WEEK #9 WEEK OF 03/18/13 PART I – AUC 207- & ADD’s #1 - 6) PART II – AUC’S #331, 332 & 338 PART III – SB #57 & #61 PART IV – TB – FORCIBLE ENTRY 1 & 2 PART V – DUNN - CHAP. #1 INSTRUCTOR: DAC JIM DALY Flashcards

PART I – AUC 207- & ADD’s #1 - 6) PART II – AUC’S #331, 332 & 338 PART III – SB #57 & #61 PART IV – TB – FORCIBLE ENTRY 1 & 2 PART V – DUNN - CHAP. #1

  1. When all power in the subway is removed, how many of the following items will not be affected? (Sec. 3.2.5)
  2. Station lights
  3. Rights of way lights
    3.Third rail power
  4. Train headlights
  5. Signals Catenary power
  6. Ventilation equipment
  7. Drainage pumping equipment
  8. 480 Standby power.
    A. 5
    B. 6
    C. 7
    D. 8
  1. B
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  1. The first consideration at an operation involving electrified track is to determine if power will remain on or be turned off. Which of the choices below correctly reflect power removal concerns? (Sec. 2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.4, 3.3.2) 1. FD personnel will never be permitted to operate on track areas unless assured power is off, with the exception of an imminent life hazard where immediate action is required to save life.
  2. All orders, directions, inquiries and progress reports, including power removal shall be accomplished at all times via apparatus radio through the FD dispatcher, except when power must be shutoff to expedite critical firefighting operations.
  3. If power is reported off prior to FD arrival, confirmation can be made by contacting the Transit Desk Superintendent via a Transit Authority radio carried by TA police or employees, or via telephone at the token booths and blue lights, and operations may commence.
  4. If members are required to operate under a subway car, request transit personnel protect the contact rail shoes of the affected cars with wooden slippers

A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 4
D. 2 and 4

  1. C
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  1. Which point below concerning subway operations is inaccurate? (Sec. 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.2.6, 3.3.2)
    A. Train operators are not always aware when power in a section of track is removed
    B. Subway cars can receive power from the third rail via a contact rail shoe
    C. The power removal box and emergency telephone will be found near a blue light
    D. Interior subway car lights found to be off indicate that power has been removed
  1. D
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  1. A new lieutenant should know that which of the following engine company operations at a
    subway incident was correctly taken? (Sec. 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 5.1)
    A. The engine chauffeur did not hook up to a hydrant immediately, and once the fire was
    located near an Emergency Exit he/she positioned the rig near the exit and had a supply line
    relayed from another pumper.
    B. The hoseline was stretched down the Emergency Exit immediately upon locating the fire as
    the ladder company started evacuating passengers up the same exit.
    C. The officer checked the TA Emergency Exit booklet as soon as the line was in position in
    the track area to confirm they were on the correct line and track.
    D. Once the first engine stretched to the platform the second engine company stretched a
    backup line.
    E. Use of the MST is preferred, due to the reach of the stream, so members may remain at a
    safe distance from energized equipment.
  1. B
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  1. Which tactic listed below shows proper ladder company operations at a subway incident?
    (Sec. 3.4, 5.2, 5.4.1, 5.4.2)
    A. Members shall not be allowed to walk out onto the benchwall until power has been
    removed and confirmation has been made with the FD dispatcher.
    B. When attempting to extinguish a fire or perform reconnaissance from the benchwall the
    officer and the forcible entry team should be sufficient, with remaining truck members acting as
    safety people.
    C. Safety members should be positioned on the platform where the benchwall is located and at
    the token booth in contact with the clerk.
    D. The can firefighter should carry a wooden hook instead of a halligan hook, and members
    shall always work in pairs and use extreme caution with metal tools.
  1. D
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  1. A handie-talkie relay system set up to assist communications is correctly described in
    which choice? (Sec. 4.1)
    A. The proper sequence of members from the street to the fire is the Truck Chauffeur, Roof,
    OV, Engine Officer, Truck Officer
    B. The Truck Chauffeur must locate at the token clerk booth in order to contact the train
    dispatcher through the clerk
    C. The Roof Firefighter shall locate approximately 100 yards from the stairs on the platform
    for relay.
    D. The OV shall locate at the bottom of the stairs leading to the platform if it is within 50
    yards of the Roof FF.
    E. The Engine Officer shall locate on the platform approximately 50 yards from the Roof
    Firefighter and in line of sight.
    F. Conditions may be such that all members are not needed in the relay to transmit messages
    to grade level. In this case, only members needed to establish an effective relay shall be used,
    beginning with the truck chauffeur
    G. An example of proper terminology in the relay would be “Ladder 4 Roof to Ladder 4 OV
  1. F
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  1. When fire department operations have been terminated and all FD personnel are cleared
    from the tracks, the only proper terminology to be used to notify the dispatcher is? (Sec. 4.5)
    A. “Fire Department operations are completed and the Fire Department no longer requires
    power to be off”
    B. “Fire Department operations are completed and power to affected lines … can be restored”
    C. “Fire Department operations are completed and the train traffic on lines … may resume”
    D. “Fire Department operations are completed and the Fire Department requests third rail,
    catenary and 480 standby power restored”
  1. A

4.5 When Fire Department operations have been terminated and all Fire Department
personnel have been cleared from the track area, the Officer in Command of the
operation shall notify the Fire Department Dispatcher using the following terminology:
“Fire Department operations are completed and the Fire Department no longer requires
power to be off”. This information shall be transmitted to the Desk Superintendent by the
Fire Department dispatcher. THE RESTORATION OF POWER AND/OR

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  1. Units faced with evacuating passengers from a train should know that which of the choices
    is listed correctly? (Sec. 5.6)
    A. The preferred method of evacuation is to a station through the train; transferring to another
    train should not be used as it takes too much time
    B. As a last resort walk passengers out of the tunnel on the benchwall, but do not use the road
    C. Upon reaching the train members should make contact with the train operator or conductor
    and have them make an announcement via intercom that FD is on scene.
    D. In addition to the intercom announcement, members shall walk alongside the train on the
    tracks notifying people of FD presence.
    E. One of the best ways to reduce panic is to provide a high degree of lighting along the right
    of way, and adequate lighting at the train debarkation point and close to the exit.
  1. C

Upon reaching the train, make contact with the train operator or conductor and see if the
intercom system works. If it does, have that person make an announcement that the Fire
Department is on the scene and that the situation will shortly be under control. If the
intercom system does not work, several members walking either on benchwalls or
alongside the train can go as far as the last car, notifying people of our presence. This is
critical to controlling panic and subsequent self-evacuation. One of the best ways to
reduce panic is to provide increased lighting. There should be adequate light along the
right of way, in addition to a high degree of lighting at the train debarkation point and
close to the exit.
There is a possibility that thousands of people will have to be evacuated. If at all possible
people should be evacuated to a station through the train. In those situations where the
train is unable to proceed to a station, consider transferring passengers to another train,
after consulting with transit officials. As a last resort, walk passengers out of the tunnel
using either the roadbed or benchwall.

