VFI-L11-Design and innovation Flashcards
innovation (noun)
1- [uncountable] innovation (in something) the introduction of new things, ideas, or ways of doing something
*an age of technological innovation
2- [countable] innovation (in something) a new idea, way of doing something, etc. that has been introduced or discovered
*recent innovations in steel-making technology
(نوآوری، ابتکار)
*concrete /kɑnˈkrit/ (بتن)
* brick /brɪk/ (آجر)
*steel (فولاد)
* timber ( چوب)
high-rise (adjective)
[only before noun]
high-rise (noun)
-(of a building) very tall and having a lot of floors
*high-rise housing
*to live in a high-rise
- build a house/ a hospital (NOT build a building )
- build up => not to talk about construction
- he went to the gym to build up his muscles.
*we are trying to build up a relationship with company in Japan.
*I had to build up the confidence to apply for the manager’s job.
(NOT; we need to build up a hospital)
- condemn /kənˈdem/ = judge a building not to be safe
*demolish = knock down
*develop = build something on a piece of land
*devise= invent (ابداع کردن، طرح ریزی کردن)
*maintain = keep in good condition
*occupy= live in or use a space
*reconstruct = build again
* renovate = repair and make new again (نوسازی کردن)
cottage (noun)
1- a small house, especially in the country
*a charming country cottage with roses around the door
2-(Canadian English) a second house that people have, usually near a lake, where they can go on weekends and for holidays
ceiling (noun)
1- the top inside surface of a room
*She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling.
2-the highest limit or amount of something
*price ceilings
3-(technology) the greatest height at which a particular aircraft is able to fly
*an aircraft with a ceiling of 20,000 feet
ornate (adjective)
ornately (adverb)
-covered with a lot of decoration, especially when this involves very small or complicated designs
*a mirror in an ornate gold frame
*This style is a little too ornate for my taste.
(بیش ازحد اراسته، مزین، مصنوع، پر اب و تاب)
*ornately carved chairs
cozy (adjective)
(cozier, coziest)
cozily (adverb)
coziness (noun [uncountable])
1- warm, comfortable, and safe, especially because of being small
synonym snug
*a cozy little room
*a cozy feeling
2- friendly and private
*a cozy chat with a friend
3- (often disapproving) easy and convenient, but not always honest or right
*The company has a cozy relationship with the Department of Defense.
*The danger is that things get too cozy.
sitting cozily by the fire
the warmth and coziness of the kitchen
cramped (adjective)
1- a cramped room, etc. does not have enough space for the people in it
*working in cramped conditions
2-(of people) not having room to move freely
conventional (adjective)
conventionality (noun [uncountable])
conventionally ( adverb)
1- (often disapproving) tending to follow what is done or considered acceptable by society in general; normal and ordinary, and perhaps not very interesting
*conventional behavior/morality
&opposite unconventional
2-[usually before noun] following what is traditional or the way something has been done for a long time
*conventional methods/approaches
3- [usually before noun] (especially of weapons) not nuclear
*conventional forces/weapons
(مرسوم، رایج، متداول)
*conventionally dressed
spacious (adjective)
spaciously (adverb)
spaciousness (noun [uncountable])
-(of a room or building) large and with plenty of space for people to move around in
= roomy
*The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable.
(بزرگ و جادار,فراخ، وسیع، جامع، گشاد، فضادار، مفصل)
*The accommodation is spaciously laid out.
*White walls can give a feeling of spaciousness.
airy (adjective)
(airier, airiest)
1- with plenty of fresh air because there is a lot of space
*The office was light and airy.
2- (formal) acting or done in a way that shows that you are not worried or that you are not treating something as serious
*He dismissed her with an airy wave.
3- (formal) (disapproving) not serious or practical
*airy promises/speculation
(هوایی، هوا مانند، با روح، پوچ، واهی، خودنما)
quarry (noun)
/ˈkwɔri/ , /ˈkwɑri/
(pl. quarries)
1- [countable] a place where large amounts of stone, etc. are dug out of the ground
*a slate quarry
2- [singular] an animal or a person that is being hunted or followed
= prey
*The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest.
functional (adjective)
/ˈfʌŋkʃənəli/ (adverb)
1- practical and useful; with little or no decoration
= utilitarian
*Bathrooms don’t have to be purely functional.
2-having a special purpose; making it possible for someone to do something or for something to happen
*a functional disorder (= an illness caused when an organ of the body fails to perform its function)
3- (especially of a machine, an organization, or a system) working; able to work
The hospital will soon be fully functional.