- The Captain asks the Proby in Engine 324 about the apparatus with the large diameter hose
parked in quarters behind the Engine. The Proby makes several statements. He was correct in
all but which one? (1.2, 3.3)
a. There are six Satellite apparatus in service throughout the city and only one has pumping
b. The primary purpose of the Satellite unit is to provide the incident commander with a
dependable high volume supply of water
c. The Satellite apparatus carries foam equipment in addition to the large diameter hose
d. When assigned to alarms an Engine will respond with the Satellite, each apparatus will be
staffed with at least two firefighters
- A
Note: A Satellite Apparatus does not have pumping capabilities
- From the following list select the correctly listed capabilities of the Satellite Water System.
a. Supply the mini-manifold in close proximity to the building
b. Deliver water through 5” hose over long distances
c. Relay water when supplied by a Fireboat
d. Deliver Hi-Ex foam
e. Flush fuel spills and other chemical spills
f. Use their large caliber deluge stream for demolition
g. Draft water at waterfront operations
2-B, C, D, E, F, G,
1.3 The following is a list of the capabilities of the Satellite Water System:
1.3.1 Supply manifolds placed in close proximity to operation
1.3.2 Deliver water via 5” hose over long distances
1.3.3 Relay water when supplied by a fireboat or other pumpers at hydrants or at draft
1.3.4 Draft water at waterfront operations under suitable conditions
1.3.5 Supply or augment the Jamaica Water Supply System
1.3.6 Use large caliber Satellite Deluge Streams for fire suppression, ventilation, or
1.3.7 Deliver high volume conventional foam streams through Satellite Deluge Guns or
Tower Ladder monitors
1.3.8 Deliver High Expansion Foam
1.3.9 Flood cellar or flush sewers, fuel spills, chemical spills, etc
- You are a Lieutenant working an S/A tour in Engine 72. Shortly after roll call you are
assigned with the Satellite to a 2nd alarm. The fire is in a vacant 3 story 200x800 waterfront
warehouse. Shortly before you arrive the 3rd alarm is transmitted and an additional Battalion
Chief is requested as a Water Resource Officer. Upon arrival you see heavy fire venting through
the roof. The incident commander contacts you on the handie talkie and orders you to position
the Satellite for use of the apparatus mounted large caliber streams. You would be correct to
perform which action? (2.3, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4, 7.4, 7.6)
a. Order the Satellite chauffeur to position the apparatus close to the building to ensure the
deepest possible stream penetration
b. You directed your ECC to use the drafting site identified on the Pre-incident guide even
though the fireboat is on scene and able to pump to the Satellite
c. In anticipation of connecting multiple supply lines to the Satellite, you ordered the use of
the unchecked inlets first
d. After positioning members with handie talkies at the deluge gun and supply pumper, you
started water in the deluge gun on the order of the Battalion Chief designated as the Water
Resource Officer.
- C
It is necessary to use the unchecked inlets first,
which will permit the use of the gated inlets to augment the supply without the necessity of
shutting down.
4.4 The use of a drafting site should be considered only if a fireboat cannot supply units of
the Satellite Water System due to inaccessibility, low tide, etc. Drafting is a time
consuming operation with many variables
5.3 Positioning of the Satellite Apparatus for use of deluge guns is much like deckpipe
placement. The further from the building, the better the angle achieved as the nozzle is
directed to higher floors. The best position is with the apparatus far enough from the
building so as to permit the deepest possible stream penetration.
7.4 To insure adequate water delivery and to effect safety controls, members with handitalkies
shall be positioned at deluge guns, manifolds, pumpers, and shut off gates of
appliances supplied by a Satellite Unit(s).
7.6 Satellite deluge guns, due to their powerful streams, shall not be placed in operation
except on orders of the Incident Commander.
- During MUD with the Satellite back-up company the Chief was discussing the manifold
carried on the Satellite. Select the incorrect characteristic mentioned by the Chief. (5.5)
a. The manifold has a 5” inlet and a Ross relief valve
b. Two firefighters can easily carry the manifold
c. The manifold has two 3” outlets and four 2 ½” gated outlets
d. The manifold’s supply line may come from a 2,000 gpm pumper or any conventional
- A
5.5 Satellite Units carry a manifold, which consist of a 4 1/2” inlet supplied by a 5” hose,
four 2 1/2” gated outlets, two 3” outlets, and a Ross Relief Valve. The newest manifolds,
presently carried by all units of the Satellite System, are portable and are capable of being
wheeled by one member or easily carried by two. Supplied remotely by 2,000 G.P.M.
pumpers or conventional pumpers, manifolds are effective at large operations where a
centrally located supply of water can contribute to the rapid stretching of individually
controlled hoselines.
