V10 Flashcards
inhabited (adjective)
-with people or animals living there
*The island is no longer inhabited.
*The building is now inhabited by birds.
(دارای سکنه,مسکون، آباد، پرجمعیت)
rodent (noun)
- any small animal that belongs to a group of animals with strong, sharp front teeth. Mice(جمع mouse) and rats(موش صحرایی) are rodents.
(جانور جونده )
invade (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they invade
he / she / it invades
past simple invaded
-ing form invading
1- [intransitive, transitive] to enter a country, town, etc. using military force in order to take control of it
*Troops invaded on August 9th that year.
2- [transitive] invade something to enter a place in large numbers, especially in a way that causes damage or confusion
*Demonstrators invaded the government buildings.
3- [transitive] invade something to affect something in an unpleasant or annoying way
*Does the press have the right to invade her privacy in this way?
(حمله کردن,تاخت و تاز کردن، هجوم کردن، تهاجم کردن، تجاوز کردن)
slave (noun)
slave (verb)
[intransitive] slave (away) (at something)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they slave
he / she / it slaves
past simple slaved
-ing form slaving
1- (chiefly in the past) a person who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for them
*She treated her daughter like a slave.
2- a person who is so strongly influenced by something that they cannot live without it, or cannot make their own decisions
* We are slaves of the automobile.
3- (technology) a device that is directly controlled by another one
(برده,غلام، بنده، اسیر، غلامی کردن، سخت کار کردن)
-to work very hard
*I’ve been slaving away all day trying to get this work finished.
*I haven’t got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= doing a lot of cooking).
cattle (noun)
- cows and bulls that are kept as farm animals for their milk or meat
*a herd of cattle
*twenty head of cattle (= twenty cows)
(گاوها,احشام و اغنام، گله گاو)
layer (verb)
[often passive] layer something
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they layer
he / she / it layers
past simple layered
-ing form layering
- to arrange something in layers
*Layer the potatoes and onions in a dish.
*Her hair was layered (= cut to several different lengths).
assumption (noun)
1- [countable] a belief or feeling that something is true or that something will happen, although there is no proof
*an underlying/implicit assumption
2- [countable, uncountable] assumption of something (formal) the act of taking or beginning to have power or responsibility
*their assumption of power/control
(فرض، گمان,قصد، انگاشت، پنداشت)
two cloves garlic
- [countable] a garlic clove a clove of garlic one of the small separate sections of a bulb (= the round underground part) of garlic
*Use one crushed clove of garlic.
chop (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they chop
he / she / it chops
past simple chopped
-ing form chopping
-to cut something into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife
* He was chopping logs(تنه درخت) for firewood.
2- [usually passive] chop something (from something) (to something) (informal) to reduce something by a large amount; to stop something
= cut
*The share price was chopped from 50 cents to 20 cents.
3- chop somebody/something to hit someone or something with a short downward stroke or blow
stirring (noun)
- stirring (of something) the beginning of a feeling, an idea, or a development
*She felt a stirring of anger.
*the first stirrings of spring in the air
(تکان دهنده، بهم زننده، هیجان اور، پر تحرک)
relief (noun)
1-[uncountable, singular] the feeling of happiness that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen
*a sense of relief
2- [uncountable] relief (from/of something) the act of removing or reducing pain, anxiety, etc.
*modern methods of pain relief
3- [uncountable] food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help people in places where there has been a war or natural disaster
= aid
*famine/disaster relief
4- [uncountable] financial help given by the government to people who need it
5- [uncountable]
= tax relief
*relief on mortgage interest payments
6- [uncountable, singular] something that is interesting or enjoyable that replaces something boring, difficult, or unpleasant for a short period of time
*a few moments of light relief in an otherwise dull performance
7- [countable] (often used as an adjective) a person or group of people that replaces another when they have finished working for the day or when they are sick
*The next crew(خدمه) relief comes on duty at 9 o’clock.
8- [singular] relief of… the act of freeing a town, etc. from an enemy army that has surrounded it
*the relief of Mafeking
9- [uncountable, countable] a way of decorating wood, stone, etc. by cutting designs into the surface of it so that some parts stick out more than others; a design that is made in this way
*The bronze doors are covered with sculpted reliefs.
10- [uncountable] the effect of colors, light, etc. that makes an object more noticeable than others around it
*The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky.
11- [uncountable] the quality of a particular situation, problem, etc. that makes it more noticeable than before
Their differences have been thrown into sharp relief by the present crisis.
(آرامش خاطر,کم کردن، برجسته کاری، معافیت، رهایی، کاهش، آسودگی، راحتی، فراغت، آزادی، اعانه، کمک، امداد، رفع نگرانی، تسکین)
association (noun)
1- [countable] (abbreviation Assoc.) an official group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose
= organization
*Do you belong to any professional or trade associations?
2- [countable, uncountable] association (with somebody/something) a connection or relationship between people or organizations
*his alleged association with terrorist groups.
3- [countable, usually plural] an idea or a memory that is suggested by someone or something; a mental connection between ideas
*The beach has pleasant associations with childhood vacations for me.
4- [countable] a connection between things where one is caused by the other
*a proven association between passive smoking and cancer
(ارتباط,اجتماع، هم خوانی، پیوند، شرکت، انجمن، معاشرت، اتحاد، پیوستگی)
census (noun)
(pl. censuses)
- the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts; the results of this process
*to take a census
*According to the 2008 census, there are 15.5 million Asian Americans living in the United States.
(امارگیری، سرشماری، امار، احصائیه، ممیزی مالیاتی)
entire (adjective)
[only before noun]
-(used when you are emphasizing that the whole of something is involved) including everything, everyone, or every part
= whole
*The entire village was destroyed.
*I wasted an entire day on it.
(کل، همه, کامل، همگی، تمام، درست، دست نخورده، بی عیب)
predominant (adjective)
1- most obvious or noticeable
*a predominant feature
2- having more power or influence than others
= dominant
*a predominant culture
(غالب، مسلط، حکمفرما، نافذ، عمده، برجسته)
flexible (adjective)
1- (approving) able to change to suit new conditions or situations
*a more flexible approach
2- able to bend easily without breaking
*flexible plastic tubing
Opposite inflexible
full-time job
burned-out (adjective)
(also burnt-out )
1- destroyed or badly damaged by fire
*a burned-out car
2- feeling as if you have done something for too long and need to have a rest
*I’m feeling burned-out at work—I need a vacation.
- feeling empty and mentally exhausted, devoid of motivation, and beyond caring. *People experiencing burnout often don’t see any hope of positive change in their situations
insurance (noun)
1- [uncountable, countable] an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and they agree to pay the costs, for example, if you die or are sick, or if you lose or damage something
*health/life/car/travel, etc. insurance
2- [uncountable] the business of providing people with insurance
*He works in insurance.
3- [uncountable] money paid by or to an insurance company
*to pay insurance on your house
4- [uncountable, countable] insurance (against something) something you do to protect yourself against something bad happening in the future
*At that time people had large families as an insurance against some children dying.
lay off (phrasal verb)
- lay off | lay off somebody/something (informal)
1-used to tell someone to stop doing something
*Lay off me will you—it’s got nothing to do with me.
*lay off doing something Lay off bullying Jack. - lay somebody—off
2-to stop employing someone because there is not enough work for them to do
related noun layoff
-lay off something (informal)
3-to stop using something
*I think you’d better lay off fatty foods for a while.
expense (noun)
1- [uncountable] the money that you spend on something
*The yard was landscaped at great expense.
2- [countable, usually singular] something that makes you spend money
*Having a car is a big expense.
3- expenses [plural] money spent in doing a particular job, or for a particular purpose
*living/household/medical/legal, etc. expenses
4- expenses [plural] money that you spend while you are working that your employer will pay back to you later
*You can claim back your travel/entertainment(سرگرمی، تفریح) expenses.
(هزینه,برآمد، خرج، مخارج، مصرف)
get by
-to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money
*get by on
*How can he get by on so little money?
I’m just taking it a day at a time.
bargain (noun)
1- a thing bought for less than the usual price
*I picked up a few good bargains at the sale.
2- bargain (with somebody) an agreement between two or more people or groups, to do something for each other
*He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything.
sector (noun)
1- a part of an area of activity, especially of a country’s economy
*the manufacturing sector
2- a part of a particular area, especially an area under military control
*each sector of the war zone
3- (geometry) a part of a circle lying between two straight lines drawn from the center to the edge
(بخش,منطقه عمل، منطقه مسئولیت، منطقه واگذاری، منطقه ماموریت، قطاع دایره)
competitive (adjective) &Opposite uncompetitive
competitively (adverb)
competitiveness (noun)
1- used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete against each other
*competitive games/sports
2- competitive (with somebody/something) as good as or better than others
*a store selling clothes at competitive prices (= as low as any other store)
3- (of a person) trying very hard to be better than others
You have to be highly competitive to do well in sports these days.
&Opposite uncompetitive
*competitively priced goods
*the competitiveness of U.S. industry
(رقابت طلب، رقابتی,مسابقه ای، قابل رقابت، سبقت جو)
labor (noun)
(Canadian English usually labour)
1- [uncountable] work, especially physical work
*manual labor (= work using your hands)
2- [countable, usually plural] (formal) a task or period of work
*He was so exhausted from the day’s labors that he went straight to bed.
3- [uncountable] the people who work or are available for work in a country or company
*a shortage of labor
4- [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the period of time or the process of giving birth to a baby
*Jane was in labor for ten hours.
