Health problems Flashcards
abnormality (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
(plural abnormalities)
-a feature or characteristic in a person’s body or behaviour that is not usual and may be harmful or cause illness or worry; the fact of having such a feature or characteristic
*abnormalities of the heart
*congenital(مادر زادی، ارثی-/kənˈdʒenətl-adj)/fetal(/ˈfiːtl/ جنینی-adj) abnormality
aggressive (adjective)
aggressively adverb
aggressiveness (noun) [uncountable]
مهاجم، پرپشتکار، پرتکاپو، سلطه جو، پرخاشگر
1-angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack
*Seals have been known to exhibit(به نمایش گذاشتن) aggressive behaviour towards swimmers.
2-acting with force and determination in order to succeed
*an aggressive advertising campaign
*“What do you want?” he demanded(تقاضا) aggressively.
*aggressively marketed products.
ailment (noun)
بیماری مزمن، درد، ناراحتی
-an illness that is not very serious
*childhood/common/minor ailments
Alzheimer’s noun
(also Alzheimer’s disease )
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis noun
/əˌmaɪətrəʊfɪk ˌlætərəl skləˈrəʊsɪs/
(abbreviation ALS)
(also Lou Gehrig’s disease)
-a disease that affects nerve cells in the spine and causes muscles to become weak and gradually stop working
*Other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and tumours on the spinal cord, can cause similar symptoms.
anaphylactic shock (noun)
/ˌænəfəlæktɪk ˈʃɑːk/
[uncountable] (medical)
-an extreme allergic reaction to something that you eat or touch
*All teachers nowadays have to undergo(تحمل کردن، دستخوش چیزی شدن، متحمل چیزی شدن
) training in how to deal with anaphylactic shock.
anosmia (noun)
فقدان حس شامه، نابویای
-the loss of the sense of smell, either total or in part
*Many people who contracted Covid-19 have suffered from anosmia.
appendicitis (noun)
-a serious medical condition in which the appendix becomes painful and larger than normal
arthritis noun
-a disease that causes one or more joints (مفصلها)of the body to become painful and swollen (= larger than normal-متورم، ورم کرده)
*It is unclear why some people develop arthritis.
asthma noun
asthmatic noun
-a medical condition of the chest that makes breathing difficult
*a severe(شدید، طاقت فرسا-/səˈvɪə) asthma attack
*We have thousands of asthma cases a year.
*children who develop asthma.(کودکانی که به آسم مبتلا می شوند)
-a person who has asthma
benign (adjective)
-(medical) (of tumours growing in the body) not dangerous or likely to cause death
*She is recovering after surgery to remove a benign tumour.
OPPOSITE malignant /məˈlɪɡnənt/
cancerous adjective
-(of cells, organs, growths, etc.) affected or caused by cancer
*to become cancerous
*cancerous cells/growths/tumours
cardiac (adjective)
[only before noun] (medical)
-connected with the heart or heart disease
*cardiac disease/failure/surgery
*to suffer cardiac arrest (= an occasion when a person’s heart stops temporarily or permanently)
cataract noun
-a medical condition that affects the lens of the eye so that you gradually lose your sight
*A cataract can be removed under local anaesthetic.
diarrhea (noun)
(informal the runs)
-an illness in which waste matter is emptied from the bowels(روده، شکم، اندرون) much more frequently than normal, and in liquid form.
*Symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting( استفراغ).