VFI-L6-effective communication Flashcards
*change words from one language to another=translate
*the ability to do something without making mistakes= accuracy
*something that prevents successful communication= language barrier
- a person who has spoken the language from birth= native speaker
*the ability to speak without hesitation = fluency
*work or carry out daily tasks = function
* you can say that again! = I totally agree with you.
*having said that = despite this
* there is something to be said for = It has some advantages
*to say the least= it is in fact even more important than have just said
*when all is said and done= after everything else, remember this
* needless to say= this is to be totally expected.
* that is to say= in other words
*have a say= be involved in making a decision
- communicate= contact/ correspond/ interact
- conclude= close/ summarize/ recap
*explain= clarify/ define/ illustrate
*mean= indicate/ intend/ signify
*meaning= connotation/ significance/ sense
*say= express/ speak/ verbalize
*suggest= imply/ intimate/ propose
*tell= narrate/ recount/ relate
*understand= appreciate/ comprehend / follow
*recall= remember
* express= say
*conjecture= a guess not based on any proof
*stutter(لکنت)= speak with difficulty, pausing at the start of a word.
*demonstrate= show how something work
*gesture= using your hands to help you communicate an idea.
*contradict= state the opposite(مخالفت کردن)
species (noun)
/ˈspiʃiz/ , /ˈspisiz/
(pl. species)
-a group into which animals, plants, etc. that are able to breed with each other and produce healthy young are divided, smaller than a genus and identified by a Latin name
*a rare species of beetle
*several species of arctic birds
*a conservation area for endangered species
linguist (noun)
1- a person who knows several foreign languages well
*She’s an excellent linguist.
2- a person who studies languages or linguistics
*a computational linguist
dialect (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
dialectal (adjective)
- the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words, and pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language
*a Southern dialect
*dialect words/expressions
*There are dialectal differences from one area of the country to another.
exception (noun)
1- a person or thing that is not included in a general statement
*Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception.
2- a thing that does not follow a rule
*Good writing is unfortunately the exception rather than the rule (= it is unusual).
(استثنا,اعتراض، رد)
spontaneous (adjective)
spontaneously (adverb)
1- not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it
*a spontaneous offer of help
2- often doing things without planning to, because you suddenly want to do them
3- (technology) happening naturally, without being made to happen
*spontaneous remission of the disease
4-done naturally, without being forced or practiced
*a tape recording of spontaneous speech.
*We spontaneously started to dance.
*The bleeding often stops spontaneously.
(خودبه خود,خود انگیز، بی اختیار، فوری)
emerge (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they emerge
he / she / it emerges
past simple emerged
-ing form emerging
emergence ( noun [uncountable])
1- [intransitive] to come out of a dark or hidden place
*emerge (from something) The swimmer emerged from the lake.
2- [intransitive, transitive] (of facts, ideas, etc.) to become known
= transpire
*No new evidence emerged during the investigation.
3- [intransitive] to start to exist; to appear or become known
*After the election, protest groups began to emerge.
4- [intransitive] emerge (from something) to survive a difficult situation or experience
*She emerged from the scandal with her reputation intact.
(آشکار شدن؛ پدیدار شدن؛ ظاهر شدن، بیرون آمدن)
*the emergence of new technologies
initially (adverb)
-at the beginning
*Initially, the system worked well.
*The death toll was initially reported at around 250, but was later revised to 300.
*My contract is initially for three years.
conduct (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they conduct
he / she / it conducts
past simple conducted
-ing form conducting
1- [transitive] conduct something to organize and/or do a particular activity
*to conduct an experiment/an investigation/a survey
2- [transitive, intransitive] conduct (something) to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music
*a concert by the San Francisco Symphony, conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas
3- [transitive] conduct something (technology) (of a substance) to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through it
*Copper conducts electricity well.
4- [transitive] conduct yourself + adv./prep. (formal) to behave in a particular way
*He conducted himself far better than expected.
5- [transitive] conduct somebody/something + adv./prep. to lead or guide someone through or around a place
*The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.
(رفتار,سیره، جریان، انتقال دادن، انجام دادن، رفتار کردن، رهبری کردن، کردار، اجرا کردن، سلوک، هدایت کردن، بردن، اداره کردن)
sophisticated (adjective)
sophisticate (noun)
1- having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture, and other things that people think are socially important
*the sophisticated pleasures of city life
2- (of a machine, system, etc.) advanced and complicated in the way that it works or is presented
*highly sophisticated computer systems
3- (of a person) able to understand difficult or complicated ideas
*a sophisticated audience
&Opposite unsophisticated
(فرهیخته، امروزی,خبره و ماهر، درسطح بالا، مصنوعی، غیر طبیعی)
-a sophisticated person
*She wasn’t the sophisticate that Jack had imagined her to be.
youngster (noun)
-a young person or a child
*The camp is for youngsters aged 8 to 14.
distinguish (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they distinguish
he / she / it distinguishes
past simple distinguished
-ing form distinguishing
distinguishable (adjective)
1- [intransitive, transitive] to recognize the difference between two people or things
= differentiate
*distinguish between A and B// At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?
2- [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses) distinguish A (from B) to be a characteristic that makes two people, animals, or things different
*What was it that distinguished her from her classmates?
3- [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses) distinguish something to be able to see or hear something
= differentiate, make somebody/something—out
*I could not distinguish her words, but she sounded agitated.
4- [transitive] distinguish yourself (as something) to do something so well that people notice and admire you
*She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.
*distinguishable (from somebody/something) //The male bird is easily distinguishable from the female.
conversely (adverb)
/kənˈvərsli/ , /ˈkɑnvərsli/
-in a way that is the opposite or reverse of something
*You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.
(بطور معکوس، معکوس)
merely (adverb)
-used meaning “only” or “simply” to emphasize a fact or something that you are saying
*It is not merely a job, but a way of life.
*He said nothing, merely smiled and watched her.
(فقط,صرفا، محضا)
indicate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they indicate
he / she / it indicates
past simple indicated
-ing form indicating
نشان دادن، اشاره داشتن
نشان دادن، نمایان ساختن، اشاره کردن
intrigue (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they intrigue
he / she / it intrigues
past simple intrigued
-ing form intriguing
1- [transitive, often passive] intrigue somebody it intrigues somebody that… to make someone very interested so that they want to know more about something
*The idea intrigued her.
2- [intransitive] intrigue (with somebody) (against somebody) (formal) to secretly plan with other people to harm someone
(دسیسه کردن، توطئه چیدن، فریفتن)
inherent (adjective)
/ɪnˈhɪrənt/ , /ɪnˈhɛrənt/
inherent (in somebody/something)
inherently (adverb)
-that is a basic or permanent part of someone or something and that cannot be removed
= intrinsic (اصلی,بی واسطه، ذاتی)
*the difficulties inherent in a study of this type
*Violence is inherent in our society.
*an inherently unworkable system
tendency (noun)
(pl. tendencies)
1- if someone or something has a particular tendency, they are likely to behave or act in a particular way
*to display artistic, etc. tendencies
2- tendency (for somebody/something) (to do something) tendency (to/toward something) a new custom that is starting to develop
= trend
*There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff.