Following a thaw after a heavy snowstorm, Lt. Costanza’s unit responded to numerous manhole and transformer emergencies throughout the upper west side of Manhattan. From the signals he transmitted, which one was incorrect? (1.1)
10-25 code 1. Manhole fire has extended from a conduit into a building
10-25 code 2. Smoke under pressure from one manhole, and has blown the cover off another
10-25 code 3. Smoke is seeping from a transformer vault
10-25 no code. A civilian stated there was loud bang from a manhole. There is no visible condition at the present time.
- C
2. A lieutenant operating at a smoke condition in a manhole would be correct to expect the utility company to immediately dispatch an emergency crew upon the transmittal of which code or codes? (1.3) a. 10-25 code 1 only b. 10-25 code 1 and code 2 c. 10-25 code 4 only d. 10-25 codes 1 and code 4
- D
While operating at a 10-25 code 3, a ladder company Captain had his unit perform the following actions. Which one was not entirely correct? (2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5)
The area was taped off, marking the danger area to civilians and FD personnel. Apparatus were kept clear of the area in a safe location
Electrical services in surrounding buildings were inspected. Carbon monoxide readings were monitored.
A vehicle on top of the manhole was moved by a member at the request its civilian owner
Precautionary hose lines were ordered stretched as necessary
- C
You are a Battalion Chief operating with a full assignment at a manhole emergency. It is your determination that this incident is well within the capability of a single unit. You decide to leave one engine company at the scene. Proper procedures for this situation are found in all but which choice? (2.6)
The unit may respond to all alarms leaving one member at the scene
The unit shall return to quarters leaving one member at the scene. Battalion Chiefs shall provide relief for the member.
When a member is left at the scene, the company officer shall at frequent intervals contact the dispatcher for re-notification of the utility company
If it is decided not to leave a unit at the scene, all units may be placed in service and the manhole protected with traffic cones and tape
- B
C. When a member is left at the scene, the company officer shall at frequent intervals
contact the dispatcher for re-notification of the utility company.
You are a operating with your unit at an alarm for an odor of gas from a manhole. Due to a fourth alarm in your borough, you are the only unit on the scene. There is a strong odor of natural gas emanating from a sewer manhole in the intersection near your apparatus. You order the round cover of the manhole removed by two members of your unit utilizing manhole hooks. Your actions at this incident were: (2.9, TB Emergencies 2 pg. 15)
Incorrect mainly because removal of a sewer manhole cover can only be performed with the approval of an on scene Chief officer
Correct, if removing the manhole cover will possibly alleviate a potentially explosive situation
Incorrect. Only square manhole covers may be removed by fire department members
Incorrect, under no circumstances are any manhole covers to be removed by FDNY personnel
- A
Engine Company 13 is operating at a fire in an electrical manhole. The fire is exposing on a vehicle parked approximately 3 feet from the manhole. There is no chief officer on the scene and the utility company has given a 30 minute ETA. They performed the following actions. In which one should they be corrected? (2.4)
A hoseline was stretched and kept outside of the taped off danger area.
The handline was carefully operated to protect the automobile, insuring that no water entered the manhole
Upon the arrival and request of the utility company, the handline was operated into the manhole by having water flow into the manhole from the street.
A solid stream tip was utilized to reduce and prevent any shock hazard
- D
Four firefighters desiring to become lieutenants were discussing FDNY procedures for fires/emergencies in transformer vaults. These students would be correct to believe: (3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
The greatest hazard encountered at fires/emergencies in transformer vaults is the amount of toxic PCB’s contained within.
Full use of personal protective equipment and SCBA is mandatory, even in a light smoke condition
The New York City Fire Department considers only those transformers with greater than 49 ppm (parts per million) to be PCB transformers
Sub surface transformers convert primary voltage (27,000 volts) to secondary voltage (120 volts). Although both are dangerous only the primary voltage can cause fatal injury.
- B
The transformers convert primary voltage (27,000 Volts) to secondary voltage
(120 Volts) for use by CON EDISON customers. Either of these voltages can
cause fatal injury if not handled properly.
