1. Class “A” High Rise Multiple Dwellings present members of this department with some of
    the most challenging fires we face. From the following choose an incorrect choice in regard to
    fires at a high rise M/D: (6, 6.1)
    a. All extinguishment efforts will begin from one attack stairway
    b. Prior to the designation of an attack stairway, all members must access the fire floor from
    the same stairway
    c. If a second stairwell is required for attack and extinguishment it should not be the stairwell
    designated for evacuation
    d. The Incident Commander must notify the dispatcher and all members operating on the
    scene the letter designation of the stairwell being used for evacuation
  1. D


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  1. Thermal pane windows are commonly encountered in Class “A” Hi Rise multiple
    dwellings. An incorrect statement concerning these types of windows can be found in which
    answer? (6)
    a. They may be beneficial to operations, as they are not prone to early failure and may prevent
    auto exposure in the early stages of the fire
    b. They may cause the fire to darken down and smolder undetected, filling the fire area with
    fuel laden smoke
    c. These windows, in conjunction with the heat retaining characteristics of fireproof
    construction are an asset to first arriving units as they greatly limit the fires ability to expand
    d. When ventilation occurs, either naturally or mechanically, unpredictable results can occur
  1. C
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  1. Ventilation of a high rise multiple dwelling is critical to the safety of all members operating
    in the building. A lieutenant proceeding to the floor above the fire in this type of building would
    know that which choice given is correct in regard to ventilating this type of building?
    (6.1, 6.1.1, 6.1.2)
    a. The ladder company officer in the fire apartment is in charge of all ventilation on the fire
    b. The roof firefighter is in charge of roof ventilation when authorized by the roof sector
    c. The Incident Commander is in charge of all ventilation (horizontal and vertical) except for
    the fire apartment
    d. The evacuation stairway door is the only door that should be left open on the fire floor
  1. C
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  1. Members of Engine 205 and Ladder 118 are in the lobby of a high rise multiple dwelling at
    a 10-77. The building has two elevators, one of which is out of service. The fire is on the 7th
    floor. The incident commander ordered the members to utilize the stairwell in lieu of the elevator
    to access the fire floor, despite the outside temperature being 98 degrees. The I/C’s order was in
    this situation? (6.1.3B)
    a. Incorrect. Elevators may be utilized when the fire is above the 6th floor
    b. Correct. Stairs shall be used when the fire is on the seventh floor or below
    c. Correct, because in buildings with only one elevator, stairways must be used regardless of
    the fire floor for safety reasons
    d. Incorrect, the IC should have given the members a break due to the temperature
  1. B
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  1. You are the officer of the first to arrive Ladder Company at a fire on the 38th floor of a high
    rise M/D in the Bronx. The first due engine is on the scene and the building has only one
    operational elevator, fireman service equipped and in service. Your OV firefighter has informed
    you that outside operations are not possible at this fire. You should insure that which members
    are in the elevator prior to it leaving the lobby? (6.1.3F)
    a. Ladder Officer, Outside Vent Person, Forcible Entry F/F, Extinguisher F/F, Engine Officer,
    Nozzle F/F or Control F/F
    b. Ladder Officer, Can F/F, Forcible Entry F/F, Engine Officer, Nozzle F/F, Backup F/F
    c. Ladder Officer, Roof F/F, Extinguisher F/F, Engine Officer, Nozzle F/F, Control F/F
    d. Ladder Officer, Outside Vent Firefighter, Extinguisher F/F, Engine Officer, Nozzle F/F,
    Backup F/F
  1. A
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  1. Elevator doors to elevator machinery rooms at roof level should not be used for ventilation
    purposes until the fire is under control. (6.1.3)
    a. Agree or d. Disagree
  1. A
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  1. Wind is a major factor for smoke movement within a high rise multiple dwelling, causing
    even a small fire to increase to blowtorch proportions in a short time. Poor knowledge of wind
    and its affect on hi rise multiple dwellings is found in which choice? (6.1.1B, 6.1.4)
    a. Wind creates high pressure within the structure on the windward side of the building and
    low pressure on the leeward side due to leakage through openings in the building (windows,
    doors, etc.)
    b. The degree of internal pressure depends on the extent of the leakage
    c. Wind blowing across the roof will cause higher pressure to be created and decrease the
    positive stack effect in the building
    d. Air in the building moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure.
  1. C
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  1. You are the officer of the first to arrive Ladder Company at a fire in a luxury High Rise
    Multiple Dwelling in midtown Manhattan. From CIDS information, you know that the building’s
    elevators open directly into the occupants apartments on each floor. The fire is on the 8th floor of
