OP - CLASS #8 - Week of 111014FFP – MD's sec. 7 – (Low Rise), MD’s Add. #2, 3, & 4, Comm. Man Ch. #11 Addendum, TB – SCBA Add #1 - 8, ERP #3 & 3A, Reqisition & Payroll Instructor BC Dave Simms Flashcards
1. A lieutenant is instructing a probationary firefighter in regard to the Motorola XTS3500R Handi Talkie. He made the following statements. In which one was he not entirely correct? (Add. 1 sec. 1)
a. The handie talkie has a rated battery capacity of approximately 8 hours
b. The battery will last about 4-5 hours when utilized exclusively on the primary tactical channel
c. A member should expect fewer hours of service when the handi talkie is being utilized on a 5 watt channel
d. Batteries should be exchanged at a minimum with a fully recharged battery from the charger on the day tour at 0900 and after extensive use
- D
- A firefighter has informed you, a lieutenant, that he is unable to remove the battery from the handi talkie he has been assigned. When attempting to disconnect/remove a battery from the radio, you would be correct in which choice? (1.2)
a. Batteries should be disconnected with the radio on
b. Utilize a screwdriver or other tool to detach the battery from the radio
c. If battery removal remains too difficult, the entire handi talkie, with the battery should be placed out of service
d. Use a few drops of lubricant on the release button and pull the battery completely away from the radio
- C
- You are an officer operating at a third alarm in Lower Manhattan. While transmitting a message to the Incident Commander you notice that the LED light on your handi talkie is in a steady red mode. This is an indication that: (2.1)
a. Nothing is wrong, your radio is transmitting
b. Your radio has a low battery or the voltage is below the preset alert level
c. Battery is too low to transmit but reception is possible
d. The battery is dead and must be exchanged
- A
- After an extended operation the junior member of Ladder Company 44 has been charged with the task of insuring all the unit’s handi talkie batteries are in good working order. This firefighter should be aware of all but which of the following? (3.1-3.7)
a. Handi talkie batteries should be replaced with one that has a steady green LED light showing on the battery charger
b. Handi talkies placed directly on the charger should be placed on such chargers in the ON position
c. Fully discharged batteries are “rapid charged” in one hour
d. Exchanged batteries received from the radio depot must be left on the charger for a minimum of 14 hours prior to using
- B
- An officer shall take a mark in the company journal indicating that each color coded sticker with its reconditioning date on the back of every handi talkie battery in his/her unit has been inspected at which time? (4.1)
a. Saturdays on the 9x6 tour
b. On the 1st and 15th day of each month
c. On the first day of each month on the 9x6 tour
d. Weekly
- C
- An officer shall take a mark in the company journal indicating that each color coded sticker with its reconditioning date on the back of every handi talkie battery in his/her unit has been inspected at which time? (4.1)
a. Saturdays on the 9x6 tour
b. On the 1st and 15th day of each month
c. On the first day of each month on the 9x6 tour
d. Weekly
- B
- An officer shall take a mark in the company journal indicating that each color coded sticker with its reconditioning date on the back of every handi talkie battery in his/her unit has been inspected at which time? (4.1)
a. Saturdays on the 9x6 tour
b. On the 1st and 15th day of each month
c. On the first day of each month on the 9x6 tour
d. Weekly
- A
1. You are a lieutenant covering a vacation in an Engine Company in the borough of Queens. Prior to going off duty, the Captain you relieved has asked you to check and see whether a heating fuel delivery is required for quarters. You should order fuel if the supply of fuel in the storage tank has reached what amount? (1.6.3B)
a. Monthly, or less than 200 gallons in the tank
b. 50 % of tank capacity
c. Anytime the tank is reading less than full
d. 66% of tank capacity
- B
- Ladder, Rescue and any other unit that use gasoline for tools, saws, etc shall be issued a Can Card for the purchase of such gasoline. Officers should be aware that the maximum amount of gasoline that can be purchased by a unit with a Can Card is? (1.7.4)
a. 25 gallons per month
b. 10 gallons per week
c. 5 gallons per week
d. 15 gallons per month
- B
- It is Friday at 1500 hours. A contractor working in your quarters has just informed you that he has uncovered a large area of friable asbestos and is unable to continue working. In this situation you were correct when you performed which action? (1.10.5)
a. Notified the FDNY’s OSHA Coordinator
b. Made an immediate phone call to the Notification Desk
c. Phoned the FDNY Building Maintenance Division
d. Notified the Dispatcher to have the Haz Mat Unit respond
- C
- One of the duties of a lieutenant is accounting for the repair and/or replacement of firefighting tools and equipment. A lieutenant would be incorrect to believe: (1.11.1 – 1.11.9)
a. Form RT-2 shall be utilized for placing firefighting tools, hose and equipment out of service
b. An officer shall prepare one invoice and one receipt when forwarding firefighting tools for repair
c. Both invoice and receipt shall accompany the tools and equipment being placed out of service
d. A brief description of the reason for repair shall be written on the RT-2 i.e. “Saw idles at high speed”, Extinguisher leaking at neck” etc.
