OP - CLASS #4 - Week of 10/6/14: Instructor Instincts – Mini Exam Instructor: DC Jim DiDomenico Flashcards

  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire in a 6-story Old Law Tenement building that
    has CIDS indicating “narrow shafts on the exposure 2 and 4 sides”. On arrival, heavy fire is
    showing in the store on the first floor with auto exposure to a second floor apartment. In this
    situation, it would be correct to? (FFP MD—3.3.4, 3.4.6, 4.3)
    A. Transmit a second alarm on arrival
    B. Ensure during overhaul that no material is thrown into any shafts until after an examination
    is made of the shafts for any possible jumpers
    C. Stretch a 1 ¾” line to the first floor store and a second hand line to the entrance hallway
    D. Be aware that store ceilings are usually constructed of metal which can communicate heat
    to the floor above
  1. D

3.3.4 Officers must not permit any material to be thrown out of windows unnecessarily.
A member should always be posted in the yard or street below to prevent injuries
to anyone from falling material. Examination of yard must be made before
discarding any material into the yard to assure that no occupant has jumped into
the yard prior to the arrival of Fire Department units. No material shall be thrown
onto roofs of building setbacks or into narrow shafts.

For a fire in an Old Law or New Law Tenement, special
call an extra engine and truck for fire on two floors. If progress is not made on at
least one floor in a short period of time, transmit a 2nd alarm. If fire is in a shaft
extending into an exposure, transmit a 2nd alarm. If fire is extending into two
exposures, transmit a 3rd alarm.

4.3.1 Store fires in OLTs may involve a large amount of combustible material. A 2 ½”
line should be stretched for large volume fires and a second line stretched to the
entrance hallway. When assured that the second line is not needed on the first
floor, it may be advanced to the floor above the fire.

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  1. An engine and ladder respond to the scene of a fire reported on a train at a subway station.
    While responding, the Battalion asks for a 10-12. On arrival at the incident, they find a small pile
    of rubbish burning inside of a subway car and extinguish it with a can. One civilian on the train
    is complaining of having difficulty breathing from a small amount of residual smoke. The CFRD
    Engine attempts to give her oxygen, but she refuses any medical assistance. In this situation,
    after transmitting a 10-18, it would be correct to transmit what radio code signals?
    (Comm Ch 8)
    A. 10-28 Code 1, 10-41 Code 1, 10-45
    B. 10-28 Code 2, 10-41 Code 1, 10-37 Code 2
    C. 10-28 Code 2, 10-41 Code 1, 10-45
    D. 10-28 Code 1, 10-41 Code 3, 10-37 Code 3
  1. C
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  1. An Officer conducting drill on Steam System Emergencies was correct when she stated that
    a vent pipe found over a steam manhole with a ______ stripe on the top of the pipe, indicates the
    steam is the result of a ______? (Emergency Procedures—Steam 4.3)
    A. Blue, Water Leak C. Red, Water Leak
    B. Blue, Leaking Steam Main D. Red, Leaking Steam Main
  1. A
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  1. An Engine Company Officer discussing the use of the EMS / Fire Interoperability
    Frequency was correct to state? (Comm 14, Add 1 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1)
    A. The EMS / Fire IO frequency should be used on CFR-D responses, and may also be used
    on fire responses or other non-fire emergency responses
    B. Upon arrival at a CFR-D assignment, the officer must designate the Backup Firefighter to
    switch to Channel 10
    C. Members shall use plain language or 10-37 codes when communicating on this frequency
    D. All EMS Officers, Lieutenant and above, monitor HT Channel 1 at fireground operations
  1. D
    3.1 The EMS/Fire Intraoperability (IO) frequency is Channel 10 on all FDNY Handie-
    Talkies (HT) and FDNY EMS portable radios.
    Note: Users of I/O frequencies are reminded to use plain language and refrain from
    using 10 codes and FD terminology while communicating on these frequencies.
    3.2 The EMS/Fire IO frequency (Channel 10) shall be utilized to relay any pertinent
    information that will facilitate operations.
    3.3 Upon arrival at a CFR assignment, the officer shall designate a member to switch to
    Channel 10, and the EMS Technician shall do the same.
    3.4 The FF and the EMS Technician shall remain on Channel 10 until the CFR unit leaves
    the scene. Upon completion of operations, the FF and EMS Technician shall ensure their
    radios are switched back to the primary tactical/appropriate Borough Dispatch frequency

Note: The EMS/Fire IO frequency (Channel 10) may be used at other non-fire emergencies to
facilitate communications between Fire and EMS.

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  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire on the 11th floor of a 26-story FPMD. After the
    first ECC supplies the standpipe siamese, the first Engine Officer determines that the 1st Control
    FF is getting very low, inadequate pressure at the standpipe outlet on the 10th floor. In this
    situation, which action would be most appropriate? (Comm 8 Pg 18, MDs-6.7.3, 6.26.2)
    A. A 10-70 signal should be transmitted and the 1st ECC supplying the siamese should notify
    the IC of his flow meter reading
    B. The 3rd arriving engine should be aware they are the unit responsible to check the standpipe
    system for open valves or a broken pipe
    C. The first Control FF should remain at the standpipe outlet throughout the entire operation
    to provide orderly and accurate communications and continuity
    D. A second supply line should be connected to a different siamese connection to resolve the
    inadequate pressure issue.
  1. A

The second arriving engine will be designated the “Water Resource Unit” and
must be prepared to initiate water supply operations compatible with conditions
encountered at the scene. Their primary objective is to assist the first arriving
engine to obtain a positive water source. Options include:
 In-Line Pumping
 Water Relay
 Check standpipe system for open valves, broken pipe, check valves, etc

F. The control firefighter will:
 Charge the hoseline when directed by the officer;
The officer and control firefighter from the second arriving engine company
should relieve the first arriving control firefighter at the hose outlet and
communicate with the first arriving engine officer to ensure that adequate
pressure is supplied to the nozzle. It remains the first arriving engine control
firefighter’s responsibility to ensure a proper hook-up to the hose outlet,
including connection of any necessary fittings and adapters, as well as
removal of the PRD. The in-line pressure gauge should always be used to
ensure correct nozzle pressure and a good fire stream.

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  1. A 4 FF Engine arriving alone at the scene of a Cold Water Rescue at 0200 hours would be
    correct to take which action if they are the only unit on scene? (Emergency Procedure
    WR 2—3.1, 3.2, 8.1.1, 10-chart)
    A. The Officer should immediately assign a firefighter to be a Spotter
    B. A Spotter should be positioned where he can keep sight of the Rescuer
    C. A Rescuer should wave one arm in the air to indicate he / she is ready to be pulled in
    D. The Officer (Rescue Coordinator) should bring a HT, flashlight, and a thermal imaging
    camera, if available, as part of his tools
  1. A, B, D

3.1 Rescue Coordinator – The Company Officer assumes this position and shall be located
where they can observe and direct the whole operation. In a 4-Firefighter Engine
Company, the Officer will also assume the responsibilities of the Spotter until an
additional unit arrives.
3.2 Spotter – A firefighter or Company Officer (4-Firefighter Engine Company) will assume
this position and shall be positioned where they can keep sight of the victim. This may
include using the apparatus as a vantage point. An aerial or tower ladder may be raised to
facilitate spotter positioning

8.1.1 One hand placed on top of the rescuer’s head indicates the rescuer is ready to be
pulled to shore. (Photo 27)
8.1.2 One arm waving in the air indicates stop pulling. (Photo 28)

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  1. An Engine Company arrives first on the scene of a terrorist incident in a subway station in
    lower Manhattan where civilians have had a life-threatening exposure at a chemical attack. When
    setting up an emergency decon operation, they would be most correct to? (HM 7
    2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.6)
    A. Stretch an 1 ¾” handline with an Aquastream Fog Nozzle and use an operating pressure of
    70 psi
    B. Stretch a 2 ½” handline with a Turbomaster Fog Nozzle and use an operating pressure of
    65 psi
    C. Stretch a 2 ½” handline with an Aquastream Fog Nozzle and use an operating pressure of
    75 psi
    D. Attach a Turbomaster Fog Nozzle to the multiversal on the engine for a very quick gross
    decon setup
  1. C
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  1. An Officer making a correction to a mistake made on a PCR, should place a ________
    through the words to be omitted or corrected and write the accurate information ______ the
    words to be corrected? (CFR Ch 5 3.4)
    A. Single line, above C. Double line, above
    B. Single line, below D. Double line, below
  1. C

3.4 There are no check boxes on the PCR. Members shall press firmly and darken in all
circles completely (●). To make corrections on the PCR, members shall place a single
line through the word(s) to be omitted or corrected and write the accurate information
above the word(s) to be corrected. When correcting a darkened circle, place a single line
through the error and fill in the correct section. The initials of the member making the
correction shall be placed above the single line.