    this 28 story building. In this situation you would be most correct if you were to perform which
    action? (6.1.3G)
    a. Take a fireman service elevator in the lobby to two floors below the fire and proceed via
    the stairs to the fire apartment
    b. Take the stairway to the eighth floor
    c. Utilize the service elevator to two floors below the fire and take the stairs to the eighth
    d. Access the fire apartment via the aerial ladder if it is within reach
  1. C
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  1. Firefighters form Ladder Company 86 are operating at a fire on the 22nd floor of a high rise
    M/D. The F/E firefighter made the following statements prior to operating. Which one should be
    corrected by his officer? (6.1.4)
    a. It is not usually necessary to force doors on the fire floor other than the fire apartment
    b. If it is decided to force an area of refuge, the apartment selected must be on the opposite
    side of the hallway from the fire apartment
    c. Generally, the only door requiring forcible entry on the floor above is the one immediately
    above the fire apartment
    d. When the main body of fire has been controlled, adjoining apartments can be forced for
    reasons such as high CO or severe smoke in the public hallway
  1. B
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  1. Engine Company 54 is assigned as the CFR Engine at a 10-77. The fire is on the 6th floor of
    a 21 story fireproof multiple dwelling. The officer of this unit should expect to be assigned
    where? (6.1.7)
    a. Fire sector
    b. Floor below the fire
    c. Lobby
    d. As assigned by the Incident Commander
  1. D
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  1. From the following, the one condition that requires the transmission of Signal 10-77 by the
    first arriving unit at a High Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwelling (HRFPMD) can be found in which
    choice? (6.1.6B, D)
    a. Smoke from a window
    b. Conditions cannot be determined on arrival
    c. Visible fire from the exterior
    d. Odor of smoke in the lobby
  1. C
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  1. Battalion Chief Rice is the fourth chief officer assigned on a 10-77 in the borough of
    Brooklyn. Prior to notification by the dispatcher via department radio, Chief Rice should know
    he will be assigned to which position? (6.1.6)
    a. T3 Planning Chief
    b. Safety Officer
    c. Resource Unit Leader
    d. Air Recon Chief
  1. B
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  1. Engine Company 331 is first to arrive at a HRFPMD fire on the 11th floor of a NYCHA
    project. Their officer knows that he is responsible to insure his unit performs all of the following
    with which exception? (6.2.1)
    a. Take the elevator to the floor below the reported fire floor using all precautions normally
    taken with elevators
    b. Team up with the second engine company to place a 2 ½” hoseline into operation
    c. Communicate with the ladder company officer to select the attack stairway. The attack
    stairway need not be the stairway with the standpipe outlet
    d. Insure that the first due control firefighter remains at the standpipe outlet throughout the
  1. A
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  1. Charging and advancing a handline in a HRFPMD under arduous conditions can be a
    challenging task for engine company personnel. Calm engine company firefighters would be
    incorrect to believe which choice? (6.2.1B,C, D)
    a. If the ladder company has control of the fire apartment door, the line can be advanced to
    and charged at the apartment door
    b. Once the attack stairway has been designated, all hoselines will be stretched and operated
    from this stairway
    c. If window failure occurs and a wind impacted fire occurs a 2 ½” hoseline will provide
    sufficient protection of the members and cooling of the hallway
    d. If due to adverse conditions the line cannot be advanced to the fire area, it should remain in
    the attack stairwell with the door closed
  1. C
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  1. A member from a study group in Staten Island made the following statements regarding
    engine company responsibilities at fires in HRFPMD’s. Which one should the members of her
    group correct? (6.2.1-6.2.4)
    a. Any variations from stretching initial hoselines from standpipe outlets on the floor below
    the fire must be approved by Division Commanders and entered into CIDS
    b. The first engine officer to arrive should obtain a post radio from the first arriving BC and
    bring it to the outlet where the first hoseline is being connected
    c. The third engine company to arrive is responsible start a second line when required. This
    line is usually stretched from two floors below the fire
    d. The fourth engine company is responsible for placing the Hi Rise Nozzle into operation if
    this strategy is needed
  1. B
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  1. In which of the following situations would it be permissible for an engine company to hand
    stretch 2 ½” hoseline directly from the pumper to extinguish a fire in a hi rise multiple dwelling?
    (More than one correct) (6.2.6)
    a. Basement fire, first floor standpipe outlet located in the IDLH
    b. Second floor apartment fire, operational first floor standpipe outlet
    c. First floor fire, first floor standpipe outlet available
    d. Second floor apartment fire, operational standpipe on 2nd floor
  1. All

