V5 Flashcards
moderately (adverb)
1- to an average extent; fairly but not very
*a moderately successful career.
2-within reasonable limits
*He only drinks (alcohol) moderately
(بطور میانه، با اعتدال، با مدارا، معتدلانه)
chronic (adjective) Opposite acute
chronically (adverb)
1- (especially of a disease) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of
*chronic bronchitis/arthritis/asthma.
opposite acute (حاد)
2- having had a disease for a long time
*a chronic alcoholic/depressive
(مزمن,دیرینه، سخت، شدید)
*a hospital for the chronically ill
goof off (phrasal verb)
goof off (informal)
-to spend your time doing nothing, especially when you should be working
flip side (noun)
[usually singular] flip side (of/to something)
1- a different way of looking at an idea, argument, or action
*It was only after they were married that she began to see the flip side of the fairy tale.
2- (old-fashioned) the side of a record that does not have the main song or piece of music on it
3- the opposite, less good, or less popular side of something
*We’re now starting to see the flip side of the government’s economic policy.
frenzy (noun)
(pl. frenzies) [countable, usually singular, uncountable] frenzy (of something)
- a state of great activity and strong emotion that is often violent or frightening and not under control
*in a frenzy of activity/excitement/violence
*The speaker worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
(جنون انی، دیوانه کردن، شوریده کردن، اشفتن، دیوانگی انی، شوریدگی، هیجان)
dangle (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they dangle
he / she / it dangles
past simple dangled
-ing form dangling
dangly (adjective)
1- [intransitive] (+adv./prep.) to hang or swing freely
*A single light bulb (لامپ) dangled from the ceiling.
2- [transitive] dangle something to hold something so that it hangs or swings freely
*She dangled her car keys nervously as she spoke.
(اویزان بودن، اویزان کردن، اویختن، اویزان)
*a pair of dangly earrings
boost (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they boost
he / she / it boosts
past simple boosted
-ing form boosting
1- boost something to make something increase, or become better or more successful
*to boost someone’s confidence/morale(روحیه، دلگرمی).
2- boost something (informal) (becoming old-fashioned) to steal something
(کمک، تقویت,بالارفتن، ترقی دادن، جلوبردن، بالابردن، زیاد کردن، کمک کردن)
leap (verb)-(noun)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they leap
he / she / it leaps
past simple leapt
past simple leaped
-ing form leaping
1- [intransitive, transitive] to jump high or a long way
*+ adv./prep. A dolphin leaped out of the water.
*We leaped over the stream.
2- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move or do something suddenly and quickly
*She leaped out of bed.
3- [intransitive] leap (in something) (from…) (to…) to increase suddenly and by a large amount
= shoot up
*Shares leaped in value yesterday.
(جهیدن، جهش,جست، پرش، جستن، دویدن، خیز زدن)
diligent (adjective)
diligently (adverb)
-showing care and effort in your work or duties
*a diligent student/worker
(سخت کوش)
*They worked diligently on the task they had been given.
(با پشتکار)
I was half way through
-when half finished /at the middle point (of)
*The teacher stopped the movie halfway through.
*We left halfway through the lecture.
*We’re about halfway through the project.
agony (noun)
(pl. agonies) [uncountable, countable]
- extreme physical or mental pain
*Jack collapsed in agony on the floor.
*It was agony not knowing where the children were.
toil (verb) = slave away = slog
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they toil
he / she / it toils
past simple toiled
-ing form toiling
toiler (noun)
1- [intransitive] to work very hard and/or for a long time, usually doing hard physical work
= slave away
*Hundreds of men toiled for years at building the pyramid.
2- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move slowly and with difficulty
= slog
*They toiled up the hill in the blazing sun.
(زحمت کشیدن,کار پر زحمت)
scribble (verb) = scrawl
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they scribble
he / she / it scribbles
past simple scribbled
-ing form scribbling
1- [transitive, intransitive] to write something quickly and carelessly, especially because you do not have much time
= scrawl(خراشیدن,خط خطی کردن)
* He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving.
