OP - CLASS #5 - Week of 101314FFP – Ventilation, Comm. Man Ch. #8, AUC #151, TB – Tools #Ropes 1, 2, 3 & 4, Haz Mat #5, 7 & 11 Instructor Capt Ken Ruggiero Flashcards
1. When reading a fire department bulletin it is important to read the glossary in the beginning of the bulletin. Sometimes certain points are mentioned in the glossary and not in the bulletin. Which point below is correctly listed? Glossary
A. The growth stage (also known as rollover) is where the fire begins to spread across the ceiling of the fire compartment. When observed at the ceiling level, rollover shall be taken as an indicator the fire conditions are rapidly deteriorating and flashover may be imminent.
B. Modern content fires are fires that involve hydrocarbon and synthetic based contents such as foam, rubber, and rayon. Modern fires have a relatively low heat release rate when compared to the natural fiber products found in legacy fires.
C. Ventilation is the controlled and coordinated removal of heat and smoke from a structure replacing the escaping gases with fresh air. This exchange is bi-directional with heat and smoke exhausting at the bottom and air flowing in towards the fire at the top.
D. Smoke is a toxic mixture that contains numerous poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and phosgene. Smoke is not considered a fuel source.
- A
- The ventilation bulletin addresses the progression of a modern fire versus a traditional fire. Listed below are the steps of a modern content fire’s progression. Please place these steps in the correct order in which they occur. 2.1.5, 2.1.6
- A rapid growth stage
- Early oxygen limited decay stage
- Incipient stage
- Ventilation induced flashover
- Second decay stage
- Rapid second growth stage
A. 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6 B. 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2 C. 3, 1, 2, 6, 4, 5 D. 2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6
- C. 3, 1, 2, 6, 4, 5
- There are a number of contributing factors that can affect ventilation tactics. One of the factors mentioned in this bulletin is energy efficient construction which when coupled with a modern content fire can pose a significant danger to firefighters. Which type of heat mentioned in this bulletin will be absorbed by a members PPE at a faster rate than the others and put members at a greater risk of burns? 3.1
A. Radiant Heat
B. Convective Heat
C. Conduction
- B
- On each response, officers and firefighters must conduct and initial size up which includes the type of building, occupancy, and conditions on arrival. Part of this initial size up includes a ventilation profile of the fire conditions. Which point listed below concerning a ventilation profile size up is incorrect? 4.1
A. The ventilation profile should note the location where smoke or fire is venting from the building and an evaluation of the volume, pressure, and velocity of the smoke venting from the building.
B. Fire and smoke should be venting outwards and upward. If the smoke and fire are venting downward, horizontally, or pulsing from an opening, this indicates the fire conditions may be wind impacted.
C. A legacy or a modern content fire will always generate enough pressure to push smoke from the fire area or fire building, regardless of the stage of the fire.
D. Heavy flames out of the windows are usually an indicator of high heat and smoke conditions within the interior, including areas remote from the fire. If the fire is already vented on arrival we must still control and coordinate all ventilation tactics.
- C
- During afternoon drill members were discussing horizontal ventilation tactics and made the following points. Which point made should be corrected by the Officer of Ladder 101?
7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2
A. All interior and exterior horizontal ventilation tactics must be controlled, communicated, and approved by the Ladder Co. officer inside the fire area to be vented.
B. The Ladder Co. officer inside the fire area shall maintain situational awareness, evaluate information from members operating on the exterior, evaluate wind conditions, and ensure door control at the fire area entrance.
C. Members operating on the exterior shall notify the Ladder Co. officer when they are in position to ventilate for search or ventilate for extinguishment.
D. Horizontal ventilation tactics include controlling door and window openings until a charged hose line is advancing into the fire building.
- D
- With the introduction of the new ventilation tactics many things have changed regarding vertical ventilation at fires. The 1st arriving roof firefighter at a fire on the 4th floor of a 5 story old law tenement would know that he can perform initial vertical ventilation in which choice(s) below? 10.2
A. When he communicates with and receives approval from the Ladder Co. Officer operating inside the fire area to be vented.
B. The roof FF may perform vertical vent without direct communication with the Ladder Co. officer if he hears radio transmissions that the interior team has door control on the fire floor.
C. The roof FF may perform vertical vent without direct communication with the Ladder Co. officer if he hears radio transmissions that a hose line is being stretched into the fire building.
D. The roof FF may perform vertical vent without direct communication with the Ladder Co. officer if he hears radio transmissions that a charged hose line is advancing into the fire apartment.
- A, B, D
- Units are operating at a fire on the 3rd floor of 6 story old law tenement. The fire is in the front of the building and there is a front fire escape. There is extension to the 4th floor in the apartment directly above the fire apartment. The 1st due truck inside team is operating in the fire apartment on the 3rd floor and the 2nd due truck inside team is operating on the floor above the fire in the apartment directly above the fire apartment. The O/V and LCC from the 1st due truck are on the fire escape at the window to the fire apartment on the 3rd floor awaiting permission to vent the window. The O/V and the LCC from the 2nd due truck are on the fire escape of the 4th floor and are also awaiting permission to vent the window on the floor above the fire. While awaiting on the fire escape both teams hear the officer of the 1st due Engine call for water and shortly thereafter they hear the officer tell command that they are knocking down visible fire on the 3rd floor. After hearing these two transmissions the OV and LCC of the 1st due truck vented the windows to the fire apartment on the 3rd floor from the fire escape. Do you agree or disagree with the actions of the OV and LCC from the 1st due Truck? 11.4
A. Agree or D. Disagree
- D
11.4 The member on the exterior waiting to perform the horizontal Ventilation for
Extinguishment of the immediate fire area shall listen for the following transmissions
from the Engine Company Officer:
The notification from the Engine Officer to the Engine Chauffeur to start water.
“E-162 to E-162 chauffeur, start water.”
The notification from the Engine Officer to the IC, “E-310 to Battalion 58, we are
knocking down visible fire.