An engine and ladder company arrive together at a below grade transformer emergency in Greenwich Village. There is a heavy smoke condition from an open transformer vault in the street and witnesses are informing you, the Ladder Company Captain that there may be a civilian in the transformer vault itself. In this situation you would be incorrect to believe? (Ref. #1 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 AUC 266 6.4.2)
No member is to enter the vault until Con Edison has made an examination
The Incident Commander will make the determination that the vault is safe for entry by FD personnel
When authorization is given to enter the vault a cursory search of the vault shall be performed
Deactivation of transformers shall be performed only by Con Edison personnel or engineering personnel familiar with the procedure. No member of this department shall attempt deactivation by direction or upon instruction of engineering personnel
- B
Con Edison has installed a dedicated telephone number for use by Chief Officers to call the Shift manager at the Borough Electric Control Centers in certain situations. A Chief Officer should not however, make a phone call to the Con Edison Shift manager at the Electrical Control Center at which type of incident? (Add. 1 2.1, 4.1)
Heavy smoke from an electrical manhole, dangerously high levels of CO in surrounding occupancies
Transformer vault fire, fire conditions much more sever than originally reported
Fire inside an unmanned Con Edison Substation
Manhole fire, additional manholes showing signs of activity
- C
The FDNY has adapted a Modified Response Policy in order to increase responder and civilian safety by reducing accident exposure while still providing a high level of service to the public. In regard to the Modified Response Program, it would be correct to state: (2.1, 2.2, 4.2)
It is in use in all boroughs except Manhattan
A lieutenant can cancel a modified response
When responding in 10-20 response mode units are to observe all traffic regulations. No warning devices other than emergency lights are to be used.
In quarters housing an engine and ladder company, when responding together, both units shall respond in emergency mode if assigned first due to a BARS alarm
- B
When a single unit responding to a Group 1 call type receives additional information, or
the dispatcher fills out assignment, the officer or assigned battalion chief may direct an
emergency response, if warranted. Dispatcher shall announce that the 10-20 response is
cancelled and that all units shall respond in the emergency mode
2. The modified response Program classifies alarms as either Group 1 or Group 2. An example of a Group 1 alarm can be found in choice: (2.1) a. Class 3 all hours b. ERS no contact from 2300 – 0800 c. Class J from 0700 – 1900 d. Manhole emergencies
- B
3. As per the modified response program, the only alarm which all units assigned may respond in emergency mode can be found in which choice? (2.2) a. Sprinkler activation b. Odor of smoke c. BARS alarms d. Class J 1900 – 0700 Box assignment
- B
4. Which of the following responses should be conducted as a modified response? (2.1) a. Lock in with food on the stove b. Tree down on a car c. ERS no contact at 1400 hours d. Salvage truck to a 10-75
- D
Gypsum roof decking systems are commonly found supported by trusses of wood or metal. From a firefighting operational standpoint, the main drawback of a gypsum roof deck is: (3.2)
Its vulnerability to moisture
Its truss support system
It is an unstable platform prone to early collapse
Its heavy weight (gypsum plank approx. 135 lbs but may vary, gypsum concrete approx. 17.5 lbs. per sq.ft.)
- A
You are a lieutenant in an engine company. Your unit is performing afternoon BISP in a taxpayer building. The building has a roof which is comprised of gypsum concrete supported by unprotected lightweight open web steel joists. In regard to this building, it would be incorrect to state which of the following?
This roof shall not be cut
Members should not be committed to roof operations
An exterior attack is to be utilized
A watertight roofing material is applied to the gypsum concrete after it sets
- C
You are the roof firefighter cutting a roof at a one story commercial building. As you make the initial cut, you notice a white powdery residue being thrown from the saw blade. In this situation you would be correct if you were to: (3.2.4)
Make an immediate notification to your company officer and proceed to evacuate the roof
Notify your company officer and operate from an area of safety
Continue cutting the roof until the vent hole is completed and pushed down, then proceed to abandon the roof
Notify the Incident Commander immediately and evacuate the roof
- D
From the following taxpayer related definitions, choose the one that is not correct. (Glossary)
A parapet is that portion of a wall which continues above the roof line.
A marquee is a permanent hood which projects over an entrance to a building and is supported by neither posts nor columns
Corbelling is a course of brick built out from the face of a wall, as steps in reverse
Cantilevered structural members are vertical and supported on two ends
- D
The term taxpayer is not defined or recognized in the building code. It is commonly taken to mean a business structure of one or two stories in height of Class 3 construction. In regard to taxpayer type buildings, it would be incorrect to state: (2.1, 2.2)
The term originally referred to the practice of real estate investors, who while holding land for speculation, resorted to minimal investment in construction to produce income and offset the cost of taxes
Their areas may vary from 20’ x 50’ to areas of whole city blocks
Taxpayer type buildings were usually constructed with cheap flimsy construction and little or no fire retarding features
These buildings are usually multi structures built side by side with substantial fire resistive partitions and fire stopping in the cockloft
- D
There are three broad categories of taxpayers. From the three, choose the statement that contains incorrect information. (2.3, 3.13)
The older type of taxpayer was built from the turn of the century until the 1920’s. Features of this type of taxpayer may include tin ceilings nailed directly to the beams or furring strips, decorative metal cornices through which fire can spread, and wooden beams girders and columns.