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  1. An Officer writing the 0900 Roll Call would be correct to make a prompt inspection if he
    received a complaint for an address located in his administrative district in which one of the
    following situations? (BISP Manual—Ch 5, Ref 2.2, Ref 3.1—5.3.1, Ref 3.2—6.1)
    A. No smoke detector in an apartment
    B. A CO detector is malfunctioning in a school
    C. Illegal storage of LPG in a commercial building
    D. Overcrowding at Madison Square Garden
  1. C
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  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire in a High-Rise FPMD where they find a windimpacted
    fire on the 13th floor of the building. Regarding the deployment of the KO Curtain at
    this operation, it would be correct to state? (Evol 34—1.2.2, 5.8, 5.10)
    A. The KO Curtain may be deployed on the orders of the first ladder officer or the IC
    B. The first ladder officer will coordinate the KO Curtain deployment
    C. The KO Curtain should be dropped, and only used in the vertical position
    D. When assured the target window is completely covered, the deploying and receiving
    firefighters should tie off their respective ropes.
  1. C

IC only gives OK 2nd L Boss coordinates

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  1. An Engine and Ladder respond to the scene of a “Pin Job” requiring one patient to be
    extricated. While operating near airbags that have not deployed yet, they would be correct to
    maintain a distance of? (Emergency Procedures—Disentanglement—2.6)
    A. 5” from passenger airbags, 10” from driver airbags, and 20” from side airbags
    B. 20” from passenger airbags, 10” from driver airbags, and 5” from side airbags
    C. 5” from side airbags, 10” from passenger airbags, and 20” from driver airbags
    D. 10” from side airbags, 20” from passenger airbags, and 5” from driver airbags
  1. B
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  1. Regarding the FDNY’s Social Media Policy, it would be accurate to state that FDNY
    personnel are prohibited from? (PAID 2-2013 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.2.6)
    A. Posting photographs of themselves in uniform on any social media application or site,
    under any circumstances
    B. Posting on the internet any information, photos or videos of patients or fire scenes
    regardless of how or when they were obtained—on duty or off duty.
    C. Taking photographs, videotaping or recording audio while working, unless authorized by
    the IC (at an incident) or the Officer on duty at all other times
    D. Engaging in any type of social media contact with patients or fire victims or any members
    of the public with whom they interact in their capacity as FDNY employees.
  1. D
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  1. An Engine and Ladder Company arrive at the scene of a car fire in a hybrid type of vehicle.
    In this situation, they would be correct to think that the key or key fob should be kept at least?
    (TB Fires 8 11.6 C)
    A. 10 feet away from the vehicle, and they should never cut any high voltage cables which are
    always color-coded orange
    B. 15 feet away from the vehicle, and they should never cut any high voltage cables which are
    mostly color-coded orange
    C. 10 feet away from the vehicle, and they should never cut any high voltage cables which are
    always color-coded orange
    D. 15 feet away from the vehicle, and they should never cut any high voltage cables which are
    mostly color-coded blue
  1. B
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  1. E54 responds to a report of a fire at a high-profile hotel in midtown and locates an incipient
    structural fire in the lobby that is starting to extend. Additionally they find an active shooter in
    the lobby using firearms, who has already shot four victims that are all in very serious condition.
    They immediately withdraw and request a forthwith police response. During the withdrawal, an
    NYPD officer confronts the ECC (FF Alan Queda), and “challenges” the member. The ECC is
    facing the pump panel and cannot see the NYPD Officer. In this situation, the firefighter should?
    (ERP Add 3A—2.1, 3.1, 4.5)
    A. Remain motionless and state “FDNY — Engine 54”
    B. Remain motionless and state “Engine 54 — Engine Company Chauffeur”
    C. Remain motionless and state “FDNY — FF Alan Queda”
    D. Slowly turn his body towards the Officer, with both hands raised, and state “FDNY —
    Engine 54”
  1. C

4.5 A NYPD officer may confront a firefighter or EMT to verify their identity. This is called
a challenge situation. In this situation, the FDNY member shall strictly adhere to the
following procedure:
 Comply with the commands of law enforcement personnel.
 Remain motionless (no sudden movements).
 Do not turn your body unless instructed to do so by the challenging officer.
 Verbally identify yourself as a member of the FDNY by rank and name.
 Await the command of law enforcement to resume current operations.

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  1. First alarm units arrive at a fire on the 16th floor of a 26-story FPMD. The first arriving
    ladder officer is told by his Roof FF that there has been failure of one window and the fire is
    wind-impacted. The Ladder Officer reaches the fire floor and is informed by the IC there is
    confirmation of a civilian trapped in the public hallway on the fire floor and he is ordering a
    window curtain to be deployed as soon as possible. The Officer uses his thermal camera to scan
    the public hallway and determines the fire apartment door has been left open. In this situation, it
    would be correct for the first ladder officer to believe that a rescue attempt may be made?
    (FFP—MD Add 3 5.4.1)
    A. While alternate strategies are being implemented, and the open apartment door must be
    closed during the rescue attempt
    B. While alternate strategies are being implemented, and if the open apartment door is found
    in close proximity to the life hazard, attempt to close it
    C. After alternate strategies have been implemented, and the open apartment door must be
    closed during the rescue attempt
    D. After alternate strategies have been implemented, and if the open apartment door is found
    in close proximity to the life hazard, attempt to close it
  1. D

5.4.1 When faced with a known life hazard in either the public hallway or the fire
apartment, the following actions shall be taken:
a. Notify the IC and all units of the location of the known life hazard.
b. Officers must maintain situational awareness and assess conditions while
evaluating the risk vs reward. If a decision is made to attempt a rescue, it may
be performed while alternate strategies are being implemented. The IC must
be notified prior to any rescue attempt. In addition, the IC shall also be
notified of the stairway from which operations will take place.
c. If the open fire apartment door is found in close proximity to the known life
hazard in a public hallway, attempt to close the door. Control of the fire
apartment door is critical. Notify the IC if the fire apartment door has been
d. Members operating in the stairwell shall keep the landing clear to allow for
victim removal and/or emergency egress.
e. Notify the IC when the victim is removed.

