VFI-L13- The modern world Flashcards
- way of life = culture
- live within a small area = local
*worldwide = globally
*from many different cultures = multicultural
*large overseas companies have control over = multinationals, is dominated by
- join together = merge
*unusual and exciting = exotic
*symbols = icons - feeling of belonging to your country= national identity
- a range of different cultures = cultural diversity
*has complete control over = have a monopoly (انحصار) over
- in the future = subsequent (متعاقب)
*look back and understand = with the benefit of hindsight(با نگاهی به گذشته)
*firmly believe in (OPP) are sceptical (شکاک، بدبین) about
*population = demographics
*total= absolute - take into account = factor in
*figures = statistics
*percentage = proportion
*countries = societies
*dwindle (OPP) increase
*workless = are less productive
*the effect= influence
- culture (n)/ cultural (adj)
*ethnicity (n)/ ethnic (adj) [قومی,نژادی ]
*globalization (n) / global (adj)
*modernization (n) / modern (adj)
*multiculturalism (n) / multicultural (adj)
*urbanization (n) / urban (adj)
attitude (noun)
1- [countable] attitude (to/toward somebody/something) the way that you think and feel about someone or something; the way that you behave toward someone or something that shows how you think and feel
*changes in public attitudes to marriage
2- [uncountable] confident, sometimes aggressive, behavior that shows you do not care about other people’s opinions and that you want to do things in an individual way
*a band with attitude
3- [countable] (formal) a position of the body
*Her hands were folded in an attitude of prayer.
(نگرش، طرز فکر,وضع، حالت قرار گرفتن، گرایش، حالت، هیئت، طرز برخورد، روش و رفتار)
within (preposition)
1- before a particular period of time has passed; during a particular period of time
*You should receive a reply within seven days.
2-not further than a particular distance from something
*a house within a mile of the station
3-inside the range or limits of something
*That question is not within the scope of this talk.
4-(formal) inside something or someone
*The noise seems to be coming from within the building.
&Opposite outside
(در مدت … (محدوده زمانی),در داخل، در توی، در حدود، مطابق، به اندازه، در ظرف، در حصار)
*soft drink
astounding (adjective)
-so surprising that it is difficult to believe
= astonishing
*There was an astounding 20% increase in sales.
(گیج، متحیر، مبهوت کردن)
profound (adjective)
1- very great; felt or experienced very strongly
*profound changes in the earth’s climate
2- showing great knowledge or understanding
*profound insights
3- needing a lot of study or thought
*profound questions about life and death
4- (medical) very serious; complete
*profound disability
(عمیق، ژرف)
cumulative (adjective)
cumulatively (adverb)
1- having a result that increases in strength or importance each time more of something is added
*the cumulative effect of human activity on the world environment
2- including all the amounts that have been added previously
the monthly sales figures and the cumulative total for the past six months
(تراکمی، تجمعی، انباشته، یکجا، جمع شونده)
*Cumulatively, these archaeological discoveries give a very clear picture of Celtic life.
ridiculous (adjective)
ridiculously (adverb)
ridiculousness (noun [uncountable])
-very silly or unreasonable
=absurd, ludicrous
*I look ridiculous in this hat.
*Don’t be ridiculous! You can’t pay $75 for a T-shirt!
*The meal was ridiculously expensive.
*She was wearing a pair of ridiculously high-heeled shoes.
*The ridiculousness of the situation made us laugh.
collapse (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they collapse
he / she / it collapses
past simple collapsed
-ing form collapsing
collapsed (adjective)
1- [intransitive] to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart
*The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
2- [intransitive] to fall down (and usually become unconscious), especially because you are very sick
*He collapsed in the street and died two hours later.
3- [intransitive] (informal) to sit or lie down and relax, especially after working hard
*When I get home, I like to collapse on the sofa and listen to music.
4- [intransitive] to fail suddenly or completely
= break down
Talks between management and unions have collapsed.
5- [intransitive] to decrease suddenly in amount or value
*Share prices collapsed after the news.
6- [intransitive, transitive] collapse (something) to fold something into a shape that uses less space; to be able to be folded in this way
= fold up
*The table collapses for easy storage.