The most prevalent type, built from the 1920’s into the 1960’s. Usually larger than the old style taxpayers, they may contain supermarkets, bowling alleys and restaurants. In most cases, removing the cornice or sign will not provide access to the cockloft.
The newer type of taxpayers built since the 1960’s contain the same type of occupancies with similar structural features. The difference in these buildings is the use of larger wooden structural members to support the floor and roof.
The newer type of construction is much better than the traditional or older type from a fire protection standpoint.
- C
3.13.1 The new type of construction (supermarkets, etc.) is much better than the
traditional or older type from a fire protection view point.
3.13.2 Many of the newer type taxpayers are built on a concrete slab foundation, which
removes a major problem of cellar and basement fires. The partition walls are
usually better constructed due to the use of the steel and aluminum stud system
which employs gypsum blocks and sheathing as a bearing or nonbearing wall
3.13.3 The roof system will remain a major fire fighting factor because, for the most
part, the roofs are constructed of “Bar Joists,” light weight steel or flat wood
trusses. These features, and how they behave under fire conditions, have been
covered under “Truss Roofs,” Section 3.3.3. (See Figs. 5 & 10).
The officer of Ladder Company 173 is operating at a restaurant fire in a taxpayer. CIDS information has informed the officer that the occupancy that his unit is operating in has a mezzanine. Concerning the mezzanine, the officer should consider all of the following with which exception? (2.4)
Access to the mezzanine is generally via a small wooden stair or ladder. Very seldom will there be another means of access.
The height of the ceilings in the mezzanine and the area below is generally above average
The majority of mezzanines will not be enclosed and there will be a railing at the edge
Mezzanines can be found in all areas of the building (front, rear, sides). Many were added after the original construction date and may be constructed of lighter load bearing components
- B
5. While on BISP, a firefighter under your command has asked you whether the taxpayer building your unit is inspecting is required to have sprinkler protection. The building card you are holding states that the building was erected under the 1968 building code. You told the firefighter that the sprinkler protection is required if the building exceeds how many square feet? (2.5.1) a. 7,500 b. 6,500 c. 5,000 d. 1,000
- A
Rules for sprinkler protection:
1938 Code Area exceeding 10,000 square feet.
1968 Code Area exceeding 7,500 square feet.
2008 Code-Group M-Mercantile FULL BUILDING-Area exceeding 12,000
square feet OR the combined area on all
floors including mezzanines exceeds 24,000
square feet. (BC 903.2.6)
Storage of merchandise is in high-piled racks
or rack storage arrays (BC 903.2.6.1)
exceeding 7,500 square feet OR area of any
size is located 3 stories above grade OR area
of any size is located in a High Rise building
OR area of any size contains an unenclosed
stair or escalator connecting two or more
floors. (BC 903.2.6.2
6. Firefighters in a study group from the borough of Brooklyn were studying the construction features of taxpayer buildings. They would be correct to believe that the most common type of roof on taxpayers can be found in which choice? (3.3.1) a. The inverted, raised or reversed roof b. Wood joists covered with either tongue and groove boards or plywood c. Bowstring truss d. Unprotected open web steel joists roof
- B
Many taxpayers built both past and present utilize truss construction to support the roof. Trusses are used where large areas free of roof support columns are desired. A Captain ordered by the Incident Commander to supervise roof operations at a taxpayer fire would know which piece of information to be incorrect? (3.3.3)
All trusses are comprised of two major members called chords (top and bottom) and webs. The webs tie the top chord to the bottom chord.
Because of the redundancy built into the truss by the webs, the failure of smaller truss elements will not cause a complete failure of the entire truss.
The wooden bow string truss is easily recognizable by its characteristic hump like profile. The longer the span, the higher the bow.
Steel open web joists found in modern construction have no fire resistance rating and may collapse after only 5 or 10 minutes.
- B
Exterior bearing walls in taxpayers are constructed of brick, stone, concrete block and mortar. Differential thermal expansion may cause these walls to bulge. Other correct statements concerning taxpayer walls can be found in all but which choice? (3.4)
Brick walls usually crumble or break as they fall, but large sections can be projected a good distance due to the impact as the wall hits the ground
The parapet walls are required to be supported laterally if they extend for long distances above two or more stores. They also receive support at the ends where they tie into crosswalls
The stability of masonry walls is very much dependent on the integrity of the roof, which acts as a monolithic brace which ties the walls together. In effect the roof is holding up the walls by supplying lateral support
Stone or brick walls may spall due to heat or subsequent stream application, thereby reducing the effective load bearing area of the wall
- B
Officers in the FDNY must be aware of the characteristics of steel “I” beams and how they will affect firefighting operations. An officer would be incorrect if she were to believe which choice in regard to steel “I” beams? (3.6)
An average 50 foot long steel beam heated uniformly over its length to 970 degrees will extend approximately 4 inches. A longer “I” beam will expand a proportionately greater distance and as the temperature increases, the rate of expansion increases.