(کار (خصوصا کار فیزیکی)؛ نیروی کار,زحمت کشیدن، تقلاکردن، کوشش کردن، عمله، حزب کارگر، رنج، درد زایمان)
preferable (adjective)
preferably (adverb)
- more attractive or more suitable; to be preferred to something
*Anything was preferable to the tense atmosphere at home.
*He finds country life infinitely preferable to living in the city.
*We’re looking for a new house, preferably one near the school.
( دارای رجحان، قابل ترجیح، برتر)
underestimate (verb) &Opposite overestimate
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they underestimate
he / she / it underestimates
past simple underestimated
-ing form underestimating
1- underestimate something underestimate what, how, etc… to think or guess that the amount, cost, or size of something is smaller than it really is
*to underestimate the cost of the project
2- underestimate somebody/something to not realize how good, strong, determined, etc. someone really is
*Never underestimate your opponent.
&Opposite overestimate
(دست کم گرفتن,ناچیز پنداشتن، تخمین کم)
substantial (adjective)
1- large in amount, value, or importance
= considerable
*substantial sums of money.
2- [usually before noun] (formal) large and solid; strongly built
*a substantial house
(مهم,ذاتی، جسمی، اساسی، محکم، قابل توجه)
fairly (adverb)
1- (before adjectives and adverbs) to some extent but not very
*a fairly easy book
2- in a fair and reasonable way; honestly
*He has always treated me very fairly.
(نسبتا ، تا اندازه ای,بطور مساعد، بدون تزویر، منصفانه)
leisure (noun)
/ˈliʒər/ , /ˈlɛʒər/
- time that is spent doing what you enjoy when you are not working or studying
*These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.
*leisure activities/interests/pursuits
*Make the most of your leisure time!
(فراغت، وقت آزاد,تن آسایی، آسودگی، فرصت، مجال، وقت کافی)
legislation (noun)
1- a law or a set of laws passed by a government body
*an important piece of legislation
*New legislation on the sale of drugs will be introduced next year.
2- the process of making and passing laws
*Legislation will be difficult and will take time.
(قانون؛ قانون گذاری)
entrepreneur (noun)
entrepreneurial (adjective)
/ˌɑntrəprəˈnʊriəl/ , /ˌɑntrəprəˈnəriəl/
entrepreneurship (noun [uncountable])
*entrepreneurial skills
According to a report out this week.
self-employment (noun [uncountable])
-working for yourself and not employed by a company, etc.
*a self-employed musician
freelance (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they freelance
he / she / it freelances
past simple freelanced
-ing form freelancing
- to earn money by selling your work to several different organizations
*She freelanced as a sports reporter.
*He freelanced for several companies.
(شغل آزاد، مستقل)
substitute (noun)
1- a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have
*a meat substitute
*a substitute family
2- (informal sub) a player who replaces another player in a sports game
*He was brought on as (a) substitute after half-time.
(جایگزین کردن)
juggle (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they juggle
he / she / it juggles
past simple juggled
-ing form juggling
1- [intransitive, transitive] to throw a set of three or more objects such as balls into the air and catch and throw them again quickly, one at a time
*My uncle taught me to juggle.
2- [transitive, intransitive] juggle (something) (with something) to try to deal with two or more important jobs or activities at the same time so that you can fit all of them into your life
*Working mothers are used to juggling their jobs, their children’s needs, and their housework.
3- [transitive] juggle something to organize information, figures, the money you spend, etc. in the most useful or effective way
It’s not all that bad.
There’s not that much conflict.
day-to-day stuff
چیزهای روزمره
prosperous (adjective)
prosperity (noun)
- rich and successful
= affluent (ثروتمند)
*prosperous countries
*Farmers are more prosperous in the south of the country.
-the state of being successful, especially in making money
*Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.
*The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.
extinct (adjective)
extinction (noun)
1- (of a type of plant, animal, etc.) no longer in existence
*an extinct species
2- (of a type of person, job, or way of life) no longer in existence in society
*Servants are now almost extinct in modern society.
3- (of a volcano) no longer active
&Opposite active
(منقرض شده)
-a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing
*a tribe threatened with extinction/in danger of extinction
differ (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they differ
he / she / it differs
past simple differed
-ing form differing
1- [intransitive] to be different from someone or something
*They hold differing views.
2- [intransitive] to disagree with someone
*I have to differ with you on that.
(تفاوت داشتن، فرق داشتن، اختلاف داشتن)
exclusive (adjective)
exclusively (adverb)
1- only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group
*The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.
2- (of a group, society, etc.) not very willing to allow new people to become members, especially if they are from a lower social class
*He belongs to an exclusive club.