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  1. You are a Company Officer working a 6 x 9 tour on October 5th, 2014 in Engine 99. You
    are reviewing the manpower for October 6th’s day tour and determine the unit has ANNUAL
    EDUCATION DAY tomorrow. You review the Office Record Journal and Unit Staffing Log and
    find that the following 4 firefighters are scheduled to work:
    Name Last Education Day Attended
  2. Proby FF Greene (6th grade) (August 21, 2014)
    (60 day cross training detail in E99)
  3. Proby FF Pineda (5th grade) (April 30th, 2014)
  4. FF Robertson (1st grade) (November 14, 2013)
  5. FF Betances (5th grade) (November 14, 2013)
    In this situation, how many of these members must attend Education Day? (PAID 1-08)
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
  1. B
    3.1 Members shall not be permitted to work the 6x9 tour prior to, or the 6x9 tour following
    Education Day.
    3.2 Mutuals on the day of Education Day are prohibited.
    3.3 Reimbursement leaves or school attendance variances will not be granted to members of
    a unit scheduled for Education Day without the approval of the Executive Officer of the
    Bureau of Training.
    3.4 Firefighters 6th grade shall attend Education Day with their company when scheduled.
    3.5 Officers, and Firefighters other than 6th grade, who attended a periodic Education Day
    within six months of their scheduled date, shall not report with their company. These
    members shall be included in the Division/Battalion manpower and detailed for the 9x6
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  1. An Engine Company arrives at the scene of an automobile accident in the middle of an
    intersection with a flammable liquid (gasoline) spill. The gasoline has ignited and the engine is
    ordered to stretch a foam handline to extinguish the fire. In this situation, it would be most
    correct for the Engine Officer to? (TB Foam 7.3.2, Foam Evol 1-2.2, 2.4)
    A. Use 2 ½” hose to supply 100 psi to the foam eductor, maintaining the eductor at least one
    length away from the pumper.
    B. Insure both the nozzle and eductor have a 1” yellow band
    C. Insure no more than 5 lengths of 1 ¾” hose are stretched between the eductor and the foam
    D. Bounce the foam onto the fire to achieve the widest pattern at the lowest velocity
  1. D
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  1. A Ladder Company Officer working a busy day tour with 3 hours of AM — BISP, and lots
    of other administrative duties would be correct to consider delegating which one of the following
    tasks to the senior firefighter? (TB — Mgt Pg 3)
    A. Assignments for the EBF-4 C. A firehouse tour with a Boy Scout Troop
    B. Handling a civilian complaint D. Checking and signing routine reports
  1. C
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  1. An Engine and Ladder are dispatched to a Still Water Operation after a Category 1
    Hurricane has blown thru NYC. The Ladder is dispatched as the Water Rescue Unit, and the
    Engine is sent to transport the Flat Bottom Boat. In this situation, it would be most correct to
    state that? (AUC 159 Add 7, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6)
    A. All members of the Water Rescue Unit must don a Cold Water Suit prior to commencing
    operations or they cannot enter the water
    B. Each victim shall be assisted into the Flat Bottom boat and provided with a PFD
    C. The assisting Engine should only enter the water if there are more than 3 victims
    D. EMS must be notified to respond and stage at the entry point
  1. B

4.6 The assisting Engine Company will not enter the water. Instead, they will remain at the
entry point with their CFR-D equipment to assist with the removal of victims from the
Flat Bottom Boat, perform patient assessment, and provide treatment when indicated.
EMS will be notified to respond when necessary.

 1 - Flat Bottom Boat
 1 - Set of wheels
 3 - Cold Water Suits (CWS)
 9 - Waders (1 for each member not wearing a CWS)
 15 - Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) (1 for each member not wearing a CWS and 6
for potential victims)

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  1. An Engine Officer writing a Roll Call at 0900 hours would be correct to know that?
    (Journal Guide 2.14, Pg 9—Roll Call sample)
    A. In the 0900 Roll Call entry, the member’s group number should follow their name for both
    the on-duty 0900 and incoming 1800 tours, unless the member is on overtime
    B. The Officer should identify the chauffeur for the tour in writing, with a flagging column
    entry of ECC
    C. The Mask Inspection with a Flagging Column entry of MSK is not considered part of the
    Roll Call entry, and should be entered separately after the Officer signs the Roll Call
    D. If the Engine responds to an alarm while the Officer is in the process of writing a Roll Call,
    members shall not make any entries interrupting the Roll Call entry. They should skip an
    appropriate number of lines for necessary entries
  1. C
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  1. An Engine Company arriving at the scene of a CFR-D response finds a 90-year old victim
    in cardiac arrest and is handed DNR paperwork while they are setting up to perform CPR. In this
    situation, they would be correct to perform CPR if they are given a? (CFR Ch 2
  2. DNR Order on a NY State form with a signed date that is over 3 years old
  3. DNR Order on a NY State form, but they believe that the DNR order is invalid
  4. Nursing Home DNR Order with only a physician’s signature
  5. DNR order on a NY State form dated 1/1/2011, but a second document is presented with a
    subsequent date (1/1/2014) that revokes the original DNR Order
    A. 2, 4 B. 1, 3 C. 2, 3 D. 1, 2, 4
  1. B

6.2.4 NYS law provides immunity from liability for “good faith actions” if the CFR-D
provider believes the DNR order has expired or is invalid and basic life support,
including defibrillation, measures are carried out. A DNR order need not have a
current date.

6.2 Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders:
6.2.1 Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders are described by the NYS DOH in the prehospital
setting as an individual’s right to decline any or all life saving measures
to be implemented to sustain life when all respiratory or cardiac activity ceases.
A. If a CFR-D Unit is presented with a NYS DOH Out of Hospital DNR Order,
the Officer in Charge shall notify the dispatcher of the above and ask them to
advise EMS. A DNR Order is only an order not to perform cardio-pulmonary
resuscitation (e.g., chest compressions and artificial ventilation for a patient in
cardiac arrest). It is not a reason to withhold other treatments, such as
supplemental oxygen.
B. The order must be a copy of the NYS Out of Hospital DNR form (Chapter 5
Section 1). The patient’s attending physician must sign and date the form,
which must contain the patient’s name, date of birth, the MD’s signature and
license number, and the date issued.
C. If a signed order is presented, the CFR-D Unit should follow it unless it has
been revoked verbally or in writing. Obtain the original DNR order and give
it to EMS upon their arrival

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  1. A Ladder Company responds alone to a report of a tree down on a vehicle in front of a
    private dwelling with no report of any injuries. In this situation, the Officer would be correct to
    think that the unit should respond in the? (AUC 301—3.4, (ABC 2-11)
    A. Modified response mode, and the tree should only be removed from the vehicle to perform
    a rescue, provide first aid, or establish an emergency lane
    B. Modified response mode, and the tree should only be removed from the vehicle to perform
    a rescue or provide first aid
    C. Emergency mode, and the tree should only be removed from the vehicle to perform a
    rescue, provide first aid, or establish an emergency lane
    D. Emergency mode, and the tree should only be removed from the vehicle to perform a
    rescue or provide first aid
  1. A

3.3 Department operations on private property are limited to assisting trapped or injured
persons and preventing unauthorized entry into the danger area. Members can be
deployed in the removal of obstructions blocking entrance to a building. This decision is
to be based upon the existence of other adequate means of exit and the complexity of the
3.4 Members are not to attempt to remove a tree which has fallen on a vehicle unless such
action is required to perform a rescue, administer first aid, or establish an emergency lane.