At 1000 – 1500 degrees F the yield strength of steel drops dramatically and it may soften or fail. This can occur in five to ten minutes at an uncontrolled fire.
Cooling steel “I” beams or columns with hose streams will cause them to crack or fail.
A large heavy “I” beam will be able to absorb more heat and its temperature rise more slowly than a thin lightweight beam.
- C
Two firefighters from a Bronx engine company were advancing a hoseline into the basement at taxpayer fire. As they were making the push towards the main body of fire, the lieutenant heard them make the following statements. He ordered the line shut down and corrected them in which one? (3.6.4, 3.7)
Cast iron columns are unpredictable and have been known to fail in 30 minutes during fire endurance tests.
The failure of a column is generally more serious than the failure of a girder or beam.
The failure of a column in the cellar will usually not cause a subsequent collapse of the floors and roof
When cooling structural steel members firefighters should not be allowed in the collapse zone. Cooled beams will contract to their original size and this shortening may pull the ends of such beams off their supports or twist the beams causing them to drop.
- C
Firefighters from Engine Company 16 and Ladder Company 7 are operating at a taxpayer fire. The fire has been located in the suspended ceiling of a nail salon. In regard to suspended ceilings in taxpayers, it would be incorrect to state: (3.8)
When initially pulling suspended ceilings, members should be in a safe area in case of total failure.
As many as two or three ceilings may be found in a particular store.
Suspended ceilings should be punched with a hook for water detection, fire conditions, and to check construction
Suspended ceilings constructed of wire lathe, plaster or tin often fail and fall section by section, rather than all at once
- D
Fighting a fire in the cellar of a taxpayer can be a long an arduous operation. While responding to an alarm for a fire reported in the cellar of a taxpayer, an officer would be incorrect to believe which choice? (3.9, 3.10)
In the older type taxpayers, the flooring under the first floor may not be extended under the raised front window display area. Paneling can be removed for ventilation and water application.
In the newer type taxpayer slab construction and concrete floors are prevalent with no basements or cellars in the building
Do not expect the layout of the cellar to conform to the layout of the stores above
Terrazzo floors are a tremendous asset to units operating above the fire as the terrazzo flooring will confine the fire to the cellar.
- D
3.9.2 Heavy terrazzo or concrete is sometimes placed over wood joist floor
construction, an exceptionally hazardous condition. A fire in the cellar may
weaken floor supports with little evidence of heat conditions on the first floor.
These floors are difficult to ventilate to allow early advance of cellar lines or use
of cellar pipes and distributors. Sudden failure due to weight on the floor is
Ladder Company 109 and Engine Company 241 arrive first due to a taxpayer fire. Heavy smoke is pushing protected by metal roll down security doors. Incorrect statements concerning these types of security doors can be found in which choice? (3.11)
The weight that is added to the front walls, especially when the doors are in the open position can cause the lintel over the store front to fail and the wall and door assembly to fail during the fire.
It is common to find numerous case hardened padlocks securing these doors. They must be cut with a power saw or torch.
The bottom of these doors may rest on the sidewalk entrance doors to the cellar causing a delay in operations.
The motor hoist will usually prevent the door from coming down hard once it starts down, after a loss of spring tension
- D
Structural collapse is always a major concern during any fire, but particularly during a fire in a taxpayer. From the following indicate the one choice which is not a cause of collapse at a taxpayer fire. (4.2.1 D)
Backdrafts blowing out walls or floor
Weakened and burned out structural members
Walls leaking smoke or water
Accumulation of a large volume of water on a floor or in a ceiling
- C
15. A backdraft, smoke explosion, or a hot air explosion is the ignition and rapid combustion of a mixture of flammable gas or dust and air which flashes back through the openings around the fire area. In a typical backdraft, the one element which is missing just prior to ignition is: (4.4.1 F) a. High heat condition b. Combustible gasses c. Air or oxygen d. Highly heated contents
- C
You are an Acting Battalion Chief working a 6x9 tour in Staten Island. It is 4 a.m. and you have just arrived with units from your battalion at a taxpayer fire with smoke pushing under pressure from the roll down gates. It is your belief that there is a definite possibility of a backdraft occurring at this fire. The most effective order for you to issue at this fire can be found in which answer? (4.4.1 K, L)
Immediately begin forcible entry on the roll down gates in order not to delay the initial attack on the fire.