- A
RT3 for the hose
- A lieutenant from a Richmond engine company is notified by a firefighter that the unit is in need of a small replacement part for the unit’s SCBA’s. The lieutenant performed the following actions. In which one was he incorrect? (1.12.4)
a. He phoned the Mask Service Unit and requested the replacement part
b. The defective part was held until the replacement part was received
c. The defective part was forwarded in an envelope when the replacement part was received
d. An RT-2 was prepared (one invoice, one receipt), attached to the defective part, and forwarded to the Mask Service Unit
- D
- A study group meeting in the Bronx would be incorrect if they were to believe which statement in regard to lost FDNY property at fire and emergency operations? (1.15.4 – 1.15.5)
a. In the event department property is lost during fire or emergency operations, the officer on duty with the unit incurring the loss shall notify the Incident Commander
b. A Deputy Chief will investigate the loss, or if one is not on the scene, shall be special called
c. If the loss occurs at other than fire or emergency operations, the officer on duty shall notify the unit’s administrative Battalion
d. Officers on duty with the unit incurring the loss shall prepare the lost property report (FS-112), citing full particulars. Company Commanders shall endorse the FS-112 and forward it to the Battalion Chief responsible for the investigation
- B
1. Due to the nature of the times we live in, members of the FDNY are often called to operate at explosive/ incendiary incidents. An officer preparing a company drill concerning Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) made the following statements. He should be corrected in which one? (2.1-2.3.2)
a. The most frequently used weapon by terrorists is the conventional bomb, or IED
b. IED’s can utilize commercial or military explosives, homemade explosives, or military ordnance and ordnance components
c. School buildings, shopping malls, hospitals and houses of worship are examples of hard targets favored by terrorists
d. High explosives are the weapon of choice for suicide terrorists
- C
These ar.e soft targets
Hard targets are critical infrastructure and those targets protected by government personell
- Which one of the following choices will not result from the effect of an explosive detonation? (3.4)
a. Positive blast pressure
b. Endothermic temperature
c. Fragmentation
d. Negative blast pressure
- B
- While searching a private multiple dwelling during an alarm for an unknown odor, a firefighter under your command brings to your attention several suspicious bottles in an unlocked closet. You believe these may be Improvised Incendiary Devices (IID). From your knowledge of IID’s you performed the following actions and were incorrect in which one? (4.1)
a. Realized that there is no reliable method to tell the difference between an IED and an IID
b. Ordered precautionary hoselines stretched and positioned to safeguard the area
c. Staged the members of your unit in an area out of the line of sight of the device
d. When requested by NYPD, had a firefighter in full PPE and SCBA remove the device with a shovel or tool, under the cover of a charged hoseline
- D
- It is 0130 hours on a Saturday night. The firefighter on housewatch has informed you that there is a suspicious automobile parked in front of quarters with a person taking pictures of quarters. You believe this may be some sort of terrorist activity. You were correct when you performed which action? (5.3)
a. Have several members ask the individual what he/she is doing in front of quarters
b. Immediately notify the Battalion Chief
c. Notify the Bureau of Fire Investigation by phone
d. Notify the BC, DC, and NYPD
- C
- After extinguishing a small rubbish fire in a commercial occupancy, your unit discovers what appears to be an illegal clandestine laboratory of some sort. As the officer in command of the unit, you should be aware of all of the following with which exception at this type of incident? (5.7)
a. Attempt to determine the type of lab prior to leaving
b. Notify the BC, DC, BFI, HAZ MAT, and NYPD to respond, via the dispatcher
c. Realize that the members equipment and clothing may be contaminated and/or evidence
d. Immediately stop all operations, do not touch anything, back out of the area retracing your steps
- A
- A firefighter from the ladder company you are in command of has discovered an assault rifle while searching the apartment above the fire apartment in an occupied non-fireproof multiple dwelling. In regard to firearms found during fire department operations, you would be incorrect if you were to state the following? (6.1)