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  1. Members faced with a fuel spill in the subway should take which one of the following
    actions? (Sec. 5.8)
    A. Request power removal to ensure drainage equipment does not pump the product to a
    remote location.
    B. If the spill is close to a grating or subway station entrance dike the flow by using planking,
    sand or earth, or finally several lengths of charged hose, in that order.
    C. Do not use Emergency Exits near the scene to ventilate the track area as flammable vapors
    will render it unusable.
    D. Utilize available foam resources and cover pools of fuel with a layer of foam.
    E. Use a CO Meter to determine the vapor concentration
  1. D
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  1. Units operating at a fire in an elevated railroad line would be correct to take which action?
    (Sec. 5.7)
    A. If an aerial or tower ladder must be raised, it shall only be extended beyond the railing
    when power removal has been confirmed by FD dispatcher.
    B. The initial survey will be performed by the first firefighter ascending the aerial before
    additional members are committed to operations in a track area.
    C. Attempt to extinguish small tie fires with handlines operated from the street below.
    D. If small tie fires can not be extinguished from below, track entry via the aerial or tower
    ladder shall be attempted, whenever possible, and the fire extinguished using a 1 ¾” handline.
  1. C
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  1. How many of the following subway signs or indicators are accurately described?
    (Sec. 8.1, 8.6, 8.8, Add. 3, Add. 4, Add. 5, Add. 14)
  2. Diagonal red and white stripes painted on a tunnel wall indicate minimal clearance at this
    location and train overhang during turns may hit you.
  3. A thirty-two inch reflective, prism-shaped sign with white lettering on a red background
    with a number recorded on it indicates a subway Emergency Exit.
  4. A red globe on a post light at a subway street entrance indicates there is no token booth
    clerk at this location and the stairway is closed 24 hours a day.
  5. A six-foot high red and white reflective indicator pole at street level indicates the location
    of a siamese connection for a dry standpipe in the subway.
  6. A blue light indicates the exact location of a power removal box, a telephone and a dry
    chemical fire extinguisher.
  7. A five light cluster in a tunnel indicates the location of an Emergency Exit, but is being
    phased out.
  8. If a Platform Track Identification sign located at the end of each platform lists the
    identification of the next station, then there are no Emergency Exits between the two
  9. A green globe on a post light at a subway street entrance indicates there may or may not be
    a token booth clerk at this location and the stairway is open 24 hours a day.
  10. A globe on a post light at a subway street entrance that is split, with the top half colored
    green and the bottom half clear, indicates there will be a token booth clerk on duty.
    A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
  1. A ( 2, 6, 7, 8)

The Power Removal Box may not necessarily be located under the blue light, but it will
be in proximity to it or across the tracks from it

Along the walls of tunnels we will find “no clearance” signs. They are identified by diagonal
red and white stripes painted on a wall. It may appear that there is clearance at this location
but train overhang on turns and contact shoes will hit you if you are standing there

1.2 There are two globe colors being used at these entrances:

Red Globe: Indicates that there may, or may not be a token booth clerk at this
location, and that the stairway will be closed at some point during a
24 hour day.

Green Globe: Indicates that the entrance is open 24 hours a day. There may or may
not be a token booth clerk at this location. In areas that are not served
by a token booth clerk, access will be via a High Entrance/Exit
Turnstile (HEET) or a gate

 If there is not an emergency exit before the next station, then the identification of
the next station is listed.

  1. The Transit Authority has installed a
    new type emergency exit sign. The sign
    is prism-shaped, with white lettering on
    a red background and includes the
    emergency exit number. It is reflective
    and can be read easily from either
    direction of approach.
  2. The 5-light cluster previously used to
    identify emergency exits is being
    phased out. Fluorescent lighting is
    being installed in all emergency exit
    stairwells and at track level adjacent to
    the emergency exit sign.
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  1. On arrival at a subway fire, members had people on the tracks that had self evacuated from
    the train. Which of the following tactics was the only correct choice the members made at this
    incident? (Sec. 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1)
    A. One firefighter, attempting to shut power at the blue light location, had to cross live tracks
    and stepped on the third rail cover to get over the third rail.
    B. The officer assigned a pair of firefighters to act as warning guards at the perimeter of the
    incident, and instructed them to use their lights to stop train traffic in a four-foot wide,
    horizontal, chest-high motion.
    C. The member at the blue light operated the pull down lever to remove power, then picked up
    the telephone handset, depressed and then released the button on the handset and dialed the 4-
    digit number.
    D. The firefighter knew that if contact was not made immediately after operating the power
    removal box with the Desk Superintendent that the power would be restored within 4 minutes.
    E. Because the Power Removal Box was located across the tracks from the Blue Light the
    officer had no choice but to send a firefighter across the tracks.
  1. B
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  1. Members operating on track area should have pre-selected areas of safety and use the
    minimum amount of firefighters to perform tasks. Which safety factor is correctly stated?
    (Sec. 3.2.6, 7.8, 8.2, 8.3, 8.7, 8.11)
    A. When a firefighter passes a cutout on a benchwall that is clear of stored equipment, and
    then a train unexpectedly comes, the firefighter should go back to that cutout and perform the
    Quick Release maneuver with their SCBA.
    B. When members are required to work under a subway car TA personnel should be requested
    to protect rail shoes with wooden slippers, as third rail contact with any rail shoe will energize all
    shoes of the entire train.
    C. Members only need to use their eyeshields when operating a hoseline, as steel dust, which
    forms on walls, benchwalls, and track-beds, can blind.
    D. Members must be concerned in track switching areas only when power is on for a potential
    crushing injury.
    E. Very dangerous conditions exist in proximity to a tunnel entrance or exit due to poor
    visibility, and can be counteracted by additional observers and extreme caution.
  1. E

3.2.6 Subway cars can receive power from the third rail via a contact rail shoe(s).
When members are required to operate under a subway car, request that Transit
personnel protect the contact rail shoes of the affected cars with wooden slippers
to further insure that no power can be transmitted.