Order the roll down gates cut with a carbide tipped blade. After the gates are removed, order the windows vented utilizing 12 foot hooks from a side or flanking position. Attack the fire from flanking positions until it has darkened down.
Withhold the initial street level attack until the roof firefighter notifies you that there is a sufficient hole cut in the roof and it has been pushed down.
Order forcible entry to begin immediately, and simultaneously have the roof firefighter cut a sufficient hole in the roof.
- C
As fire develops in a taxpayer, the heat smoke and gasses generated will spread horizontally and vertically throughout the entire structure. In regard to fire travel in taxpayers, the only accurate statement can be found in which choice? (5.3.3)
In most cases the high portion of the cockloft is in the rear of the building
If fire enters the cockloft in the rear of the building, the fire problem is usually less severe than if it had entered the cockloft in front
Most taxpayer fires originate in the rear of the first floor where service areas, storage and utilities are generally found
The standard or flat rood usually has little or no pitch. The configuration of the building and the position of the drainage facilities will usually determine its pitch
- C
Under which condition MUST a roof sector supervisor be assigned by the Incident Commander at a taxpayer fire? (5.4.12, 5.5.20)
More than one power saw operating on the roof
One saw and four members on the roof
Anytime a hole is being cut on a taxpayer roof
Four or more members on the roof
- A
19. You are the first due BC to arrive at a fire in a taxpayer. The fire is in the cockloft, you have just transmitted the all hands, and it appears that cutting the roof will be critical to the management of this fire. Which member or members should you assign as the roof sector supervisor? (Choose all that apply. 5.4.14) a. Special Called Chief Officer b. 4th due engine officer c. All hands chief d. 2nd due truck officer
- A
A fire in a taxpayer generally involves cutting a hole in the roof. The Captain of a Brooklyn ladder company would be incorrect if he were to issue which order to his roof fighter at a taxpayer fire? (5.5.6, 5.5.9, 5.5.16, 5.5.27)
Order the hole on the roof to be 8’ x 8’ in size
Insure that the smaller 4’ x 4’ segment of the roof cut pulled prior to completing the entire cut. This will insure ventilation and avoid a backdraft in the cockloft or occupancy below.
Have the roof firefighter cut on the windward side of the cut to insure the quickest and most effective cutting
Roof cuts should be made in one operation and lifted in one piece. All obstructions below the cut should be removed or opened by pushing down from the roof through these openings
- B
You are a ladder company Captain arriving who has just reported in to the command post at a third alarm fire in the cellar of a taxpayer. The IC has ordered your unit to cut a ventilation hole in the first floor of the fire occupancy. Your well trained unit knows all of the following to be correct when cutting taxpayer floors? (5.5.22, 5.5.23)
The floor should always be cut directly over the main body of fire
For safety purposes floor cuts should be made away from storefront windows
All floor cuts must be covered by hose lines
Floor cuts should be made near the main aisle
- C
You are a Battalion Chief supervising operations at a fire in an occupied automobile dealership with a bowstring truss roof. You have received a report from the first ladder company to arrive that the fire is on the first floor of this one story structure and has not extended into the truss. Choose the correct answer in regard to roof ventilation at taxpayer fires with bowstring truss roofs. (5.5.25)
Roofs of bowstring truss construction should not be ventilated from the roof
Members should never be committed to the roof ventilation at this type of construction
All interior forces should be withdrawn immediately and an exterior operation should be started
In determining whether or not to commit members to roof ventilation, the IC must consider the location of the fire, extent duration and intensity.
- D
Note: Under no circumstances shall any member operate on the roof
of any building involved in a content or structural fire with a
wooden, metal or combination bowstring truss design
Ladder Company 20 arrives second for a fire in a taxpayer. CIDS Information has indicated that the roof of this building is supported by lightweight open web steel joists. The officer of this company should realize which is true in regard to this type of roof system? (5.5.26)
Roofs with this type of roof system are not to be cut
Members may not operate on this roof
Vertical ventilation of this type of roof system is not to be attempted.
The most common roof decking used with this type of support is the gypsum concrete roof deck.