3- of a high quality and expensive, and therefore not often bought or used by most people
*an exclusive hotel
4- not able to exist or be a true statement at the same time as something else
*The two options are not mutually exclusive (= you can have them both).
5- (formal) exclusive of somebody/something not including someone or something
*The price is for room only, exclusive of meals.
&Opposite inclusive
*a charity that relies almost exclusively on voluntary contributions
(فقط، منحصرا)
fascinating (adjective)
fascinatingly (adverb)
- extremely interesting and attractive
*a fascinating story/subject
*The results of the survey made fascinating reading.
(بسیار جالب توجه,فریبنده، دلکش، سحرآمیز)
nut (noun)
1- (often in compounds) a small hard fruit with a very hard shell that grows on some trees
*to crack a nut (= open it)
2- a small piece of metal with a hole through the center that is screwed onto a bolt to hold pieces of wood, machinery, etc. together
*to tighten a nut
3- (informal) a strange or crazy person
He’s a complete nut, if you ask me.
4- (informal) (in compounds) a person who is extremely interested in a particular subject, activity, etc.
*a fitness/tennis/computer, etc. nut
cashew (بادام هندی)
hazelnut (فندق)
pecan (گردو امریکایی)
walnut (گردو)
determination (noun)
determinate (adjective) &Opposite indeterminate
1- [uncountable] the quality that makes you continue trying to do something even when this is difficult
*fierce(درنده)/grim(ناخوشایند,ترسناک)/dogged(سرسخت) determination
2- [uncountable] (formal) the process of deciding something officially
*factors influencing the determination of future policy
3- [uncountable, countable] (technology) the act of finding out or calculating something
*Both methods rely on the accurate determination of the pressure of the gas.
(تعیین، محاسبه,اراده، عزم، تصمیم، قصد)
-fixed and definite
*a sentence with a determinate meaning
&Opposite indeterminate
cumbersome (adjective)
1- large and heavy; difficult to carry
= bulky (حجیم)
*cumbersome machinery.
2- slow and complicated
*cumbersome legal procedures
3- (of words or phrases) long or complicated
*The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember.
(سنگین، طاقت فرسا، مایه زحمت)
clerk (noun)
1- a person whose job is to keep the records or accounts in an office, store, etc.
*an office clerk
2- (also sales clerk) a person whose job is to serve customers in a store
*The clerk at the counter gave me too little change.
3- an official in charge of the records of a town, court, etc.
*the Town Clerk
4- (also desk clerk) a person whose job is dealing with people arriving at or leaving a hotel
= receptionist
(منشی، متصدی پذیرش,دبیر، دفتردار، کارمند دفتری، فروشنده مغازه، متصدی)
essentially (adverb)
- when you think about the true, important, or basic nature of someone or something
= basically, fundamentally
*There are three essentially different ways of tackling the problem.
*The pattern is essentially the same in all cases.
(اصولا، در اصل,ذاتا، بطور ضروری، واقعا)
offend (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they offend
he / she / it offends
past simple offended
-ing form offending
offended (adjective)
1- [transitive, often passive, intransitive] offend (somebody) to make someone feel upset because of something you say or do that is rude or embarrassing
*They’ll be offended if you don’t go to their wedding.
2- [transitive] offend somebody/something to seem unpleasant to someone
*The smell from the farm offended some people.
3- [intransitive] (formal) to commit a crime or crimes
*He started offending at the age of 16.
4- [intransitive] offend (against somebody/something) (formal) to be against what people believe is morally right
*comments that offend against people’s religious beliefs
(رنجاندن، ناراحت کردن,تخطی کردن، متغیر کردن، اذیت کردن، صدمه زدن، دلخور کردن)
*Alice looked kind of offended.
junk (noun)
1- [uncountable] things that are considered useless or of little value
= garbage
*I’ve cleared out all that old junk in the attic.
2- [uncountable]
= junk food
3- [countable] a Chinese boat with a square sail and a flat bottom.
4- [uncountable] (slang) a powerful illegal drug, especially heroin
can-do (adjective)
[only before noun] (informal)
- willing to try new things and expecting that they will be successful
*a can-do attitude/spirit
*Texas is a state of big opportunity, a can-do place.
(مایل به امتحان کردن چیزهای جدید و انتظار موفقیت آنها هستند)
set out (phrasal verb)
set out
1- to leave a place and begin a journey
*They set out on the last stage of their journey.
2- to begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal
*She set out to break the world record.
set something—out
1- to arrange or display things
*Her work is always very well set out.
2- to present ideas, facts, etc. in an organized way, in speech or writing
*He set out his objections to the plan
(عازم شدن، رهسپار شدن,آغاز، وهله، نمایش، بساط)
barber (noun)
-a person whose job is to cut men’s hair and sometimes to shave them
chicken coop
bare (adjective)
(barer, barest)
bareness (noun [uncountable])
1- not covered by any clothes
*She likes to walk around in bare feet.