7.8 A very dangerous condition exists when operations occur in proximity to a tunnel
entrance or exit. Visibility will be extremely poor and must be counteracted by
additional observers and extreme caution.

Contact shoes are pieces of metal that conduct electricity from the third rail to car motors.
They stick out from the sides of the car near the wheels. There are contact shoes on both
sides of the cars. If any contact shoe is on the third rail, all contact shoes of car will be

When using a cutout, Firefighters are required to use the reduced-profile maneuver for
their masks

. Members are cautioned to use their eye shields even for a
“Can” job as this dust is everywhere, and the minute particles of steel in the dust have
been known to blind people.

An area where trains are routed from one track to another. If a member has a foot in this
moving track, serious injury may result, even when power is off.

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  1. If members encounter an “out of service” bag covering a power removal box, the member
    should? (8.1)
    A. Use the associated telephone to contact the Rail Control Center to request the removal of
    B. Continue onward to the next power removal box
    C. Inform the IC that all power removal boxes are out of service
    D. Take the bag off and give it a whirl
  1. A
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  1. The telephone located at the blue light may be used as a communication link to a token
    booth. Which choice is correctly stated with regards to establishing this link? (Sec. 8.1.1)
    A. Any phone within the same exchange may be contacted by dialing the last three numbers,
    similar to the centrex system in the FDNY.
    B. If you are attempting to reach a phone in a different exchange, you must first dial the threedigit
    exchange of the phone you are trying to reach, followed by the four-digit number for that
    C. Before proceeding to the fire location the ladder officer shall ascertain the token booth
    telephone number, and then call the booth from the blue light phone and give the truck chauffeur
    the number of the blue light phone.
    D. The truck chauffeur will relay the four-digit blue light phone number to the Chief as well as
    conditions reported by the company officer.
    E. If the ladder officer did not get the token booth phone number prior to proceeding to the
    fire, he/she will have no means of communicating with the Chief other than handi-talkie.
  1. C
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  1. Which is a correct statement about subway emergency exits and their related equipment?
    (Sec. 8.8, 8.9, 9.3.3)
    A. Each unit should prepare an exact list of emergency exit locations within their first due
    response area, and attach it to their Emergency Exit Booklet that has been issued to all units.
    B. Units should also highlight and tab the pages in the Emergency Exit Booklet that contain
    exits in their first alarm response area.
    C. Units that are inspecting or responding to an incident at an emergency exit shall notify the
    FD dispatcher to contact MTA Transit Control Center, advising them that units are entering the
    exit. The purpose of this notification is to allow transit to shut down power on the affected lines
    for the safety of our members.
    D. When notify the FD dispatcher to contact MTA Transit Control Center, advising them that
    units are entering the exit, provide the exit number and unit identity
    E. All of the various subway lines (IND, BMT, IRT) require different, unique Subway
    Emergency Keys to open the exit doors, and in some cases vise grips or pliers may be required
  1. B

The MTA Transit is installing intrusion alarms on all of their subway emergency exits.
All units inspecting an emergency exit, or responding to an incident at an emergency exit,
shall notify the Fire Department Borough Communications Office, and request that the
MTA Transit Control Center is advised that Fire Department units are entering the
emergency exit. The unit entering the exit shall communicate the exit number and the
exit location to the Borough Communications Office, for transmittal to the Transit
Control Center.

All companies are issued Subway Emergency Keys. There are three different key shapes
and a pry bar on this tool. All the Subway lines (IND, BMT, IRT) emergency exits can
be opened with this one key. The pry bar end is used to lift the emergency exit door, and
to scrape out debris between the door and the door buck. However, some emergency exit
locks are now appearing with other than the standard shapes. If this is the case, a pair of
vise-grips or pliers will have to be used to open the emergency door.

9.3.3 Each unit shall prepare an exact list of emergency exit locations within their 1st
alarm response district. This list shall be securely fastened to the subway
emergency exit booklets issued to all units (refer to Regulations Sec. 11.5.3).
Also, highlight and tab the pages in the emergency exit booklet where these
locations are found.

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  1. Members were correct in which statement when discussing firefighting equipment which is
    in place at subway incidents? (Sec. 8.5)
    A. Dry chemical extinguishers are located approximately 800 feet apart at the power removal
    B. All under river tubes, with the exception of the Lexington Avenue (Harlem River) tube, are
    equipped with wet standpipe systems, and the water supply for wet systems are city mains
    connected at each end and protected from freezing.
    C. Gate valves with FD threads are located approximately every 200 feet.
    D. Standpipes are equipped with 2 ½” hose and adjustable fog and straight stream nozzles
  1. C

8.5.1 Dry chemical extinguishers at the power removal boxes, found along right of way,
approximately 600 ft. apart.
8.5.2 All under river tubes of the NYC Transit are equipped with wet standpipe
8.5.3 All of these under river tubes have siamese connections that are located on each
end of the tube.
8.5.4 Water supplies for wet systems are city main connected at each end and protected
from freezing.
8.5.5 Gate valves with Fire Department threads are located at approximately 200-ft.
8.5.6 The standpipes are equipped with 1½” hose and adjustable fog and straight stream

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  1. How many of the following points concerning Metrocard usage by FDNY units are
    correct? (Add. 3 sec. 3)
  2. Cards are to be used for access to the subway for fire and emergencies only.
  3. The officer on duty shall make a Company Journal entry after each roll call stating that the
    assigned card is on the apparatus.
  4. A lost, stolen or damaged card shall cause the officer on duty to forward a letterhead report
    to the Public Transportation Safety Unit (PTSU), Bureau of Operations.
  5. In addition to the notification, the officer on duty shall file a police report and complete an
    FS-112 (Lost Property Report).
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. All
  1. 18-C (1, 2, 4)

3.6.1 After each roll call, the officer on duty shall record an entry in the Company
Journal stating that the assigned Metrocard is accounted for and on the apparatus.