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  1. A Company Officer conducting a search finds a victim in the rear bedroom of an apartment
    and transmits a 10-45 to the IC. The company officer should be suspicious and notify the IC of
    possible arson if he finds the victim? (TB Arson 4.4, 4.6)
    A. Appearing life-like with cherry red lips C. Showing soot around his nose and mouth
    B. In a pugilistic position D. With his skull bone forced inward
  1. D
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  1. First alarm units respond to a report of a Bio-Detection System (BDS) alarm in Manhattan
    at the Morgan USPS Mail Facility. While responding, they verify with the dispatcher the
    reported incident is for a BDS alarm. In this situation, when arriving, they would be correct to
    think? (HM 14 4, 6.4, 8.1)
    A. Initial responding units should meet USPS personnel at the designated Incident Command
    B. Transmit a 10-80 Code 3 for a confirmed BDS activation
    C. Prior to entry for a life safety issue, an Emergency Decon area shall be established and a
    Backup Team designated
    D. Additional units above the initial alarm assignment shall respond to the pre-designated Fire
    Department Emergency Response Meeting Point
  1. C
     An Initial Emergency Response Meeting Point will be established as per the
    Individual Facility Plan. Initial responding units will meet USPS personnel at this
    location to confirm the BDS Alert.
     An Incident Command Post will be established at the pre-designated location.
    Senior agency representatives will report to this Incident Command Post as per the
    Individual Facility Plan due to the scope of the incident.
     A Unified Operations Post will be established as per the Individual Facility Plan.
    Each primary agency will direct roles within their core competency. FDNY units will
    primarily operate within the Haz-Mat Branch and Medical Branch.
     A Fire Department Staging Area will be established as per the Individual Facility Plan
    o A Staging Area Manager shall be designated

Transmit a 10-80 for a confirmed BDS activation. Units will be dispatched according to the “Special Building Box Alarm Assignment.” The FDNY IC can special call additional Fire, EMS, and Haz-Mat resources as necessary for the needs of the incident.

If entry for life safety is deemed necessary:
Members making entry shall wear full PPE (bunker gear and SCBA are acceptable for life safety if a higher level of PPE is not available).
Prior to entry, an Emergency Decon area shall be established and a Backup Team designated.
After exit, proceed to the Contamination Reduction Zone for decontamination.
Maintain respiratory protection throughout the decontamination process.

6.4 Any additional units above the initial alarm assignment shall proceed to the pre-designated Fire Department Staging Area (see USPS Individual Facility Plan).

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  1. Company Officers should know which one of the following apparatus care and
    maintenance checks should be done daily (once per day)? (TB App C-2 Chart)
    A. Transmission Fluid level C. Response Warning Devices operational
    B. Wheel-Checks in a uniform pattern D. Seat Belts in good condition
  1. B
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  1. A Ladder Company arrives at a fire in a High Rise Office Building with Fireman Service
    elevators that were recalled automatically by a water flow from the building sprinkler system. In
    this situation, if all the elevator doors are found closed in the lobby, it would be correct to think
    that the doors of the Fireman Service cars will open if the Lobby Keyed Switch is?
    (TB Elevators Pg 18 5.3.1C)
    A. Placed in the Fireman Service position
    B. Placed in the Door Open position
    C. Momentarily placed to Fireman Service, then placed back to Normal
    D. Momentarily placed to Normal, then placed back to Fireman Service
  1. D
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  1. An Engine Company responds to the scene of an alarm in a High-Rise Office building
    where they find a 53-year old male, who has opened a suspicious package, and become
    contaminated with visible powder on his clothing. The patient is having difficulty breathing and
    determined to be in an unstable condition. In this situation, the Engine Officer would be incorrect
    to? (HM 16-2.2.2, 2.3.1)
    A. Ask the patient to remove their outer clothing and provide the patient with a disposable
    garment or sheet
    B. Bag the patients clothing in a clear plastic bag and give it to EMS for transport with the
    C. Provide emergency decon and treat the patient immediately
    D. Insure members wash their hands, face, and any exposed skin upon completion of this
  1. B

C. Initiating Phase I Recall.
1. If Phase I (recall phase) has not been initiated upon arrival, Phase I shall
be initiated and all cars accounted for and examined as they arrive at the
street lobby floor.
2. If Phase I has been initiated before arrival and all elevator doors are
closed, the following procedures are to be followed.
a. Determine if Phase I was initiated manually or automatically.
b. If Phase I was initiated manually the Firemen Service lobby keyed
switch will be found in the Firemen Service position. Place the
Firemen Service lobby keyed switch momentarily in the “Normal”
(OFF) position. Then return it to the Firemen Service position.
This will cause all elevator car doors in this bank to open.
c. If Phase I was initiated automatically (by lobby smoke detectors or
sprinkler water flow), place the lobby keyed switch in the “Door
Open” position. The doors of the Firemen Service cars will then
open. In some older installations the doors of the non- Firemen
Service cars will not open and must be opened by use of the
emergency hoistway door key.

  1. Engine 99 and L100 (an aerial ladder) are dispatched to a fire in a multiple dwelling. On
    arrival, they find a medium fire condition showing on the 4th floor of a 6-story FPMD, that is an
    isolated building with two enclosed stairways. The building is used for senior housing and CIDS
    indicates the following information:
    MD-CL1-6-story-80 x 150-Very long L-shaped
    hallways-Use Hi-Rise Ladder Company ops
    Two enclosed stairways labeled A & B
    In this situation, the correct action would be? (FFP—MD—7.2, 7.3.1C)
    A. Roof access should preferably be made via the aerial ladder
    B. Initial vertical venting of the attack stair bulkhead should be accomplished by Roof FF’s
    after approval by the 1st Ladder Officer
    C. The Engine to stretch an 1 ¾” for the attack line if the Officer feels it is compatible with
    fire conditions
    D. The 1st Roof FF to proceed to the roof and check the perimeter of the building, then check
    the bulkhead door for occupants and close the bulkhead door when the check is completed
  1. A Ladder Company arrives on the scene of a serious gas leak where they are told by
    awaiting Con Ed gas representatives that the Utility Meter is reading 2% gas in the air. The
    Ladder Officer would expect that FDNY meters will read what percent of the LEL?
    (TB Gas Pg 18, Section 13)
    A. 40% B. 60% C. 80% D. 100%
  1. Engine 303 (A Communications Unit) starts a 9 x 6 tour staffed with an Officer on
    overtime and 4 FF’s. The Officer has no Communications Unit training, but there are three
    Communications Unit trained firefighters in the unit. At 1015 hours, E303 receives a response to
    operate as a Communications Unit at a 10-77 / 2nd Alarm in the Rockaways. While responding,
    they determine that no Battalion Chief has been dispatched as the Communications Unit Leader.
    In this situation, it would be correct for E303’s Officer to think they may? (ICS
    Ch 2 Add 3—2.2, 3.2, Pg 7—Note)
    A. Operate as a Communications Unit, and the Officer will be designated as the
    Communications Unit Leader
    B. Operate as a Communications Unit, unless they do not have an operational “Enhanced Post
    C. Operate as a Communications Unit, and the Officer should report to the BC designated as
    the Resource Unit Leader, if he / she is on scene
    D. Not operate as a Communications Unit, due to insufficient staffing of trained members
  1. C

2.2 To operate as a Communications Unit, the company shall be staffed with a minimum
of three trained members. Trained officers count towards this total. Officers shall notify
their respective Battalion for needed details prior to the start of the tour.
The Communications Unit does not require a trained officer to be in service.

3.2 The Communications Unit will report to the Communications Unit Leader (COML), if
staffed. If the COML is not staffed, or has not arrived, they will report to the Resources
Unit Leader (RESL). If neither the COML nor the RESL is on scene, they will report to
the Incident Commander (IC). The officer of the Communications Unit will not be
designated as the COML

Note: Specialized radios deemed defective will be delivered to the Division with an RT-2
attached. The defective radio will be delivered by messenger to the radio shops for repair or
replacement. The Division will not issue spares or replacement for specialized radios. Units
will not be placed out of service as Communications Units due to out of service equipment
(listed above). There will be additional equipment available at the scene of incidents
(e.g., Battalions have sound powered phone kits, FCU has an enhanced post radio, etc.).

  1. Regarding the responsibilities of officers with probationary firefighters, it would be correct
    for officers to know that? (AUC 323—2.5, 2.7, add 4—1.4, 2.2)
    A. The Officer on duty must initial and date in red ink the probationary FF’s reading schedule
    and training notebook each tour the member works
    B. Probationary firefighters on a 60-day cross training detail shall never be detailed out of
    their cross training unit
    C. The training notebook should be brought to all drills held in quarters
    D. Training notebooks and reading schedules shall be maintained for three years
  1. D

Bring the training notebook to all drills held in quarters.

