.6)
a Roof FF on a search line supervised by his/her Ladder officer
b Can FF communicating with Ladder officer via voice contact
c ECC communicating with Engine officer on roof via hand signals
d ECC communicating with Engine officer at the nozzle via handie talkie
- D
9 A Lieutenant should know that what member of the first Ladder company has the
discretion of selecting the tools deemed necessary to complete his/her assignment? (2.6D)
a Officer
b Chauffeur
d Roof FF
- B
- For a Top Floor Fire:
A. Raise and position aerial to roof of exposure for use by roof
firefighter and OV (who will be going to roof).
B. Commence venting top floor windows as coordinated with the
Ladder Company Officer inside the fire area to be vented.
C. The top floor fire often permits search of all but the immediate fire
area by members of the Inside Team. One of these members may
make their way to a front window to inform the chauffeur that they
are “in”, relieving him/her of the necessity of performing VEIS
from the aerial.
When the chauffer is not contacted by a member of the Inside
Team, the chauffeur must assume that they have been unable to get
past the fire, or are otherwise heavily engaged. In such instances
and where fire conditions permit, the chauffeur should attempt
entry and search.
10 For a top floor fire in a Brownstone with no life hazard showing, where should the officer
of the first arriving Ladder Company (rearmount apparatus) direct the Chauffeur to initially raise
and position the aerial? (2.6D)
a Top floor
b Top floor of exposure
c Roof of exposure
d Roof of the fire building
- C
- For a Top Floor Fire:
A. Raise and position aerial to roof of exposure for use by roof
firefighter and OV (who will be going to roof).
11 The first arriving OV FF (rearmount apparatus) for a top floor Brownstone fire should take
what compliment of tools along with HT and flashlight to the roof? (2.6E)
a LSR and 6ft hook
b 6ft hook and Halligan tool
c 6ft hook and saw
d Halligan tool and saw
- D
For a fire on the top floor, the OV will proceed to the roof with the saw
and halligan tool.
ROOF POSITION (Second Arriving Ladder – Brownstone Building)
Since the aerial of the 1st arriving ladder company may be involved in top floor VEIS by
the time the 2nd ladder company arrives, the roof firefighter of the 2nd ladder company
may raise and use their aerial as a means of access to the roof.
TOOLS: Halligan tool
6’ Halligan Hook
Note: For top floor fires, the saw is taken to the roof with the 6’ Halligan
12 A 10-foot scissor ladder is a useful tool for the OV FF. A Ladder company Lieutenant
discussing this ladder with members should know that what application is in accord with
firefighting procedures. (2.6E)
a Access to the 3rd floor from the roof of a setback for ventilation
b Access to the roof of the Brownstone
c Access to the roof of a 2 story setback
d Venting windows in an open position
- A
13 In general, the correct order of preference for the 1st arriving Roof FF (rearmount
apparatus) to access the roof at a Brownstone fire can be found in what choice below?
a Aerial ladder, adjoining building, 2nd arriving aerial ladder
b Adjoining building, 2nd arriving aerial ladder, aerial ladder
c 2nd arriving aerial ladder, aerial ladder, adjoining building
d Aerial ladder, 2nd arriving aerial ladder, adjoining building
- D
14 What is the responsibility of the 2nd arriving Ladder company officer (rearmount
apparatus) at a top floor Brownstone fire? (2.7)
a Top floor of fire building
b Roof of fire building
c Adjoining building
d Floors below fire building
- D
15 The Roof FF of the 2nd arriving Ladder Company (rearmount apparatus) at a top floor fire
in a Brownstone, would be following Department procedures if carrying what set of tools to the
roof? (2.7)
a Saw and 6ft Halligan hook
b Saw and Halligan tool
c Saw and 6ft hook
d Saw and LSR
- A
ROOF POSITION (Second Arriving Ladder – Brownstone Building)
Since the aerial of the 1st arriving ladder company may be involved in top floor VEIS by
the time the 2nd ladder company arrives, the roof firefighter of the 2nd ladder company
may raise and use their aerial as a means of access to the roof.