- A
You are a covering lieutenant working a day tour in the Bronx. The Incident Commander has ordered you to supervise roof operations at a taxpayer cellar fire. The fire is doubtful and you fear it may extend into the cockloft. You order personnel operating on the roof to begin a trench cut. Your actions were: (5.6)
Incorrect. Only a Chief officer may order a trench to be cut
Correct, as long as the trench is at least two feet wide
Correct, if you immediately notify the Incident Commander
Incorrect, trenching is not to be used at a taxpayer fire
- C
5.6.4 The Roof Sector Supervisor can start a trench cut where he/she sees the necessity
for it. Immediate notification to the Incident Commander of the operation is
Battalion Chiefs as well as company officers would be correct to transmit a second alarm for a fire in a taxpayer in all but which of the following circumstances? (5.7.4)
Advanced fire in a store, two lines stretched and operating
Store fire, extension into the cockloft
Cockloft fire with extension into one adjoining occupancy
Advanced fire in the cellar
- A
26. The four components of the standard attack on a taxpayer fire are listed below: 1. Ventilate 2. Pull Ceilings 3. Operate hose lines and extinguish fire 4. Force entry The correct order they should be implemented in is found in which choice? (6.6) a. 4, 3, 2, 1 b. 4, 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 4, 3, 2 d. 4, 1, 3, 2
- B
While responding to an alarm, the three members on the backstep of Engine Company 283 made the following four statements concerning general tactics for engine companies at taxpayer fires. In which one should their lieutenant correct them? (7.1)
The initial hand line for medium or heavy fire conditions must be 2 ½”. 1 ¾” line may be used in exposures when compatible with fire conditions.
If fire is travelling rapidly along a row of stores, it may be best to skip stores involved and stretch lines into alternate stores ahead of the fire
When a building is sprinklered the initial line should supply the sprinkler system
The engine company officer shall announce via handie talkie when the initial hose line attack is to commence.
- C
You are an engine company lieutenant critiquing a taxpayer fire with your unit. The fire occurred in the cellar of a large liquor store, and there was an open interior stair to the cellar. The following specific tactics were employed at this fire. Which one required correcting? (7.2.2)
The first engine to arrive stretched a 2 ½” hose line to the top of the cellar stairs. The line was flaked out, charged and all kinks removed prior to advancing down the stairs to the fire.
The second hoseline was stretched to the top of the cellar stairs to protect members in the cellar and prevent the upward extension of fire
The officer of the first line monitored heat conditions in the cellar while it was being advanced in the cellar
If units are unable to stretch a line into the cellar via the interior stairs, flood the first floor with a Stang nozzle or tower ladder pipe
- D
Engine Company 11, Engine 12, and Engine 13 are assigned first, second, and third due respectively for a fire in the cellar of a taxpayer. All units are staffed with four firefighters and the building has a sprinkler system which only serves the cellar. Which engine company’s performance should be criticized by the Incident Commander after the fire is extinguished? (7.2.3)
Engine Company 11 stretched the first handline into the occupancy above the fire. If staffing and conditions permit, they can stretch a second line to feed the sprinkler Siamese
Engine Company 12 fed the Siamese connection to the sprinkler system because Engine 11 was unable to do so. They then assisted Engine 11 in stretching the first handline.
Engine Company 13 stretched the second handline into the most seriously exposed occupancy.
Additional engine companies were used to supply heavy caliber appliances, reinforce lines already in operation, and to cover any additional stores
- C
Units from Battalion 47 are operating at a store fire in a taxpayer (tanning salon occupancy) on a Friday at 2 PM in the month of April. A correct action that should be performed at this fire can be found in which choice? (7.3.1)
The first handline should be stretched into the involved store. The second handline should be stretched to the most serious life exposure.
The first two handlines were stretched through the storefront windows, leaving the exit doors free for the occupants to use.
The first handline was stretched through the front door and positioned between the occupants and the fire
The first handline was stretched to the most serious life exposure. The second handline was stretched to the tanning salon
- B
B. Second engine company: - Assist first engine with initial line. In a
building protected by a sprinkler system, when first engine has not
supplied it and staffing and conditions permit, a second line shall be
stretched to feed this system. After supplying the sprinkler system, when
staffing and conditions permit, stretch a line to backup first engine
company’s line which may be used for any of the following:
1. To control the first floor if the first engine company has advanced
into the cellar via the interior cellar entrance.
2. Serve as a backup or protection line for the first engine company.
3. Stretch into the cellar via the interior stairs or the outside entrance
if the first unit’s line has to control the first floor.
4. To employ the use of cellar pipes or distributors over the fire.
C. Third engine company: - Ensure sprinkler system is supplied. When
second engine is assisting with first line, stretch a second line which may
be used as in section B, subsections 1 through 4 above.