If the fire is located in a below grade area or lower floor, and there is no access to an
available standpipe outlet or one that is not in the IDLH, a hand stretch of 2½” hose from
the pumper will be required. A hand stretch from a pumper may also facilitate a smooth
advance into the fire area on these lower floors.

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  1. Which officer or officers is or are the only one who can authorize or prevent horizontal
    ventilation of the fire apartment? (6.3.1)
    a. First ladder company officer or second ladder company officer
    b. First ladder company officer and first engine company officer
    c. First engine officer
    d. First ladder company officer only
  1. D
    Now this says ladder co. officer in area to be vented
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  1. You are the first ladder company officer to arrive at a 10-77 on the 18th floor of a
    HRFPMD in the borough of Manhattan. Upon arrival at the 18th floor, reports from outside the
    building are unable to determine whether this is a wind impacted fire. You have already noted
    that the apartment door has been left open due to a heavy smoke condition in the public hallway.
    In this situation, you were incorrect when you performed which action? (6.3.1 pg. 52-53)
    a. First entered the public hallway with one member in an attempt to locate and close the door
    to the fire apartment
    b. Next, gain control of fire apartment door and have the engine advance the line to the fire
    apt. door with the other member of the inside team
    c. If wind is not impacting the fire and conditions allow, enter the fire apt. to search with a
    member inside the fire apt. door
    d. Prior to entering the fire apartment, insure the door is chocked open
  1. D
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  1. Firefighters discussing positions and tool assignments of the first ladder company would be
    incorrect to believe which choice in regard to fireproof multiple dwellings? (6.3.1B, C, D)
    a. The outside vent firefighter immediately reports to the lobby to staff the elevators
    b. The roof firefighter proceeds to the apartment directly above the fire apartment via the
    attack stairway, if possible.
    c. The chauffeur is responsible for the delivery of the lifesaving rope to the floor above the
    fire if needed, unless the victim can be reached via portable, aerial or tower ladder
    d. The roof firefighter carries a halligan tool, hydra ram, and KO Curtain to his/her assigned
  1. A
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  1. The duties of the first to arrive Outside Vent Firefighter at a HRFPMD are many. An
    Outside Vent f/f would be operating correctly in all of the choices listed below with which
    exception (6.3.1B)
    a. Conduct an outside survey of the fire building with the chauffeur
    b. If VES can be made with ladders, notify the ladder company officer in the fire apartment to
    request permission for VES
    c. If no outside operations are indicated, proceed to the lobby and gain control of the elevators
    if the elevators are fireman service equipped. Maintain this position unless needed on the fire
    d. If the building does not have fireman service, proceed to the fire floor, team up with your
    officer and assist in the search of the fire apartment
  1. C
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  1. An engine company officer conducting a company drill made the following four statements
    in regard to the High Rise Nozzle. He was not entirely correct in which one? (6.2.4)
    a. The fourth engine to arrive is responsible for placing the High Rise Nozzle into operation if
    this alternate strategy is utilized by the Incident Commander
    b. It is not permissible to utilize the second hoseline for the high rise nozzle. A separate
    hoseline shall be stretched.
    c. If none of the first four engine companies assigned on the initial alarm are equipped with a
    high rise nozzle, the IC shall determine which engine company shall place it in service
    d. Every 10-77 will have a high rise nozzle equipped engine company assigned to the incident
  1. B

 If the HRN is to be used, the 4th assigned engine will put it into operation.
They will either use the hose already in place for the second hoseline, or
stretch their own line. Notify the IC for assistance if needed with the hose
stretch or forcible entry. All Battalions have at least one engine company that
is equipped with a HRN. Every 10-77 will have at least one HRN equipped
engine company assigned to the incident. It will be the responsibility of the
4th assigned engine company to bring the HRN to the ICP and then, when
ordered, bring it to the floor below the fire for quick deployment. If the 4th
assigned engine company is not equipped with a HRN, the officer shall
contact the dispatcher for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has
already been assigned to the 10-77.
Note: If none of the first four engine companies are equipped with a HRN, the
dispatcher shall special call the nearest HRN equipped engine company and
notify the IC of their identity. This special-called engine shall bring the HRN to
the ICP upon arrival. In this instance, the IC shall determine which engine
company places the HRN into operation.

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  1. The KO Curtain is utilized during wind impacted fires from the apartment directly above
    the fire apartment. The member or members responsible for carrying this piece of equipment to
    its desired location is best found in choice: (6.3.1C, 6.3.3)
    a. First due roof f/f, second due roof f/f
    b. Second due roof f/f , FAST unit
    c. First due roof f/f only
    d. First due roof f/f, third due roof f/f
  1. D
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  1. Ladder Company 163 arrives second for a fire on the 17th floor of a 29 story HRFPMD.
    Members of this unit know they would not be operating in a correct manner if they were to
    perform which action? (6.3.2)
    a. They are responsible to control ventilation in areas other than the fire apartment as directed
    by the Incident Commander
    b. Take an elevator to at least two floors below the fire floor. After an examination of this
    floor, proceed to the fire floor via the attack stairway
    c. Initiate a search of the public hallway on the fire floor. Maintain the evacuation stairway
    door closed.
    d. After searching the public hallway, initiate a search of the evacuation stairway for at least 5
    floors above the fire
  1. D