2- (of trees or countryside) not covered with leaves; without plants or trees
*the bare branches of winter trees
3- (of surfaces) not covered with or protected by anything
*bare wooden floorboards
4- (of a room, cupboard, etc.) empty
*The fridge was completely bare.
5- [only before noun] just enough; the most basic or simple
*The family was short of even the bare necessities of life.
(برهنه,بدون روکش، بدون روپوش، لخت، عریان، ساده، عاری، برهنه کردن، آشکارکردن)
concrete (adjective)-(noun)-(verb)
concretely ( adverb)
1- made of concrete
*a concrete floor
2- based on facts, not on ideas or guesses
*concrete evidence/proposals/proof
3- a concrete object is one that you can see and feel
(بتن,بتنی کردن، بتن ریختن، با بتن اندود کردن، با بتن ساختن سفت شدن)
odd (adjective)
(odder, oddest)
oddness (noun [uncountable])
1- strange or unusual
*They’re very odd people.
2- (in compounds) strange or unusual in the way mentioned
*an odd-looking house
3- the odd [only before noun] (no comparative or superlative) happening or appearing occasionally; not very regular or frequent
= occasional
*He makes the odd mistake—nothing too serious.
4- [only before noun] (no comparative or superlative) of no particular type or size; various
*decorations made of odd scraps of paper
5- [usually before noun] (no comparative or superlative) not with the pair or set that it belongs to; not matching
*You’re wearing odd socks!
6- (no comparative or superlative) (of numbers) that cannot be divided exactly by the number two
1, 3, 5, and 7 are odd numbers.
&Opposite even
7- (no comparative or superlative; usually placed immediately after a number) approximately, or a little more than the number mentioned
*How old is she—seventy odd?
*the oddness of her appearance
*His oddness frightened her.
(عجیب، غیرعادی,تک، فرد، غریب، آدم عجیب، نخاله، امتیاز دادن (در شرط بندی)، سوگند ملایم)
poverty (noun)
1- [uncountable] the state of being poor
*conditions of abject/extreme poverty
2- [uncountable, singular] a lack of something; poor quality
*There is a poverty of color in her work.
(تندگستی، فلاکت، تهیدستی، کمیابی، بینوایی)
bristle (noun)
bristle (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they bristle
he / she / it bristles
past simple bristled
-ing form bristling
1- a short stiff(سفت و خشک) hair
*the bristles on his chin
1- [intransitive] bristle (with something) (at something) to suddenly become very annoyed or offended at what someone says or does
*His lies made her bristle with rage.
2- [intransitive] (of an animal’s fur) to stand up on the back and neck because the animal is frightened or angry
(موی زبر، موی سیخ، موی خوک، سیخ شدن، رویه تجاوزکارانه داشتن، اماده جنگ شدن)
wound up
منحل شده
longhand (noun)
-ordinary writing, not typed or written in shorthand
*I prefer to write my work down in longhand first.
prototype (noun)
prototype (for/of something)
prototypical (adjective)
- the first design of something from which other forms are copied or developed
*the prototype of the modern bicycle
*Scientists have developed a working prototype for a voice translation machine.
(نمونه ازمایشی، مدل نمونه اولیه، نخستین بشر، اصل ماده، نخستین افریده، نمونه اصلی)
modest (adjective) &Opposite immodest
modestly (adverb)
1- (approving) not talking much about your own abilities or possessions
*She’s very modest about her success.
*You’re too modest!
&Opposite immodest
2- not very large, expensive, important, etc.
*modest improvements/reforms
3- (of people, especially women, or their clothes) shy about showing much of the body; not intended to attract attention, especially in a sexual way
= demure
*a modest dress
(فروتن,باحیا، افتاده، فروتن، معتدل، نسبتا کم)
*“I’m not a very good painter,” he said modestly.
*She is always modestly dressed.
donate (verb)
/ˈdoʊneɪt/ , /doʊˈneɪt/
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they donate
he / she / it donates
past simple donated
-ing form donating
1- donate something (to somebody/something) to give money, food, clothes, etc. to someone or something, especially a charity
*He donated thousands of dollars to charity.
2- donate something (to somebody/something) to allow doctors to remove blood or a body organ in order to help someone who needs it
*All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.
(اهدا کردن، اعانه دادن,بخشیدن، هبه کردن، هدیه دادن، اهداء کردن)
precious (adjective)
preciousness (noun [uncountable])
1- rare and worth a lot of money
*a precious vase
2- valuable or important and not to be wasted
*Clean water is a precious commodity in that part of the world.
3- loved or valued very much
= treasure
*precious memories/possessions
4- (informal) very attractive and easy to feel love for
*Isn’t their new baby precious?