TOOLS: Halligan tool
6’ Halligan Hook
Note: For top floor fires, the saw is taken to the roof with the 6’ Halligan
16 The first Ladder company to arrive at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 story Brownstone is a
Tower Ladder (TL). The basket is being used for roof access. Upon completion of roof size-up,
what should be the next action of the OV FF inside the basket? (2.8)
a Roof ventilation
b 3rd floor ventilation
c 4th floor ventilation
d Parlor floor ventilation
- B
17 When the first to arrive ladder is a TL, what is the least likely duty to be assigned for the
Chauffeur of the 2nd to arrive ladder by his/her officer at a Brownstone fire? (2.9)
a Examination of exposures
b Report to the pedestal of the 1st to arrive TL
c Assist with roof operations
d Be available to team up with another available member, if needed
- B
19 When a Brownstone building is fully involved in fire, what action listed below, taken by
the first arriving Engine Company, is most in accord with Department procedures?
a Drop 2 hoselines for advancement into exposures
b Drop a hose line for use atop an incoming Aerial Ladder
c Position apparatus to supply a TL
d Position apparatus for stream access to the rear of the fire building
- C
20 If there is no fire escape on the building, what floor of a Brownstone is the only level with
2 exits? (Addendum 1)
a Cellar
b Basement
c Parlor floor
d Top floor
- B
1 In a dry pipe sprinkler system, how does 15 pounds of air pressure on the system side
piping hold back 60 pounds of water pressure on the supply side? (CH 10; 10.2.1)
a Through the use of quick opening devices
b Via a differential dry pipe valve
c Air pressure weighs more than water pressure
d Water on the supply side of the valve is frozen
- B
2 What type sprinkler system is ideal for use in aircraft hangars or where large quantities of
flammable liquids are used in industrial processes? (10.2.1)
a Wet pipe
b Dry pipe
c Deluge
d Pre-action
- C
3 Where are non-automatic sprinkler systems normally found? (10.2.2)
a High-rise office buildings
b Places of public assembly
c Schools
d Old commercial buildings
- D
10.2.2 Non-automatic sprinkler systems are also encountered. They are usually found in
cellars and sub-cellars of older commercial buildings. Non-automatic sprinkler
systems depend solely upon the fire department to supply water for firefighting.
These systems may contain fusible sprinkler heads, open sprinkler heads, or even
perforated pipes.
4 In a building equipped with both a standpipe system and automatic sprinklers, where
should the first supply line be stretched? (10.3.3)
a Standpipe system
b Sprinkler system
c Either one, it doesn’t matter which one is supplied first
d None of the above.
- A
5 If a sprinklered building is not equipped with a standpipe system, what should be the first
action of the first arriving Engine Company during a fire operation? (10.3.4)
a First line stretched should be supply hose used to augment the sprinkler system
b Second line stretched should be a handline
c First line stretched should be a handline
d Second line stretched should be supply hose for an incoming Tower Ladder
- C
10.3.4 If a sprinklered building is not equipped with a standpipe system, the first line
stretched should be a handline (either 1 3/4-inch or 2 1/2-inch, depending upon fire
conditions) and the second line used to augment the sprinkler system.
6 Pump discharge pressure for supplying a sprinkler system should start at how many psi?
a 100
b 150
c 200
d 250
- B
7 Sprinkler system control valves should only be shutdown upon orders from whom?
a Chauffeur of Engine company supplying the sprinkler system
b Officer of Engine company supplying the sprinkler system
c Battalion Chief
d Incident Commander
- D
8 A large caliber stream (LCS) is any fire stream with a flow of how many gallons per
minute (gpm) or more? (CH 11; 11.1)
a 150
b 200
c 250
d 300
- B
9 LCS devices can be broadly divided into 3 categories. Which of the following is not
considered a category? (11.1)
a Hoseline based
b Portable or ground based
c Engine based
d Elevated
- A
10 The Stang “Intelligent” monitor used by the Satellite Water Unit is in what LCS category?
a Elevated
b Portable or ground based
c Engine based
d Hoseline based
- C
11 The Akron Tower Ladder basket based monitor can flow up to how many gallons per
minute (gpm)? (11.1)
a 550
b 1000
c 1200
d 1500
- C
12 If LCS is ordered, all operating forces within the building must be notified and given time
for safe withdrawal to unexposed positions. What action should be performed as an additional
safety measure to warn members left in the area of operation? (11.2.3)
a Transmit a MAYDAY over handie talkie to all members outside the building
b Transmit an URGENT message over handie talkie for all members inside the building