3 floors

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  1. While proceeding up the elevator in a HRFPMD a firefighter asks you, a ladder company
    officer, which firefighter is required to carry a lifesaving rope to the apartment above the fire
    regardless of his/her other duties. The answer you gave her can be found in which choice?
    a. First due LCC
    b. Second due roof f/f
    c. First due roof f/f
    d. Second due Outside Vent Person
  1. B
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  1. You are a covering lieutenant working in a ladder company which has been designated the
    Ventilation Support group at a 10-77. From your knowledge of positive pressure ventilation
    (PPV), the priority order of use for the PPV fans will be: (6.3.6B)
    a. Attack Stair, Evacuation Stair, Public Hallway
    b. Attack Stair, Public Hallway, Evacuation Stair
    c. Evacuation Stair, Attack Stair, Public Hallway
    d. Public Hallway, Attack Stair, Evacuation Stair
  1. Captains studying for Battalion Chief should be aware that an incorrect statement in regard
    to positions and duties of chief officers at HRFPMD fires can be found in which choice?
    a. At all operations in these types of buildings requiring the resources of 10-75 or greater, all
    chief officers shall report in with their post radios and aides in full PPE
    b. The first to arrive Battalion Chief, after being relieved by the Deputy Chief as Incident
    Commander, must remain in the lobby area to assist the Deputy. If assigned by the Deputy to
    another sector, he should remind the Deputy that he/she is not available for reassignment
    c. The second BC to arrive shall be assigned as the Fire Sector Supervisor. This chief will
    supervise operations on the fire floor and floor above.
    d. The third BC will be designated the Search and Evacuation Supervisor. He/she will be
    responsible for all searches of floors, hallways and stairways above the fire sector
  1. Engine Company 243 is operating a 2 ½” handline in an apartment on the 11th floor of a
    HRFPMD. The officer in charge of the hoseline should insure that the company ECC should
    supply the system with how many PSI of pressure? (6.6D)
    a. 145 psi
    b. 150 psi
    c. 155 psi
    d. 100 psi
  1. You are a lieutenant supervising the operation at an extremely difficult fire. You have been
    experiencing severe water problems and your unit is barely able to maintain a defensive position.
    Indications that no water or insufficient water is being supplied include all of the following
    except? (6.6C)
    a. Flow meter registering no flow or low flow
    b. Insufficient water pressure even though all kinks have been removed from both supply and
    c. Heating of water in the pumps, indicating water is not passing through the pump into the
    d. An increase in pump pressure when the discharge gate is closed
  1. Balconies and terraces are found on many High Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwellings. When
    operating in a building with a balcony or terrace, members should be aware of all of the
    following with which exception? (6.7.2)
    a. It may not be possible to utilize the fire window blanket or KO curtain from the floor above
    b. Utilizing the High Rise Nozzle by deflecting the stream off the bottom of the balcony
    above the fire apartment may provide limited success
    c. Members must request and be granted permission from the Incident Commander prior to
    ventilation or entering from the balcony
    d. Balconies and terraces may serve more than one apartment
  1. Due to the construction features of High Rise MD’s, communications are often hampered
    between units and operating sectors/groups. When handie talkie communications are hampered,
    possible solutions may include which of the following? (Indicate all that are correct) (6.1.5)
    a. Post Radio on the Command Channel
    b. High Rise Repeater on the Command Channel
    c. Handie talkie relay on intermediate floors
    d. Utilizing personnel outside the building to relay messages
  1. A, B, C, D

1. While responding to an alarm for a fire in a private dwelling, the officer from Tower
Ladder 87 reads the CIDS information on her response ticket: PRIVATE DWELLING-2 STY
PERSON 1ST FLOOR REAR BEDROOM In regard to this fire the
officer should consider all of the following as correct information with which exception?
(S/B 84 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 4.10)
a. An additional engine and ladder must be special called. The ladder company shall be a
tower ladder
b. The first engine company shall employ an aggressive interior attack to control the fire and
protect the interior stairs
c. An engine on the scene or a special called engine company can provide an exterior hoseline
to protect civilians or members trapped inside the building or members removing the window
d. If possible, room should be left in front of the building to position a tower ladder