Make entries in the training notebook either during the drill or as soon as possible after the knowledge has been obtained

2.5 The following entries shall be made in the reading schedules:
Probationary Firefighter- Initial and date in blue or black ink when subject matter has
been read.
Officer on Duty - Initial and date in red ink when the subject matter has been reviewed or
drilled on.
Company Commander - Initial and date in red ink once a month, prioritize reading

2.7 Cross unit details of Probationary Firefighters shall be initiated by the Company
Commander, in consultation with the Battalion Training Coordinator, after the
Probationary Firefighter has completed 90 days of service in the firehouse. Probationary
Firefighters assigned to engine companies shall be detailed to ladder companies, and
those assigned to ladder companies shall be detailed to engine companies. Prior to
commencement of the detail, the Company Commander shall ensure the Probationary
Firefighter has familiarized themselves with FDNY Firefighting Procedures/Bulletins
relevant to the area in which they will be detailed. Cross unit details shall be for a period
of 60 days. During this period, the Probationary Firefighter shall not be detailed out of
the cross training unit unless absolutely necessary. OSA-2 (Detail More Than 30 Days)
shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Operations.

  1. You are the Officer of a 2nd alarm Ladder that has been ordered to the roof of a 1-story,
    100’ x 60’, taxpayer with a serious fire on the first floor of two adjacent stores. You have been
    designated as the Roof Sector Supervisor by the IC. In this situation, it would be incorrect for
    you to think? (Taxpayers 5.4.6, 5.5.21, 5.6.4, 5.5.26 H)
    A. You may cut examination holes to release pent up gases, smoke and heat in areas removed
    from the fire
    B. If possible, have members cut an 8’ x 8’ vertical ventilation hole
    C. Initiate a trench cut if you see the necessity for it, notifying the IC immediately of the
    D. If a white powdery residue is noticed during saw operations, discontinue roof cutting and
    withdraw from the roof after first removing any scuttles and skylights
  1. At a fourth alarm in a taxpayer, the IC designates a member to implement the Emergency
    Alert Tone Assisted Rescue procedure. In this situation, the designated member should operate
    on Tactical Channel 1? (Comm 9 9.5.5, 9.5.6)
    A. Near the search activity, pressing the EAB every few seconds
    B. Near the search activity, pressing the EAB every 5 seconds
    C. Remote from the search activity, pressing the EAB every few seconds
    D. Remote from the search activity, pressing the EAB every 5 seconds
  1. C

9.5.5 Designated member should be located remote from search activity to avoid
confusion among searchers.
9.5.6 The Emergency Alert Tone will be created by the designated member as follows:
A. HT is placed on channel which missing, lost, or trapped member was
B. The Emergency Alert Button is pressed every few seconds to transmit the
emergency alert tone and then pausing, allowing for the possibility of
response from the missing, lost, or trapped member.

  1. Engine 307 is operating on the top floor of a 4-story NFP building where heavy fire from

apartment 4E has entered the cockloft. The IC directs the sector chief on the top floor to have
E307 use Division 14’s cockloft nozzle on their hand line. E307 has stretched 6 lengths of 1 ¾”
hose to the top floor and was operating an effective stream, knocking down most of the fire in
the apartment with the pressure being supplied. After they back out of the apartment to attach the
cockloft nozzle, they would be most correct to? (TB Tools 7, DS 18 3.1-3.5)
A. Supply less pressure on the line as the cockloft nozzle only flows 125 gpms
B. Insure a 3’ x 3’ vent hole is cut on the roof before operating the cockloft nozzle
C. Operate the nozzle from immediately outside the apartment door, thus allowing the hallway
to provide a degree of protection
D. Alternate the direction of the stream by rotating the nozzle 90 degrees and then returning
the nozzle to its original position in order to provide maximum coverage

  1. A Communications Engine is assigned to assist with the operation of a sound powered
    phone operation at a 2nd alarm fire in a subway system near an under river tunnel. It would be
    correct for members to think regarding the use of sound powered phone amplifiers that?
    (TB Tools 31 2.6.1)
    A. Amplifiers must be used at every sound powered phone operation
    B. The Amplifier’s talk level knob controlling the volume should be placed at its highest
    C. The Push to Amplify button must be momentarily depressed and released in order to
    transmit a message
    D. A reply will not be heard if the Push to Amplify button is released
  1. B

2.6 Amplifiers - increase the volume of verbal transmissions, but are not required to be used.
Each amplifier has 2 cords; an 8” long cord with a female connector that attaches to the
headset, and a 42” long cord has a male connector that attaches to the SPT system (Photo 10).
2.6.1 There are 2 controls on the amplifier; a talk level knob that controls the volume
and shall be placed at the highest setting when in use, and a PTA (Push to
Amplify) button. The PTA button must be pressed and held whenever the user
wants to transmit a message. Once the message is completed, the PTA button
must be released, or the reply will not be heard.
2.6.2 There is a clip attached to the back of the amplifier that may be attached to a
handie-talkie strap.

  1. An Engine and Ladder Company arrive at a medium cellar fire condition in a detached 2 ½
    story Private Dwelling where CIDS indicates that the house contains C-Joist construction.
    Regarding the placement and use of the first hose line, it would be correct for the Engine Officer
    to think that? (FFP PD 2.6, 2.7.1)
    A. The first hose line must be stretched through the front door
    B. Only a Chief Officer may consider operating the first line into a cellar window for a quick
    C. Operating the first line into a cellar window should be considered due to the presence of CJoist
    D. Bilco style doors should never be used for hoseline placement
  1. A company officer operating at a 10-75 accidentally depresses his Emergency Alert Button
    on his handie-talkie causing an emergency alert tone to be transmitted. In this situation, the
    officer would be most correct to immediately? (Comm 11, 2.7.5)
    A. Notify the IC, canceling the emergency, then depress the EAB for ½ a second to reset the
    B. Depress the EAB for 2 seconds to reset the EAB, then notify the IC, canceling the
    C. Notify the IC, canceling the emergency, then turn the HT off and then back on to reset the
    D. Turn the HT off and then back on to reset the EAB, then notify the IC, canceling the
  1. You are an Engine Company Office responding to a Class E alarm in a 50-story High Rise
    Office building constructed under the 2008 Building Code. On you arrival, you determine that an
    HVAC detector activated on the 28th floor. In this situation, you would expect that?
    (High Rise Office 7.2.5 A-1, 2, 5, 6, B)
    A. Fireman Service elevators were automatically recalled
    B. A fire alarm signal should be sounding on only the 27th and 28th floors
    C. HVAC air supply into and return air from the 28th floor should have stopped
    D. Pressurizing fans in stair enclosures will have been deactivated
  1. C

7.2.5 An approved combustion ionization detection device or a combination of an
approved smoke detecting device and an approved fixed temperature thermostatic
device shall be installed:
A. At each elevator landing, the activation of this device shall:
1. Recall the elevators.
2. Sound the fire alarm signal on the fire floor and the floor above.
Note: In buildings built under the 2008 Building Code, the alarm
will also sound on the floor below.
3. Cause a fire alarm signal to be transmitted to the Fire Department
via a central station.
4. Cause a fire alarm signal to be sounded at the fire command
station, the mechanical control center and the regularly assigned
location of the fire safety director.
5. Stop the air supply into and the return air from the floor where
6. Activate the air exhaust fans and dampers in the smoke shaft or the
pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure.
7. Unlock the doors on the locked fail safe system.
B. Within the HVAC system, the activation of this device shall accomplish all
of the actions listed in 7.2.5A with the exception of recalling the elevators.