c Perform a Roll Call of all on scene units prior to operating the LCS
d Sweep LCS through building without stopping at any window or opening
- D
13 What is the primary cause of a water hammer on appliances and hoselines?
a Defective equipment
b Lack of proper maintenance
c Low water pressure at the fire hydrant
d Water supply suddenly shutdown
- D
14 Select the accurate statement concerning kinks. (CH 12; 1.1-2.5)
a Water loss due to kinks is less common than due to a burst length
b When recognized, kinks always require an URGENT message via handie talkie
c Kinks are an easier problem to correct than a burst length
d Kinks should be corrected by increasing pump pressure
- C
15 A burst length constitutes a water loss when it is severe enough to reduce the extinguishing
capabilities of the hoseline. Choose a correct burst length indicator. (3.1-3.6)
a No water at nozzle while reading increases on pump outlet flowmeter
b Reading at pump outlet flowmeter is severely reduced
c All of the above
d None of the above
- A
16 If a hand line is stretched short, what procedure listed below does not require that water be
shutdown while adding a new length of hose? (4.1-4.3)
a Adding 1 ¾-inch hose to the back of the stretch
b Adding 2 ½-inch hose to the front of the stretch
c Adding 2 ½-inch hose to the back of the stretch
d All of the above
- B
1 A FDNY facility Emergency Action Plan (EAP) provides a written guide for systematic,
safe and orderly evacuation. A copy of the EAP directive must be available for inspection by
what agency personnel? (SB 61; 3.1)
a Department of Buildings (DOB)
b Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
c Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
d NYS Public Employee Health and Safety (PESH)
- D
2 At a single Engine firehouse, the officer on duty shall review the EAP with members at
certain times. From the choices below, which one is incorrect? (7.1)
a Initially, when the EAP is developed
b Whenever the EAP is changed
c When new members are assigned
d Semi-annually in January and July
- D
7.1 The Officer/Supervisor on duty within each facility shall review the plan with personnel
at the following times:
7.1.1 Initially, when the plan is developed;
7.1.2 Whenever the plan is changed;
7.1.3 When new personnel are assigned;
7.1.4 Quarterly, during the first week of January, April, July and October of each year.
3 The method of forming poured concrete floors consists of plywood held in place by wood
studs. One shoring stud is placed how many feet on center (OC) extending from the floor to the
underside of the plywood form above? (SB 66; page 1 and Figure 1)
a every 4 feet OC
b every 6 feet OC
c every 8 feet OC
d every 10 feet OC
- A
4 Where are forms and shoring lumber normally found stored for utilization at the next floor
to be poured? (page 1)
a One level above the most recently poured floor
b Two levels below the most recently poured floor
c One level below the most recently poured floor
d Two levels above the most recently poured floor
- B
5 Unless there is a responsible person on the job site to provide accurate time frame
information, units responding in to a fire in a concrete building under construction should
assume that the most recently constructed floor was poured within how many hours?
(page 1)
a within the prior 24 hours
b within the prior 48 hours
c within the prior 72 hours
d within the prior 96 hours
- A
6 A knowledgeable Company officer should know that which one of the statements below
regarding concrete curing, wood forms and re-shoring at construction sites is inaccurate.
(page 2 and Figure 2)
a Structural stability of the floor below the recently poured floor can be considered sound
b Re-shoring consists of 4-in. x 4-in. wood studs placed every 8 feet
c Re-shoring will usually be found at least 4 floors below the most recently poured floor
d Variations in curing time can occur due to temperature and humidity
- C
7 Critiques of fire and emergency operations are a most valuable tool for training. When are
formal critiques usually held? (SB 70; page 1)
a After large-scale operations
b At the scene of a fire once UNDER CONTROL
c Upon return to quarters after an emergency
d None of the above
- A
Informal critiques are particularly effective immediately after a fire or emergency operation. Formal
critiques are often held after large-scale operations. This bulletin is concerned with informal critiques at
the company level.
8 Who should lead the discussion during informal critiques held at the company level?
(page 1)
a Senior member
b Junior member
c Company officer
d Member designated by the Company officer
- C
9 From the choices below, which is not a suggested critique question for Engine companies?
(page 2)
a Was control of the door maintained?
b Were the apartments per floor counted?
c Were masks and PPE worn, and did they work properly?
d Were changing conditions communicated to companies on the floor above?
- B
Engine companies:
1. Was the proper hydrant taken?
2. Was the engine apparatus positioned to allow for positioning of ladder company apparatus?
3. Was the proper size and amount of hose stretched?
4. Were standpipe and sprinkler siameses supplied?
5. Was a well-hole stretch used when possible?
6. Was the line stretched to its proper location, e.g., first floor for a fire in the cellar of an old law
7. Was control of the door maintained?
8. Was the ceiling area cooled?
9. Was the floor “swept” prior to advancing the line?
10. Was a continuous supply of water provided?
11. Were changing (deteriorating) conditions communicated to companies on the “floor above”?
12. Did the second engine company assist the first engine company in its stretch?
13. Were masks and PPE worn, and did they work properly?
PART IV – TB – FOAM Pgs #13 - 21:
1 Select the appropriate code signal required to be transmitted by the first arriving company
officer for an incident where a large amount of fluoroprotein foam will be needed.