  1. You are a lieutenant in a ladder company whose unit has been special called to remove
    window bars off of a 4 story tenement building. The most correct action you performed can be
    found in which choice? (S/B 84 4.8)
    a. You ensured that all window bars were removed from the building
    b. You notified only the Incident Commander of the location of any window bars your unit
    c. You had an aerial, portable, or tower ladder placed only at the fire floor window which
    your unit cleared of window bars
    d. You ordered members of your unit to ensure that at least one window is cleared of window
    bars on the fire floor and floor above
  1. You are a lieutenant supervising roof operations at a taxpayer fire. As a member begins to
    cut a vent hole in the roof with a power saw, you observe a white powdery residue coming from
    the cut. Of the following, the correct action for you to take is to: (S/B 85 3.2.4)
    a. Order roof cutting stopped and vent the roof by natural means (skylight, scuttles, etc.)
    b. Check for fire in the cockloft and if found, evacuate the roof
    c. Order a silicon carbide blade brought to the roof to cut the concrete roof
    d. Evacuate the roof immediately and advise the Incident Commander
  1. You are the Incident Commander at a fire in a one story commercial occupancy. You have
    just been informed by the safety officer that the building has a gypsum roof decking system. In
    this situation you would be correct in which choice? (S/B 85 3.2.3)
    a. Order all members to operate near parapet walls while on the roof
    b. Notify units operating inside the building to operate from areas of safety
    c. Order all units beneath the gypsum roof to get out of the building
    d. An exterior operation is required at this fire
  1. A probationary firefighter has asked you what the main drawback of a gypsum roof
    decking system is, from a firefighting operational standpoint. The answer you gave was:
    (S/B 85 3.2.1)
    a. It is subject to early collapse
    b. The weight of the gypsum concrete
    c. Its vulnerability to moisture
    d. The lightweight truss roof supports
  1. Engine 8 and Ladder 2 respond to a vehicle fire on the FDR Drive in Manhattan. One of the
    firefighters notices that the vehicle is a Toyota RAV 4 with the letters EV on both sides and rear
    of the car. In this situation the officer would be correct if he/she were to do which of the
    following? (S/B 86 sec. 3 – 5)
    a. Use water if the vehicle or battery pack is involved in fire
    b. Cut the orange colored wires to disable the traction batteries
    c. Insure that no extrication tools are utilized near the passenger compartment
    d. Assume the vehicle off when it is silent
  1. Officers must be aware of the debilitating effects of heat stress, especially during the
    summer. In regard to summer heat stress, the answer that is incorrect can be found in choice:
    (S/B 87 1-4)
    a. Heat stroke is deemed to be a true medical emergency
    b. Members should not be left alone during rehabilitation. A buddy system shall be
    maintained when granted R&R
    c. Company officers need to notify the IC of the need for relief of their units prior to their
    members becoming overstressed
    d. It is permissible to omit the use of certain items of PPE during the summer to alleviate the
    possibility of heat stress
  1. Your ladder company has just received a shipment of High Visibility Safety Vests. You
    have called all members of your unit to hold a quick company drill in regard to these vests. You
    were incorrect when you made which statement? (S/B 88)
    a. Members directly involved and in the immediate vicinity of firefighting operations need
    not don a High Visibility Safety Vest
    b. Vests do not have to be worn during daylight hours
    c. The vests are designed to be worn over the members bunker gear
    d. Vests shall be worn at operations including collisions, extrications, fluid spills, dangerous
    conditions and vehicle fires

PART III – TB – SCBA {Pgs 1 -43}
1. The Scott 4.5 Positive Pressure Self Contained breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is designed to
protect members when operating in an Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)
atmosphere. Which statement regarding the uses and limitations of the SCBA is incorrect?
a. The SCBA does not protect against heat exhaustion
b. Actual working and exit time achieved from an SCBA will vary among members.
c. Contaminants can enter the respiratory tract of a facepiece equipped member through the
ears via a ruptured or punctured eardrum
d. If a member runs out of air, he/she should remove their facepiece, immediately notify their
officer and leave the contaminated area

  1. Four members of a study group in Long Island made the following remarks concerning the
    Scott 4.5 SCBA. In which one should they be corrected? (2.2.3, 2.3, 2.4)
    a. Contact lenses may be worn with the SCBA
    b. The SCBA can never be used underwater
    c. All members operating in a confined space must use their SCBA at all times
    d. The SCBA may be used with a lens frame kit available through the Mask Service Unit if
    corrective lenses are required
  1. C

2.2.3 All members entering a confined space shall operate with SCBA donned until the
space is deemed safe.

  1. It is May 17th 2013 and you are working your first tour as a covering lieutenant in a busy
    ladder company. While inspecting the unit’s SCBA’s, the probie noticed that the date of
    manufacture on his cylinder is May 15th, 2008. In this situation you would be correct to tell the
    probie: (Choose the best answer) (3.2.3)
    a. Place the cylinder out of service. They have a service life of 5 years
    b. Keep the cylinder in service. They have a service life of 10 years
    c. Keep the cylinder in service. They have a service life of 15 years
    d. Place the cylinder out of service because it needs a hydrostatic test every 3 years
  1. C

3.2.3 The Date of Manufacture is listed on the SCOTT label by month and year.
The service life of an air cylinder is 15 years. If a manufacture date is greater
than 15 years, the cylinder must be removed from service, bled down, tagged, and
returned to MSU. (Figure 1)

  1. The Vibralert and Heads Up Display (HUD) on a members facepiece will activate when
    approximately what percentage of pressurized air remains in a members cylinder? (3.2.8)
    a. 10%
    b. 25%
    c. 15%
    d. 33%
  1. B

3.2.8 These are rated durations and the actual time achieved from the cylinder will vary
considerably. The End of Service Time Indicator (EOSTI) alarms (vibralert and
HUD) actuate when approximately 25% of full cylinder pressure remains in the
cylinder and valve assembly. The alarms will continue to operate until the
cylinder is nearly depleted. It is the individuals’ responsibility to know their
working and exit time of the SCBA.