3.6.3 When a Metrocard is reported lost, stolen or damaged, the officer on duty shall
immediately notify the PTSU, Bureau of Operations at 718-999-2066,
fax 718-999-2239, advising of the particulars, including the identification number
of the Metrocard, to ensure that the Metrocard is deactivated

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  1. How would a lieutenant who comes across a High Exit Entry Turnstile (HEET) expect to
    be able to open the gate adjacent to the HEET? (Add. 3 sec. 4.2)
    A. Subway Emergency Exit Key
    B. Metrocard
    C. 1620 Key
    D. Finnegan Pin
  1. C
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  1. The TA has installed new Emergency Exit signs to replace the older Emergency Exit
    indicator. Which choice correctly describes the new sign and the indicator being phased out?
    (Add. 5)
    A. A 32” prism-shaped reflective sign with the Subway line # on it replacing the blue light
    B. A 32” prism-shaped reflective sign with the Emergency Exit # on it replacing the blue light
    C. A 32” prism-shaped reflective sign with the Subway line # on it replacing the 5-light
    cluster indicator.
    D. A 32” prism-shaped reflective sign with the Emergency Exit # on it replacing the 5-light
    cluster indicator.
  1. D
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  1. The Transit Authority is using padlocks on secure areas that require special keys. FDNY
    members should know that? (Add. 6)
    A. FD units will be issued these keys to assist in gaining access to these areas.
    B. Forcible entry must be utilized to gain entry to these areas.
    C. These keys can not be duplicated and have a serial number specific to an individual TA
  1. C
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  1. NYCTA has installed track identification signs on all of their underground subway station
    platforms that will contain all of the following except? (Add 4)
    A. A “You Are Here” indicator
    B. The direction to the nearest emergency exit
    C. The distance to the nearest emergency exit
    D. The ID of the nearest emergency exit
    E. If there is not an emergency exit before the next station, the “NO EMERGENCY EXIT” is
    F. The normal train movement at that location
  1. E

The New York City Transit Authority has installed track identification signs on all of
their underground subway station platforms (figure 1). These signs have a red
background with white lettering, are located at the end of each platform, and contain the
following information:
 The name of the station.
 The track designation and location.
 A “You Are Here” indicator.
 The direction and distance to the nearest emergency exit, and its identification
 If there is not an emergency exit before the next station, then the identification of
the next station is listed.
 The normal train movement at that location; NB or SB.
Note: As an alternative, FDNY can use the train’s destination as a point of
reference when giving the train’s direction of travel e.g., Manhattan bound;
Brooklyn bound.

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  1. A battalion chief is reviewing an eCIDS entry noting a cell phone site from the
    administrative company. Which would be an incorrect action for the BC to take? (3.1, 4)

A. Advise the unit that these sites are unregulated and require FD notification to Department
of Buildings.
B. Disapprove the entry, and type in the reason box that it did not contain the backup power
supply location.
C. Make an onsite inspection.
D. Establish company drills or MUD at the site with a cell phone company representative.
E. Ensure the unit also notified the division and all first alarm units via telephone followed by
a written memo.

  1. A

3.1 Installation of cellular phone sites require the filing of an alteration application and the
issuance of a permit from the Department of Buildings


4.1 The administrative company must notify their battalion, division, and all first alarm units
via telephone followed by written memo.

4.2 Administrative company must do an on site inspection and evaluate the cell site.

4.3 Administrative company should complete and submit a CIDS card and forward it to their
battalion fire prevention coordinator. CIDS card should specify the location of the cell
site room, backup power supply location, shut offs, and emergency telephone number of
the cellular phone company.

4.4 Comply with Fire Prevention Inspection Bulletin 23, if necessary.

4.5 Administrative battalion should make an onsite inspection.

4.6 Administrative battalion should schedule company drills/MUD at the site to formulate
firefighting strategies. These FD familiarization drills should be set up with a cellular
phone company representative.

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  1. Proper operations at a building containing a cell phone site are described in how many of
    the following choice(s)? (5.10, 5.6, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.9, 6.12)
  2. Special call an additional engine and ladder for a reported fire in these buildings.
  3. Insure a tower ladder response once it is confirmed that the cell site is involved.
  4. Special call an additional BC above the 10-75 to supervise roof operations.
  5. Coaxial cable trays may be cut if necessary for roof vent, but insure members do not cut
    any electrical lines.
  6. Utilize portable dry chemical extinguishers at incipient fires.
  7. Establish a collapse zone beneath parapets where antennas and installation equipment are
  8. Do not operate directly in front of antennas, distance is safety.
    A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
  1. 2-B (3, 5, 6, 7)

5.6 Do not operate directly in front of antennas. Studies have shown direct exposure to
radiowaves for extended periods may cause health problems. Distance is safety.

5.10 Do not cut or dislodge coaxial cable or antenna grounds.

6.3 Special call an additional engine and ladder company, if the cell site installation is
involved. These additional units could be used for power removal, roof operations and
handline placement.

6.4 Insure tower ladder response on the initial alarm for a reported fire in these buildings.

6.5 Special call an additional battalion chief above the 10-75 to supervise roof operations

6.9 Ladder companies should consider utilizing portable dry chemical extinguishers at
incipient fires

6.12 Establish a collapse zone beneath parapets where antennas and installation equipment are

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  1. Cell site antennas may not extend higher than how many feet above the height of the roof
    or parapet on the roof, or above any penthouse or bulkhead, if placed on a penthouse or
    bulkhead? (3.2)
    A. 6
    B. 8
    C. 10
    D. 12
  1. Cellular phone sites consist of four major components; the base station (computer), the
    primary electrical power/secondary backup power, coaxial cable (used to supply the RF signal
    from the base station to the radio antenna), and transmitting and receiving antennas on the upper
    portion of the building. Which of the following statements is true with regards to these
    components? (2.1)
    A. The primary electrical power for a cellular communications base station is generally
    between 50 and 200 amps AC and is supplied by the building service.
    B. Coaxial foam radio frequency cable is waterproof and carries high voltage.
    C. The secondary backup power will consist of batteries, diesel or natural gas generator, or a
    combination of battery and generator.
    D. Roof mounted gas generator piping may extend via the exterior of the building only, as per
    NYC Building Code.
  1. How many of the following may authorize a member of the department to act as the FDNY
    spokesperson at an incident or event and make statements on behalf of the department?
  2. Fire Commissioner
  3. Incident Commander
  4. Operations Section Chief
  5. Office of Public Information (PIO)
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. All