The two transmissions above are an indication to the exterior member to prepare to
conduct Ventilation for Extinguishment. Before venting the window(s) the member must
communicate with and receive approval from the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire
area to be vented. “L-3 OV to L-3, ready to vent.” “L-3 to L-3 OV 10-4, vent the
- In regards to the situation in question 7 above, the 2nd due OV and LCC hear the officer of the 3rd due Engine call for water and shortly thereafter hear him tell command that they are knocking down visible fire on the 4th floor in the apartment directly above the fire. The OV of the second due truck then asks the officer (his officer) of the 2nd due truck for permission to vent the window of the apartment on the 4th floor directly above the fire apartment. The officer of the 2nd due truck gives the OV and LCC from the 2nd due truck permission to vent the window, they vent the window based on the officer’s response. Do you agree or disagree with actions of the 2nd due OV and LCC? 11.4
A. Agree or D. Disagree
- A
9. When a fire progresses past the incipient stage, the fire area is considered an IDLH atmosphere. No member shall enter, leave, or operate in an IDLH atmosphere unless the member teams up with at least one other member and remains within visual or voice contact with that member. The only exception to this policy is when a known life hazard is found and immediate action could prevent the loss of life. A know life hazard is defined as a victim who can be seen or heard by the rescuer or if a member has information from a credible source or a person at the scene indicating the location of the life hazard. If a Captain and a Lieutenant are the only officers on the scene of a fire where an IDLH is present and a member takes individual action to address a known life hazard which officer is responsible to forward a report detailing full particulars of the incident to the Chief of Operations? 12.3 A. The Lieutenant B. The Captain C. The 1st to arrive Battalion Chief D. The members Officer
- B
- There is certain criteria that members must be aware of and adhere to when performing ventilation for search. Which point regarding these criteria is not correct? 12.6
A. The Ladder Co. Officer shall be notified when a search team enters from the exterior to conduct a search for a known life hazard or when they are entering to conduct standard search procedures.
B. If the Ladder Co. Officer and the interior team have quicker access to the location of a victim or to the area requiring a search, the Ladder Co. Officer may decide to disapprove the entry to search in order to limit any negative impact caused by the additional ventilation.
C. Once a decision has been made and approval has been granted to enter, the member should clear out the window for access and be cognizant that a new flow path has been created.
D. Upon completion of clearing the window, immediately enter and assess the smoke and heat conditions to determine if the area is tenable. If conditions prevent access, immediately notify the Ladder Co. Officer of the situation.
- D
Upon completion of clearing the window and before entering, reassess the smoke and
heat conditions to determine if the area is tenable. If conditions now prevent access,
immediately notify the Ladder Company Officer of this situation.
- The O/V from L-33 has just entered a bedroom on the 2nd floor of a private dwelling. Upon entering the room the O/V finds an unconscious victim on the floor about 10’ inside the room. The door to the room is open and the fire is now lapping into the hallway on the 2nd floor from a bedroom across the hall. The OV from L-33 then transmits a 10-45, gives his location, and his planned exit route. The OV would be correct to take which action next? 12.6
A. Call his officer and ask for assistance.
B. Immediately remove the victim.
C. Isolate the room and proceed with the rescue effort.
D. Shelter the victim in place and share his facepiece with the victim
- C
- True or False? Upon entering a room from the exterior members should immediately begin a search and upon locating the door to the room they should close the door to isolate the room. 12.6
- D
After venting and entering, the priority action for the member is to isolate the area by
closing a door before conducting the search (VEIS). By isolating the area the
conditions in the room should improve as the closed door will stop the flow of fire
conditions and the window will provide an exhaust vent allowing a safer and more
effective search.
Search the room and locate any victim. If a victim is found immediately transmit
radio code 10-45, include your location and planned exit route. The Company
Officer and IC shall take necessary action to support the rescue effort.
Note: If a victim is found prior to isolating the room, the member shall isolate the
room and proceed with the rescue effort.
PART II – AUC 151:
1. There are many different variables and terminology regarding brush fires that members should be familiar with when operating at or anticipating brush fires. Which is the only correct point listed below? 3.2.1, 3.4, 3.3
A. Weather is the controlling factor affecting the severity and incidence of brush fires. High humidity, winds in excess of 20 MPH, and little or no rainfall for the preceding 3 or more days can cause serious brush fires to occur.
B. The head of the fire is the leading edge of a moving fire while the rear of the fire is the side opposite the head. Looking at the fire from the head of the fire, the left side is called the left flank and the right side is called the right flank.
C. Crown fires burn along the tops of trees, extending by direct flame contact and heat waves. These fires are fast moving and the most common type of brush fire encountered in New York City.
D. Surface fires burn grass, weeds, small trees, leaves on the ground. Bog fires start on the surface and burn downward into the soft spongy ground and burn slowly. This type of fire is common in dried out swamp or marshlands
- D
- BFU’s shall be staffed by a Lieutenant and 2 firefighters from 0900 to 1800 hours during the period of March 17th through April 30th and October 17th through November 30th on a MSOT basis. After these hours and dates the brush fire units will be placed out of service. Do you agree or disagree? 4.5.2 A, E, F
A. Agree or D. Disagree
- D
A. BFUs shall be staffed by a lieutenant and two firefighters from 0900 hours
to 1800 hours during the period of March 17th through April 30th and
October 17th through November 30th, on a minimum manning overtime
basis. Exceptions can be made due to inclement weather conditions that
would decrease the probability of brush fires.
- Lt. Smith is working a day tour in BFU 6 which is quartered with E-321. During the tour BFU 6 is sent to Staten Island. After operations are concluded one of the firefighters tells Lt. Smith that a tree branch hit the windshield and cracked it. Lt. Smith should be guided by which point(s) below? 4.5.5 C, 4.5.7
A. When calling Staten Island Lt. Smith should state “BFU 6 to Staten Island”.
B. When calling Staten Island Lt. Smith should state “Engine 321 acting as BFU 6 to Staten Island”.
C. Lt. Smith must forward a report via the chain of command regarding the cracked windshield to the Chief of Operations. No other endorsements are required.
D. The Captain of E-321 must forward a report via the chain of command regarding the cracked windshield to the Chief of Operations. Lt. Smith is not required to prepare a report.