a. Firearms should be considered loaded, dangerous and possibly booby trapped
b. Do not permit anyone to stand in line of the muzzle or breech
c. The firearm shall be left where it is found, unless directly exposed to fire or water damage from a hose stream
d. When consistent with safety, the IC may assign members to safeguard evidence from a safe distance until the arrival of the NYPD or BFI
- C
- Fire Department personnel operating at incidents involving a suspected/confirmed explosive device are to be under the complete control and jurisdiction of the NYPD Incident Commander at all times. (7.2.5)
a. Agree or d. Disagree
- D
7.2.5 Fire Department personnel are to be under the complete control and jurisdiction
of the FDNY IC at all times.
- Lieutenant Semtex and Ladder Company 88 are responding to a report of a suspicious package located inside a US Government Building. They have arrived first, and all other units are delayed due to heavy traffic. No NYPD officers are on the scene upon arrival. To keep the Chief from exploding, Semtex should perform all of the following actions with which exception? (7.3.1)
a. Enter the building for a cursory search
b. Prohibit Handi Talkie and cell phone communications within 150 feet of the device and 300 feet for apparatus radio
c. Have the apparatus positioned in a safe location, to avoid heavy window glass fallout
d. Be aware of the possibility of secondary devices. If one is found, notify the IC, withdraw members to a safe area and request law enforcement to investigate
- A
Refrain from entering building
- An engine company officer is operating at a stand by for a suspicious package. The NYPD bomb squad has confirmed this is an explosive device. You were correct in all of the following thoughts except? (7.3.3)
a. Always assume if you can see the device, you are operating in a kill zone
b. If an explosion occurs, stay down to minimize the effects of the negative shock wave
c. Identify hydrants for use on mains near the device
d. Survey the area for secondary devices before committing any personnel. If a secondary device is discovered, do not touch or disturb it and notify NYPD
- C
- A ladder company Captain is operating with her unit at an incident where a bomb has just exploded. She performed the following actions, post detonation. There is no Battalion Chief on the scene. Which action would the Chief criticize during a critique of the incident? (7.4.1)
a. The Captain transmitted what had exploded, the approximate number of injured, and requested additional units and/or transmitted additional signals as necessary
b. Because a building was involved, she included the height, dimensions and construction of the building
c. All notifications to the dispatcher were made using plain language on the department radio
d. Notifications were made with the mixer off
- D
- After an explosion has occurred, FD strategies may include rescue, defensive operations, offensive operations or a combination of both. Other post detonation responsibilities of a good officer would include all of the following except? (7.5.1, 7.5.4)
a. When further explosions are expected incipient fire may be extinguished and personnel withdrawn until the area is surveyed by bomb squad personnel
b. If more explosions are deemed possible and large rooms or areas are involved, heavy streams may be utilized from points of safety using the distance/safety factor
c. Members shall don full PPE and use SCBA at all times, post detonation
d. Do not approach a suspects remains as there may be undetonated or partially detonated explosive devices still present
- C
Not required to don face piece, may reduce visibility
- An “Active Shooter” is defined as a individual/s actively engaged in killing or trying to kill people in a confined and populated area. Areas of threat at an active shooter incident have been designated as Hot, Warm, and Cold Zones. In regard to these zones it would be correct to state? (Add. 3A, 2.1)
a. FDNY personnel shall only operate in the Hot Zone with a police escort
b. The Warm Corridor is a route cleared and under NYPD control for escorted entry and egress of first responders and victims between the Hot and Warm Zones
c. The area where FDNY and EMS personnel can operate without an NYPD escort is the Warm Zone
d. The Command Post, Operations Post, Staging, and Triage, Treatment and Transportation areas shall be located in the Cold Zone
- D
B should be between warm and cold zone
- The lieutenant of an engine company is requested to immediately assist a severely injured police office inside the warm zone during an active shooter incident. The request has come from the NYPD I/C, an NYPD Staff Chief. The lieutenant was correct when he performed which action? Choose the best answer? (4.3)