  1. You are an officer operating in an IDLH. The SCBA you are utilizing has experienced a
    malfunction of its Pressure Reducer Assembly’s primary and secondary system in the open
    position. In this situation you should expect: (More than one correct) (3.6)
    a. The vibralert to activate and operating pressure to be reduced to 150 psi
    b. A relief valve to activate in the PRA and all pressure in excess of 185 psi to be discharged
    into the atmosphere
    c. Answer “A” and the member must leave the contaminated area, escorted by a member
    using SCBA to a safe area
    d. Answer “B” and the member must partially close the cylinder valve on his/her SCBA,
    leave the contaminated area escorted by a member using SCBA to a safe area
  1. B, D

3.6.1 The Pressure Reducer Assembly (PRA),
mounted on the left side of the backframe,
reduces the high pressure breathing air
received from the cylinder. Consisting of
two systems, the PRA normally reduces
the operating pressure to 100 psi before
entering the regulator’s low pressure hose.
The regulator then controls the pressure
within the facepiece to slightly above
atmospheric pressure.
3.6.2 A malfunction of the PRA’s primary system will automatically direct breathing air
into a secondary system. When this occurs, the operating pressure will only be
reduced to 150 psi and cause the vibralert alarm to activate. The member will
only know that the vibralert alarm has activated and must notify their officer
and immediately leave the contaminated area. This member must be
accompanied to a safe area by another member using a SCBA.
3.6.3 Failure of both the primary and secondary systems in the open position will activate
a Relief Valve in the PRA, which will rapidly discharge all pressure in excess of
185 psi into the atmosphere. When this occurs, the cylinder valve should be
partially closed, allowing only a minimal amount of air to release, permitting the
member to both breathe and conserve air. The member must notify their officer
and immediately leave the contaminated area. This member must be
accompanied to a safe area by another member using a SCBA.

  1. Each SCBA facepiece has a Heads Up Display which supplies a visual indication of a
    members air supply. From the following choose the incorrect answer in regard to the HUD.
    a. Two green lights glowing: Cylinder is full
    b. One green light glowing: ¾ cylinder remaining
    c. One yellow light flashing: 1/3 cylinder remaining, vibralert activation
    d. One red light flashing rapidly: ¼ cylinder remaining, leave hazardous area immediately
  1. A member of your unit has notified you that her facepiece is defective and needs to be
    replaced. The member utilizes a small size personal facepiece. In order to ensure that this
    member is able to operate in an IDLH as soon as possible, your best course of action is to?
    a. Have the member utilize one of the assigned riding position facepieces kept on the
    b. Notify the Mask Service Unit by phone to deliver a small sized facepiece as soon as
    c. Contact the division for a spare small sized facepiece
    d. Call the battalion. Battalions have spare small and extra large facepieces on hand
  1. B

3.9.2 All members are fit tested as part of the respiratory protection policy and must
wear the correct facepiece size, that they were fit tested for. Members issued a
personal facepiece, should wear that facepiece. When a member’s facepiece is
placed out-of-service, it must be returned to MSU with an RT-2 attached. Six (6)
comfort seal facepieces are provided for all SCBA riding positions. They are
etched with the company designation and affiliated SCBA number.
A. Divisions have been issued small and extra large facepieces to be used as
spares for units under their command. Units requiring a spare small or
extra large facepiece shall contact their Division.

  1. A senior firefighter was instructing the unit’s new probationary firefighter in SCBA
    inspection procedures. He stated the SCBA’s should be inspected at the following times. In
    which one is he correct? (4.1)
    a. Immediately before the 0900 roll call
    b. After each use
    c. Prior to the 1800 roll call
    d. Immediately before the start of multi unit drill
  1. B, D

4.1.1 SCBAs must be inspected:
 Immediately after the 0900 and 1800 hour roll calls,
 Immediately before the start of Multi-Unit Drill,
 After each use.

  1. You are a Battalion Chief working an SA tour outside of your assigned division. When you
    arrive at the firehouse you are greeted by your aide, a firefighter who has just returned from a
    long term light duty assignment. After the firefighter performs the mask inspection, he notifies
    you that he cannot achieve a good seal with any available facepiece. Another member checks the
    aide’s facepiece and finds no problem with it. In this situation you would be correct if you were
    to: (4.2.3E)
    a. Immediately notify Safety Command and the Mask Service Unit by phone
    b. Relieve the member from duty
    c. Have the member borrow a size small or extra large facepiece from another member
    d. Complete an RT-2 and place the facepiece out of service
  1. Prior to entering a contaminated area, members should ensure that facepiece is worn in the
    standby position. The standby position is properly described in choice? (5.3)
    a. Facepiece split ring fastened securely under the alligator clip on the members right
    shoulder strap
    b. Facepiece hanging free at the members left hip
    c. Facepiece split ring hooked over the open tab of the left shoulder strap alligator clip
    d. Facepiece split ring hooked over the open tab of the right shoulder strap alligator clip, with
    the open side of the facepiece placed away from the member for faster donning
  1. C

5.3.1 While awaiting orders prior to the anticipated entry into a contaminated area,
members are to place facepiece in the Standby Position. This position will prevent
the facepiece from dangling and possible damage.
5.3.2 A split ring is attached to the facepiece’s right side.
5.3.3 During the standby position, the split ring is hooked over the open tab of the left
shoulder strap alligator clip.
5.3.4 When the standby position is used, the open side of the facepiece should be
placed against the member’s chest, so that debris cannot enter.