2- [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to draw marks that do not mean anything.
*Someone had scribbled all over the table in crayon.
(خط خطی کردن,خط ناخوانا,بد نوشتن)
utter (adjective)
[only before noun]
-used to emphasize how complete something is
*That’s complete and utter nonsense!
*To my utter amazement she agreed.
script (noun)
1-[countable] a written text of a play, movie, broadcast, talk, etc.
*That line isn’t in the original script.
2-[uncountable] writing done by hand
*She admired his neat(مرتب) script.
(خط,متن سند,بصورت متن نمایشنامه دراوردن)
be set in stone (phrase)
-used to emphasize that something is fixed and unchangeable.
*this pricing scheme is not set in stone and will likely change when the service has a full launch.
*The schedule isn’t set in stone, but we’d like to stick to it pretty closely.
virtue (noun) =advantage
1- [uncountable] (formal) behavior or attitudes that show high moral standards
*He led a life of virtue.
2- [countable] a particular good quality or habit
*Patience is not one of her virtues, I’m afraid.
3-[countable, uncountable] an attractive or useful quality
*The plan has the virtue of simplicity.
(ویژگی مثبت، عادت خوب,فضیلت، مزیت، تقوا، پرهیزکاری، پاکدامنی، عفت، خاصیت، )
drag your heels/feet
- to do something slowly because you do not want to do it:
*I suspect the management is dragging its heels on this issue.
first mover (noun [ C ])
- a company that is the first to introduce a new product, service, or technology:
*They got to where they are today by being first movers, and by running fast enough to keep ahead.
paralyze (verb)
[often passive]
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they paralyze
he / she / it paralyzes
past simple paralyzed
-ing form paralyzing
1- paralyze somebody to make someone unable to feel or move all or part of their body
*The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.
2-paralyze something to prevent something from functioning normally
*The airport is still paralyzed by the strike(ضربه)
(فلج کننده,فلج کردن,از کار انداختن,بی حس کردن)
energize (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they energize
he / she / it energizes
past simple energized
-ing form energizing
1- energize somebody to make someone enthusiastic(مشتاق) about something.
2- energize somebody to give someone more energy, strength, etc.
*a refreshing and energizing fruit drink.
3- energize something (technology) to supply power or energy to a machine, an atom, etc.
*positively energized particles.
(انرژی دادن,نیرو دادن)
clue (noun)
clue (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they clue
he / she / it clues
past simple clued
-ing form clueing
clue in (phrasal verb)
1- clue (to something) an object, a piece of evidence, or some information that helps the police solve a crime
*The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer.
2-clue (to something) a fact or a piece of evidence that helps you discover the answer to a problem
*Diet may hold the clue to the causes of migraine.
3-some words or a piece of information that helps you find the answers to a crossword, a game, or a question
*“You’ll never guess who I saw today!” “Give me a clue.”
*He’s just clued me in on the latest developments.
outperform (verb)
outperform somebody/something
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they outperform
he / she / it outperforms
past simple outperformed
-ing form outperforming
out-performance (noun [uncountable])
-to achieve better results than someone or something
*The company has consistently outperformed its larger rivals.
(بهتر عمل کردن)
(عملکرد بهتر)
preinstall (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they preinstall
he / she / it preinstalls
past simple preinstalled
-ing form preinstalling
= preload
fidget (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they fidget
he / she / it fidgets
past simple fidgeted
-ing form fidgeting
fidgety (adjective) = restless
-fidget (with something) to keep moving your body, your hands, or your feet because you are nervous, bored, excited, etc.
*Sit still and stop fidgeting!