a. Immediately rendered all medical assistance and operated inside the warm zone provided the NYPD provided an armed escort for safety
b. Notified the Battalion Chief prior to operating with the NYPD
c. Informed the NYPD Staff Chief that he must wait for permission from the FDNY Deputy Chief at the scene
d. Waited for the FDNY Deputy Chief to consult with a FDNY Staff Chief to give or deny permission to assist the officer
- D
- Members of a Queens engine company at an engine only response are met by gunfire after exiting their apparatus and approaching a private dwelling. An improper thought/action for these members to consider can be found in which answer? (3.1, 3.2)
a. Immediately withdraw, and if not possible seek hard cover/concealment
b. Realize that concealment is preferable to hard cover
c. Communicate unit identity and location to the NYPD via the borough dispatcher
d. When possible provide the number, location and description of the shooter, types of weapons in use, number and location of victims and hostages, and the communication method used by the shooters if apparent
- B
- An officer from the FDNY has just reported in to the Command Post during what is rapidly becoming a major terrorist event within the City of New York. Correct thoughts this officer had during this Active Shooter Incident can be found in all but which of the following? (5.1-5.4)
a. An active shooter incident is a single command with the NYPD as Incident Commander
b. An active shooter incident involving fire and smoke as a weapon remains a single command with the NYPD as the I/C
c. FDNY and NYPD Incident Commanders shall co-locate within sight, voice and arms distance of each other at the Incident Command Post
d. The Incident Command Post shall be located in the cold zone at an active shooter incident
- B
Unified command
PART IV – TB – SCBA ADD #1 - 8:
1. A senior ladder company member was instructing an engine company detail regarding the FAST PAK carried on the apparatus. The lieutenant supervising the instruction corrected the senior firefighter in which statement? (Add 1, 1.1, 1.2, 7.1)
a. The FAST PAK is carried by all Ladder Squad and Rescue Companies
b. Units assigned a FAST PAK have a FAST PAK decal (red lettering, white background) affixed to the compartment door on the apparatus where the FAST PAK is located, to quickly identify its location
c. The FAST PAK is intended as an emergency air source for members when they are low or out of air while operating within an IDLH
d. Use of the FAST PAK on civilians is prohibited
- D
not the fast unit fast pak
- Lieutenant Able (Ladder 189 Covering) is informed by the probationary firefighter that Ladder Company 189’s FAST PAK is leaking and must be placed out of service. Ladder 189 is assigned to Battalion 63. In order to obtain a replacement FAST PAK, who should Lt. Able notify? (9.1.2)
a. Mask Service Unit
b. Battalion 63
c. Nearest Division
d. Administrative Division
- B
Battalions carry spare fast Pak
- You are an engine company lieutenant. The Incident Commander has ordered you to establish an emergency air supply via a FAST PAK to a civilian who is trapped in a confined space IDLH. In this situation, you were correct if you were to believe/choose which one of the following? (7.1)
a. Order a member to utilize the nearest available FAST PAK to supply air to the civilian
b. Have the FAST Unit supply air via the FAST Unit’s FAST PAK
c. Have a member obtain a FAST PAK from any unit other than the FAST Unit
d. Inform the Incident Commander that using a FAST PAK on a civilian is prohibited as per Fire Department procedure
- C
- The FDNY is occasionally called to operate at incidents where respiratory protection is necessary for extended periods of time. The Department has issued Air Purifying Respirators (APR) to units to achieve this goal. Members however must be aware of the operating limits of these APR’s. An officer would be correct to tell the members of his well trained unit that an anticipated area of use for an APR would be at which incident? (ADD 2, sec. 3 & 4)
a. Certain fire conditions
b. Asbestos incidents, non fire related
c. Air conditions of less than 19.5% oxygen
d. Confined space or permit required confined space
- B
- Your engine company has just received a new delivery of Scott 40mm adaptors and Scott CBRN CAP 1 canisters to replace the ones that the unit has used at a previous incident (the unit has none in reserve). You are unfamiliar with this equipment and ask the lieutenant of the ladder company quartered with you what to do with these items. The answer you receive should be? (8.5)
a. Distributed one to each member to be carried on their bunker gear