- A
C. Regardless of operating location, BFUs shall always be designated by
their assigned number on Department radio and handie-talkie to avoid
operational confusion. Example - “BFU 3 to Command”
4.5.7 Officer in charge of BFU shall forward a report if BFU is damaged during
operations. This report shall be endorsed by associated engine Company
Commander and forwarded to the Chief of Operations via chain of command.
The officer in command must comply with normal notifications to Fleet
Maintenance and/or apparatus accident requirements as per Department
- Company commanders have many responsibilities when it comes to preparedness for their companies. Which responsibility listed below is correct as written? 4.5.18, 4.5.10 D, 4.5.7
A. Company commanders of units receiving BFU familiarization and training sessions shall maintain written documentation in the Office Record Journal of members who are trained.
B. When a report is received about damage to a Brush Fire Unit, the Company Commander of the associated Engine Co. must endorse the report and forward it to the Chief of Department.
C. Company Commanders of Engine Co’s wherein the BFU’s are quartered shall ensure that the BFU’s have had PMP and are completely serviceable by March 1st and October 1st.
D. BFU’s can be scheduled for PMP during the designated spring and fall brush fire periods if necessary.
- C
D. Company Commanders of units receiving BFU familiarization and
training sessions shall maintain written documentation in the Uniform
Filing System, of members who are trained.
4.5.7 Officer in charge of BFU shall forward a report if BFU is damaged during
operations. This report shall be endorsed by associated engine Company
Commander and forwarded to the Chief of Operations via chain of command.
- During drill members were discussing the capabilities and limitations of brush fire units. Each member made a correct point except one member, please choose the incorrect member.
4.5.14, 4.5.15, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4
A. Brush fire units cannot knock over trees, go through hedgerows, or traverse streams and ponds. BFU’s can be supplied in place and operate as a stationary manifold to supply handlines, forestry hose, or booster hose for prolonged operations.
B. Units responding into a brush fire may detect sparks and embers starting additional fires downwind and a distance away from the original fire location. Units should stop to extinguish these fires under all circumstances.
C. Units are not to self-commit to operations unless structures are exposed. In this case, the officer is to notify the dispatcher for relay to the IC and request any additional assistance deemed necessary.
D. Units operating remotely and completing an assignment are not to go 10-8. Officers shall advise the IC and await for additional orders, for possible redeployment.
- B
5.1.3 Units responding into a brush fire may detect sparks and embers starting
additional fires downwind and a distance away from the original fire location.
Officers should report this information to the dispatcher for relay to the IC.
- Lt. Smith is working a day tour in an Engine Co. on Staten Island. Lt. Smith knows that all Engine Co’s assigned to Staten Island and BFU’s are equipped with 1” lightweight yellow hose in 100’ foot lengths also known as forestry hose. While operating at a car fire in a vacant lot Lt. Smith sees a member stretching the forestry hose to extinguish the car fire. Lt. Smith would be correct to follow which point below? 4.7
A. Have the member continue to stretch the forestry hose since the car is about 75’ feet away from the Engine and only 1 length of the forestry hose will be required.
B. Tell the member to use 2 lengths of 1 ¾” hose instead of the forestry hose.
- B
4.7.3 Forestry hose is intended for outside wildland operations only, and is not to be
used for any other type of operation.
- When dealing with brush fires it is important to be aware of the proper tactics to use in order to quickly extinguish the fire and to do so safely. Of the following operational tactics used at a 2nd alarm brush fire, which tactic(s) were carried out improperly? (More than one incorrect).
5.4, 4.4.1
A. The 1st arriving Engine Co. hooked up to a hydrant even though exposures were not in danger since hydrants are the best positive water source.
B. Heavy reliance was placed on Indian pumps, brooms, booster lines, and conventional 1 ¾” hose during the initial attack.
C. A 2nd alarm Engine Co operated at the top of a hill in front of the fire in order to protect an occupied 3 story MD. At the same time the attack of the fire started at the bottom of the hill.
D. Attempting to break up heat waves by use of a water curtain is generally ineffective. Instead, utilize streams to apply water directly onto exposures.
E. Hose streams were directed first at the flames burning above the brush and then directly at the burning brush.
F. Units advanced through burnt out areas to attack the fire since it is safe to operate from burnt out, blackened areas because there is no fuel left to burn.
- A, B, E
reliance should be placed on the use of Indian Pumps, brooms, and booster lines from
no 1 3/4”
- While fighting a brush fire, units may find themselves out of handie talkie range since large areas may have to be covered on foot. When a unit is out of range when using handie talkies, radio communications may have to be accomplished in which manner below? 5.9
A. Have members switch to a 5 watt channel on the handie talkie.
B. Have members switch to channel 9, a digital channel.
C. Have members use the POST radio carried by BFU’s.
D. Call the borough dispatcher on the borough radio frequency.
- D
5.9.2 Units may be out of handie-talkie range and radio communications may have to
be accomplished via borough dispatcher on the borough radio frequency.
- Which is the only correct point regarding Engine, Ladder, and Special Unit operations at brush fires? 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.10
A. Engine Companies on the initial alarm should concentrate on protecting exposures and hooking up to hydrants to ensure positive water source.
B. Fire attack should begin immediately, even if exposures are endangered. This will ensure a quick knockdown of the fire.
C. Use extreme care on driving on unpaved roads. If road conditions are doubtful, members should precede the apparatus on foot. If still in doubt do not proceed.
D. Rescue and Squad Companies are not used at brush fires and only respond if special called by the IC.
- C
- Safety is paramount at all operations. Brush fires pose unique safety hazards that firefighters must be aware of. Which point is incorrect regarding safety at brush fire operations?
A. All body parts should be covered. Recognize and avoid growths of poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac. Avoid walking through high piles of rubbish or lumber since nails, glass, or other sharp objects may cause puncture wounds.
B. Do not use make shift bridges to cross creeks. A make shift bridge failing under a members weight could drop the member into water deeper than it appears.
C. Use extreme caution when brush fires burn near utility transmission lines. Use extreme caution when operating hoselines beneath high voltage lines and ensure the use of fog tips for added protection.
D. Avoid contact with any wildlife during operations. At night operations, utilize available portable and apparatus lighting systems for safety.
