- What is meant by a stepped wall and column system? (Glossary) a. Built to reduce the accumulation of water b. Use of wooden dowels to secure connections c. Use of parallel structural elements and triangle shapes d. Dimensions are larger at lower levels
- A steel-reinforced concrete floor having no supporting beams except at the building perimeter is the definition of what selection below? (Glossary) a. Brick arch floor b. Deadlight c. Ashlar masonry d. Flat slab mushroom floor
- Lofts are classified in all but which type of construction (1938 Building Code)? (1.1) a. Class 1 b. Class 3 c. Class 5 d. Class 6
Lofts can be Class 1, 2, 3 or 6 constructions.
- Select an accurate statement pertaining to Older (1840-1870) Cast-Iron lofts. (4.1) a. Provides a large space of continuous floor area with minimal concealed spaces b. Front and rear exterior walls of brick, stone or iron c. Masonry pillars support steel girders d. Range in height is from 10-15 stories
4.1.1 Maximum 7 to 8 stories in height having front and rear exterior walls of brick,
stone or iron (Photo 1). Side exterior walls are of brick construction.
- A Cast-Iron loft built in 1900 would have what characteristic construction feature? (4.2) a. Exterior walls with a minimum 3 hour fire resistive rating b. Maximum height of 7-8 stories c. Wall column d. Casement windows
- What is meant by “hybrid” type Mill construction? A. Floors are masonry instead of wood B.Roof is cast-iron instead wood C. Columns are cast-iron instead of wood D.Walls are masonry instead of wood
In Cast-iron building construction, cast-iron columns are used as load- bearing components on the exterior front facade as well as to provide floor support on the interior. Can also be found in “hybrid” type Mill loft buildings.
- Why are scuppers located at roof level and on each floor at the base of walls in Mill (Heavy Timber) and Fireproof construction? (4.3.4) a.To provide additional sunlight B. For ventilation (occupant comfort) C. Firestopping D. Drainage
- A sidewalk vault, commonly found in Cast-Iron construction, is a three-wall enclosure located under the front sidewalk. From the choices below, what would be an indicator that a vault extends the full width of the sidewalk? 5.1.1
A.Quoins demarcating the perimeter of the sidewalk B. Granite covering the sidewalk to the curb line C. Skywalks D. signs located on exterior windows of the front façade
- Where should firefighters be instructed to look when seeking the location of enclosed air and light shafts inside a Cast-Iron structure? (5.1.3)
A. Inside a first floor bathroom
B. Behind bricked-up fireplaces
C. Below deadlights
D.From the rear fire escape
- In what area are gravity tank structural supports most likely to rust and rot away?
A. Where the tank sits on its platform
B.At the roof of the tank
C.Where I-beams penetrate walls
D.Around the outer seam of the tank
- A major concern to firefighters regarding party wall balconies during fire operations is found in what selection listed below? (5.1.11D)
A. Vertical ladders serving each floor can pull free at their connection points
B. Overloaded quickly with building occupants
C. Age and rust cause cables holding counterweights to fail
D. Steep stairway angles
- A straight run stair entered from the ground floor at the rear of a 6-story Cast-Iron loft building would place a firefighter in what location inside the building upon arrival at the apex? (5.1.13)
a. 6th floor front
B. 6th floor rear
c. 1st floor front
d. 1st floor rear
Some loft
buildings may have two straight run stairs, one on each side of the building. The
straight run stair entered from the rear will go up towards the front building wall
- Opening up synthetic walls during a stubborn sub-level Cast-Iron building fire will provide all but which of the following operational benefits?
C.Hose stream/foam delivery
D.Enhanced radio coverage
- What makes terra cotta tile an ideal building material to protect interior cast-iron columns from fire in “double shell” applications? (5.2.3)
A.Adherence to metal
B.Malleable qualities
C.Inherent air space
Terra cotta tile has an inherent air space which was relied upon to protect the cast-iron column inside (Figure 10, Photo 29)
What was the main reason why the use of cast-iron wall plates fell out of favor in Mill construction? (5.3.1)
A. Could not be made to the specifications of modern day architects
B. No longer permitted by the model building code groups
C. Allowed beams to collapse in a fire without pulling down the walls
D.Tended to collect moisture
- Why is a firefighter more apt to see square columns on the lower floors than on the upper floors of a Mill loft? (5.3.2)
A. Square columns are stronger than round ones of equal dimension
B.Square columns are less susceptible to impact and water damage
C.Square columns facilitate the installation of load-bearing and partition walls.