  1. At 1430 hours, first alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire in a one story, 60’ x 125’
    supermarket in the Bronx. CIDS information indicates that there is a wooden bowstring truss
    roof in the attic area above a membrane ceiling. In this situation, it would be most correct to state
    that? (FFP Taxpayers 5.5.25 A, D)
    A. Members may operate on the roof only if a content fire exists. Under no circumstances
    should they operate on the roof if the fire spreads to the structure
    B. A triangular cut can be made from an aerial ladder in the sloping hip section in the front
    and / or rear of the roof to assess if fire has involved the truss space
    C. Members should use a thermal imaging camera from below to assess if fire has involved
    the truss space
    D. If fire is found to involve the truss space, the primary emphasis will be for interior
    operations to be conducted from areas of safety using the reach of the stream
  1. C

B answer should say TL

  1. An aerial ladder company arrives at a fire on the 5th floor of a 6-story OLT with railroad
    flats and no front fire escape. There are two victims on the front of the building on the fire floor
    and a serious fire in the rear of the building. One victim is ambulatory and the other victim is
    very old and helpless. In this situation, it would be most correct for the aerial ladder to be placed
    initially? (Ladders 2 3.1.5, 5.11)
    A. Against the window sill, and the ambulatory victim removed first
    B. 2” from the window sill, and the ambulatory victim removed first
    C. 2” from the window sill, and the helpless, older victim removed first
    D. 6” from the window sill, and the helpless, older victim removed first
  1. B

3.1.5 Recommended distance of the tip from the objective is 2” to 6”. In case of rescue,
use the 2” positioning so that the ladder will rest against the window sill after
weight is put on it. This will remove the danger of motion to an uninitiated
civilian. There is an exception to this recommended minimum distance. At a
very extreme angle, e.g., placing the ladder to the roof of a seven story building,
allow the ladder to barely touch the building. This will prevent excessive
movement when a member climbs to a high elevation. During a member’s climb,
the ladder will be forced to rest against the building, which then stabilizes it.

5.11 When there are two victims to be removed, the order of removal is dependent on
variables difficult to predetermine. In many instances, one of the people will have
climbed out on the ladder before a member has reached this position and there will be no
need to make a preferential determination as to removal. Occasionally one of the
occupants will be aged, infirm, extremely heavy or hysterical and the other one
ambulatory and less trouble to remove. The removal order should be based on the length
of time needed to completely effect this rescue and the seriousness of the exposure to
victims and members.
5.11.1 A serious fire in the front might cut off ladder descent in a short period of time.
Both members assist the most helpless victim onto the ladder and the chauffeur
assists the victim below the point of danger and then to the street. While the
chauffeur is slowly descending, the OV climbs out onto the ladder and assists the
more ambulatory person onto the ladder and complete descent is made.
Note: In this instance, time is the prime consideration in effecting a complete removal of
victims below the danger point and preventing the possibility of retreat being cut off.
5.11.2 A serious fire in the rear, cutting off interior descent and no available front fire
escape, presents another problem. Since the fire is not pushing out the front
windows the time required to effect removal of victims is less critical. In this
case, consideration can be given to the simple removal first and then concentrate
on the difficult removal which will require two members.

  1. The Officer of Ladder 99 operating assigned as the FAST Unit at a second alarm transmits
    a Mayday for a PASS alarm activation indicated on their Pak-Tracker where no contact can be
    established with the member. After the IC directs Ladder 99 to search for the member using their
    Pak-Tracker in its tracking mode, the Officer would be correct to think that when using the Pak-
    Tracker? (TB SCBA Add 8 7.6, 7.8, 7.9)
    A. To begin searching, the Pak-Tracker should be held chest high out in front of the operating
    member with the top of the hand held receiver pointed toward the target
    B. Use the Pak-Tracker in a sweeping motion, very slowly in a vertical direction first
    C. Always pause 2 to 3 seconds for a reading, and it is best to pause at distinct directional
    points (to the left, in front, to the right)
    D. Always move towards the highest relative signal strength displayed
  1. D

pak tracker waist high

  1. A 5 FF Ladder Company arrives at the scene of a 10-75 on the fourth floor of an H-type
    multiple dwelling and is the only unit on scene. In this situation, the Safety Team would be
    composed of? (MMID Ch 1 2.1.1)
    A. The LCC and the FE FF C. The OV FF and the Roof FF
    B. The LCC and OV FF D. The FE FF and the Roof FF
  1. An engine company arrives first at the scene of a 10-75 fire on the first floor of a 2-story
    detached private dwelling where CIDS information indicates that the PD has lightweight parallel
    chord wood truss construction throughout. In this situation, the engine officer would be correct to
    think that? (PD Ch 6 4.1.7, 4.2.2, 4.3.8, 4.3.11)
    A. He should request an extra engine and ladder company above the 10-75
    B. Under no circumstances should they enter the building, other than for a life hazard, if the
    PD is currently under construction
    C. No one shall be permitted to operate on the roof
    D. Under no circumstances should the roof be cut
  1. D

4.1.7 Unless the fire is minor, or confined to a small area, the primary emphasis for a
fire in a lightweight building under construction is that of an exterior attack.

4.2.2 A 2nd hoseline must be positioned to back up the 1st line. When the 2nd line is
needed to address a potential life hazard or is directed by the IC to a location
remote from the 1st hoseline, a 3rd hoseline must be positioned as a back-up line.
The IC shall special call an additional engine company for a structural fire in a
building constructed of lightweight materials.

4.3.8 Cutting the roof and pushing down the ceiling could expose the cockloft area to
additional heat and fire from the top floor. In addition, a saw cut could sever a
structural member causing the failure of one or more trusses/joists. Therefore,
under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of
lightweight construction.

4.3.11 When fire is on the top floor and there are indications that it has extended to the
attic/cockloft, the IC shall be immediately notified, and members shall not be
permitted to operate on the roof. Any fire present in the attic/cockloft represents
the potential for a partial or complete collapse of the roof.

  1. A Ladder Company responds to an odor of smoke in a subway station and on arrival at the
    station, they setup a handie-talkie relay. They took the following actions:
    A. The LCC went down the subway entrance stairs and proceeded to the token clerk booth
    because it was more than 50 yards from the stairs to the street
    B. The OV FF went to the foot of the stairs leading to the platform in order to stay within 50
    yards of the Roof FF
    C. The Roof FF went 50 yards from the stairs on the platform
    D. The Engine Officer went 50 yards (line of sight) from the Roof FF on the platform
    Which member was following the appropriate HT relay guideline? (AUC 207 4.1)
  1. C

Truck Chauffeur Bottom of subway entrance stairs. If the token clerk booth is within 50
yards of stairs to street, contact train dispatcher through the clerk. (There
is a telephone in the token clerk’s booth. Try to obtain additional
information for the Company Officer and Incident Commander). The
LCC should relay the token booth phone number to the Truck Officer in
case it is necessary to call the booth from a blue light telephone.
Outside Vent FF The foot of the stairs leading to the platform if it is within 50 yards of
the Chauffeur.
Roof FF Approximately 50 yards from the stairs on the platform for relay.
Engine Officer Approximately 100 yards (line of sight) from Roof FF on the platform.
Truck Officer To location of the fire.
Additional HT equipped members every 100 yards, if necessary.