- C
1. Chemical protective clothing units have been formed to augment the Haz Mat Group in incidents where contaminated victims are encountered. CPC units can perform all but which of the following? 1.1
A. Trained and certified to operate in Level “A” CPC.
B. Trained and certified to operate in Level “B” CPC.
C. CPC units can perform required decontamination.
D. CPC units are trained and equipped to perform mitigation.
- D
2. CPC Unit entries into a contaminated area require a coordinated team effort by at least \_\_\_\_\_ CPC trained members. It \_\_\_\_\_\_ necessary that all team members come from the same CPC unit. The CPC Officer \_\_\_\_\_\_ required to be trained in CPC. 4.1, 4.2 A. 4 / is / is B. 5 / is not / is C. 5 / is / is D. 4 / is not / is
- B
- Capt. McMeister is working a day tour in Ladder 105, which is a CPC truck. Capt. McMeister is trained in CPC and was the top gun in his CPC class. Ladder 105 has been special called to a haz mat incident where they will be used as a CPC unit. Capt. McMeister would know which point below to be incorrect? Section 5
A. Capt. McMeister knows that he will only don a CPC suit if the situation indicates that a suit is required in order to properly supervise the unit’s operation.
B. Examples of proper supervision include where the entry team would not be in line of sight, any type of entry team operation, and where the operation requires a number of entry teams.
C. On arrival the CPC unit officer shall report to the IC for a briefing. The 1st arriving CPC Unit Officer will recommend to the IC the entry point into the hot zone (based on his/her training, initial briefing, and size up), and then establish the CPC unit assembly area adjacent to the entry point.
D. Any critical or pertinent information received from the teams must be immediately relayed up the chain of command. The CPC officer will also ensure identity tags are used and placed on suits.
- B
The CPC Unit Officer shall not don a
chemical protective suit unless the situation indicates that a suit is required in order to
properly supervise the unit’s operation. Examples of this would be where the Entry team
would not be in line of sight, a complex Entry team operation, or where the operation
requires a number of Entry teams.
- After a briefing with the IC at the scene of a haz mat incident where a CPC unit will make entry into the exclusion zone, Lt. Smith decided to establish a 2nd channel to ensure adequate communication capabilities with members of his unit. Before directing his members to switch to handie talkie channel 3, Lt. Smith consulted with the IC, who also agreed that a 2nd channel should be established at this incident. Do you agree or disagree with the actions of Lt. Smith?
A. Agree or D. Disagree
- A
- Members of a CPC unit were drilling on CPC team functions during a drill on a Monday afternoon. Which point below is correct? 7.1,
A. Two members will make up the backup team and will be dressed to the standby position. In the standby position members will have both legs in the suit, SCBA donned, cylinder opened, facepiece on with regulator disengaged from the facepiece, right arm in suit, ID tags in place, and outer boots and surgical gloves on.
B. Two members will make up the entry team and will be attired in the appropriate level of CPC. One member must be radio equipped, and for both safety and operating efficiency, they must work in close proximity of one another at all times. If one of the entry team members goes down for any reason, the other team member must leave the operating area.
C. A decontamination station must be established prior to any entry of CPC equipped personnel in the Hot, Warm, and Cold zones. The primary function of this station is to provide immediate and adequate decontamination to civilians who are being removed from the hot, warm, and cold zones.
D. As a secondary function, the decontamination station can be used to decontaminate CPC entry team members if necessary. The Decon station will also ensure that a designated Engine Company augments the water supply.
- A
The primary function of this station is to provide
immediate and adequate decontamination to Entry team members so they can be safely
removed from CPC with minimum exposure to any material they may have had contact
with. As a secondary function, it can be used to decontaminate First Responders and/or
civilians until FDNY shower units arrive on the scene.
6. This bulletin talks about “multiple victims”. Multiple victims means \_\_\_\_\_ of more victims. Entry team members will be equipped with triage tags to use after performing NST (Noxious Stimulus Triage) on \_\_\_\_\_ victims. At a large incident with multiple victims, \_\_\_\_\_ victims should be addressed 1st. Section 9 A. 4 / All / Non Ambulatory B. 3 / Unconscious / Ambulatory C. 4 / Unconscious / Non Ambulatory D. 3 / All / Non Ambulatory
- B
only cpc and above can perform noxious triage
- Members of the 1st due Ladder Co. at a chemical release in a subway station are preparing to be decontaminated. All of the members are wearing their bunker gear and SCBA with their facepieces donned. The members know that their bunker gear should be removed while continuing to use their SCBA with their facepiece donned to protect their respiratory tract. Which procedure below would be correct for the each member to follow when removing their bunker gear and SCBA’s? 2.3
A. The SCBA is to be removed, with the facepiece remaining on, and the member holds his/her SCBA via the strap while another member then removes the members bunker gear.
B. The SCBA is to be removed, with the facepiece remaining on, and another members holds the SCBA via the strap while the member removes his/her bunker gear.
- A
- What is the single most important action associated with effective decontamination?
1.1, 2.1, 2.3
A. Our ability to deliver large volumes of water quickly.
B. To have all exposed people immediately removed from the area of release to an area of safe refuge.
C. The rapid physical removal of the material from the victims.
D. Our ability to provide emergency high pressure streams supplying low volumes of water.
- C
- Members of a study group were discussing different options for setting up mass decon. The only correct option can be found in which choice listed below? 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6
A. One option is to stretch a 1 ¾” handline equipped with a turbomaster fog nozzle. The nozzle should operate in the fog position. The recommended operating pressure is between 40 and 70 psi. If two handlines are used they should be operated opposite each other, approximately 20’ to 30’ apart.
B. A second option involves the use of two pumpers, parallel to each other approximately 25’ apart with the control panels facing the inside. Operate the nozzles in the fog position at the recommended operating pressure which is 40 to 70 psi.
C. Other options include positioning a tower ladder with a turbomaster fog nozzle or an aerial ladder with a ladder pipe and aquastream fog nozzle at the edge of the water spray formed from the pumpers. This configuration should produce a water spray shower area approximately 20’ wide by 30’ long.
D. In all situations where emergency decontamination is necessary, a straight stream can be attached to the multiversal on an Engine, or to a tower ladder outlet for a very quick decon setup.