-(of a person) unable to remain still or quiet, usually because of being bored or nervous
= restless
*The children get fidgety if they have nothing to do.
tendency (noun)
(pl. tendencies)
1- if someone or something has a particular tendency, they are likely to behave or act in a particular way
*to display artistic, etc. tendencies
2-tendency (for somebody/something) (to do something) tendency (to/toward something) a new custom that is starting to develop
*There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff.
discourage (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they discourage
he / she / it discourages
past simple discouraged
-ing form discouraging
discouraged (adjective [not usually before noun])
discouraging (adjective)
discouragingly (adverb)
1- to try to prevent(ممانعت کردن) something or to prevent someone from doing something, especially by making it difficult to do or by showing that you do not approve of it
*a campaign to discourage smoking among teenagers
2- to make someone feel less confident or enthusiastic about doing something
= dishearten
* Don’t be discouraged by the first failure—try again!
*Learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult.
*a discouraging experience/response/result
(دلسرد کردن,بی جرات ساختن، سست کردن، مایوس کردن)
contribute (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they contribute
he / she / it contributes
past simple contributed
-ing form contributing
contributing (adjective)
1-[transitive, intransitive] to give something, especially money or goods, to help someone or something
*contribute something (to/toward something) /We contributed $5,000 to the earthquake fund.
2- [intransitive] contribute (to something) to be one of the causes of something
*Medical negligence(غفلت) could have contributed to her death.
3- [intransitive, transitive] to increase, improve, or add to something
*Immigrants have contributed to American culture in many ways.
4- [transitive, intransitive] to write things for a newspaper, magazine, or a radio or television program; to speak during a meeting or conversation, especially to give your opinion.
* She contributed a number of articles to the magazine
well-being (noun)
-general health and happiness
*emotional/physical/psychological well-being
*to have a sense of well-being
*We try to ensure the well-being of our employees.
ulcer (noun)
-a sore area on the outside of the body or on the surface of an organ inside the body which is painful and may bleed or produce a poisonous substance
*a stomach ulcer
concern (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they concern
he / she / it concerns
past simple concerned
-ing form concerning
1-[often passive] concern somebody to affect someone; to involve someone
*Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern you.
2- concern something be concerned with something to be about something
*The story concerns the prince’s efforts to rescue Pamina.
3- to worry someone
* What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.
4- concern yourself with/about something to take an interest in something
*He didn’t concern himself with the details.
5- be concerned to do something (formal) to think it is important to do something
*She was concerned to write about situations that everyone could identify with.
essential (adjective)
1- completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity
= vital
*an essential part/ingredient/component of something
Opposite dispensable
2- [only before noun] connected with the most important aspect or basic nature of someone or something
= fundamental
*The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money.
long-term (adjective)
[usually before noun]
1- that will last or have an effect over a long period of time
*a long-term strategy.
2-that is not likely to change or be solved quickly
*long-term unemployment
chronic (adjective)
chronically (adverb)
1- (especially of a disease) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of
*chronic bronchitis/arthritis/asthma
2- having had a disease for a long time
*a chronic alcoholic/depressive
*a hospital for the chronically ill
dramatic (adjective)
dramatically (adverb)
1- (of a change, an event, etc.) sudden, very great, and often surprising
*a dramatic increase/fall/change/improvement
2- exciting and impressive
*a dramatic victory
3- [usually before noun] connected with the theater or plays
*a local dramatic society
4- exaggerated in order to create a special effect and attract people’s attention
*He flung out his arms in a dramatic gesture.
*Prices have fallen dramatically.
*Events could have developed in a dramatically different way.
(به طور چشمگیری)
contrast (noun)-(verb)
/ˈkɑntræst/contrast noun
1- [countable, uncountable] a difference between two or more people or things that you can see clearly when they are compared or put close together; the fact of comparing two or more things in order to show the differences between them
*contrast (between A and B) There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.
2- [countable] contrast (to somebody/something) a person or thing that is clearly different from someone or something else
*The work you did today is quite a contrast to (= very much better/worse than) what you did last week.
3- [uncountable] differences in color or in light and dark, used in photographs and paintings to create a special effect.
*The artist’s use of contrast is masterly.
4- [uncountable] the amount of difference between light and dark in a picture on a television, computer, etc., screen
*Use this button to adjust the contrast.
eligible (adjective)
eligibility (noun [uncountable])
1-a person who is eligible for something or to do something is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.
*Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.
Opposite ineligible
*Marriage to a national gave automatic eligibility for citizenship.
correlation (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
- a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does
*correlation (between A and B) There is a direct correlation between exposure(در معرض گذاری) to sun and skin cancer.
*correlation (of A with B) the correlation of social power with wealth
petition (noun)
1- petition (against/for something) a written document signed by a large number of people that asks someone in a position of authority to do or change something
*a petition against experiments on animals
2- (law) an official document asking a court to take a particular course of action
*a bankruptcy(ورشکستگی) petition.
3- (formal) a formal prayer to God or request to someone in authority
donate (verb)
/ˈdoʊneɪt/ , /doʊˈneɪt/
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they donate
he / she / it donates
past simple donated
-ing form donating
1- donate something (to somebody/something) to give money, food, clothes, etc. to someone or something, especially a charity
*He donated thousands of dollars to charity.
2- donate something (to somebody/something) to allow doctors to remove blood or a body organ in order to help someone who needs it
*All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.
disaster (noun)
1- [countable] an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood, or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage
= catastrophe
*an air disaster
*environmental disasters
2-[countable, uncountable] a very bad situation that causes problems
*Losing your job doesn’t have to be such a disaster.
*Disaster struck when the wheel came off.
*financial disaster
3-[countable, uncountable] (informal) a complete failure
*As a teacher, he’s a disaster.
nearby (adjective)
[usually before noun]
-near in position; not far away
*Her mother lived in a nearby town.
*There were complaints from nearby residents(ساکنان).
consult (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they consult
he / she / it consults
past simple consulted
-ing form consulting
1- [transitive] to go to someone for information or advice
* If the pain continues, consult your doctor.
2- [transitive, intransitive] to discuss something with someone to get their permission for something, or to help you make a decision
* You shouldn’t have done it without consulting me.
3- [transitive] consult something to look in or at something to get information
= refer to
*He consulted the manual.
(مشورت کردن,همفکری کردن، رایزنی کردن، کنکاش کردن، مشورت کردن، مشورت خواستن از، مشورت)
accurate (adjective)
accurately (adverb)
1- correct and true in every detail
*an accurate description/account/calculation.
2- able to give completely correct information or to do something in an exact way
*a highly accurate electronic compass.
3- an accurate throw, shot, weapon, etc. hits or reaches the thing that it was aimed at.
Opposite inaccurate
(دقیق، صحیح، درست)
*The article accurately reflects public opinion.
*You need to hit the ball accurately.
demand (noun)
1- [countable] demand (for something/that…) a very firm request for something; something that someone needs.
*a demand for higher pay
2- demands [plural] demand (of something) demand (on somebody) things that someone or something makes you do, especially things that are difficult, make you tired, worried, etc.
*the demands of children/work
3- [uncountable, countable] demand (for something/somebody) the desire or need of customers for goods or services that they want to buy or use.
*to meet the demand for a product.
(تقاضا,درخواست کردن، نیاز، احتیاج، خواستارشدن، درخواست، طلب، تقاضا کردن، نیاز)
introductory (adjective)
1- written or said at the beginning of something as an introduction to what follows
synonym opening.
*introductory chapters/paragraphs/remarks.
2- intended as an introduction to a subject or an activity for people who have never done it before.
*introductory courses/lectures
3- offered for a short time only, when a product is first on sale
*a special introductory price of just $10
(دیباچه ای، وابسته به مقدمه، معارفه ای)
Can you make a good living in anthropology?
fascinating (adjective)
fascinatingly (adverb)
- extremely interesting and attractive
*a fascinating story/subject
*The results of the survey made fascinating reading.
currency (noun)
(pl. currencies)
1- [countable, uncountable] the system of money that a country uses
*trading in foreign currencies.
