VFI-L14-urbanization Flashcards
*problem = difficulty , dilemma(دوراهی، وضع دشوار) , challenge , obstacle (مانع)
* solution = answer, key, remedy (راه حل), resolution
* worsen = compound , deteriorate (بدتر شدن), exacerbate (بدتر کردن)
*improve= advance, flourish(رشد کردن) , progress , reform
*setback = problem
*aggravate = make worse
- change = acclimatize (خو دادن یا خو گرفتن), adapt , adjust, amend , modify, transform
*benefit = advantage
*enhance = improve
*linger = stay a long time
- the world’s population is —> booming / enormous(فراوان) / staggering
- people that live in a particular place = inhabitants (ساکنان)
*areas of the world that are poorer and have less advanced industries = developing nations
*the process by which more people leave the countryside to live in the city= urbanization
- the problem of having to many people = overpopulation
*the basic systems and services of a city = infrastructure (زیرساخت)
*very poor and crowded areas of a city = slum (محله فقیر نشین، محله زاغه نشین)
- too much/ too little : uncountable nouns: traffic, time, money, space, work, rubbish
*too many/ too few : countable : people
*with problem and issue : face, deal with, cause, tackle , address , raise, resolve, present , identify (شناسایی کردن)
*find a solution
*overcome a difficulty
*solve or resolve a problem
*remedy(راه حل) a situation
*resolve an issue or problem
*reach or find a compromise (سازش کردن؛ سازش)
*long-term (بلند مدت)
*short-term (کوتاه مدت)
*one-sided (یک طرفه، یک جانبه)
*short-sighted (نزدیک بین، کوته بین، ناشی از کوته نظری)
*double-edged (دو لبه، دو دم)
- competition (n) [رقابت]/ compete (v) / competitive (adj)
*exclusion (n)[ممانعت] / exclude (v) / excluded (adj)
*inclusion (n) [مشارکت]/ include (v) / included (adj)
*isolation (n) / isolate (v) / isolated (adj)
*poverty (n) / — / poor (adj)
*responsibility (n) / take, accept responsibility (v) / responsible (adj)
*tolerance (n) [تحمل]/ tolerate (v) / tolerant (adj)
burst (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they burst
he / she / it bursts
past simple burst
-ing form bursting
1- [intransitive, transitive] to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make something break in this way
*That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.
2- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to go or move somewhere suddenly with great force; to come from somewhere suddenly
*He burst into the room without knocking.
3-[intransitive] be bursting (with something) to be very full of something; to be very full and almost breaking open
*The roads are bursting with cars.
(ترکیدن,منفجر شدن، رگبار، ترکش، محل اصابت گلوله، ترکیدن، ازهم پاشیدن، شکفتن، منفجر کردن)
eventually (adverb)
-at the end of a period of time or a series of events
*Our flight eventually left five hours late.
*I’ll get around to repairing it eventually.
(بالاخره، سرانجام، عاقبت)
awkward (adjective)
awkwardly (adverb)
awkwardness (noun [uncountable])
1-making you feel embarrassed
*There was an awkward silence.
2- difficult to deal with
= difficult
*Don’t ask awkward questions.
3- not convenient
= inconvenient
*Have I come at an awkward time?
4- difficult or dangerous because of its shape or design
*This box is very awkward for one person to carry.
5- not moving in an easy way; not comfortable
*He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward.
(معذب,خامکار، زشت، بی لطافت، ناشی، سرهم بند، غیر استادانه)
*“I’m sorry,” he said awkwardly.
*She laughed to cover up her feelings of awkwardness.
associate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they associate ,
he / she / it associates ,
past simple associated ,
-ing form associating
associated (adjective)
1- [transitive] associate somebody/something (with somebody/something) to make a connection between people or things in your mind
*I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.
2- [intransitive] associate with somebody to spend time with someone, especially a person or people that someone else does not approve of
= mix
*I don’t like you associating with those people.
3- [transitive] associate yourself with something (formal) to show that you support or agree with something
*May I associate myself with the president’s remarks? (= I agree with them)
&Opposite dissociate
(ارتباط دادن,متحد، شریک شدن، هم پیوند، همبسته، وابسته کردن، آمیزش کردن، معاشرت کردن)
1-if one thing is associated with another, the two things are connected because they happen together or one thing causes the other
*the risks associated with taking drugs
= connected
2-if a person is associated with an organization, etc., they support it
*He no longer wished to be associated with the party’s policy on education.
3- Associated used in the name of a business company that is made up of a number of smaller companies
*Associated Newspapers
(مرتبط با)
staggering (adjective)
staggeringly ( adverb)
-so great, shocking, or surprising that it is difficult to believe
= astounding
*They paid a staggering $8 million for the house.
*staggeringly beautiful/expensive
necessity (noun)
1- [uncountable] the fact that something must happen or be done; the need for something
*necessity (for something)// We recognize the necessity for a written agreement.
2- [countable] a thing that you must have and cannot manage without
*Many people cannot even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing.
3- [countable, usually singular] a situation that must happen and that cannot be avoided
*Living in a big city, he felt, was an unfortunate necessity.
(نیاز، وسیله ضروری,اضطرار، بایستگی، ضرورت، نیازمندی، لزوم، احتیاج)
adequate (adjective)
adequacy (noun [uncountable])
adequately (adverb)
-enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need
*an adequate supply of hot water
*The room was small but adequate.
(کافی، مناسب)
*The adequacy of the security arrangements has been questioned.
&Opposite inadequacy
*Are you adequately insured?
&Opposite inadequately
decent (adjective)
decently (adverb)
1- of a good enough standard or quality (informal)
*a decent meal/job/place to live
2- (of people or behavior) honest and fair; treating people with respect
*ordinary, decent, hard-working people
3- acceptable to people in a particular situation
*a decent burial
4- (informal) wearing enough clothes to allow someone to see you
I can’t go to the door—I’m not decent.
*compare indecent
(نجیب، شرافتمند,آراسته، محجوب)
*I escaped from the party as soon as was decently possible.
exclude (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they exclude
he / she / it excludes
past simple excluded
-ing form excluding
1- exclude something (from something) to deliberately not include something in what you are doing or considering
*The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.
&Opposite include
2- exclude somebody/something (from something) to prevent someone or something from entering a place or taking part in something
*Women are still excluded from some clubs.
3- exclude something to decide that something is not possible
*We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation.
&Opposite include
pressing (adjective)
[usually before noun]
1-needing to be dealt with immediately
= urgent
*I have some pressing business to attend to.
2- difficult to refuse or to ignore
*a pressing invitation
(فشردن، فشاراور، مبرم، مصر، عاجل)
catastrophe (noun)
catastrophic (adjective)
catastrophically (adverb)
1-a sudden event that causes many people to suffer
= disaster
*Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.
2- an event that causes one person or a group of people personal suffering, or that makes difficulties
*The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the company.
(عاقبت داستان، مصیبت، بلای ناگهانی، فاجعه)
= disastrous
*catastrophic effects/losses/results
*to fail catastrophically