7- [intransitive, transitive] collapse (something) if a lung or blood vessel collapses or is collapsed, it falls in and becomes flat and empty
*collapsed buildings
*a collapsed investment bank
accurate (adjective)
accurately (adverb)
1- correct and true in every detail
*an accurate description/account/calculation
2- able to give completely correct information or to do something in an exact way
*a highly accurate electronic compass
3- an accurate throw, shot, weapon, etc. hits or reaches the thing that it was aimed at
&Opposite inaccurate
*The article accurately reflects public opinion.
*You need to hit the ball accurately.
(دقیق، صحیح، درست)
indicate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they indicate
he / she / it indicates
past simple indicated
-ing form indicating
1- [transitive, intransitive] to show that something is true or exists
*indicate something// Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.
2- [transitive] to be a sign of something; to show that something is possible or likely
*indicate something// A red sky at night often indicates good weather the next day.
3- [transitive] to mention something, especially in an indirect way
*indicate (to somebody) (that)…// In his letter, he indicated to us (that) he was willing to cooperate.
4- [transitive] to make someone notice someone or something, especially by pointing or moving your head
*indicate somebody/something (to somebody) //She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us.
5- [transitive] indicate something to represent information without using words
*The results are indicated in Table 2.
6- [transitive] to give information in writing
*indicate something // You are allowed 2 pieces of luggage unless your ticket indicates otherwise.
7- [transitive] indicate something indicate how much, how many, etc… (of an instrument for measuring things) to show a particular measurement
*When the temperature gauge indicates 90°F or more, turn off the engine.
8- [transitive, usually passive] indicate something (formal) to be necessary or recommended
*A course of chemotherapy was indicated.
(نشان دادن، اشاره داشتن,نشان دادن، نمایان ساختن، اشاره کردن)
flat-out (adjective)
[only before noun]
flat-out (adverb)
- definite and direct; complete
*His story was full of contradictions and flat-out lies.
*She just flat-out hated me.
dwindle (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they dwindle
he / she / it dwindles
past simple dwindled
-ing form dwindling
-to become gradually less or smaller
*dwindling audiences
*a dwindling band of supporters
meddle (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they meddle
he / she / it meddles
past simple meddled
-ing form meddling
meddling (noun [uncountable])
1-[intransitive] meddle (in/with something) to become involved in something that does not concern you
= interfere
*He had no right to meddle in her affairs.
2- [intransitive] meddle (with something) to touch something in a careless way, especially when it is not yours or when you do not know how to use it correctly
*Somebody was meddling with her computer.
(فضولی کردن، دخالت بیجا کردن، مداخله کردن، مخلوط کردن، امیختن، پراکنده کردن، جماع کردن، ور رفتن، میان، مرکز,کمر، میانی، وسطی، در وسط قرار دادن)
unfold (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they unfold
he / she / it unfolds
past simple unfolded
-ing form unfolding
1- [transitive, intransitive] unfold (something) to spread open or flat something that has previously been folded; to become open and flat
*to unfold a map
*She unfolded her arms.
&Opposite fold
2- [intransitive, transitive] to be gradually made known; to gradually make something known to other people
*The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes.
(باز کردن,آشکار کردن، فاش کردن، آشکار شدن، رها کردن، تای چیزی را گشودن)
prolonged (adjective)
-continuing for a long time
*a prolonged illness
*a prolonged period of dry weather
(طولانی کردن,امتداد دادن، دراز کردن، امتداد یافتن، به تاخیر انداختن، طفره رفتن، به طول انجامیدن)
sufficient (adjective)
sufficiently (adverb)
-enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need
*Allow sufficient time to get there.
*One dose should be sufficient.
&Opposite insufficient
*The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work.
(کافی,مکفی، بس، بسنده، شایسته، صلاحیت دار، قانع)
implication (noun)
1-[countable, usually plural] implication (of something) (for something) a possible effect or result of an action or a decision
*They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions.
2- [countable, uncountable] something that is suggested or indirectly stated (= something that is implied)
*The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.
3- [uncountable] implication (of somebody) (in something) the fact of being involved, or of involving someone, in something, especially a crime
= involvement
*He resigned after his implication in a sex scandal.
(پیامد، اشاره,تلویح، دلالت، معنی، مستلزم بودن، مفهوم)