D. Square columns take up less space than round columns
- Why are fire towers, a key safety feature of Mill loft construction, ideal for fire department use as “evacuation” stairs? (5.3.5)
A. Heat and the products of combustion tend to be drawn into them
B. a smoke-free means of egress to the street
C. Hinders hoseline advancement and operation
D.All of the above
- Regarding Fireproof construction, what is inserted into concrete columns and floors to increase tensile strength and overall load-carrying capacity?
A. Vermiculite
B. Fly ash
Portland cement
D.Steel bars
- An Engine Company Officer must consider all but which of the following prior to ordering the stretching of the initial attack hoseline for an advanced fire at a Mill loft? (6.1)
A.Size of the hoseline shall be 1 ¾ inch
B. High ceilings
C.Large un-compartmented areas
D.Use of apparatus deck pipe for quick knock-down
6.1.1 Initial hoselines shall be 2 1⁄2 inch.
- What should an Engine Company Officer instruct his/her Nozzle firefighter to do when supervising a hoseline advancing in on fire that is exposing a segmental arch ceiling (floor) above? (6.1.8)
A. Get up close and personal with the red devil before opening the nozzle
B.Use water sparingly
C.Steer clear of operating the stream directly overhead
D.None of the above
- Where should the first engine company stretch the initial hoseline for a cellar fire in a CastIron loft? (6.2.1)
A. Through an opening in the deadlights into the sidewalk vault
B. Via a breached synthetic wall
C. Into the interior to the fire area
D. Through an adjoining building
- All but which of the following are reasons why positioning both apparatus and portable ladders on pediments (Cast-Iron construction) should be avoided? 7.1.3
A. Uneven contact points
B.Ornamental design
C.Prohibitive distance from the ladder to the roof surface
D. Often loose, cracked or broken
- A Lieutenant of the second ladder company to arrive for a cellar fire in a Cast-Iron building is informed by the Officer of the first ladder company that he/she is with the first hoseline but conditions prevent access to the sub-level area via the interior stairs. In this situation, what action should the Officer of the second ladder company perform? (7.2.1)
A.Proceed to the position of the Officer of the first ladder company to provide assistance
B. Try to gain access to the cellar via another means
C. Attempt to go above the position of the first ladder Officer via portable ladders
D. None of the above
- Fire operations for ladder companies in non-residential, Fireproof lofts pose many of the same hazards found in high-rise office buildings. To ensure the protection of life and property, particular emphasis should be placed on all but which of the following?
A. The use of individual ladder companies on multiple floors
B. Air management
C.Thermal imaging cameras to assist with the search for life and fire
D. Monitoring carbon monoxide with the use of meters
Where should the first arriving Battalion Chief establish the Incident Command Post for a working fire in a loft building? (8.1)
A. Inside the lobby of the fire building
B. Near the front of the fire building
C.To the rear of the fire building.