b. Stored in their sealed containers, one to each riding position, in the cab of the apparatus for easy reach and use
c. Kept in the units CFR locker in quarters until they are needed for use, as authorized by the incident commander
d. Kept in their sealed pouches in the infection control compartment on the apparatus
- D
- Lieutenant Baker is operating with her Ladder Company at a one room fire when she notices an odor of musty hay. Baker should realize that an odor of musty hay is an indication that what type of gas may be being produced? (Add 3, sec. 5)
a. Hydrogen Chloride
b. Hydrogen Cyanide
c. Phosgene
d. Acetaldehyde
- C
- In order to enhance the operational capability of certain trained members of the FDNY, the department has placed into operation two Rebreather Units which are equipped with the Draeger BG-4 Extended Duration SCBA (EDSCBA, or Rebreather Mask). In regard to the rebreather mask, a member would be incorrect if he/she were to state? (Add. 4 sec. 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
a. The EDSCBA is easily placed into operation, and requires no assembly prior to use
b. They will supply up to four hours of useable air
c. Rebreathers are not designed for routine firefighting operations or for underwater operations
d. An ice block is required at ambient temperatures above 32 degrees. At temperatures below 32 degrees, the ice block should not be used
- A
- The officer from Ladder Company 51 has tasked the members of his unit to clean and disinfect the unit’s SCBA regulators. The senior firefighter supervising the operation made the following statements. In which one should he be corrected by a student studying for the upcoming lieutenants’ test? (Add. 5 sec. 1.1 - 1.8)
a. The regulator is to be cleaned and disinfected utilizing 70% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle, and drinking water (running or in a spray bottle)
b. Spray a minimum of 6 full pumps of Isopropyl Alcohol into the regulator opening. Allow for 10 minutes of contact time prior to rinsing with water
c. Shake excess water out of the regulator, then air dry the regulator prior to use. To expedite the removal of water the regulator should be banged or tapped gently against a hard surface
d. Perform a regulator check by opening the purge valve and observing air flow from the regulator spray bar. Water droplets indicate the regulator is not dry
- C
never bang regulator, could crack spray bar
- The Pak Tracker Firefighter Locator System is a distress system designed to help identify and located members in distress. Identify the only correct statement made by a member of a ladder company in regard to this piece of equipment. (Add. 8 sec. 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2)
a. The Pak Tracker has a maximum range of 900 yards line of sight
b. It can be used in an IDLH, explosive, and potentially flammable atmospheres
c. All units reporting in to the Incident Command Post shall bring their Pak Tracker to the Command Post if so equipped
d. A member of the FAST Unit other than the member monitoring the EFAS shall monitor the Pak Tracker
- D
choice A is feet not yards in order to be correct
- A member monitoring the Pak Tracker at a fifth alarm should be aware that which one of the capabilities of the Pak Tracker is not entirely correct? (5.3, 5.4, 7.10)
a. The Pak Tracker has the capability to receive and store up to 36 SCBA identities
b. The signal from an SCBA to a Pak Tracker will usually pass through glass, light building materials, and wood
c. The Pak Tracker can only display two active PASS Alarm identities on its LCD screen
d. Once a Pak Tracker has locked on to the signal of a specific PASS Alarm, it retains the capability to lock onto the signal of other active PASS Alarms
- D
- The Captain of the FAST Unit is supervising the search for a missing member with an active PASS Alarm after the collapse of a three story row frame building. When utilizing the unit’s Pak Tracker at this operation, the Captain should be sure that his unit will realize all but which of the following? (4.5, 7.8, 7.12)
a. The Pak Tracker cannot be utilized from a high vantage point such as a tower ladder basket
b. The Pak Tracker should be used in a sweeping motion, very slowly in a horizontal direction first
c. Vertical sweeps should be used if it is suspected the signal may be coming from a higher or lower floor of the building
d. The member operating the Pak Tracker must be at the front of the search team to prevent signal interference caused by other members being in the way
- A
4.5 At building collapses where members may be trapped beneath debris, a Pak-Tracker may
be used from a tower ladder bucket to help identify and locate trapped members.