(Comm. Manual, CH 8)
a 10-87
b 10-86
c 10-60
d 10-66
- B
2 The FDNY has the ability to deal with all types of foam incidents. Which general
consideration applying to flammable/combustible liquid incidents is incorrect? (7.1)
a Position apparatus upwind and uphill
b Eliminate all sources of ignition starting with upwind and uphill
c Identify the product
d Have Rescue, Squad or Haz-Mat Company 1 take explosive readings
- B
3 During a familiarization drill inside a bulk oil facility, a Battalion Chief gathers members
together for a discussion on foam operations. The Chief states that if the product inside one the
fuel storage tanks catches fire, foam should be applied into the “WINDOW”. Which statement is
correct regarding this tactic proposed by the Chief? (7.2.4)
a It is an opening in the tank, directly below the top lip, which is installed to facilitate foam
b It is an area in the fire plume located on the downwind side of the tank
c It is a small area where flames are somewhat subdued
d There are more convection currents in this area
- C
4 An uncontained burning fuel spill that is flowing down a grade in a roadway should be
strategically extinguished and controlled by first arriving units in all but which of the following
ways (7.3.3-7.3.6)
a Work against the run of the spill, either directly or from the flanks towards the source of
the spill
b Employ a foam stream directly onto the burning fuel spill
c Dig a hole ahead of the spill and establish a heavy foam blanket
d Try to find the source of the leak and shut it down, if possible
- B
7.3.3 If the spill is flowing and not contained;
Work against the run of the spill, either directly or from the flanks towards the
source of the spill, directing a foam stream on the ground ahead of the fire in such
a manner as to bounce the foam onto the fire
5 Members of a Squad Company have entered a foam blanket in an attempt to shut down a
faulty fuel valve a substantial distance away. You are an Engine Company Officer ordered to
protect these members during their task utilizing a foam handline. In this instance, you should
direct your Nozzle FF to: (7.3.6)
a aim the nozzle to apply foam at the back of Squad member’s knees
b apply foam over the heads of Squad members
c keep nozzle shutdown but have it ready to operate should a burn-back situation occur
d follow the Squad members into the foam blanket and use the foam handline as a lifeline
- A
6 The specific gravity of water is: (7.4.1)
a 0
b 1
c Less than 1
d More than 1
- B
7 The danger of a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) during tank truck
accidents with subsequent fire has been reduced in the newer tank trucks having aluminum shells
due to: (7.4.3)
a reduction in capacity
b elasticity of the shell
c melting of the shell
d strength of the shell
- C
8 The best place to establish a Foam Assembly Point for the Foam Carrier or Foam Tender
is: (7.4.4, C3)
a at the Staging Area
b adjacent to the Incident Command Post
c at an intersection
d at the Operations Post
- C
- Determine a Foam Assembly Point for the foam carrier apparatus or
tender to deliver the foam concentrate. The best placement for this is
at an intersection where the units can come in from one direction and
leave by another. This Foam Assembly Point and direction of access
should be relayed to the dispatcher for transmittal over the department
radio. A Battalion Chief, preferably a Foam Coordinator, should be
assigned this duty.
9 Jet A fuel used in aircraft is most accurately described in choice? (7.5)
a Similar to unleaded gasoline but with a higher octane
b A polar solvent (alcohol) liquid
c The equivalent of reformulated gasoline
d A kerosene-based fuel
- D
10 Regarding airplane incidents on airport property, what is the major priority of the FDNY in
relation to the Port Authority Police Department’s (PAPDs) “larger” Oshkosh crash truck
vehicles? (7.5.1)
a Supply these type trucks with water
b Supply these type trucks with Fluoroprotein foam (FP)
c Supply these type trucks with Alcohol Resistant Fluoroprotein foam (AR-FP)
d Supply these type trucks with Aqueous Film-Forming foam (AFFF)
- A
11 All Bulk Oil Facilities in NYC have fire protection systems in place and our first
consideration is to supply these systems with what is needed. Which of the following is not
required from the FDNY? (7.6.1)
a Water
b Foam concentrate
c Foam solution
d Fire & Ice powder
- D
7.6.1 All of New York City’s Bulk Oil Facilities have a fire protection system in place.
Our first consideration is to supply this system with what is needed. Some systems
need a water supply, some need foam concentrate and some need foam solution.