- C
- It is important to remember that in most cases the establishment of a mass decontamination procedure is viewed as a lifesaving operation. In this regard, the hazard to our members staffing the operation is from product that may be absorbed into victims clothing. Which point(s) below is/are incorrect? 2.4.10
A. Members initially staffing a decon operation must wear their full protective equipment, including mask, gloves, and hood.
B. Using the following ensemble protective equipment including mask, gloves, and hood gives adequate protection from cross contamination in all instances.
C. It must be emphasized that a SCBA will give adequate protection from inhaled contaminants, which is the primary route of exposure.
D. Bunker gear is vapor tight, however members must still use care to avoid contact with the victims.
- B, D
11. Decontamination trailers and attached tractors are ready for delivery to incidents anywhere in the city. These units are self-contained, delivered and set up by assigned companies, and operated by? 3.4 A. Squad personnel B. CPC units C. An available Engine Co. D. An available Ladder Co.
- A
- Chemical suicide involves various chemicals such as sulfides, acids, liquid nitrogen, or hydrogen cyanide to create a toxic or oxygen deprived atmosphere in a confined area, usually a vehicle or a small room. Listed below are the hazards or threats to first responders. Of the threats listed below which is the primary one? Section 2
A. Skin absorption or caustic acid contamination.
B. Flammability
C. Inhalation
D. Blood borne pathogens
- C
- This bulletin lists different odors for different chemicals that may be encountered at an operation involving a chemical suicide. Hydrogen sulfide gas will have a _____ odor, carbon monoxide will have a ______ odor, Hydrogen cyanide gas will have a ______ odor, and phosphine gas will have a ______ odor. Appendix
A. Odorless / rotten eggs / bitter almond / fish or garlic odor
B. Fish or garlic odor / rotten eggs / bitter almond / odorless
C. Rotten eggs / odorless / bitter almond / fish or garlic odor
D. Bitter almond / fish or garlic odor / odorless / rotten eggs
- C
- Members who respond to a possible chemical suicide should look for certain indicators which could warn them of the dangers associated with these types of incidents. Which possible on scene indicator is not correct? Section 3
A. Warning signs may be present on a car, in an apartment, or other confined area. Victims may appear to be sleeping.
B. Victims may show signs of chemical exposure such as gasping. Victim may be wearing gloves or swimming goggles as protection from chemicals.
C. There may be tape around windows and doors, or use of plastic to contain vapors. The presence of chemical containers or strong chemical odors may also be present.
D. The victim may be blue in color similar to carbon monoxide poisoning cases. Victim may appear cyanotic or gray in color.
- D
- BC McMeister is operating at a chemical suicide incident where a victim was found, removed, and revived. After the operation was concluded BC McMeister decided to hold an informal review of the operation. BC McMeister had to correct all of the following actions taken at this operation except which one? 4.1, 5.3,
A. The 1st due truck donned full PPE and wore their SCBA’s. They ventilated the occupancy after entering. They also used meters to monitor O2 levels.
B. The 1st due engine transmitted a 10-80-3 after receiving confirmation that it was a chemical suicide incident and also ensured the response of the NYPD.
C. The 1st due engine stretched a charged hoseline and attached the fog nozzle, which was primarily used for vapor dispersal. Patient care was provided according to CFR protocols.
D. The Haz Mat engine on the scene contained the product, recapped any virgin product, and contained the mixture. Crime scene security was maintained until the arrival of the NYPD.
- B
If first FDNY unit to arrive, transmit 10-80 Code 1. Ensure response of NYPD.
5.3 Hazardous Material mitigation by appropriately trained Hazmat personnel.
Contain product or slurry
Recap virgin product
Containerize mixture
1. One of an officer’s jobs includes radio communications. It is very important for an officer to know the radio codes, proper communication practices, and what to expect from the dispatcher. Which point listed below is not correct regarding radio communications?
8.25, 8.2.6,
A. The name or unit # of a member with a minor injury may be transmitted over the Dept. radio after requesting “Mixer off”. The signal 10-45 shall not be used to indicate a fatality or serious injury to an on duty member.
B. The initial notification of a fatality or an injury to an on duty member may be made over the Dept. radio after requesting the mixer off. This notification can include the member’s unit if necessary but not his/her name.
C. Each transmission requiring a reply must conclude with the letter “K”. The “K” means: “This is the end of my transmission to you and a response is necessary. GO ahead, transmit”.
D. The dispatcher shall not switch the mixer off unless specifically requested to do so by the unit transmitting the message. The radio dispatcher shall switch the mixer off if information associated with a 10-41 is being received.
- B
Cannot include units name or unit
3 situations for mixer off automatically
For 10 41 or injuries
8.2.5 The name or unit number of a member with a minor injury may be transmitted
over the Department radio after requesting “Mixer off.”
8.2.6 Signal 10-45 shall not be used to indicate a fatality or injury to an on-duty
member. In lieu, initial notification of a fatality or serious injury to an on-duty
member shall be made to the dispatcher via a “Mixer off” message.
(This notification shall not include the name or unit number of the fatally or seriously
injured member and shall be followed immediately by a telephone notification with
full particulars). As soon as possible thereafter, particulars shall also be telephoned
to the Fire Department Operation Center
- When using the apparatus radio to call the borough dispatcher, Officers should know that if their 1st attempt is not acknowledged within ______ seconds they should repeat the call. Officers should not make more than 3 attempts to call the dispatcher. If the 3rd call is not acknowledged assume the radio is inoperative and transmit your message from another mobile unit. When using another mobile unit do not make more than ________ attempts. If the dispatcher is not acknowledging from the 2nd mobile unit or there are indications of a problem with the borough radio frequency the member operating the radio should switch to the _________.
A. 30 / 3 / Citywide frequency
B. 60 / 2 / Adjoining borough’s frequency
C. 30 / 2 / Citywide frequency
D. 60 / 3 / Adjoining borough’s frequency
- A
- True or false? Apparatus radios are protected from the occurrence of a stuck button. If the transmitting button on the apparatus radio is depressed for longer than 30 seconds, an audible signal will alert the user that the transmission has been automatically interrupted. At 26 seconds a short tone will also be heard letting the operator know they are approaching the 30 second mark. 8.4.6
- D
8.4.6 Apparatus radios are protected from the occurrence of a “stuck button”. If the
transmitting button on the apparatus radio is depressed for longer than one minute,
an audible signal will alert the user that the transmission has been automatically
interrupted. To transmit a lengthy message, it is necessary to release and redepress
the transmitting button at intervals of one minute or less.