Because of a signal’s tendency to pass through holes, voids, and gaps, this tactic could
allow members to determine where to begin searching when units are unsure of a trapped
member’s location. For example, a member using a Pak-Tracker from a high vantage
point in a tower ladder bucket could transmit a handie-talkie message to units on the
ground stating, “The Pak-Tracker is receiving a strong signal from Ladder 36 Can in the
two-three corner of the debris pile.” Units on the ground could then begin selecteddebris-
removal operations in that area.
PART V – FFP – MD’S ADD #2, 3 & 4 , Sec. #7 {Low Rise MD’s}:
1. An understanding of the construction features of non-fireproof multiple dwellings will help an officer better understand the spread of fire within these structures. In regard to these features which one of the following below contains false information? (Add. 2 Pg. 6, 7, 8, 9)
a. Vertical steel channel rails can cause fire in the cockloft to drop down into lower apartments
b. Soil pipes, water pipes and electrical lines may be found in rear closets
c. Vertical steel columns can support horizontal beams
d. Horizontal steel beams are always found at right angles to columns or rooms
- D
Angled horizontal “I” beam in the cockloft. Note that the horizontal steel is not always at right
angles to columns or rooms (Ref.: Sec. 2.2.2 D, Sec. 5.3.4 C)
- There are five conditions which must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur. Indicate which one of the following is not one of these factors. (Add. 3 sec. 2.2)
a. Wind, and a fire in an apartment
b. Failed or open window in the fire room
c. Fire apartment door to the public left closed
d. An area of low pressure on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apartment
- C
- The term flow path is best described as the movement of fire, heat and smoke from an area of ______ to an area of _______. (2.2 Note 1)
a. High pressure, low pressure
b. Low Pressure, high pressure
c. High pressure, high Pressure
d. Low pressure, low pressure
- A
- While responding to 10-77 for a fire on the 15th floor of a Fireproof Multiple Dwelling, firefighters from Ladder Company 202 made the following statements in regard to size up of this type of building. The lieutenant ordered the apparatus stopped and held an immediate drill because their only correct statement was found in which answer below? (3.2, 3.3)
a. The direction and speed of the wind at street level is a reliable indicator of wind conditions on the fire floor
b. The firefighter performing the outside survey may be the first firefighter to observe a wind impacted fire condition
c. Members may utilize different stairways to access the fire floor until the attack stairway has been determined
d. Because the flow path of the fire is generally away from the stairwell, stairwell doors may be maintained in the open position unless otherwise ordered
- B
- At a recent fire in a fireproof multiple dwelling, Chief Simms has asked you, the lieutenant of the FAST Unit, which of the following strategies might be appropriate should this fire turn into a wind impacted fire. You informed him that all of the strategies list below should help in extinguishment except: (1.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.4)
a. Flanking strategy
b. Wind control devices (Fire Blanket or KO Curtain)
c. Two 2 ½” handlines advancing together