- When the hydrant size being used to supply the Satellite water system is less than
_____inches it is recommended that a second hydrant or another pumper augment the supply of
water. (6.2)
a. 6
b. 8
c. 12
d. 16
- C
- You are the officer of the first arriving FDNY unit at a vehicle collision with a person
pinned in the car. NYPD personnel were on scene prior to your arrival and have commenced
extrication operations. According to the Citywide Incident Management System you, as the
ranking FDNY officer, would be correct to: (1.3, 2.2, 5.1)
a. Assume the role of incident commander for this single command incident
b. Give tactical direction to NYPD officers conducting rescue operations
c. Represent the FDNY in the unified command mandated for this type of incident
d. Have FDNY units stand fast until the NYPD incident commander assigns a task
- B
2.2 If more than one agency is capable of performing the same tactical operations at an
incident, the agency with the core competency will give tactical direction, by the ranking
officer, to other agencies performing operations with that competency. (CIMS p.19)
FDNY will give tactical direction for the following incidents:
1. Directs operations connected with fire suppression.
2. Directs search and rescue of victims at fires, emergencies, confined space, collapse,
CBRN/hazardous material, aviation, railroad and auto incidents, utility emergencies,
etc. (water/ice rescue is directed by NYPD.)
3. Directs all pre-hospital emergency medical care.
4. Directs the evacuation of any structure.
5. Directs all life safety, patient care and decontamination operations at CBRN/Haz-Mat
6. Directs operations connected with arson investigations (cause and origin).
- You are a Battalion Chief assigned to an alarm for a leaking canister in a public school (a
Haz Mat response). Upon arrival you observe a large presence of NYPD personnel near the
front of the school. As the 1st ladder company walks toward the front of the school to enter the
building an NYPD Sergeant on a cell phone yells for them to stop saying the school is a crime
scene. Which of the following choices is correct about this situation? (3.3, 3.4, 6.2.1)
a. The NYPD has the right to restrict access to FDNY personnel in this situation because the
NYPD investigative function is the top priority
b. FDNY personnel are expected to utilize meters and conduct a hazard assessment in this
c. The NYPD incident commander at this single command agency can overrule the FDNY
tactical direction concerning Life Safety operations
d. FDNY personnel may not exclude NYPD personnel from a site even when necessary to
protect rescuer safety
- B
3.3 Life Safety Operations in progress will not be disrupted or suspended because of
transition of command to other agencies. At CBRN terrorist events, the Incident
Commander cannot overrule Fire Department tactical direction pertaining to Life Safety
3.4 The Primary Agency directing Life Safety Operations may exclude non-essential
personnel from a site when necessary to protect public or rescuer safety until those tasks
are completed. (CIMS, p.17) Investigative operations, such as crime scenes, may be
initiated concurrently with Life Safety Operations. However, life safety concerns will
take precedence over investigation consideration until Life Safety Operations are
concluded. (CIMS, p.21)
6.2 At all CBRN/Haz-Mat Incidents, crime related or not, FDNY will perform the following tasks:
1. Hazard assessment for release and material identification including:
a. Use meters.
b. Use of analytic identification methods.
c. Use of test strips.
- Which of the following incidents are FDNY single command incidents? (5.1)
a. Confined space rescue
b. Water rescue
c. Structural collapse
d. Entrapment
e. Elevator emergency
- A, C, D, E
- Once a unified operations post has been established each agency represented in the unified
command will assign an individual as one of the unified operations section chiefs. How should
these individuals be positioned at the operations section post? (addendum 3)
a. Nose to nose
b. Back to back
c. Within arms’ distance
d. At separate command boards
- C
- During study group one of the members was talking about the ABR program for public
schools attended by non-ambulatory students. Which definition is not correct? (2.2-2.5)
a. An ABR school requires a written fire drill and evacuation plan
b. “ABR in process” schools are not substantially in compliance with Fire Prevention rules
c. “Non-ABR” schools will not have non-ambulatory students enrolled
d. An Individualized Safety Plan is required for non-ambulatory students attending class
above the first floor in “ABR in process” schools
- C
- You are the officer of Tower Ladder 72 and are the first unit to arrive at a report of a fire in
the rear on the third floor of a public school. The CIDS indicates this is an ABR school. Which
is the correct action for you to immediately perform? (3, 4.2)
a. Upon arrival supervise the positioning of the tower ladder in the courtyard to the
designated evacuation window
b. Conduct an exterior survey for indications of smoke or fire
c. Contact the principal or person in charge to gather information about the non-ambulatory
d. Proceed to the reported location of the fire and have your chauffeur contact the principal
- C
- The Class “E” communications systems required by Local Law 5 provide communication
capabilities throughout these buildings. Which characteristic is not stated correctly?