D. In front of Exposure #2
- Which of the following is a logical assignment for the Rebreather Unit at a fire in a loft? (8.1.2)
A.Forcible entry into sidewalk vaults
B.Utilization of positive pressure ventilation (PPV)
C.Post fire control search operation
D.Support communications for an ongoing operation
- Forcible entry into sidewalk vaults Utilization of positive pressure ventilation (PPV) Post fire control search operation Support communications for an ongoing operation The removal of deadlights can provide what benefit to operational forces during sub-level fires in loft buildings? (8.2.1)
A. Glass depository
B. Snow removal area
C.Insertion point for foam generator
D.None of the above
- Heavy fire conditions can have what impact on the Incident Command Post? (8.2.2)
A. Location determination
B.Use of a command board
C. Number of members that can be accommodated
D. None of the above
- A
Which of the following is not an example of a large caliber stream (LCS) contributing to the collapse of a loft building? (9.1.3-9.1.6)
A. Dislodging bricks and having its sand lime mortar bonding material washed out
B. Striking a cast-iron column
C. Excess water absorption into building contents
D.Quick knock-down at advanced fires
- Why are most of the original exterior features of Cast-Iron loft buildings still in-place even though they are no longer functional? (10.1)
A. Landmark status
B. Cost prohibitive
C. Structural stability concerns
D. There are plans to repair them at a later date
For a top floor fires in Cast - Iron as well as Mill loft buildings, who is responsible for bringing the first saw to the roof? (7.2.3D)
A. First due ladder company Roof Firefighter B.Second due ladder company Roof Firefighter
C. First due ladder company OV Firefighter
D. Second due ladder company OV Firefighter
- B
For top floor fires, the second due ladder Roof Firefighter will
bring the saw to the roof.
- Most under river tunnels actually consist of two separate structures referred to as tubes. An accurate statement regarding these tubes can be found in which choice? (2.1-2.2) A. 12 sets throughout the NYCT system
B. Rectangular in shape
C. Constructed of brick, concrete or tubular cast-iron
D. Most tubes are bored through composites of clay, sand, and silt
The 3rd rail alternates sides as it goes through the tubes. Select A if you think this statement is True or D if you believe this statement is False. (2.2.1) a. 3. Agree or d. Disagree
- Which characteristic is correct concerning most under river tubes?
A. Numerous crossovers between tracks
B.Distances vary from 650 feet to 1 mile
C. Adequate space between the train and the tube
D.Exhaust fans can pull make-up air from many open areas
- How is the Billy Bar utilized in conjunction with the Triangle Key to open up the Standardtype emergency exit door? (2.5.1)
A. Acts as a fulcrum for the Triangle Key
B.Helps to add more torque to the Triangle Key
C.Acts as a lever to pry open the door
D.Prevents movement of the ring around the lock
- Where are crossovers associated with emergency exits usually located?
A. At track level
B. Two levels below the tracks
C.At platform level
D.None of the above
- Section valves for under river standpipes are located approximately how many feet apart? (2.7.1)
A.100 feet
B.200 feet
C.400 feet
D.600 feet
With the flat side up, NYCT Emergency Evacuation Devices (EEDs) should be used by firefighters for what purpose? (Figure 9B)
A. As a ladder to take passengers on/off trains
B. To move passengers from the track to an emergency exit landing
C. Facilitate passenger movement from one train to another
D. As a guide rail when ropes or hooks are not readily available
- Which selection is incorrect about the phone system within under river tubes? (2.9.4)
A. Similar to the FDNY phone system
B. Designated by blue lights
C.Found near emergency power removal boxes
D. Approximately 200 feet apart
In the under river tubes,
phones are designated by blue lights and are found near the emergency power
removal boxes, approximately 600 feet apart.
- A blue light phone cannot be used to call outside the system, but can receive calls from outside the system. Select A if you deem this statement to be accurate or D if you think the statement is inaccurate. (2.9.7)
a. Agree or d. Disagree
- A Company Officer should be able to recognize indicators of a major event within under river rail tubes or nearby stations. All but which of the following should lead an Officer to distinguish between routine and more serious incidents? (3.1)
A. Unusual smoke or vapors in the station
B.Train stuck in the tube
C. Information from single source at one side of the tube
D. Reports of numerous sick or overcome passengers
Indications of a serious incident:
• Reports indicating heavy smoke or fire, an explosion, or a chemical release.
• Dispatcher receives information from several sources, possibly from both sides of
• One or more trains are stuck in the tube.
• Reports of numerous sick or overcome passengers.
• Unusual smoke or vapors in the station.
• Other information obtained from rail personnel or passengers.
If a potentially serious incident is suspected, assume a defensive position while
performing a thorough size-up and hazard assessment.