d. Outside streams including the High Rise Nozzle (HRN)
- C
- Lieutenant Brown of Ladder Company 333 has transmitted a 10-77 for a fire in a High Rise Multiple dwelling. Upon arriving at the 10th floor he determines that the severe smoke and heat condition in the public hallway is being caused by a wind driven fire, and the door to the fire apartment has been left open. Ladder 333 is the first ladder company assigned. The lieutenant was most correct when he performed which action? (5.1a)
a. Advanced with one member of the inside team and attempted to close the door to the fire apartment
b. Notified the Incident Commander that this is a wind impacted fire and waited until a charged 2 ½” handline was in place for protection prior to advancing into the fire apartment
c. Immediately ensured that members of the unit exited the public hall and notified the Engine officer and IC of conditions
d. Ensured that the door to the stairwell was opened intermittently to create a flow path, thus relieving the hallway of smoke and heat
- C
- You are the officer of the first due Ladder Company operating on the 20th floor of a wind impacted fire in a fireproof multiple dwelling where the apartment door has been left open and conditions on the fire floor are untenable. You have just heard via handi talkie that a window blanket has been successfully deployed over the apartment window of the fire area. Prior to leaving the stairwell where your unit has deployed, you would expect all of the following to occur with the exception of: (5.1e)
a. Approval to enter the public hallway from the stairwell must come only from the I/C in charge of the fire
b. Only the ladder officer and one member of the F/E team shall enter the public hallway to locate and gain control of the fire apartment door
c. The other member of the interior team shall remain at the attack stairwell door on the hallway side of the door to ensure that the door remains closed and act as a beacon should members need to evacuate the hallway
d. Once the ladder officer gains control of the apartment door, the engine company shall advance the charged hoseline to the fire apartment door.
- A
- Prior to entering the fire apartment to extinguish the main body of fire, the engine company officer should contact the roof firefighter or another member operating in the apartment above the fire and request which piece/s of information? Indicate all that are correct. (5.1e pg. 9)
a. Description of the fire apartment
b. Location of the main body of fire
c. Most direct route to the fire
d. Number of lengths of hose required to reach the main body of fire
- A, B, C
memorize these three
- On an extremely windy night Engine Company 22 transmits Signal 10-77 for a confirmed fire on the 28th floor of a fireproof high rise MD. Upon arriving on the fire floor, the door to the apartment is found to be closed, window failure has not occurred, and the roof firefighter has informed you that the wind is blowing strongly against the fire side of the building. In regard to the first handline, it would be correct to state? (5.3)
a. It should not be advanced into the public hallway from the stairwell without approval of the Incident Commander
b. The Ladder Company officer should enter the fire apartment with one member of the F/E team, prior to entry of the first handline, to locate the main body of fire. The door should remain in the open position when utilizing this tactic.