a. There is two way communications between the fire command station and the air handling
control rooms
b. Elevator occupants can be contacted via the two way communication from the fire
command station and they should hear the public address system
c. All messages announced on the public address system are broadcast throughout the entire
building to all floors, elevators and stairways collectively but not selectively
d. The fire command station has the capability to transmit an alarm to the fire department via
a central station
- C
- Manual fire alarm sending stations are required in Class E buildings. Which point made
during BISP should be corrected? (7.2.4)
a. If properly located, no point on any floor should be more than 200 feet from the nearest
b. Upon activation an alarm is automatically transmitted to the fire department via a central
c. A visual and audible signal occurs at the fire command station when activated
d. The alarms sounds at the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director and
throughout the building
- D
- You are a Battalion Chief special called to a 10-76 to supervise the Search and Evacuation
Group. While responding you review the characteristics of the floor warden stations where you
plan to establish your position. Which are correct? (7.2.3)
a. They shall be located on each floor between the required exits
b. Provisions for making announcements over the loudspeaker system throughout the building
c. It shall be provided with the capability to activate a visual and audible signal at the fire
command station
d. There is two-way voice communications with the fire command station
- A, C, D
D. Provisions for making announcements over the loudspeaker system on the
floor where it is located.
- During study group the topic of smoke detectors and sprinkler water flow alarms in Class E
buildings was being discussed. The new guy made the following statements, which is incorrect?
a. The activation of the elevator landing smoke detector will recall the elevators
b. If a smoke detector in the HVAC system activates, the fire alarm signal will sound on the
fire floor and the floor above
c. The activation of a sprinkler water flow alarm will unlock the doors on the locked fail safe
d. Only with the activation of an HVAC smoke detector will the air supply into and the return
air from the affected floor be stopped
- D
7.2.5 An approved combustion ionization detection device or a combination of an
approved smoke detecting device and an approved fixed temperature thermostatic
device shall be installed
- Ladder company operations at hi rise office building fires are very specific. Which
assignment is incorrectly stated for the first arriving ladder company? (8.3.1 B 1, C, E 4)
a. They should obtain a copy of the floor plan for the fire area, if only one copy is available it
should remain at the incident command post
b. Have the LCC conduct a preliminary inspection of the exterior of the building
c. Ensure an elevator remains in readiness two floors below the reported fire until the fire
location has been confirmed
d. Select a stairway with a standpipe that will provide the best attack on the fire
- C
- Which action for the 2nd to arrive Ladder Company at a high rise office building fire is
incorrect? (8.4.2 A)
a. They must report to the incident command post upon arrival
b. Obtain an elevator car that provides safe access to the fire area
c. If the elevator car used by the 1st ladder is available that car should be utilized by the 2nd
d. Regardless of how the 2nd ladder travelled to the fire area, a HT radio equipped member of
the 2nd ladder shall operate and remain with an elevator car until relieved.
- D
If a different car must be utilized, a HT radio equipped member of
the 2nd ladder shall be assigned to remain with the elevator and
operate car until relieved.
- You are the Lieutenant working in Ladder 7 and assigned as the 3rd ladder on a 10-76.
Upon arrival you are ordered by the incident commander to the floor above the fire. You would
be correct to perform which action? (8.5.1)
a. Proceed to the floor below the fire floor using a “Firemen Service” elevator
b. Proceed to the floor above the fire via the attack stairway
c. Examine the fire floor and report heat and smoke conditions to the ICP
d. Remove all occupants from the attack stairway for a reasonable distance above the fire
floor and prevent its use by the occupants
- D
- If difficulty is encountered in clearing the attack stairway of occupants, the officer shall
advise ____________ to withhold the attack until the occupants have been safely removed.
a. The officer of the 1st engine company
b. The first arriving ladder company
c. The Operations Section Chief
d. The Incident Command Post
- B
- You are the first arriving Battalion Chief for a fire on the 33rd floor of a 48 story High Rise
Office Building. Ladder 99 is the 4th due ladder. You would be correct to expect then to
perform all of the following actions except? (8.6.1)
a. Report to the incident command post with an extra cylinder for each member
b. Take the high-rise bank of elevators to the roof regardless of fire location
c. Do not perform roof ventilation unless ordered by the IC
d. Conduct a primary search of the top five floors
- B
- You are the officer of the 1st arriving engine for a fire in a 35 story class 1 office building.
You would be incorrect if you performed which action? (9.3.1)
a. Remain at the incident command post until an elevator is available
b. Stretch and operate a hoseline from an outlet on the floor below the fire
c. Announce via the handie-talkie when the initial hoseline attack is to commence
d. Contact the first ladder company to ascertain the attack stairway
- A
- The second hoseline stretched at a 10-76 can be used for all but which of the following
tasks? (9.5.1 C)
a. Reinforce the position of the first line
b. Protect the position of the first line
c. Extinguish fire on the floor above
d. Protect the search and evacuation of the fire floor
e. Contain and confine fire spread and/or prevent fire wrapping around the core and
endangering operation of the first line
- C