  1. You are the officer of the first due ladder at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 5-story Old Law
    Tenement. In which situation(s) below should your Roof FF perform initial vertical ventilation of
    the bulkhead, scuttles, and / or skylights? (FFP-Ventilation 10.2)
  2. The Roof FF hears that the interior team has door control on the fire floor
  3. The Engine Officer requests ventilation to relieve conditions in the public hallway
  4. The Engine Officer indicates that his hose line is stretched, flaked out and just waiting for
  5. The Ladder Officer approves of the vertical ventilation
    A. 1, 4 B. 1, 2, 4 C. 1, 3, 4 D. 2, 3, 4
  1. An Officer conducting drill on operations at Cast-Iron and Mill Loft type of construction
    was correct to state that? (FFP Loft, 5.1.23, 6.1.1, 6.1.8, 7.1.3, 7.2.3D)
    A. Initial hoselines stretched should be 1 3/4””
    B. Segmental arch floors exposed to fire can spall violently and possibly fail when struck by
    water from a hoseline below
    C. Pediments may be used to accurately discern the width of the building
    D. At top floor fires, the second due OV FF will bring the saw to the roof
  1. Engine Company 298 responds to an auto extrication incident and performs CFR-D work
    on 4 victims who were all severely injured and bleeding profusely. The following actions were
    taken by members of E298 at this incident:
  2. They wore fire duty gloves over their disposal gloves, and because the fire duty gloves
    became heavily contaminated with blood, they placed them in a red bag
  3. Because the Nozzle FF’s HT became heavily contaminated, they placed it in a double
    sealed clear plastic bag for pickup by SOC
  4. Because the Backup FF’s bunker pants became contaminated with large amounts of blood,
    it was double clear bagged for collection by SOC
    Which of these actions were correct? (CFR Ch 3 13.5.5, 15.6.1, 15.7.1 B, D)
    A. #3 only B. #2 only C. 1, 3 D. 2, 3
  1. A

15.6 The Department uses portable radios/handie-talkies from Motorola and other
manufacturers. If a Motorola portable radios/handie-talkie becomes contaminated with
blood or other body fluids, it shall be decontaminated in quarters. These portable
radios/handie-talkies may be completely immersed in fluid.

  1. A Lieutenant is supervising a chain saw operation at a fallen tree on a sloping ground area
    after a storm blew through NYC. He would be correct to insure that the member operating stood
    on the? (TB Tools 24 3.6, 3.7)
    A. Uphill side, and throttled up to full speed just before allowing the chain to touch the wood
    B. Downhill side, and throttled up to full speed just before allowing the chain to touch the
    C. Uphill side, and throttled up to full speed just after allowing the chain to touch the wood
    D. Downhill side, and throttled up to full speed just after allowing the chain to touch the wood
  1. A

3.7 Maintain steady footing while gripping the saw firmly with both hands. When operating
on slopes, the chain saw operator must always stand on the uphill side of the tree/log
when cutting.

  1. E59 and L30 (aerial ladder) arrive first at a fire blowing out two rear windows on the top
    floor of a 4-story brownstone. Sizeup indicates there are no rescues or removals required from
    the building. In this situation, it would be most correct for the L30 LCC to raise and position the
    aerial to the roof of? (FFP Brownstones Pg 11–#6, Pg 12 –E)
    A. An exposure for use by the 1st Roof and OV FF’s. The 1st Roof FF should bring a saw and
    6’ halligan hook
    B. An exposure for use by the 1st Roof and OV FF’s. The 1st OV FF should bring a saw and
    halligan tool
    C. The fire building for use by the 1st Roof and OV FF’s. The 1st Roof FF should bring a saw
    and 6’ halligan hook
    D. The fire building for use by the 1st Roof and OV FF’s. The 1st OV FF should bring a saw
    and halligan tool
  1. For a Top Floor Fire:
    A. Raise and position aerial to roof of exposure for use by roof
    firefighter and OV (who will be going to roof).
  1. You are a 2nd alarm engine company arriving at a 10-76 / second alarm fire in a High Rise
    Office building where no Staging Area has been established yet. In this situation, you should
    report to the ICP in the lobby, or if staffed the? (FFP High Rise 9.6.1)
    A. Resource Unit Leader C. Planning Chief
    B. Lobby Control Unit D. Communications Unit Leader
  1. B

9.6.1 Greater alarm or special called engine companies shall report to the ICP in the
lobby or if staffed, the Lobby Control Unit. Upon the establishment of a Staging
Area outside the building, units will report into the Staging Area.