1-C(1, 2, 4)

  1. A BC familiar with the department’s press policy should advise firefighters under his/her
    command that if no supervisor is present on-scene, and if a press inquiry doesn’t interfere with
    operations, members may disclose which of the following points of information? (3.4.3)
  2. Type of incident or event
  3. Number of patients or victims
  4. Hospitals to which patients or victims were transported
  5. Patient’s or victim’s condition and care provided
    A. 2, 3, 4 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 1, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 4
  1. All requests to ride in Fire Department vehicles by any individual not authorized to be
    present in a Fire Department vehicle is strictly prohibited, and due to liability concerns, there are
    no exceptions to this mandate. (3.5.1)
    A. True or B. False
  1. B

3.5 Requests To Ride In Department Vehicles

3.5.1 All requests to ride in Fire Department vehicles by any individual not authorized
to be present in a Fire Department vehicle, must be forwarded to and approved by
the Chief of Operations. This is to ensure that the individual’s presence receives
approval and that a liability release form is completed.


AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.
1. You should know that FDNY priority in this instance is to? (AUC 338-2.1, 7.6)
A. Apply water streams to the involved equipment in order to save it
B. Apply foam streams to the exposed, unaffected equipment to save it
C. Apply water streams via handlines to the exposed, unaffected equipment to save it
D. Apply water streams via master stream devices to the exposed, unaffected equipment to
save it


AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. Who may authorize the use of water stream application at this incident? (4.2)
    A. Con Edison White Hat
    B. Battalion Chief in consult with the Con Edison White Hat
    C. Deputy Chief in consult with the Con Edison White Hat
    D. Chief Officer above the rank of Deputy Chief in consult with the Con Edison White Hat (or
    a DC acting as Car 421 or 422)
  1. D

4.2 The decision to apply water streams to electrical components at Con Edison facilities will
not be undertaken by first responding units. This decision can only be made by a
Chief Officer above the rank of Deputy Chief (or a Deputy Chief operating as Car 421 or
Car 422) in consultation with the Con Edison White Hat at the sceneD


AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. After approval for the use of water has been authorized, you are ordered to set up and
    operate your tower ladder pipe. Which would be a correct tactic for you to order? (5.3,
    5.5 note, 5.6.1)
    A. Set up the tower ladder so the minimum safe distance from the tip of the nozzle to the
    nearest energized equipment is 15 feet using a 30 degree or greater fog stream.
    B. If the tower ladder is unable to achieve the desired reach, a ladder pipe may be used
    utilizing the Aquastream Nozzle with a fog pattern of 30 degrees or greater.
    C. If the tower ladder is unable to achieve the desired reach, the engine deck gun may be used
    with the stack tip, maintaining a minimum distance of 50 feet.
    D. Once the tower ladder is in position in the facility, all members are removed from the
    apparatus, the basket stang is locked in place, and the water stream operation is ready to be
    applied to the target area.
  1. A
  2. After approval for the use of water has been authorized, you are ordered to set up and
    operate your tower ladder pipe. Which would be a correct tactic for you to order? (5.3,
    5.5 note, 5.6.1)
    A. Set up the tower ladder so the minimum safe distance from the tip of the nozzle to the
    nearest energized equipment is 15 feet using a 30 degree or greater fog stream.
    B. If the tower ladder is unable to achieve the desired reach, a ladder pipe may be used
    utilizing the Aquastream Nozzle with a fog pattern of 30 degrees or greater.
    C. If the tower ladder is unable to achieve the desired reach, the engine deck gun may be used
    with the stack tip, maintaining a minimum distance of 50 feet.
    D. Once the tower ladder is in position in the facility, all members are removed from the
    apparatus, the basket stang is locked in place, and the water stream operation is ready to be
    applied to the target area.

AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. If the hydrant system becomes unusable, drafting from the adjoining body of water in order
    to continue water stream operations is a viable solution. (7.3)
    A. Agree or D. Disagree
  1. D

7.3 Only fresh water shall be used for applying water streams on live electrical components.
Salt water shall never be used.


©Copyright 2013 Fire Tech Promotion Courses, Inc.
SPRING 2013– Class #9 All Rights Reserved
AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. The possibility of run-off water from this operation being electrically charged should be
    considered? (7.11)
    A. Extremely likely
    B. Somewhat likely
    C. Extremely remote
    D. Impossible
  1. C

7.11 The possibility of run-off water from a Con Edison facility being charged with electrical
current is extremely remote. All Con Edison facilities have station grounding mats
installed that would absorb any stray electrical currents and prevent pools of water
outside the facility from being charged. However, avoid low spots when positioning
apparatus and appliances. Members should also avoid water run-off


AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. Safety is of the utmost importance at operations of this type. Which choice is incorrectly
    stated? (7.1, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.9, 7.11)
    A. FDNY members shall never enter a Con Ed facility unless escorted by qualified Con Ed
    personnel and with the approval of the IC.
    B. Members shall not touch, move or adjust any part of the large caliber stream device while
    delivering water to energized electrical components.
    C. The hydrant to be used and the hose and appliance must be flushed thoroughly to clear all
    sediment and scale, which may increase electrical conductivity.
    D. Foam may be used for extinguishment when fluids inside the transformer are determined to
    be flammable.
    E. Avoid low spots when positioning apparatus, appliances, or members

AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. If the incident had involved 345kV, the minimum safe operating distance for applying water
    using a straight stream utilizing a fog tip or a solid stream on energized or de-energized electrical
    components would be? (5.3, 7.8)
    A. 25 feet
    B. 75 feet
    C. 125 feet
    D. 150 feet
  1. C

5.3 The following are the minimum safe operating distances for applying water on energized
or de-energized electrical components:
• 15 feet on live 138 kV electrical components for 30° or greater fog streams.
• 75 feet on live 138 kV electrical components for all straight or solid streams and
streams less than 30° fog. This distance is equal to approximately one and onehalf
(1½) lengths of hose.
• 25 feet on live 345 kV electrical components for 30° or greater fog streams.
This distance is equal to approximately one-half (½) length of hose.
• 125 feet on live 345 kV electrical components for all straight or solid streams
and streams less than 30° fog. This distance is equal to approximately two and
one-half (2 ½) lengths of hose.
NOTE: These minimum safe operating distances are from the tip of the nozzle to the nearest
energized electrical equipment in the direction of the stream.