- Which of the following radio codes are correctly written? (More than 1 correct). 8.5
A. 10-1 Call your quarters or other unit by telephone.
B. 10-3 Call dispatcher by telephone.
C. !0-8 given by a unit when leaving quarters for a non emergency response.
D. !0-9 given by a unit when entering the Midtown tunnel.
E. 10-11 The dispatcher counts from 1 to 11 for test purposes.
F. 10-12 A request by a Chief or the dispatcher for a preliminary report by the 2nd arriving Engine Co.
- A, B, D
5. Radio code signals may be transmitted without subcodes unless the statement “code requirded” appears. Which code listed below requires a code? 8.5 A. 10-25 B. 10-28 C. 10-36 D. 10-41 E. 10-45
- D
- Engine 238 and Ladder 106 are operating at a car fire on Nassau Ave. in Greenpoint Brooklyn at 0300 in the morning. The car is a 2013 Chevy Suburban in good condition and it appears the fire started in the backseat of the vehicle. Upon arrival units noticed that the window on the rear driver side door was broken. There is no other damage to the truck except for the back seat, rear storage area, and the window. The vehicle does not have license plates and the owner of the vehicle is unable to be located. In this situation the officers would be correct to transmit? 8.5, Regs Ch.11 11.3.15 D
A. 10-19, 10-23, 10-41-1, and transmit to the police communications bureau the make, model, license and location of the vehicle.
B. 10-18, 10-23, 10-41-3
C. 10-18, 10-24, 10-41-3, and transmit to the police communications bureau the make, model, license and location of the vehicle.
D. 10-18, 10-24, 10-41-3
- D
If it’s suspicious then don’t send that info to pd
D. If a fire occurs in a vehicle, other than an ADV or one for which a 10-41
code 3 has been transmitted, the Incident Commander shall attempt to
notify the owner. If this is not possible, the Dispatcher shall be requested
to inform the Police Communications Bureau of the make, model license
number and location of the vehicle.
- E-16 and L-7 are responding to a phone alarm for a smoke condition in a 50 story hi-rise office building on 3rd avenue. Upon arrival, Lt. Shielman is met by the building engineer who tells him that there is a heavy smoke condition on the 33rd floor. He also states that there is an electrical room on that floor and that may be where the smoke is coming from. Upon arrival on the 33rd floor members of L-7 quickly locate the source of the smoke condition which is a transformer that is on fire in the electrical room. There is no extension beyond the electrical room. After the fire is extinguished members realize that there was a leak of about 25 gallons of PCB fluid and that 5 of the members have been contaminated with PCB fluid. These members will need to be decontaminated. Lt. Shielman should recommend to BC Leftus which signals?
A. 10-75, 10-40-2, 10-80
B. 10-76, 10-25-4, 10-80-1
C. 10-77, 10-25-4, 10-80-3
D. 10-76, 10-25-1, 10-80-1
- B
- Units have just arrived at a phone alarm for smoke in the subway station. Upon arrival members find a trash can on fire on the station platform of the lower level. While the truck is using the can to extinguish the trash can fire, the dispatcher tells the BC that he just received a call for a person having chest pains at the same subway station on the upper level. This incident is unrelated to the trash can fire however it is in the same subway station. The Chief tells the 3rd due Engine to assist the civilian having chest pains. After locating the civilian the 3rd due Engine tells the BC that the civilian has a broken arm, is stable, and is not having chest pains. For this box you would know the BC should transmit which signals? 8.5
A. 10-28-1 for the trash can fire and a 10-37-2 for the civilian.
B. 10-28-2 for the trash can fire and a 10-28-3 for the civilian.
C. 10-28-1 for the trash can fire and a 10-37-3 for the civilian.
D. 10-28-1 for the trash can fire and a 10-28-3 for the civilian.
- C
- E-295 and Ladder 144 are responding to a report of a vehicle fire on the Cross Island Parkway. The response ticket says the car fire is reported at the Cross Island Parkway and Bell Blvd. As the units are driving south on the Cross Island they come across a car on the side of the road near Utopia Parkway which is before the reported location. Both units stop at this location and the driver of the car says he stopped because he thought his car was on fire. Upon investigation the members realize the car is just overheating. The officers of E-295 and L-144 should take which action below? 8.5
A. Transmit the 10-84 at the Cross Island Parkway and Utopia Parkway and give a 10-18 and a 10-36-1.
B. Do not transmit a 10-84 since this is not the reported location, notify the dispatcher they are operating at this location and give a 10-18 and a 10-36-3.
C. Transmit the 10-84 at the Cross Island Parkway and Utopia Parkway and give a 10-18 and a 10-36 no code. You also ensured the original reported location was also checked
D. Do not transmit a 10-84 since this is not the reported location, notify the dispatcher they are operating at this location and give a 10-19 and a 10-36-1.
- C
- E-325 responds to an EMS run at 0730 hours for a person who has been burnt. Upon arrival the patient is found in his apartment and states “I burnt myself last week when an aerosol can exploded and created a brief ball of flame”. The patient has 2nd and 3rd degree burns to his right arm and no other injuries. There is no damage to the apartment at all. While operating at this box a neighbor comes out of the adjoining apartment and says to the firefighters “Can you help me, I just burnt myself on hot bathwater”. This patient has some 1st degree burns to her left hand. The Officer from E-325 should take which action below? 8.5
A. Transmit a 10-37-3 for both patients and have a Battalion Chief respond.
B. Transmit a 10-45 for the 1st patient, transmit a 10-37-3 for the 2nd patient, and have a Battalion Chief respond for the 1st patient.
C. Transmit a 10-45 for both patients and await the arrival of EMS.
D. Transmit a 10-37-2 for the 1st patient, a 10-37-3 for the 2nd patient, and await the arrival of EMS.
- B
- A Class 3 is received for a private dwelling at 0700 hours. Upon arrival the officers are told by the occupant that he was making a piece of toast and a little smoke came out of the toaster from some crumbs on the bottom of the toaster. In this case which code is appropriate?