12 Choose an inaccurate statement pertaining to bulk oil tank fires. (7.6.4-7.6.7)
a Large quantities of water and foam concentrate are necessary
b Patience is needed not to start foam operations until enough foam is on site
c Quick water applied to exposures before they become involved is essential
d A partially full tank is less dangerous than a full tank
- D
PART V – DUNN – CH. #15 - 17:
1 There are 3 ways that a wood-frame building can collapse during a fire. Which way listed
below is not one of them? (CH 15, page 200)
a Pancake
b 90-degree angle
c Lean over
d Inward/outward
- A
2 What indicator often signals the occurrence of a 90-degree angle wall collapse?
(page 200)
a Burning structure slowly starting to tilt or lean to one side
b Shaking of wood studs on the lower floors
c Corners of the falling wall splitting apart from the remaining walls
d None of the above
- C
3 Of the 3 types of wood-frame building collapse, which one is the most dangerous to
firefighters? (page 200)
a Pancake
b 90-degree angle
c Lean over
d Inward/outward
- D
4 In braced-frame construction, all 4 walls may collapse simultaneously. In what area around
the building will firefighters caught in the collapse be most likely to survive? (page 202)
a Inside the front doorway area
b Adjacent to the rear entrance of the building if so provided
c Four flanking zones
d All of the above
- C
5 Regarding wood-frame structures, why would a fire impinging on side bearing wall studs
of a 3 story frame at the same time on all 3 floors cause the failure of the ground floor wall studs
first? (page 203)
a Ground floor studs are smaller in dimension than the second and third floor studs
b Ground floor studs are lighter in weight than the second and third floor studs
c Ground floor studs support more weight than the second and third floor studs
d None of the above
- C
6 Braced-frame construction uses post and girt timbers to re-enforce its 2 x 4-inch structure.
How are they connected? (page 204)
a Mortise-and-tenon joinery
b Glue lamination
c Nuts and bolts
d Sheet metal fasteners
- A
7 What is the major fire spread drawback of balloon-frame construction? (page 204)
a Absence of large-dimensional structural elements
b Vertical void between each stud in the exterior walls
c Horizontal voids between truss chords
d Eccentric loading on exterior walls caused by fire escape installation
- B
8 A building under construction is more deadly than an occupied, completed building for all
but which of the following reasons? (CH 16, page 213)
a Lack of exterior, enclosure walls
b Propane tanks
c Unprotected electrical wiring
d Lack of elevator shafts
- D
9 If a fire in a building under construction is exposing a crane, the IC must consider a
possible crane collapse. What should be the size of the collapse zone? (page 215)
a Equal to the height of the building
b Equal to the height of the crane
c 1 ½ times the height of the building
d 1 ½ times the height of the crane
- B
10 At “fast track” high-rise construction projects, one concrete floor is poured every 48 hours.
Approximately how long does it take for concrete to reach its maximum strength?
(page 216)
a 24 hours
b 48 hours
c 24 days
d 27 days
- D
11 Because of their fire history, worker shanties at buildings under construction are required to
comply with what regulation below? (page 218)
a Fireproof construction
b Located in groups
c At least 30 feet from the building
d All of the above
- C
12 Asbestos-removal protective measures required by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) create problems for firefighters during incidents in buildings under demolition. Which
selection below is not accurate information? (page 222)
a Plywood adds tons of combustible material into the building
b Exit stairs are closed off and sealed to create a positive atmospheric pressure
c Floor in the process of having asbestos removed is to be sealed tight
d Floor in the process of having asbestos removed is placed under a vacuum
- B
13 Choose the correct statement concerning fire retardant (FR) plywood used to enclose
buildings under demolition during asbestos-removal operations. (page 222)
a FR plywood does not burn
b FR plywood burns faster than untreated plywood
c FR plywood generates large quantities of smoke
d All of the above
- C
14 An aerial ladder large caliber stream (LCS) can deliver 500 gpm into a burning building;
this equates to approximately how many pounds per minute? (CH 17, page 227)
a 2,000
b 3,000
c 4,000
d 6,000
- C
15 When smoke reduces visibility to zero in the street, firefighters must rely on sound of the
LCS striking objects to determine effectiveness. A correct summation based upon sound can be
found in what choice listed below? (page 230)
a Drum - LCS hitting wooden wall
b Distant rumble - LCS striking brick wall
c Splattering - LCS entering window
d None of the above
- A
16 Select the most correct definition of a collapse zone. (page 234)
a Distance away from wall equal to the height of the unstable wall
b Distance away from wall equal to 1 ½ the height of the unstable wall
c Distance away from the wall equal to 2 times the height of the unstable wall
d All of the above
- D