7.8 Fog streams can be greatly affected by wind conditions and may not reach the target area
from a distance of fifteen or twenty-five feet. In these situations, a straight stream
utilizing the fog tip or a solid stream shall be used and the stand-off distances increased
as per section 5.3


AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. A telephone alarm for a fire at a Con-Edison Substation was received by units. While enroute,
    the engine company officer was thinking the following things. In which choice was the
    officer correct? (Add 2—pg 1, 6, 7 )
    A. The substation should be immediately recognizable on arrival, as all of these facilities
    contain a walled-in, open yard containing transformers, exposed buss bars and capacitor banks.
    B. Response should be to the designated muster site to meet and consult with the Con Ed
    White Hat, who will have facility information (e.g. PCB info, overhead photo, site diagram etc.)
    on his person at all times.
    C. All substations have a white hat representative on-scene 24 hours a day.
    D. A 3½” supply line shall be stretched, but not charged, to the sprinkler siamese if present.
    This will provide protection for transformers, capacitor banks, battery rooms and any structure in
    the facility.
    E. Once inside the facility the officer must restrict his members from cutting fences, forcing
    open locked doors or gates, or climbing.
  1. E

Note: Some substations are architecturally designed to mimic surrounding building styles
and may not be immediately recognizable as substations.


4.1 Respond to the designated muster site. (See AUC 338 Add. 1)

4.2 Meet and consult with the Con Edison White Hat at the muster site. Have White Hat
retrieve information from the Lockbox located inside the substation. The Lockbox
contains information that can be useful to the Incident Commander including
PCB information, overhead photo, a site diagram and list of the hazards present at the
substation. (Photos 9 and 10)

4.3 Some substations are staffed 24 hours a day. However, if a White Hat is not on scene,
call the posted number and request that one respond.


AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. The tower ladder company officer on the above response was also deep in thought en route.
    He knew that he had to maintain a safe distance horizontally between the substation’s exterior
    fence line and the tower ladder boom and/or bucket. This distance should be? (Add 2—pg 8)
    A. 10’
    B. 15’
    C. 18’
    D. 25’

AUC 338 - Application of Water on Energized Electrical Equipment
You are a lieutenant in a tower ladder, and are assigned to a phone alarm for a fire in the
Con Edison-Hudson Avenue Generating Station. The station is adjacent to a salt water
inlet from the ocean. On arrival at the muster site for the facility you meet the Con Ed
White Hat and the Battalion Chief. The chief explains to you that they have a fire in a
large, energized electrical transformer. It has been determined that the maximum voltage
potential in the facility is 138 kV.

  1. Once on scene, the units were advised they had a fire in the battery room of the substation.
    Which action was correctly taken?
    A. They entered the substation with the White Hat, and carried fiberglass and wooden hooks,
    which do not conduct electricity.
    B. They did not allow any tools they were carrying to project above their shoulder level,
    including the fiberglass and wooden hooks.
    C. They forced entry to the battery room door which was locked.
    D. They utilized a CO2 extinguisher on the batteries on fire, while using their SCBA due to
    the potential of a sulfuric acid mist in the atmosphere.
  1. B

5.5 Battery Room Fire – Carbon dioxide should not be used as an extinguishing agent at
these fires. The plastic battery shell may crack when cold CO2 gas is applied to the fire
causing sulfuric acid to spill out and be vaporized by the heat. This creates a respiratory
hazard as the acid in the batteries is very corrosive. Dry chemical extinguishers will
work here as will water application from a safe

 Do not cut fences or force open locked doors or gates. Inside substations, ground
level electrical hazards are fenced-in or kept behind locked doors and gates.

 Avoid bringing metal tools into the substation and do not allow any tools to project
above your shoulder. Also, wood or fiberglass hooks can conduct high voltages
found in substations.

  1. Units operating at a vacant building fire should know all of the following tactics are within
    FDNY guidelines, with the exception of which one?
    A. All operations in vacant buildings must be conducted with extreme caution being exercised
    for the safety of operating personnel, particularly when a unit is operating alone.
    B. A charged line may be used as a life line to provide direction out of areas of poor visibility.
    C. A charged line may be used to push smoke away so you can see or be seen and to pinpoint
    your location by operating it out of a window or from the fire escape.
    D. When there is a tower ladder at the scene of a vacant building fire, it should be positioned
    and made ready for immediate use as either an elevated stream or as a ready means to evacuate
    members in need of assistance at upper levels.
  1. A
  2. No unit should operate alone in a vacant building. Call for help immediately
  1. Units operating at a small fire in a utility closet of a High-Rise office building encountered
    a pungent, irritating odor similar to that of chlorine. They should assume what material is
    A. Rubber
    B. Metal
    C. PVC
    D. PCB
  1. When PVC burns, hydrogen chloride gas is formed. In the presence of moisture, such as in
    your lungs, what chemical product is formed?
    A. Hydrochloric acid
    B. Ammonium nitrate
    C. Poly-chlorinated biphenyls
    D. Hydrogen cyanide
  1. A
  2. Polyvinyl chloride is a great insulator for electrical wire. In addition to its dielectric
    qualities, PVC is resistant to water, acids, alkalis and alcohol. Great, when you are in
    the electrical business, but not too great for firefighters. When PVC burns hydrogen
    chloride gas is formed which, in the presence of moisture forms hydrochloric acid.
    Hydrochloric acid corrodes most metals. So unless you are a Bionic man be sure to use a
    mask at electrical fires. It is easier to change SCBA tanks than lungs
  1. Which of the following units should carry additional SCBA cylinders to the Fire
    Sector/Branch (formerly Operations Post) at a High-Rise office building fire?
    A. All engine companies
    B. All companies
    C. Companies responding 2nd due and as additional engine and ladders
    D. Companies responding as 3rd due and as additional engine and ladders
  1. D
  2. Units responding as third due, or as additional engine and ladder companies, should carry
    extra Scott cylinders to the operational command post.
  1. Members operating a tower ladder basket at an All-Hands fire are instructed to bring the
    saws and additional firefighters on the roof to the ground. After loading up the bucket, which
    would be the correct sequence of actions to take for the member operating the bucket controls?
    A. Retract the boom slightly, then raise the boom away from the parapet wall
    B. Rotate the boom slightly, then raise the boom away from the parapet wall
    C. Raise the boom away from the parapet wall prior to retracting or rotating
    D. Raise and retract the boom simultaneously
  1. A ladder company operating at a water leak encounter electrical sparking coming from the
    tin ceiling in the bathroom. After having members shut down power to the building, the sparking
    continued. Which of the following choices are the likely the cause?
  2. The Con-Ed ground circuit back to the manhole is “open” or broken and the house ground
    circuit is also “open” or broken.
  3. The electricity is still flowing even though you pulled the power switch, because an
    adjoining building is supplying electricity through common wiring.
  4. The electricity is still flowing even though you pulled the power switch, because there is a
    residual charge in the system that needs to be drained by a licensed electrician.
  5. The Con-Ed ground circuit back to the manhole is “closed” and the house ground circuit is
    also “closed”.
    A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4 C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 4
  1. B
  2. In summary, if you encounter a condition as described herein, and sparking continues
    after the electrical power switch has been placed in the “off” position in the affected
    building, the following conditions are probably present:
  3. The Con-Ed ground circuit back to the manhole is “open” or broken and the house
    ground circuit is also “open” or broken.
  4. The electricity is still flowing even though you pulled the power switch, because
    an adjoining building is supplying electricity through common wiring.