  1. You are the Incident Commander at a second alarm fire in a commercial building. Due to a
    collapse in the cellar, two persons are trapped and in need off assistance, one of them a civilian,
    the other a member of the department. In this situation you were correct when you ordered which
    action? (6.6)
    a. Authorized facepiece sharing for the trapped member
    b. Utilized a spare SCBA to provide air to the trapped civilian or member
    c. Utilized the nearest available FAST PAK to be immediately brought to the trapped civilian
    d. Utilized the FAST PAK assigned to the FAST Unit to provide air to the civilian
  1. A ladder company lieutenant is informed by his F/E firefighter that he was struck in the
    face by a metal door and his facepiece has developed a large crack. The lieutenant would be
    incorrect to inform the firefighter which choice? (6.5)
    a. Conserve as much air as possible by covering the leak with one hand
    b. If the leak is to large to control, leave the facepiece on and remove the regulator
    c. Press the manual shut off switch after each breath to limit the loss of breathable air
    d. If the damaged area of the facepiece is to large to allow the regulator shut off to release, use
    the purge valve in an on and off motion for each breath.
  1. An engine company lieutenant needs to make an emergency MAYDAY handie talkie
    transmission when a member under his command becomes seriously injured. The lieutenant
    should perform which action prior to transmitting? (7.2)
    a. Place the microphone in the proximity of the voicemitter
    b. Place the microphone directly on the throat
    c. Lift up the facepiece and transmit the emergency message
    d. Place the microphone directly on the voicemitter
  1. You are a ladder company lieutenant operating in a zero visibility IDLH. You have heard a
    members PASS alarm activate but cannot see the member. In this situation you were correct
    when you: (7.5)
    a. Immediately notified the officer in command of the fire
    b. Checked your Motorola Model III handie talkie’s LCD screen to ascertain the identification
    of the PASS alarm
    c. Wait 10 seconds and notify the Incident Commander if the PASS is still activated
    d. Transmit a MAYDAY for a member in distress
  1. You are the Captain of Ladder Company 169 assigned as the FAST truck at a 10-75. Your
    unit has been assigned to search for several missing members who are not answering their handi
    talkies after an interior collapse. Upon searching, you come across an unconscious member. The
    member has lost his helmet, and the only distinguishable identification is the red label on the
    firefighters SCBA Pressure Reducer Assembly which reads: 139-5. You should transmit a
    MAYDAY message, because you have found which member? (10.7)
    a. Ladder 139 OV firefighter
    b. Ladder 139 F/E firefighter
    c. Ladder 139 Chauffeur
    d. Engine 139 Control firefighter

PART IV – TB - Emergencies Vehicle Disentanglement sec. 1 – 6.4
1. Members of this department are frequently called to perform vehicle disentanglement and
patient extrication while operating at automobile accidents. In regard to these types of procedures
it would be incorrect to state: (2.6, 2.7, 3.3)
a. Disentanglement is the removal of wreckage from around the victim
b. Extrication is the physical removal of the victim from the vehicle
c. Disconnecting the battery will always result in the deactivation of the vehicle’s airbag
d. Mechanically activated seatbelt pretensioners will remain live even after the battery is

  1. You are the lieutenant of a ladder company operating at a severe auto accident on an
    express highway. The vehicle your unit is operating in has not had airbag deployment, despite
    the severity of the crash. In this situation you would be correct to believe which choice? (2.6)
    a. That the airbags are mechanically operated and will not activate
    b. Your members should stay at least 5” from any side airbags, 10” from the driver airbag,
    and 20” from any passenger airbag
    c. Disconnecting the battery and waiting a predetermined time will cause mechanically
    activated airbags to be rendered inactive
    d. When an airbag has deployed, there cannot be a secondary deployment
  1. Engine Company 331 and Ladder Company 173 arrive at an automobile accident on the
    Belt Parkway at 0350 hours on a Saturday morning. There are several people trapped in the
    single car accident. The officers of these units are confident that which of the following actions
    will not happen at this accident scene?
    a. The engine will divide into two teams, with the officer and two CFR trained members
    proceeding to the wrecked vehicle
    b. The remaining members of the engine will stretch and charge a precautionary handline
    c. The chauffeur and OV firefighter will bring the Hurst Tool equipment to the scene of the
    accident and initiate operations
    d. The truck officer and inside team should proceed to the scene of the accident, perform a
    perimeter survey, chock the vehicle and gain access to the victim
  1. Vehicle stabilization is one of the most important tactical considerations at an
    extrication/disentanglement operation. When stabilizing a vehicle, it would be incorrect to state:
    a. When deflating tires to stabilize the vehicle use the pike end of the halligan to puncture the
    b. Never right a vehicle with victims inside
    c. Vehicles are to be stabilized as found
    d. Check beneath the vehicle prior to any stabilization methods
  1. A