5- [only before noun] (informal) used to show you are angry that another person thinks something is very important
*I didn’t touch your precious car!
6- (disapproving) (especially of people and their behavior) very formal, exaggerated, and not natural in what you say and do
= affected
(ارزشمند,گرانبها، نفیس، پر ارزش، تصنعی، قیمتی، بسیار، فوق العاده)
*the preciousness of an old friendship
*His writings reveal an unattractive preciousness of style.
spoil (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they spoil
he / she / it spoils
past simple spoiled
(British English also) past simple spoilt
-ing form spoiling
spoil (noun)
1- [transitive] spoil something to change something good into something bad, unpleasant, useless, etc.
= ruin (خراب کردن، از بین بردن، نابود کردن)
*Our camping trip was spoiled by bad weather.
2- [transitive] spoil somebody to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behavior
= overindulge (زیاد ازاد گذاردن، افراط ورزیدن)
*She spoils those kids of hers.
3- [transitive] spoil somebody/yourself to make someone/yourself happy by doing something special
*Why not spoil yourself with a weekend in a top hotel?
4- [intransitive] (of food) to become bad so that it can no longer be eaten
(خراب کردن، تباه کردن,تضییع، کاهش، غنیمت، یغما، تاراج، سود باد آورده، فساد، تباهی، از بین بردن، غارت کردن)
1- the spoils [plural] (formal or literary) goods taken from a place by thieves(دزدیدن) or by an army that has won a battle(جنگ) or war
*the spoils of war
2- spoils [plural] the profits or advantages that someone gets from being successful
*the spoils of high office
3- [uncountable] (technology) waste material that is brought up when a hole is dug, etc.
granted (adverb)
-used to show that you accept that something is true, often before you make another statement about it
*“You could have done more to help.” “Granted.”
*Granted, it’s not the most pleasant of jobs but it has to be done.
encounter (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they encounter
he / she / it encounters
past simple encountered
-ing form encountering
1- encounter something to experience something, especially something unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do something else
= meet with something, run into
*We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week.
2- encounter somebody/something (formal) to meet someone, or discover or experience something, especially someone or something new, unusual, or unexpected
= come across somebody/something
*She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.
(غیر منتظره ملاقات کردن، برخورد کردن؛ مواجهه، برخورد,رویارویی، رویارو شدن، برخورد، روبرو شدن، مواجه شدن، مصادف شدن، دست به گریبان شدن، تصادف)
It drives me crazy!
That never occurred to me!
delicatessen (noun)
(also deli)
-a store or part of one that sells cooked meats and cheeses, and special or unusual foods that come from other countries
(فروشگاه مواد غذایی آماده)
tempt (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they tempt
he / she / it tempts
past simple tempted
-ing form tempting
1- to attract someone or make someone want to do or have something, even if they know it is wrong
*tempt somebody (into something/into doing something) / I was tempted by the dessert menu.
2- to persuade or try to persuade someone to do something that you want them to do, for example by offering them something
*tempt somebody (into something/into doing something) / How can we tempt young people into engineering?
(وسوسه کردن,اغوا کردن، فریفتن، دچار وسوسه کردن)
intent (noun)
[uncountable] intent (to do something) (formal or )
intent (adjective)
intently (adverb)
-(law) what you intend to do
= intention
*She denies possessing the drug with intent to sell.
*He was charged with wounding with intent.
(مصمم,قصد و نیت، دقیق، نیت، قصد، مرام، مفاد، معنی، منظور)
1- showing strong interest and attention
*an intent gaze/look
2- (formal) determined to do something, especially something that will harm other people
*intent on/upon something They were intent on murder.
3- intent on/upon something giving all your attention to something
*I was so intent on my work that I didn’t notice the time.
*She looked at him intently.
*I listened intently to what she had to say.
honor (noun)
(Canadian English usually honour)
1- [uncountable] great respect and admiration for someone
*the guest of honor (= the most important one)
*the seat/place of honor (= given to the most important guest)
2- [singular] (formal) something that you are very pleased or proud to do because people are showing you great respect
*It was a great honor to be invited here today.
= privilege
3- [uncountable] the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right
*a man of honor
4- [uncountable] a good reputation; respect from other people
*upholding the honor of your country
5-[singular] honor to something/somebody a person or thing that causes others to respect and admire something/someone
*She is an honor to the profession
6- [countable] an award, official title, etc. given to someone as a reward for something that they have done
*to win the highest honor
7- honors [plural] (often used as an adjective) a course that is at a higher level than a basic course
*an honors course
8- honors [plural] if you pass an exam or graduate from a school with honors, you receive a special grade for having achieved a very high standard
9- His/Her/Your honor [countable] a title of respect used when talking to or about a judge or a mayor
*No more questions, Your honor.