c. The door to the fire apartment should be chocked open prior to advancing the hoseline into the fire area
d. The hoseline should be advanced to the location of the closed door and charged
- D
- The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) has begun installing electromagnetic locking devices on the main lobby entrance doors to their buildings. These doors are opened with a Frequency Operated Button (FOB). An incorrect statement concerning these FOB’s can be found in which choice? (Add. 4, sec. 1.1-1.4)
a. When the FOB key is placed by the reader on the door frame, an audible buzz emitted for 7-9 seconds will indicate the door is ready to open
b. FOB keys have been issued to all FDNY units
c. These doors can be unlocked remotely by NYCHA Security, should the FOB key fail to operate
d. Should the building lose electrical power these locks will not deactivate and the door will become unlocked
- D
- A senior firefighter explaining the characteristics of a Low Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling (LRFPMD) should be corrected by a fire tech student when he made the following statement in regard to these types of buildings? (FFP Multiple Dwellings sec. 7.2)
a. They vary in height, generally from 3 - 7 stories
b. Usually standpipe equipped
c. May contain one single or two remote stairways
d. Can be isolated or attached buildings, one building with two separate sections separated by fire doors on each floor. May contain one stairway or two remote stairways, either open or closed
- B
- You are a covering officer in Engine Company 290. Your unit has responded first due to a fire on the second floor of a three story Low Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling. Upon arriving on the fire floor the officer of the first to arrive Ladder Company has informed you that the fire apartment is approximately 10 feet from the stairwell door, the public hallway is approximately 150 feet long with apartments on either end, and there is only one stairwell in the building, non-standpipe equipped. In this situation, you would be correct to believe: (7.6)
a. An 1 ¾” handline may be stretched
b. Either 1 ¾” or 2 ½” hose can be stretched
c. 2 ½” must be stretched
d. 2 ½” hose shall be stretched unless of course the fire is minor
12, C
- The officer of the first ladder company to arrive at a fire in a Low Rise Fireproof M/D should be prepared to take some criticism if he/she were to believe which statement in regard to his/her duties at fires in this type of building? (7.7.1)
a. All ventilation on the fire floor shall be under the control of this officer
b. Proceed to the fire floor and notify the I/C if the stairs are open or enclosed. If there are two stairways, notify the I/C and engine officer of the attack stairway. Also notify the I/C and engine officer of smoke and heat conditions in the stairs and public hallways
c. If the door to the fire apartment has not been left open, locate and force entry.
d. If conditions allow, enter the apartment to search.
- A
fire apartment
This unit is responsible for the search and ventilation of the fire apartment. The officer of
this ladder company will initiate and control ventilation of the fire apartment. No other
company officer or firefighter should attempt any horizontal ventilation of this apartment
without the approval of the 1st ladder officer. This officer may decide that the fire may
best be extinguished without any horizontal exterior ventilation.
- Firefighters from Ladder Company 130 were discussing the duties of the first to arrive outside team (OV and Chauffeur) at LRFPMD fires. Which of the conclusions they arrived at require correcting? (7.7.2)
a. Conduct an outside survey. It is quicker to split the team and have each member survey half of the building
b. If the fire floor can be laddered, the OV/Chauffeur team shall VEIS from the exterior
c. If the building is isolated and has only one interior stair, the LCC will have to provide access to the roof for the roof firefighter
d. If no outside operations are possible the OV/Chauffeur team shall report directly to the apartment above the fire
- D
D. If no outside operations are possible, then the OV/Chauffeur team shall
proceed to the fire floor to team up with their officer and assist in the
search of the fire floor hallway and fire apartment. They should
communicate with their officer for specific tactical direction.
- Priority order of access for the first to arrive roof firefighter at LRFPMD’s is best found in which answer? (7.7.3)
a. Stairway in attached adjoining building, Aerial or Tower Ladder, An enclosed evacuation stairway
b. Aerial or Tower Ladder, Stairway in an attached adjoining building, An enclosed evacuation stairway
c. Stairway in an attached adjoining building, An enclosed evacuation stairway, Aerial or Tower Ladder
d. Aerial Ladder, Tower Ladder, Stairway in an attached adjoining building, An enclosed evacuation stairway
- C
- For a fire on the 3rd floor of a 5 story LRFPMD, the duties of the second ladder company to arrive include all of the following with which exception? (7.8.1, 7.8.2, 7.8.3)
a. The officer and F/E team report to the floor above the fire and gain access to the apartment directly above the fire
b. Because outside operations were warranted, the OV/Chauffeur team provided ventilation to the fire apartment, as directed by the first to arrive ladder company officer
c. If no outside operations are warranted, the OV/Chauffeur team proceeds to the floors above the fire to assist in the search
d. The roof firefighter brought a halligan hook, halligan tool, life saving rope and KO curtain to the roof to assist the first to arrive roof firefighter
- D
- The member responsible for bringing the KO curtain to the roof for a fire on the top floor of a Low Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling is the: (7.8.3C)
a. Second to arrive Roof F/F
b. First to arrive Roof F/F
c. Second to arrive OV firefighter
d. First to arrive Chauffeur
- A
1st due has the rope