5.2 Two rules should always be considered:
• Vehicles are stabilized as they are found.
• NEVER right a vehicle with a victim inside.
5.3 Check under the vehicle for victims before any stabilization methods are taken.

5.4 Vehicles on all four wheels are best-stabilized using step chocks and wedges. Place
chocks just behind front wheels and in front of rear wheels, step side down. They should
be positioned so as to not interfere with the door swing. Place the chocks so they make a
snug contact with the rocker panel. A wedge may be required to fill the gap between the
step chock and the rocker panel (Figures 1 and 2).

5.5 When further stabilization is required deflate the tires so that the vehicle rests totally on
the step chocks. Though this is not always necessary it will afford the best possible
stabilization. Keep in mind that once this is done you will be unable to reposition the step
chocks when necessary. When deflating tires use vise grips or pliers to remove the valve
stems (Figure 3).

  1. The Incident Commander has ordered a ladder company lieutenant to disconnect the
    battery from a vehicle during a hurst tool operation on the Cross Bronx Expressway. The
    lieutenant should order the firefighter disconnecting the battery to remove the _____ terminal
    first? (4.2.4)
    a. Positive
    b. Negative
  1. Vehicles encountered on their side or roof present unique stabilization challenges. When
    operating at a vehicle laying on its side, an officer should be cognizant of all of the following
    with the exception of: (5.6)
    a. A good initial entry point for entry into these vehicles is a side window
    b. Step chocks and wedges should be placed under the side of the vehicles and tires
    c. The vehicle should be secured to a substantial object (apparatus, tree, etc.) with a utility
    d. No member shall enter the vehicle until it is properly stabilized
  1. A

5.6 Vehicles encountered on their side or roof presents a unique stabilization challenge.
Place step chocks and wedges under side of car and tires (Figures 4 and 5). Vehicle shall
be secured to a substantial object (apparatus, tree etc.) with utility rope (Figures 5 to 7).
Because of the potential for vehicle movement, no member should enter a vehicle until
properly stabilized. A good initial choice for entry into these vehicles could be the front
or rear window.

  1. Removing the door of an automobile is the most common form of
    extrication/disentanglement performed by members of this department. Members removing the
    door from an automobile on Hylan Blvd in Richmond made the following statements. Which one
    requires correcting by their officer? (6.1, 6.31)
    a. When removing a door the first point of attack may vary. Attack either the Nader pin/staple
    or the hinge side
    b. Whether attacking the Nader pin or hinge, the victim must be protected from flying debris,
    and the window opened or glass removed
    c. It may be necessary to attack the hinge first in newer model cars
    d. If the victim is close to, or against the door of the vehicle, it may be necessary to perform a
    vertical crush using the hurst tool
  1. D

6.1 When removing a door, the first point of attack may vary. There are two options, Nader
pin/staple or hinge side. Whatever method is chosen, the victim must be protected from
any flying debris, and the window opened or the glass removed. While attacking the
Nader pin/ staple first has been successful in the past, the hinge side may be an improved
approach with new car construction. Both techniques should be mastered.

6.3.1 Vertical Crush
A. When room permits, place one arm of the spreaders in the vehicle between
the victim and the door and keep the other arm outside of the vehicle.
This method will not work when the victim is too close to the door.

  1. Safe operating of the Hurst tool, cutters, or any other components of the hydraulic system
    are paramount to a successful extrication/disentanglement operation. A student studying for
    lieutenant would know that the choice that is incorrect in regard to safe extrication is found
    where? (3.3.3, 5.1, 6.2.1C, 6.3.3)
    a. The goal of vehicle stabilization is to prevent the rocking of the car
    b. Never position any part of your body between the tool and the vehicle
    c. Cut the bottom hinge of the door prior to cutting the top hinge
    d. Before ordering battery disconnection, power windows should be opened and power seats
    adjusted to assist with the extrication
  1. C

6.3.3 Vertical Push
A. Using the vertical push to establish a purchase point may force the door
from the Nader pin/staple. This method works best on older vehicles. On
newer type vehicles (lightweight construction), the possibility exists of the
door splitting, losing the integrity of the door. In order for this method to
be successful, the roof must be intact

C. Cut top and bottom hinges using cutters in that order (Figure 10). When a
hinge has a spring, it must be removed prior to cutting the hinge. Use a
Halligan or Officers tool to remove it (Figure 11).