  1. Tower Ladder 111 arrives first at a fire on the fourth floor of a 5-story OLT type Row
    Frame building, attached on both sides with two similar exposures on each side. In this situation,
    they would be correct to think that? (Row Frames Pg 46, 47)
    A. The first preference for the Roof FF to reach the roof is for him to proceed to the roof using
    Exposure 2A or Exposure 4A
    B. The 1st Irons FF may be requested to perform outside ventilation of the fire apartment after
    forcible entry has been accomplished
    C. The 2nd LCC may be immediately sent to the roof to assist with roof operations
    D. If the basket is used for roof access, after completion of roof size-up, the basket FF will
    immediately position the basket for top floor VEIS, as coordinated with the Ladder Officer on
    that floor
  1. C (B is out of books now)
  1. At 0950 hours on Saturday morning, a company officer becomes aware that an on-duty
    firefighter is using an illegal drug in the 2nd floor bathroom of the firehouse. In this situation, the
    Officer would be correct to notify: (AUC 268 3)
    A. The IG by phone during regular business hours
    B. The IG immediately by calling FDOC and requesting the IG’s on call supervisor
    C. BITS by phone during regular business hours
    D. BITS immediately by calling FDOC
  1. At 1300 hours, units respond to a fire in lower Manhattan at the Freedom Tower on the 91st
    floor. In this situation, it would be correct to state that a 3rd stage Engine is? (Eng
    Ops Ch 9 Add 1 4.1)
    A. Required for pumping operations and 600 psi is the recommended discharge pressure
    B. The preferred choice for pumping operations and 600 psi is the recommended discharge
    C. Required for pumping operations and 550 psi is the recommended discharge pressure
    D. The preferred choice for pumping operations and 550 psi is the recommended discharge
  1. An Engine company stretches a 2 1/2” handline into the rear of a taxpayer store and comes
    up one length short. In this situation, the Engine Officer would be most correct to?
    (Eng Ops Ch 12 4.1-4.4)
    A. Order water shut down, and add a length of 2 ½” hose in between the first and second
    B. Order water shut down, and add an increaser, plus a length of 2 ½” hose with a nozzle
    attached to the shutoff on the original nozzle
    C. Leave the line charged, and add an increaser, plus a length of 2 ½” hose with a nozzle
    attached to the shutoff on the original nozzle
    D. Leave the line charged, and add a length of 2 ½” hose with a nozzle attached to the shutoff
    on the original nozzle. No other fittings are required.
  1. You are the Officer of Ladder 19 whose unit arrives first at a fire on the 4th floor of a 6-
    story OLT building with railroad flat apartments. When you reach the fire floor, you are unable
    to control the fire apartment door due to fire conditions in the hallway. Your Roof FF then calls
    you and transmits that he is in position at the bulkhead door and prepared to vent. You order the
    Roof FF not to perform vertical ventilation at this time until you can gain control of the fire
    apartment door. Your Roof FF then forces open the bulkhead door and because conditions were
    tenable, reaches in and probes the immediate area of the bulkhead for potential victims. He then
    immediately closes and controls the bulkhead door. In this situation, your Roof FF was?
    (Ladders 3 Pg 15)
    A. Correct, only if there was a known life hazard
    B. Correct, this should be done in an attempt to reach potential victims
    C. Incorrect, this should not be done without first asking permission of the Ladder Officer
    D. Incorrect, this should never be done when there is no control of the apartment door
  1. Engine 69 returns from a 3rd alarm at 0300 hours, where they were first due and had two
    firefighters injured who have just been granted medical leave. At 0345 hours the Battalion
    informs them that they will be receiving two details from the Bronx around 0430 hours. At 0400
    hours, when their R & R is finished, the Officer notes that he has only two firefighters (including
    one ECC) and himself on duty, and there is no Ladder Company in quarters. In this situation, it
    would be correct for the Officer to think that E69, at this time, must respond to?
    (AUC 287 8.3.1, 8.3.5)
    A. All alarms received, and they must give an “Urgent” when responding to reported
    structural fires, followed by “We are responding understaffed, with 2 FF’s”
    B. Only verbal alarms received, and they must give an “Urgent” each time, followed by “We
    are responding understaffed”
    C. All alarms received, and they should give an “Urgent” if there is heavy radio traffic,
    followed by “We are responding understaffed, with 2 FF’s”
    D. Only verbal alarms received, and they should give an “Urgent” if there is heavy radio
    traffic, followed by “We are responding understaffed, with 2 FF’s”
  1. Engine 3 is special called to a subway derailment for the use of their Nolan Rail Cart.
    While operating the cart on a level surface with two victims, the members pushing it need to
    leave the cart unattended for a minute to go retrieve CFR-D equipment. In this situation, it would
    be correct to state that the wheel lock? (AUC 207, Add 19 3.6, 7.2)
    A. Must be engaged and its location is denoted by a red circle
    B. Must be engaged and its location is denoted by a red square
    C. Must be engaged and its location is denoted by a red triangle
    D. Is not required to be engaged unless the cart is located on any type of grade
  1. Tower Ladder 99 arrives at the scene of a 10-75 in an H-type building where there is a
    victim, who is very obese, showing on the fire floor in a heavy smoke condition at a window. In
    this situation, it would be most appropriate for the LCC to expedite placing the basket to the
    window by placing the apparatus parallel to the building with the? (Ladders 6
    5.1.2, 5.1.4)
    A. Basket in line with the window. To facilitate removal of the victim, the top basket rail
    should be positioned level with the window sill
    B. Basket in line with the window. To facilitate removal of the victim, the middle basket rail
    should be positioned level with the window sill
    C. Turntable in line with the window. To facilitate removal of the victim, the top basket rail
    should be positioned level with the window sill
    D. Turntable in line with the window. To facilitate removal of the victim, the middle basket
    rail should be positioned level with the window sill
  1. You are a covering officer working in Ladder 99 on a day tour in a double house with
    Engine 101. At 1530 hours your LCC is granted medical leave due to a sprained ankle that he
    injured on BISP. There are no other company or school trained chauffeurs working in Ladder 99
    that tour, but there is a company trained LCC from Ladder 99 working in the Engine 101. You
    call the Battalion, and he indicates a School Trained Chauffeur is being detailed from Ladder 98,
    the next unit over in the Battalion, and he should arrive in about 15 minutes. In this situation, it
    would be most correct for you to? (AUC 348 4.1.2)
    A. Remain out of service until the detail from Ladder 98 arrives
    B. Go back in service immediately by detailing the company trained LCC from Engine 101 to
    Ladder 99, and have the Engine respond understaffed while awaiting the detail from Ladder 98
  1. An Engine Officer responds to the following four incidents on a day tour. Which incident
    below would he be most correct to recognize as a situation requiring a Unified Command
    structure to be implemented. (AUC 276 4.1, 5.1, 6.3)
    A. A structural collapse of a large commercial building
    B. A boat in distress where the FDNY arrived first, but additionally one person fell off the
    boat into the water and now needs to be rescued
    C. A confined space incident in a 25,000 gallon tank
    D. A 10-75 fire with seven 10-45’s
  1. In regards to CIRS—the FDNY Computerized Injury Reporting System, a Company
    Officer working a 24 hour shift would be incorrect to? (SB 2.2, 7 3.4, 3.5, 3.8, 4.1)
    A. Notify the medical officer and record an illness in CIRS if a member sustained food
    poisoning from a firehouse meal
    B. Enter all 9’s in the 16 digit FDID spaces to initiate a report in CIRS for an injury that
    occurs in quarters
    C. Enter both an exposure report and an injury report for a member who was exposed to a
    chemical, and is now coughing as a result of the exposure
    D. Enter an exposure report into CIRS immediately for a member who had a biological
    exposure on a CFR-D response at 0030 hours
  1. A

3.5 Illnesses not related to an exposure that prevent a member from continuing on duty (e.g.,
flu, food poisoning) do not need to be recorded in CIRS; however, the Medical Officer
must be notified

  1. A Ladder Company is special called as a Vent Support Group Unit at a 2nd alarm fire in a
    large commercial building where the IC has asked them to mechanically ventilate the building as
    there is a lot of residual smoke that will not lift. As the Officer, in order to best accomplish this
    task, it would be most correct for you to? (AUC 349 9.2)
    A. Use a low exhaust opening, in preference to a high exhaust opening
    B. Insure the inlet opening is double the size of the exhaust opening
    C. Set the fans up 4-6 feet from the inlet with the angle of the fan shroud set at 70 degrees
    D. Use both of your two fans at the inlet opening
  1. D

The higher the exhaust opening
the better. Having the exhaust opening close to and as high up as possible to the seat
of the fire minimizes the smoke damage to the structure.

The fan
will be set farther back then the 4 to 6 feet used when pressurizing stairwells. The
angle of the fan shroud will remain at 80 degrees. A rule of thumb is that the exhaust
opening should be double the size of the opening where the PPF is placed.

Contrary to stairwell pressurization (creating pressure), the objective of mechanical
ventilation is to move as much fresh air as possible into the structure or area. The more
fans the better. One 27” gasoline powered fan moves approximately five times more air
(24,000 CFM) than our 16” electric box fan (3,400 CFM). Using roll-down doors can
allow two fans to be placed side by side (parallel) blowing into a structure. A seal is
created by adjusting the height of the roll-down door and the set back of the fans

  1. A Ladder company officer conducting drill on portable ladder operations was correct to
    make which statement below? (Ladders 1 10.2, 10.3.2, 10.3.4, 10.3.11)
    A. The preferred portable ladder to place over weakened, damaged or burnt out stairs is a
    straight ladder
    B. A portable ladder that has been used by a member to enter a fire building shall never be
    repositioned by another member
    C. When ventilating a window on an upper floor, place the ladder upwind, and if possible,
    level with or higher than the top of the window
    D. At Brownstone fires, taking a portable ladder through the parlor floor of an adjoining
    brownstone with the tip facing the rear, is the most appropriate tactic
  1. C

10.3.4 Portable ladders may be placed over weakened, damaged or burnt-out stairs in
order to safely gain access to upper stories of a building. The preferred ladder
for this is the extension ladder rather than a straight ladder. The shorter nested
length allows easier maneuverability and positioning, while the adjustable
length should ensure proper coverage of the entire stair span.

Therefore, do not move or reposition a ladder
used in this manner except if it is necessary to use the ladder for rescue.
Members operating in the area the ladder was used to access should be notified
regarding its repositioning. The ladder should be returned to its original location
or replaced with another ladder as soon as possible.

Note: In a brownstone, it is important to take the ladder through with the butt
facing the rear of the building.

  1. An Engine Officer responding to an incident in an under-river tunnel in the NYC Transit
    system should be aware that 2 ½” standpipe outlets are located every ______ feet and section
    valves are located approximately ______ feet apart? (FFP Under-River 2.7.1)
    A. 200, 600 C. 600, 200
    B. 200, 800 D. 600, 800
  1. Units operating at the scene of a major collapse which required a 10-60 signal to be
    transmitted hear three short blasts of an air horn approximately 1 second each given by a Safety
    Officer supervising members. In this situation, the members should know that this signal
    indicates that the Safety Officer is signaling for members to? (FFP Collapse 9.2.2)
    A. Evacuate the area
    B. Cease operations
    C. Resume operations
    D. Slowly withdraw from the area, taking all tools and equipment
  1. A

1 Long Blast (3 seconds) Cease Operations/All Quiet
3 short blasts (1 second each) Evacuate the area
1 long and 1 short blast Resume Operations