OPEN CIRCUIT - an electrical circuit that does not permit electricity to flow because there is a
break in the circuit wire.

“CON ED” OR UTILITY GROUND - the wiring installed by the utility company that permits
electricity to flow back into the manhole and then into the earth or “ground”.

“HOUSE” GROUND - the wiring installed by the electrician in building a house that also
permits electricity to flow back into the earth or ground in event the utility ground is broken or

  1. A BC was discussing a recent fire members faced in the home of a military buff. The fire
    caused a military type HC smoke grenade to discharge in a small bedroom. The chief was
    correct in all of the following statements with the exception of which choice?
    A. The HC smoke grenade produces a smoke screen which, when used outdoors for obscuring
    purposes is extremely dangerous at any concentration.
    B. The designation HC, is a mixture of grained aluminum, zinc oxide, and hexachloroethane,
    which when burning produces zinc chloride which rapidly absorbs moisture from the air to form
    a grayish white smoke.
    C. The color and amount of smoke is no indication of the hazard involved, and the use of
    masks is important since we have no way of determining the toxic content of smoke at a fire
    D. Exposure to heavy concentrations of HC smoke generated in closed spaces is extremely
    dangerous and under these conditions has caused fatalities
  1. An LCC was in the process of lowering the outriggers and jacks to support the tower ladder
    for a rescue attempt. The IC had ordered the bucket to perform a rescue at the front window.
    The inside team reached the victim first, so the IC ordered the rescue attempt via the bucket to be
    aborted. The LCC had only deployed the outriggers and jacks halfway at this point. Which
    action/s would be acceptable for the LCC to perform next?
  2. Properly place all outriggers and jacks for operation.
  3. Place the outrigger and jack on the fire building side of the apparatus in the fully down
    position, leaving the outrigger and jack on the street side in the up position.
  4. Return all outriggers and jacks to the pre-setup position.
  5. Leave all outriggers and jacks at the halfway position, decreasing the time needed to setup
    if another situation required use of the bucket.
    A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 3
  1. An emergency action plan is required for all FDNY facilities. Safety Bulletin 61 is that
    plan. Company officers should know which of the following statements about the plan is
    A. This plan shall be reviewed by the officer with their personnel when the plan is developed.
    B. This plan shall be reviewed by the officer with their personnel when the plan is changed.
    C. This plan shall be reviewed by the officer with their personnel when new personnel are
    D. This plan shall be reviewed by the officer with their personnel semi-annually during the
    first week of January and July each year.
  1. D

new people are developed and changed

  1. Which choice is incorrectly listed when discussing proper techniques to force inward
    opening doors? (FE1-2.1)
    A. Place the fork of the halligan approximately 6” above or below the lock with the bevel side
    of the fork next to the door, slightly canted toward the floor or ceiling.
    B. If stiff resistance is met while driving the halligan with the axe in Answer “A”, turn the
    halligan so the bevel side of the fork is against the door jamb.
    C. Drive the hook of the halligan completely into the door jamb 6” above or below the lock
    and apply downward pressure on the halligan.
    D. With the back of an axe, or maul, strike the solid part of the door adjacent to the lower
    hinge first, and once forced use the same method on the upper hinge.
  1. D

NOTE: Always attack the upper hinge first so that smoke and heat will rise while
completing forcible entry on the bottom of the door.

  1. The method used to force outward opening doors is determined by the position of the door
    in the frame. Which choice is incorrect? (FE1-3.1)
    A. When forcing flush fitting doors, use either the adz or fork end of the halligan.
    B. When forcing recessed doors or doors with a wall adjacent to the lock side of the door use
    the adz end of the halligan.
    C. When using the adz end for either type door position, place the adz of the halligan 6” above
    or below the lock and drive it into the space between the door and jamb until you penetrate the
    door stop portion of the jamb.
    D. When using the fork end of the halligan for flush fitting doors, place the concave side of
    the fork toward the door, tool canted slightly for initial penetration.
  1. To open locks after the cylinder has been removed, different key tools and methods are
    used for the various type locks. Which is an incorrect choice concerning mortise locks?
    A. A mortise lock is designed to fit into a cavity in the edge of a door, and utilizes a cam that
    slides the bolt out of the strike.
    B. After pulling the cylinder of a mortise lock, insert the bent end of the key tool into lock
    through cylinder hole with bent end pointing to approximately 5 o’clock, and move the bolt slide
    to the 7 o’clock position.
    C. The 5 o’clock and 7 o’clock positions will always be found towards the bottom of the
    D. If after the dead bolt is retracted (5 to 7) and latch is still in the locked position (knob will
    not turn), continue rotating the key tool until contact is made with spring loaded latch lever,
    which is usually found at 9 o’clock or 3 o’clock.
  1. C