A. 10-35-3
B. 10-35-no code
C. 10-35-2
D. 10-35-4
- A
- Which, if any, 10-35 code listed below requires a NYFIRS report? 8.5
A. When a 10-35 is transmitted it auto closes regardless of the sub code used.
B. 10-35-no code
C. 10-35-3
D. 10-35-4
- D
- Lt. Johnson has just received a complaint from fire prevention. The complainant states there is a locked bulkhead door leading to the roof in an OLT. Upon inspection Lt. Johnson finds a slide bolt that is openable by hand from the interior. Lt. Johnson transmits a 10-31 and goes back to the firehouse to prepare an A-17. Do you agree or disagree with the signal that Lt. Johnson transmitted? 8.5
A. Agree or D. Disagree
- A
14. E-225 has just arrived at a box where a 2 story private dwelling has completely collapsed. A civilian approaches the members and states “I was outside mowing the lawn and the house just collapsed”. In this situation which signal below is correct? 8.5 A. 10-60 B. 10-60-1 C. 10-60-2 D. 10-75
- A
- True or False? Anytime a member is missing, lost, trapped, or seriously injured a 10-66 signal must be transmitted?
True or False? A 10-60-2 is a major emergency incident with the need for enhanced technical rescue resources such as any type of explosion or a plane crash (on or off airport property) where the incident is of a larger scale requiring an enhanced 2nd alarm assignment. 8.5
A. True / True
B. True / False
C. False / True
D. False / False
- D
- A 10-75 signal is used as a notification of a fire or emergency. The officer transmitting a 10-75 shall transmit all but which of the following information? 8.5
A. State if it is for a fire or emergency.
B. Location of fire – What floor?
C. Height of the building – How many stories?
D. Type of building – Construction class.
- D
17. E-75 and L-33 respond to a class 3 in a 2 story private dwelling. Upon arrival the members are met by the home owner who tells them that the power went off and then went back on immediately and that after this power fluctuation the alarm system went off. As the members enter to investigate their CO meters begin to alert. Both Officer’s CO meters are showing 20 ppm. The alarm system in the home does not monitor for CO and the family has CO detectors on both floors, both of which are not alarming. The inside team of L-33 quickly finds the source of the CO which is a defective hot water heater in the basement. In this situation what signals are appropriate? 8.5 A. 10-35 and 10-38-1 B. 10-40-2 and 10-38-4 C. 10-35 and 10-38-3 D. 10-35-4 and 10-38-3
- B
10-38 Carbon Monoxide Response
Any alarm system activation that is unwarranted or unnecessary, excluding a
sprinkler system alarm (use 10-34 Code 1, 2 or 3) or an alarm system activation
resulting from a utility power fluctuation (use 10-40 Code 2).
Any type of Carbon Monoxide Response
Code 1: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Investigation (low battery,
defective detector, unwarranted alarm, etc.)
Code 2: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident (CO Meter
Reading of 1-9ppm)
Code 3: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Emergency (CO Meter
Reading of greater than 9ppm)
Code 4: No Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident or Emergency
(Specify) e.g.: no detector present in affected area, detector present
in affected area, but did not activate.
- Which point regarding radio communication and officer’s responsibilities is incorrect?
A. Urgent radio messages include a signal 10-70, report of an apparatus breakdown while unit is responding to an alarm, or a report that a unit has stopped to extinguish a fire while responding to another alarm.
B. When relocating in the quarters of another unit, Officers shall notify the dispatcher when in the response district of the unit they are covering, when returning to their own quarters, and when back in their own response district.
C. Officers of land units are not required to submit a preliminary report when special called to an automobile, grass, rubbish, or similar outside fire.
D. If the apparatus radio is not functioning the Division will supply the unit with a portable citywide radio capable of direct communications with the borough dispatcher. The Officer shall wear this radio along with the handie talkie.
- D
1. Care and maintenance of the lifesaving rope cannot be overemphasized since this tool can play a vital role in operations. Members of a study group made the following points about the life saving rope and were correct in which point? Section 4
A. After a LSR has been subjected to the weight of 2 people, the rope shall be carefully examined for any signs of damage or abrasion before being placed back in service. Entries shall be made in the company journal and on the RP100.
B. Care shall be taken to avoid wetting the LSR. The LSR can lose from 15% to 25% of its strength when wet. If this happens the rope shall be placed out of service. Over a period of time some ropes have shrunk 10’ to 15’.
C. When nylon rope is exposed to heat over 300 degrees it will progressively lose strength and will melt at 482 degrees. Rope exposed to phenol shall be place out of service.
D. When any type of rust stain is found on the rope it shall be placed out of service. Frozen ropes shall be allowed to thaw out naturally before any maintenance is performed. After the rope thaws and dries it can be placed back in service.
- C
Rope shrinks 8’-10’
- The same study group from the question above continued making points about the LSR. They were correct in all but which of the following points listed below? Section 4
A. When a rope is repeatedly twisted in one direction, a kink will develop. A kink should be removed from a rope by rotating the rope counter to the direction of the kink. Effort should be made to prevent a rope from kinking.
B. All units except Engine Co.’s, shall inspect and repack the LSR every Monday on the 9x6 tour. Engine Co.’s shall inspect and repack on Tuesdays on the 9x6 tour.
C. Whenever the LSR is placed out of service the officer on duty shall notify the administrative division by phone and fax and have it replaced. An out of service life safety equipment report (SCF-2) is only necessary if the rope is used at an operation.
D. Each division is supplied with 2 lifesaving ropes to facilitate a rapid exchange to field units when needed. When any doubt exists regarding the serviceability of a lifesaving rope it shall be placed out of service.
