Speaking classes Flashcards
the silent treatment
*they give you the silent treatment.
*she assured me that everything will be alright!
*self-assured (adj)
*assuring behavior
assured (adjective)
1- (also self-assured) confident in yourself and your abilities
*He spoke in a calm, assured voice.
2- certain to happen
= guarantee
*Success seemed assured.
3- assured of something (of a person) certain to get something
*You are assured of a warm welcome at this hotel.
*fundamental values
*I demand respect for my honest, hard work
*put Peyman at ease
*I don’t seek others’ gratitude/appreciation
*I take your silence as a sign of disrespect.
disrespect (noun)
[uncountable, countable]
- disrespect (for/to somebody/something) a lack of respect for someone or something
*disrespect for the law/the dead
disrespectful (adjective) disrespectful (to somebody/something)
= at rude
disrespectfully (adverb)
*psyche (روان)
*Psyche and Eros
*maybe it’s time I befriend my psyche
* you and Peyman’s values should be aligned.
align with (phrasal verb)
align yourself with somebody/something
-to publicly (در نظر عموم، اشکارا) support an organization, a set of opinions, or a person that you agree with
*Newspapers traditionally align themselves with one political party or the other.
-push me to the edge
* When I’ve done a lot of things to no avail(فایده، استفاده، کمک، ارزش), it pushes me to the edge.
*unless I’m completely disappointed
*unless I’m mistaken, you have a much better understanding of English.
*unless you change your behavior, I’m going to implode(از داخل ترکیدن، از داخل منفجر شدن)/explode(منفجر شدن).
*I’m relieved.
*virtuous (adj) vice (noun) vicious (adj)
*inherent vice / *vicious attack
virtue (noun) : (ویژگی مثبت، عادت خوب,فضیلت، مزیت، تقوا، پرهیزکاری، پاکدامنی، عفت، خاصیت)
vice (noun) : (ویژگی منفی، عادت بد,گناه، فساد، فسق و فجور، عادت یا خوی همیشگی، عیب، نقص، بدی، خبث)
*critical (بحرانی، وخیم؛ انتقادی)
*critical thinking
*respect is critical to any relationship
*you can’t let your wife bear the brunt of it all
(to bear the brunt of or take the brunt)
- phrase. To bear the brunt or take the brunt of something unpleasant means to suffer the main part or force of it.
- Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.
*A child’s head tends to take the brunt of any fall.
*there are several ways in which I can …
*off the top of my head
*it’s a must! (این یک امر ضروری است)
*it’s one of the most important things people should pay attention to it
*social species
*I’m not the kind of person who …
*I glean happiness from a multiplicity of resources, the closest of which I consider to be my family and friends.
*byproduct (noun) (فرآورده های فرعی، فرآورده های جنبی)
glean (verb)
glean something (from somebody/something)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they glean
he / she / it gleans
past simple gleaned
-ing form gleaning
-to obtain information, knowledge, etc., sometimes with difficulty and often from various different places
*These figures were gleaned from a number of studies.
*volleyball beach(wrong) (?) beach volleyball