- Operational Guides are two-sided documents that contain a wealth of valuable information regarding under river tubes. Which is a point of information you would find on the “A” side of a Guide? (2.11)
A. Diagram of the tube
B. Photo pictures Standpipe outlet diagram
C. Crossover locations in relation to tracks
2.11 Operational Guides
Two-sided, Operational Guides have been developed to provide information regarding
each individual under river tube. An example of one appears below. Side “A” contains
maps, pictures and information to locate a particular set of tubes, the associated
emergency exits, and stations. Side “B” contains a diagram of the tube and information
about emergency exits, distances, and crossovers. The Operational Guides for all NYCT
under river tubes are contained in Addendum 1 (Figures 12 and 13)
2 sided Operational Guide:
Side “A” contains “IMP” maps, pictures and information
I - information
M- maps
P - pictures
Side “B” contains “C,D,E”a diagram of the tube and information about emergency exits, distances, and crossovers.
C - crossovers
D - distances
E - emergency exits
- The acronym “LIVES” can be used by an Officer to help organize a preliminary size-up at under river tube incidents. What word does the letter “L” denote?
A. Length of the tube
B. Liaison (NYCT)
D. Location (of incident)
3.2 Size-Up
The acronym “LIVES” can be used to organize a preliminary size-up:
L Location of Incident
I Incident Information
V Ventilation
E Evacuation
S Safety
- Generally, in what order should victims be removed at under river tube incidents? (7.1)
A. Ambulatory, non-ambulatory, deceased, victims requiring extrication
B. Ambulatory, non-ambulatory, victims requiring extrication, deceased
C. Ambulatory, victims requiring extrication, non-ambulatory, deceased
D. Deceased, ambulatory, victims requiring extrication, non-ambulatory
Victims should be removed in the following order:
7.1.1 Ambulatory Victims
Evacuate passengers who have walked from the incident to the emergency exit.
7.1.2 Non-Ambulatory Victims
• Red Tag (Immediate Transport)
• Yellow Tag (Delayed Transport)
7.1.3 Victims Requiring Disentanglement/Extrication
• Red Tag (Immediate Transport)
• Yellow Tag (Delayed Transport)
7.1.4 Black Tag (deceased victims)
- When removing ambulatory victims from a tube, the decision to move passengers along the tracks to the nearest station should be based upon all but which of the following factors? (7.2.2)
A.Travel distance
B.Patient condition
C.Status of the 3rd rail
D. Location of the standpipe siamese
- D
- A Lieutenant discussing emergency exit stairways for under river rail systems during company drill was incorrect in what statement? (7.2.2B)
A.Exit stairs are difficult to climb eliminating passenger evacuation as a viable option
B. When two exits are present, designate them as “Evacuation” and “Attack” stairways
C. Members attempting to descend a stairway must first allow passengers to evacuate
D. Stairway configuration should be considered prior to evacuating passengers
- Victim Removal Relay Teams may be used to remove what type victims? (7.3.1) a. Passengers fleeing the scene b. Deceased c. Non-ambulatory d. Ambulatory
- What is the primary method for moving patients and equipment at under river rail operations? (7.3.3) a. Rail carts b. Rescue trains c. SKED stretchers d. Backboards
- In addition to SCBA and spare cylinders, all units ordered to operate inside under river tubes shall utilize what type equipment to protect eyes and respiratory tracts from steel dust? (8) a. Goggles and nose clips b. APR adaptors and canisters c. Face shields and Rebreathers d. Sunglasses and mouth plugs
- B
- What type portable fire extinguishers are located at the blue lights in tubes? (8.1.3) a. Water b. Foam c. Carbon dioxide d. Dry chemical
- In addition to the 3rd rail, where would firefighters find high voltage electrical lines which are not deactivated by routine requests for power removal within under river rail tubes? (9.1.1) a. At ceiling level b. Adjacent to the 3rd rail c. Along the benchwalk d. Inside emergency exit stairways
- A Lieutenant operating with his unit on the tracks inside an under river tube notices a distant light reflecting on the running rails. The Officer should instruct members to perform what action? (9.1.3)
A. Turn off their flashlights
B. Leave the track area
C. Turn on their carbon monoxide meters
D. Shut off their handie-talkies
- The FDNY uses a practical system consisting of numbers and letters to identify buildings which leads to improved on-scene communications. What do numbers indicate?