- C
3. Before re-packing the LSR into the carrying case the entire rope shall be coiled in a \_\_\_\_\_ direction. The diameter of the coil should be about 4’. Place the hook of the LSR in the \_\_\_\_\_ front corner of the carrying case. One hook shall be marked with \_\_\_\_\_ tape to ensure the rope is repacked from the opposite side each week. Rope 1 Data Sheet 1 A. Clockwise / Left / Red B. Counterclockwise / Left / Blue C. Clockwise / Right / Red D. Counterclockwise / Right / Blue
- A
- Ladder Co. 10 is drilling on the life saving rope and are using their life saving training rope. Which point about the life saving training rope is not correct? TB Rope 1 Data sheet 3
A. After completion of the drill, the lifesaving training rope shall be repacked in its carrying case which is yellow with black lettering.
B. The lifesaving training rope shall never be used without the landing mat positioned beneath the line of descent. The anti-chafing device shall be used at all times.
C. After each single slide remove the twist in the rope which is between the substantial object and the parapet. Also remove the twist in the rope at the base of the building.
D. The maximum number of times this rope may be used is 100 per end, for a total of 200 slides. One end of the rope shall be identified by tape affixed to the hook.
- A
- Division 9 has just dropped off the inflatable soft landing mat and the blower at the quarters of E99 and L-100. Since today is MUD for both units the officer from L-100 tells his members to put the mat on the rig so they can drill with it at a building in their area. Upon arrival at the MUD site the members set up the mat and blower and begin sliding using the training rope. The officer from E-99 tells the members that the zipper at the exhaust port must be closed to maintain a safe cushioning effect of the mat. Do you agree or disagree with the orders given by these officers? TB Rope 1 Data Sheet 4
A. Agree or D. Disagree
- D
6. If when using the landing mat and blower and the motor does not operate or if it stops operating during use remove the plug from the electric outlet and allow the motor to cool for approximately \_\_\_\_\_\_ minutes. If when operating at an occupied stalled suspended scaffolding incident and it is determined that the hoist motor has overheated, allow it to cool for at least \_\_\_\_\_\_ minutes. TB Rope 1 Data Sheet 4, TB Emergencies 4, 5.4 A. 15 / 15 B. 15 / 5 C. 5 / 5 D. 5 / 15
- D
- Which point about the care and maintenance of the life belt is incorrect? TB Rope 2
A. The life belt shall be inspected weekly when the LSR is repacked. It is also inspected before and after each use.
B. When inspecting the belt, grip the belt with both hands 10” to 12” apart and bend it into an “O” shape and look for any damaged fibers. Particular attention should be paid to the hook and gate.
C. Whenever a life belt is subjected to an impact load, it shall be placed out of service. A member free falling 3’ or more is considered a sufficient impact load to warrant placing the life belt out of service.
D. In the event that a gate lock becomes jammed due to ice, gently tap the gate lock against a parapet or other object to free the lock.
- B
Attention paid to rivets on the handle
- The personal harness is one of the most important tools carried by firefighters. It is imperative that members have a thorough knowledge of the personal harness along with its proper care and maintenance. Which point below is incorrect? TB Rope 3 2.1, 2.2.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.8, 3.9
A. Each harness has a unique ID number stamped onto a metal tag permanently attached on the inside of the left leg strap. The harness will always be attached to the bunker pants.
B. The rappel hook and harness handle are held in the stored position by two straps. The handle support strap holds the rappel hook in a position to the left side of the harness handle while the hook support strap holds the harness handle to the waistband.
C. The proper position for the waistband of the harness is across the upper level of the hip. The belly strap slide buckle is used to center the rappel hook while the waistband slide buckle ensures a proper fit around the waist.
D. The leg straps should remain loose for a comfortable fit while the harness is worn prior to rappelling or lowering operations. Do not over tighten the leg straps. If the leg straps are over tightened the waistband may be pulled down from its proper position.
- B
- Members of L-100 have just returned from an all hands fire where they were the 1st due truck. The Officer and the Irons FF are both placing their personal harnesses out of service. The harnesses were subjected to high heat at the fire casting doubt about the serviceability of the harnesses. In this situation if a run for a structural fire is received while the officer and irons firefighter are waiting for replacement harnesses the officer would be correct to follow which action below? 6.10, AUC 287 Section 8
A. Place the entire company out of service.
B. The officer should notify the dispatcher that L-100 is responding with 4 firefighters.
C. The officer should notify the dispatcher that L-100 is responding understaffed.
D. L-100 should respond normally to this run and notify the IC upon arrival that the officer and irons FF do not have personal harnesses.
- A
10. FF Smith is repacking his PSS system after inspecting it. He laid the PSS out on a clean flat work area, the bag was placed on its back, and he began to weave the rope to the opposite edge of the flap and returned it to the right edge, folding the rope next to the previous row. He continued this process making \_\_\_\_\_ flat rows. He then slid the rows of rope into the bag and repeated this process until \_\_\_\_\_ inches of rope with the hook and EXO remained. He was sure to maintain \_\_\_\_\_\_ inches of rope between the eye of the hook and the EXO. After the rope was packed in the bag FF Smith ensured that the triple action lock gate was facing \_\_\_\_\_\_ the body. TB Rope 4 Data Sheet 1 A. 8 / 12 / 6 / Toward B. 6 / 8 / 12 / Away C. 5 / 18 / 8 / Away D. 4 / 10 / 5 / Toward
- C
- Which point made about the PSS system during company drill is not entirely correct?
TB Rope 4
A. The hook is rated at 5000 lbs. at the tip and 10,000 lbs. at the saddle. The rope is 50’ long and 7.5 mm thick. The PSS is a one-time use system and is only to be used as a last resort.
B. When the PSS is being attached to the waist band of the harness the carabiner must be attached to the PSS D ring. The carabiner should be placed into the center of the PSS D ring and the gate allowed to close around the bottom portion of the D ring.
C. The PSS shall be repacked semi-annually as part of the semi-annual safety equipment inspection and as needed. If any defects are noted the PSS is to be placed out of service.
D. The inside liner of the rope bag is dyed black. If the rope is found to be discolored by this dye the rope and bag must be placed out of service as this is an indication that the bag and rope were subjected to high heat conditions.
- D
12. Which pieces of equipment listed below would require an out of service life safety equipment report (SCF-2) to be forwarded thru the chain of command to the Chief of Safety is they were placed out of service? (More than one correct.) TB Rope A. PSS system B. Personal Harness C. Life Belt D. Life Saving Training Rope E. Life Saving Rope
- All