4) If after the dead bolt is retracted (5 to 7) and latch is still in the locked
position (knob will not turn), continue rotating the key tool until contact is
made with spring loaded latch lever, which is usually found at 9 o’clock or
3 o’clock. Depress this latch to release

  1. A Captain was drilling on rim locks in tenement buildings. In which statement was he
    correct? (FE1-4.2.B)
    A. Rim locks are manufactured to fit on the inside surface of the door with the cylinder visible
    from the outside, and use a cam principle similar to a mortise lock.
    B. If for any reason you cannot insert the key tool into stem slot (shutter present) or turn the
    key tool (night latch thrown), place the point of the halligan or similar tool in the cylinder hole
    and drive the lock off the door.
    C. On police locks, also known as vertical bar locks, the stem of the cylinder is square shaped,
    requiring a special 5/16” square key tool.
    D. Police locks are very sturdy devices, and conventional forcible entry attempts, such as
    forcing with the maul, are usually unsuccessful.
  1. B

4) If for any reason you cannot insert key tool into stem slot (shutter present)
or turn the key tool (night latch thrown), place the point of the Halligan or
similar tool in the cylinder hole and drive the lock off the door.
NOTE: Some rim locks have a shutter which will move into the area
vacated by the stem as the cylinder is withdrawn. This shutter
can be moved by the use of a tool such as a dental pick if time

  1. The double bar, or Fox lock, is a formidable opponent for forcible entry teams. Which
    choice is correctly stated? (FE-1-4.2.B.6)
    A. Easily recognizable by the location of the cylinder in the center of the door.
    B. Cylinders are usually covered with a metal plate held in place by four bolts, requiring the
    use of a halligan to shear off all four bolts.
    C. Remove the cylinder with the K tool and use the stem end of the key tool.
    D. Turn the tool towards the top bar to unlock the door
  1. A

6) (Double bar lock - Fox locks) Easily recognizable by the location of the
cylinder in the center of the door.
a. Cylinders are usually covered with a metal plate with four bolts.
b. Using a Halligan, shear off the top two bolts and one bottom bolt
then turn the plate down exposing the lock cylinder. Remove the
cylinder with the K tool. Using the square key tool, turn the tool
towards the bottom bar thus unlocking the door.

  1. A lock commonly found on roll-down security gates at taxpayer fires is the American Lock
    Series 2000. A ladder company can attack this type lock by use of a saw or cutting torch. The
    proper method is to cut through the lock, cutting it into two pieces, where? (FE1-6.1)
    A. 1/3 of the distance up from the keyway
    B. 3/4 of the distance down from the top of the lock
    C. 2/3 of the distance up from the keyway
    D. 2/3 of the distance down from the top of the lock
  1. Multi-lock doors are found in some projects and newly renovated buildings. The lock is not
    necessarily centered in the door but easily recognizable by the large plate covering the lock.
    Which is a correct statement about this type lock? (FE1-9.1)
    A. The lock consists of three bars which enter the door jamb when the lock is engaged.
    B. Units should make sure the multi-lock is engaged prior to forcing entry by sliding paper or
    cardboard under the door along the bottom.
    C. To force the door, cut a triangle in the lower quadrant of the door on the hinge side.
    D. Make the cut large enough to get your arm through and back out and to insure you cut the
  1. B

9.1 Found in some projects and newly renovated buildings. The lock is not necessarily
centered in the door but easily recognizable by the large plate covering the lock. Four
bars, one in each direction, enter the door jam when the lock is engaged.
NOTE: Make sure multi-lock is engaged prior to forcing entry. By sliding paper or cardboard
under the door along the bottom, you will be able to tell if lock is engaged or not.
To force the door, cut a triangle in the lower quadrant of the door on the doorknob side.
This will enable you to unlock conventional locks as well. Make the cut large enough to
get your arm through and back out, but small enough so that you don’t cut the bar.
Reference #6, Figure 1.

  1. Roll-down security gates are found in all areas of the city. There are three types, manual,
    mechanical and electric. Which is an incorrect statement about these gates? (FE1-10)
    A. Manually operated doors are commonly found on the fronts of smaller stores and are
    readily recognized by the absence of any raising mechanism housing at drum level (top) and the
    presence of lift handles attached to the bottom bar.
    B. Mechanically operated doors are easily recognized by the gear and chain mechanism
    located in a housing at the top of the door alongside the drum with approximately one foot of the
    operating chain remaining visible beneath this housing.
    C. Electrically operated doors are readily identified by a large metal housing containing the
    motor and related components on the outside of the installation, adjacent to either side of the
    drum, as well as an electric key switch usually found on the building wall on either side of the
    D. In the event of a power failure, electrically operated doors must be manually forced by use
    of a power saw or cutting torch on the gate itself.
  1. According to Chief Dunn, the collapse of which structural element is more likely to kill
    A. Floors
    B. Roofs
    C. Walls
    D. Ceilings
  1. Which is not listed as one of the four factors that will contribute to an increase in the
    number of burning building collapses?
    A. Age of buildings
    B. Abandonment
    C. Use of lightweight construction materials
    D. Inadequate building codes
  1. Which of the following is not considered a Structural Collapse?
    A. A slate roof tile becomes dislodged and slides off a roof deck due to fire impingement on
    the underside of the roof deck.
    B. Glass breaks and falls from a window as the frame becomes heated and distorted from the
    C. A flower box attached to the front of a private dwelling becomes dislodged and falls due to
    a hose stream striking it.
    D. A bedroom door burns through and falls off of its hinges inside a PD fire.
  1. When objects must be thrown out of a window during the overhaul phase of a fire
    operation, certain precautions must be taken. Which is listed correctly?
    A. Do not throw objects from a window unless you have visually assured the area below is
    B. When trimming broken glass, all shards should be knocked to the outside of the building.
    C. When removing stuffed chairs and upholstered items to the exterior, a portable extinguisher
    or hoseline should be positioned in the hallway near the furniture due to possible reignition.
    D. After completing your assignment on the exterior of the building, firefighters should
    remain close to the perimeter of the building to avoid debris being thrown or falling from the