Store and cockloft fires utilize a similar approach for engine companies arriving on the initial alarm. When arriving first for a confirmed fire in the cockloft of a taxpayer, an engine company Captain should consider all of the following with which exception? (7.3.5)
Because water is critical at cockloft fires in a taxpayer, the first engine to arrive must be positioned on an operating hydrant
Stretch a line into the store involved to protect life and extinguish the fire
Supply the sprinkler system if staffing and conditions permit
If fire has control of the cockloft and the need for exposure protection is critical, stretch a handline into the most seriously exposed occupancy/building.
- A
B. Cockloft Fires
First engine company: - When fire has control of the cockloft and the
need for exposure protection is critical, position the engine to utilize the
deckpipe. In-line pumping will give good positioning and allow room for
placement of a tower ladder.
1. Stretch a handline into the most seriously exposed
occupancy/building, depending on life hazard and the location and
severity of the fire.
2. Refer to Section 7.1.2 and 7.1.4 for hose sizes and operating
3. When exposures are not an immediate problem, then the first line
should be stretched into the store under the main body of fire and
operated to extinguish the fire.
Engine Company 332 has arrived second for a store fire in a taxpayer. There is a heavy volume of fire in the store and fire is being reported in the cockloft of exposure “02” and “02A”. Correct duties of the second due Engine Company are listed below in all but which choice? (7.3.5)
Assist the first engine company with the initial handline
Insure the sprinkler system is supplied
If staffing and conditions permit, stretch a second line to backup the first engine
If fire has control of the cockloft and exposure protection is critical, assist the first engine company with the first line. If staffing and conditions permit stretch a second line into another seriously exposed building/occupancy and operate into the cockloft to extinguish or confine the fire.
- B
Four firefighters from an upper Manhattan ladder company were discussing general tactics for ladder companies at taxpayer fires. Their lieutenant should correct them in which statement? (8.1)
Where a backdraft potential exists, the show windows should be broken utilizing 10 and 12 foot hooks from a flanking position
Roof access is never permitted from the interior of the building
When a ladder company is forcing security gates and doors, it may be preferable to continue down a row of stores opening all deemed necessary.
Officers of aerial ladders should order their LCC’s to leave room for a tower ladder in front of the building
- A
Captain Picard is reviewing ladder company tactics at cellar fires in a taxpayer. Because the Captain is a seasoned officer, she did not include which statement in her review? (8.2.1)
Suspect a cellar fire if there is smoke showing in many stores, a high heat condition, and no visible fire on the first floor
Two mask equipped members must be dispatched to the cellar when shutting down utilities
Extension of a cellar fire into the cockloft via partitions , pipe recesses and ducts must be checked as soon as the fire has been declared probably will hold
First floor fires may be extensions of cellar fires. First floor fires may drop down and start fires in the cellar.
- C
Tower Ladder 155 is operating at a one story taxpayer cellar fire. They are assigned and arrive first due. The officer would be correct to expect all of the following to occur at this fire with which exception? (8.2.2)
The LCC positioned the tower ladder in front of the building
The LCC then joined the forcible entry team in the store occupancy above the fire
The roof firefighter raised and took the tower ladder basket to the roof.
The outside vent firefighter checked the rear and sides of the building for access, provided ventilation at the rear for the cellar and store above the fire. The OV waited to team up with the 2nd ladder company OV (or another member) prior to entering the rear of the building.
- C
Ladder Company 197, an aerial ladder, arrives second due for a cellar fire in a one story taxpayer. The chief in charge of the fire should have a serious talk with the captain of this unit after the fire, because the only member in the correct position or operating correctly can be found in which choice? (8.2.2B)
The forcible entry team is operating on the floor above the fire, in the fire occupancy.
The roof firefighter took the aerial ladder to the roof
The outside vent firefighter teamed up with the first to arrive OV and entered the rear of the fire occupancy to search
The Chauffeur positioned the apparatus away from the immediate fire building/occupancy, and then immediately to the roof.
- C
You are a ladder company lieutenant. The aerial ladder you are assigned to is responding first due to a store fire in a restaurant in a row of taxpayer occupancies. The fire has been confined to the kitchen area with minor extension to the cockloft. All of your members performed satisfactorily at this fire, but one member’s position or actions required some correction. That member was? ( 8.3.3)
The forcible entry team removed the show windows of the restaurant after a charged line was in position and after receiving orders from the incident commander.
The chauffeur, after properly positioning her apparatus, proceeded to the roof
The roof firefighter placed a portable ladder to the roof. This member carried a saw and halligan tool to the roof.
The outside vent person checked the rear of the building for access.
- C
- Roof Firefighter
a. Place a portable ladder to the roof.
b. Take the portable saw to the roof and provide ventilation.