(شرافت، افتخار,جلال، درجه نشان، احترام، عزت، شرف، آبرو، ناموس، عفت، نجابت، تشریفات (در دانشگاه) امتیاز ویژه، (در خطاب) جناب)
afford (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they afford
he / she / it affords
past simple afforded
-ing form affording
affordability (noun [uncountable])
affordable (adjective)
1- [no passive] (usually used with can, could, or be able to, especially in negative sentences or questions) to have enough money or time to be able to buy or to do something
*afford something / Can we afford a new car?
2- [no passive] (usually used with can or could, especially in negative sentences and questions) if you say that you can’t afford to do something, you mean that you should not do it because it will cause problems for you if you do
*afford to do something We cannot afford to ignore this warning.
3- (formal) to provide someone with something
*afford something The tree affords some shelter from the sun.
affordable prices/housing
opposite unaffordable
(پول کافی داشتن، استطاعت داشتن,حاصل کردن، تهیه کردن، موجب شدن، از عهده برآمدن، استطاعت داشتن)
emphasis (noun)
(pl. emphases /ˈɛmfəsiz/ ) [uncountable, countable]
1- special importance that is given to something
= stress
*emphasis (on/upon something) The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language.
2- the extra force given to a word or phrase when spoken, especially in order to show that it is important; a way of writing a word (for example drawing a line underneath it) to show that it is important
= stress
*“I can assure you,” she added with emphasis, “the figures are correct.”
(تاکید,اهمیت، قوت، تکیه)
hand on (phrasal verb)
hand something—on (to somebody)
-to give or leave something for another person to use or deal with
= pass something—on (to somebody)
(تسلیم کردن)
debate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they debate
he / she / it debates
past simple debated
-ing form debating
debate (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
1- [transitive, intransitive] to discuss something, especially formally, before making a decision or finding a solution
= discuss
*debate (something) / Politicians will be debating the bill later this week.
2- [intransitive, transitive] to think carefully about something before making a decision
*debate (with yourself) / She debated with herself for a while, and then picked up the phone.
1- debate (on/about/over something) an argument or discussion expressing different opinions
*a heated/wide-ranging/lively debate
2- a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in government. In a debate, two or more speakers express opposing views and then there is often a vote on the issue
*a debate on abortion
(مناظره,مناقشه، بحث، مذاکرات پارلمانی، منازعه، مناظره کردن، مباحثه کردن)
evaluate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they evaluate
he / she / it evaluates
past simple evaluated
-ing form evaluating
evaluation (noun [countable, uncountable])
evaluative ( adjective)
- to form an opinion of the amount, value, or quality of something after thinking about it carefully
= assess
*evaluate something / Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
*evaluate how, whether, etc… / We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.
(ارزیابی کردن,قیمت کردن، سنجیدن، شماره یا عدد چیزی رامعین کردن)
*an evaluation of the health care system
(ارزیابی,ارزیابی کردن، ارزشیابی، سنجش، تقویم، تقویم اخبار)
semester (noun)
- one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into
*the spring/fall semester
narrative (noun)
narrative (adjective [only before noun])
1- [countable] a description of events, especially in a novel
= story
*a gripping narrative of their journey up the Amazon
2- [uncountable] the act, process, or skill of telling a story
*The novel contains too much dialogue and not enough narrative.
*narrative fiction
*a narrative poem
(داستانی,قصه، شرح، داستان، داستان سرایی، حکایت، روایت)
informative (adjective)
- giving useful information
*The talk was both informative and entertaining.
*Findings suggest that while television is more informative than the press, it is less persuasive.
&Opposite uninformative
(آموزنده، حاوی اطلاعات مفید)
put me in summer school.
insecure (adjective)
insecurely (adverb)
insecurity ( noun (pl. insecurities) [uncountable, countable])
1- not confident about yourself or your relationships with other people
*He’s very insecure about his appearance.
2- not safe or protected
*Jobs nowadays are much more insecure than they were ten years ago.
&Opposite secure
(فاقد اعتماد به نفس، نامطمئن,نا امن، غیر محفوظ، بدون ایمنی، غیر مطمئن، نامعین، غیر قطعی، سست، بی اعتبار، متزلزل)
*feelings of insecurity
give credit
اعتبار دادن
assessment (noun)
1- [countable] an opinion or a judgment about someone or something that has been thought about very carefully
= evaluation (ارزیابی,ارزیابی کردن، ارزشیابی، سنجش)
*a detailed assessment of the risks involved
2- [uncountable] the act of judging or forming an opinion about someone or something
written exams and other forms of assessment
3- [countable] an amount that has been calculated and that must be paid
a tax assessment
(ارزیابی,ممیزی مالیات، ارزشیابی، برآورد مالیات، تشخیص، تعیین مالیات، وضع مالیات، تقویم، برآورد، تخمین، اظهارنظر)
portfolio (noun)
(pl. portfolios)
1- a thin flat case used for carrying documents, drawings, etc.