A. Distance from the main fire building
B. Distance from the fire
C. Direction
D. All of the above
What number is used to indicate any building/area to the left of the main fire building? (5.4)
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
- For a taxpayer with 7 individual stores and the fire originating in the middle store, what would the store to the immediate right of the fire store be designated as? (7.2) .
A. “02”
B. “04”
C. “04A”
D. “02A
- B
- A taxpayer with 5 individual stores has a fire in the store furthest to left of a Chief Officer standing in front of it. The building to the immediate left of the taxpayer is a 4-story NLT and the building to the left of the NLT is a 6-story hotel. What would be the designation of the hotel? (7.3) (7.4)
A. Exposure 4
B. Exposure 4A
C. Exposure 2
D. Exposure 2A
- D
- Choose the incorrect identification statement regarding “H-type” multiple dwellings.
A. Each of the arms of the “H” will be identified as WINGS
B. WINGS are identified from right to left looking from the front of the building
C.Each WING can be further subdivided from front to rear
D.The part of the building connecting each WING is designated the THROAT
- B
- A fire in an H-type multiple dwelling is endangering a 4-store taxpayer situated to the immediate left of the fire building. A Captain of an engine company is ordered to stretch a hoseline into the store closest to the H-type building. What would be the designation of this store? (8)
A. “2-0”
B. “2A”
C. “2-0A”
D. “2B
- A
- Large buildings can be subdivided into sectors to gain better control of operational areas. How are sectors designated? (9)
A. Right to left
B. Top to bottom
C. Left to right
D. Bottom to top
- C
- Plain speak exposure identification is the process of identifying building and/or occupancies by name, occupancy type, address or any other distinctive characteristic. This can be particularly effective for fire operations involving what type structure? (10.1)
A. H-type building
D. Taxpayer
- D
- On what roads does the Federal Worker Visibility Act require emergency service personnel to wear a high visibility reflective/fluorescent safety vest? (1.1)
A. Federal-aid highways
B. All highways
C. Dead end streets
D. All of the above
- A
Which of the following is not an example of an exemption from wearing high visibility safety vests? (2.1.1)
A. Members directly involved in/immediate vicinity of firefighting
B. Members involved in hazardous material mitigation
C. Members involved in technical rescue
D. Members leaving the immediate vicinity of an incident
- D
- High visibility safety vests are designed to be worn over bunker gear and are flame resistance. Choose A if you feel this statement is True or D if you think this statement is False. (2.2) a. Agree or d. Disagree
- A
2.2 The high visibility safety vests are designed to be worn over bunker gear and are flame
resistant in compliance with ASTM standards. Each unit will be issued one vest per
riding position. Members shall pre-fit the vest at the beginning of the tour for a custom
fit and ease of donning.
- How and where should vests be marked with unit designation? (3.1)
A.Red marker on the outside of the vest centered on the back of the lower stripe
B. Black marker on the inside of the vest centered on the back of the lower stripe
C. Yellow marker on the inside of the vest centered on the front of the lower stripe
D. Red marker on the inside of the vest centered on the back of the upper stripe
- B
- During roadway emergencies, when should high visibility vests be donned?
A. During the placing of road flares
B. During forcible entry operations on a car door
C. Prior to leaving the apparatus
D. Before the last cone is in its proper position
- C
- Where is the ideal place to store high visibility safety vests? (5.1) a. In member’s personal lockers b. With the first-aid equipment c. On the hose bed d. In the crew cab
- D
- Who should a Company Officer contact when in need of a spare vest? (8.1) a. Special Operations Command b. Quartermaster c. Administrative Division d. Division of Training
- C
- When should high visibility safety vests be inspected? (9.1) a.. Weekly during MUD b. After each use and during semi-annual inspection c. Daily immediately after role call and during MUD d. Monthly only
- B
9.1 Vests shall be inspected after each use and during semi-annual inspection as per SB 65.