Depending on conditions and the time of fire, the saw may
initially be required by the forcible entry team.
c. Monitor the roof and report changing conditions to the
Incident Commander of the fire
38. You are a lieutenant in the second tower ladder to arrive to a fire in a 150’ x 100’ taxpayer. The battalion Chief has ordered you to place your tower ladder into operation. The building does not front on two streets, and a tower ladder is already operating on the front of the building. You should order your LCC to place the tower ladder on which side of the building as needed. (8.3.3) a. Exposure 2 b. Most serious exposure c. Long side of the building d. Exposure 3
- C
Duties of the second ladder company to arrive for a fire in the cockloft of a taxpayer can be properly found in all but which choice? (8.3.3B)
The LCC, if not ordered elsewhere and after properly positioning the apparatus joined the forcible entry team
The forcible entry team forced entry and operated in adjacent stores
The outside vent firefighter proceeded immediately to the roof
The roof firefighter raised a second portable ladder to the roof. He took the saw to the roof to assist with ventilation.
- C
- Outside Vent Firefighter (OV)
a. Team up with the 1st ladder OV and operate as per section - 3.3 A 3.
b. Proceed to the roof or other position as directed
Tool assignments at taxpayer fires can vary from the normal at times. All of the following firefighters in the choices below are operating at a taxpayer fire in the Bronx. The member who is not carrying the correct complement of tools can be found in choice: (8.4.3)
The second due forcible entry firefighter is carrying an axe and halligan tool
The first to arrive roof firefighter at a cockloft fire is carrying a saw and hook
The second outside vent person to arrive carried a hook and maul to the rear
The can (1st due) firefighter brought a can and hook to the fire door
- C
B. Member to the rear (Outside Vent Firefighter)
1. Remember what the objective is: access, force entry, search and
2. Obstructions which may be encountered in the rear are doors
sealed with wood or metal and bricked up windows. The tools
taken must be commensurate with goals. The maul and halligan
are required. A hook, pike head or flat head ax will be inadequate
in this situation
41. You are the second roof firefighter to arrive at a store fire in a taxpayer. There is no extension into the cockloft. The tools you brought with you to the roof are best found in which choice? (8.4.3C) a. Saw and hook b. Saw and axe c. Axe and iron d. Hook and halligan
- B
C. Roof Firefighter
When the member going to the roof is carrying the saw, a hook must also
be taken. Members going to the roof subsequently should bring an ax or
iron with the saw if available. Tarred over scuttles and skylights can be
removed, and a full complement of tools will be available for use. Engine
company personnel may use these if truck company members are at a
Ladder Company 131 has just reported in to the command post at a third alarm fire on the second floor of a two story taxpayer. Prior to leaving quarters, their lieutenant informed the members that which tools should be brought to the fire building? (8.4.4)
10 and 12 foot hooks only
Normal complement of tools only
Leave one of their normal tools on the apparatus and replace it with either a 10 or 12 foot hook
Normal complement of tools and 10 and 12 foot hooks
- D
8.4.4 Taxpayer operations necessitate the use of hooks (10, 12 and 15 foot sizes). Their
use must be anticipated. Truck companies, other than first or second arriving on
the initial alarm, should report in with their 10 and 12 foot hooks besides their
normal tool complement. The hooks will be used by them or other personnel on
the scene
Firefighting tactics in two story taxpayers are similar to the tactics used in one story taxpayers with added emphasis in certain areas. An incorrect statement in regard to two story taxpayer tactics can be found in which choice? (9.1, 9.2)
If the fire is on the first floor completely ladder the second floor utilizing portable ladders.
If the fire is on the second floor the forcible entry team should utilize portable ladders to access the second floor
A fire originating on the second floor of a two story taxpayer may be treated as a fire originating on the first floor of a one story taxpayer
If the second floor occupancy has a large unobstructed area, expect the ceiling beams to span greater distances, the cockloft to be deeper, and the ceilings to be higher. 10 foot hooks or greater may have to be utilized.
- B
9. 2.2 The forcible entry team should use the stairway to the second floor.
A taxpayer operation presents a complex and difficult operation. A safe operation is dependent upon communication and caution. Probably the single most important factor in dealing successfully with a taxpayer fire is: (11.2)
Knowledge of construction features
Opening the roof prior to forcible entry at ground level
A continuous flow of good information between Company Officers and the Incident Commander
Both Engine and Ladder Companies utilizing a coordinated attack predicated upon established tactics and procedures.
- A
11.2 Knowledge of construction features is probably the single most important factor in
dealing successfully with these fires. Fire personnel should be involved in a continual
learning process in their areas of response to gain this knowledge.