2- a collection of photographs, drawings, etc. that you use as an example of your work, especially when applying for a job
*She spent most of last year getting her portfolio together.
3- (finance) a set of shares owned by a particular person or organization
*an investment/share portfolio
4- (formal) the particular area of responsibility of a government official
*She resigned her portfolio.
5- the range of products or services offered by a particular company or organization
a portfolio of wines
(دارایی، سند دارایی ها، کیف کاغذ، کیف چرمی بزرگ، مقام، سهام)
falsify (verb)
falsify something
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they falsify
he / she / it falsifies
past simple falsified
-ing form falsifying
falsification (noun [uncountable, countable])
- to change a written record or information so that it is not true anymore
*to falsify data/records/accounts.
(تحریف کردن، دست بردن در، باطل ساختن، تزویر کردن)
*the deliberate falsification of the company’s records.
(تکذیب، تقلب، تحریف، تزویر)
strict (adjective)
(stricter, strictest)
strictness (noun [uncountable])
1- that must be obeyed exactly
*strict rules/regulations/discipline.
2- demanding that rules, especially rules about behavior, should be obeyed
*a strict teacher/parent/disciplinarian
3- obeying the rules of a particular religion, belief, etc. exactly
*a strict Muslim
4- [usually before noun] very exact and clearly defined
*It wasn’t illegal in the strict sense (of the word).
(سخت گیر,اکید، یک دنده، محض، نص صریح، محکم)
discipline (noun)
1- [uncountable] the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behavior or situation that results from this training
*The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.
2- [countable] a method of training your mind or body or of controlling your behavior; an area of activity where this is necessary
*Yoga is a good discipline for learning to relax.
3- [uncountable] the ability to control your behavior or the way you live, work, etc.
*He’ll never get anywhere working for himself—he’s got no discipline.
4- [countable] an area of knowledge; a subject that people study or are taught, especially in a university
*The candidates were drawn from a range of academic disciplines.
(نظم و انظباط,نظم دادن، ادب کردن، تربیت کردن، انضباط، انتظام، تحت نظم و ترتیب در آوردن، تادیب کردن)
enroll (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they enroll
he / she / it enrolls
past simple enrolled
-ing form enrolling
- to arrange for yourself or for someone else to officially join a school, start a program of study, etc.
= register (ثبت کردن)
*You need to enroll before the end of August.
*to enroll in a course
(استخدام کردن، (=enrol) نام نویسی کردن، ثبت نام کردن، عضویت دادن، درفهرست واردکردن)
vague (adjective)
(vaguer, vaguest)
vagueness (noun [uncountable])
1- not clear in a person’s mind
*to have a vague impression/memory/recollection of something
2- vague (about something) not having or giving enough information or details about something
*She’s a little vague about her plans for next year.
3- (of a person’s behavior) suggesting a lack of clear thought or attention
= absentminded (پریشان خیال، حواس پرت)
*His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind.
4- not having a clear shape
= indistinct (نا معلوم، تیره، غیر روشن، درهم، اهسته، ناشنوا)
*In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church.
(مبهم,غیر معلوم، سر بسته و ابهام دار)
Call-in show
pull in (phrasal verb)
pull somebody—in (informal)
-to bring someone to a police station in order to ask them questions about a crime.
pull somethingin/down (informal)
-to earn the large amount of money mentioned
= make
*I think she’s pulling in over $100,000.
pull in (to something)
-(of a train) to enter a station and stop
loose (adjective)
(looser, loosest)
looseness (noun [uncountable])
1- not firmly fixed where it should be; able to become separated from something
*a loose button/tooth
2- not tied together; not held in position by anything or contained in anything
*She usually wears her hair loose.
3- [not usually before noun] free to move around without control; not tied up or shut in somewhere
*The sheep had got out and were loose on the road.
4- not fitting closely
*a loose shirt
&Opposite tight
5- not tightly packed together; not solid or hard
*loose soil
6- not strictly organized or controlled
*a loose alliance/coalition/federation
7- not exact; not very careful
*a loose translation
8- [usually before noun] (old-fashioned) having or involving an attitude to sexual relationships that people consider to be immoral
*a young man of loose morals
9- (sport) not in any player’s control
*He pounced on a loose ball.
10- having too much liquid in it
*a baby with loose bowel movements
(شل,لق، گشاد، ول، بی ربط، هرزه، بی بند و بار، لوس و ننر، بی پایه، بی قاعده، رهاکردن، درکردن (گلوله وغیره)، منتفی کردن، برطرف کردن، شل و سست شدن، نرم و آزاد شدن، حل کردن، از قید مسئولیت آزاد ساختن، سبکبار کردن، پرداختن)