2- [uncountable] the fact that something is used or accepted by a lot of people
*The term “post-industrial” now has wide currency.
contractor (noun)
- a person or company that has a contract to do work or provide goods or services for another company
*a building/landscaping, etc. contractor
*to employ an outside contractor
(پیمانکار، مقاطعه کار)
chain store
a store that is one of a series of similar stores owned by the same company
فروشگاه زنجیری
objective (noun)
1- something that you are trying to achieve
= goal
*the main/primary/principal objective.
2- (also objective lens) (technology) the lens in a telescope or microscope that is nearest to the object being looked at
(هدف، مراد)
identical (adjective)
identically (adverb)
1- similar in every detail
*a row of identical houses
*The two pictures are similar, although not identical.
2- the identical [only before noun] the same
*This is the identical room we stayed in last year.
*The children were dressed identically
versus (preposition)
(abbreviation v., vs.)
1- (sport or law) used to show that two teams or sides are against each other
*It is Texas versus Nebraska in the championship game.
*in the case of Roe versus Wade.
2- used to compare two different ideas, choices, etc.
*It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends.
(در مقابل, علیه، برضد، در برابر)
absorbed (adjective)
[not usually before noun] absorbed in something/somebody
- very interested in something or someone so that you are not paying attention to anything else
*She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
(جذب شده)
oversee (verb)
oversee somebody/something
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they oversee
he / she / it oversees
past simple oversaw
past participle overseen
-ing form overseeing
- to watch someone or something and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly
= supervise
*United Nations observers oversaw the elections.
(نظارت کردن,سرکشی کردن، مباشرت کردن، سرپرستی کردن)
scenery (noun)
1- the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers, and forests, when you are thinking about them being attractive to look at
*The scenery is magnificent(با شکوه، چشمگیر، مجلل).
2-the painted background that is used to represent natural features or buildings on a theater stage
(منظره,چشم انداز، صحنه سازی)
algae (noun)
[uncountable, plural] (alga /ˈælɡə/ ) (technology)
/ˈælɡəl/ adjective [only before noun]
algal blooms/growth
-very simple plants with no real leaves, stems, or roots that grow in or near water, including seaweed(علف دریایی، جلبک دریایی)
(خزه دریایی، جلبک)
*algal blooms(رشد انفجاری)/growth
aware (adjective)
1- [not before noun] knowing or realizing something
*As you’re aware, this is not a new problem.
*Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved.
2- [not before noun] noticing that something is present, or that something is happening
* She slipped away without him being aware of it.
3- (used with an adverb) interested in and knowing about something, and thinking it is important
*Young people are very environmentally aware.
Opposite unaware
((از چیزی) آگاه بودن,آگاه، باخبر، با اطلاع، ملتفت، مواظب)
irrigate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they irrigate
he / she / it irrigates
past simple irrigated
-ing form irrigating
irrigation (noun [uncountable])
1- irrigate something to supply water to an area of land through pipes or channels so that crops will grow
*irrigated land/crops
*irrigation channels
*Irrigation has increased the area of cultivable(قابل کشت) land.
(ابیاری کردن، اب دادن (به))
particular (adjective)
1- [only before noun] used to emphasize that you are referring to one individual person, thing, or type of thing and not others
= specific
*There is one particular patient I’d like you to see.
2- [only before noun] greater than usual; special
*We must pay particular attention to this point.
3- particular (about/over something) very definite about what you like and careful about what you choose
= fussy (داد وبیداد کن (برای چیزهای جزئی)، ایراد گیر)
*She’s very particular about her clothes
dynasty (noun)
(pl. dynasties)
dynastic (adjective [usually before noun])
1- a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family
*the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.
2- a period of years during which members of a particular family rule a country
*a Ming dynasty vase (گلدان)
3- a series of people from the same family who play an important role in business, politics, or another field
*the Rothschild banking dynasty
(سلسله، دودمان، خاندان پادشاهان)
*dynastic history
treasure (noun)
1-[uncountable] a collection of valuable things such as gold, silver, and jewelry
*buried treasure.
2- [countable, usually plural] a highly valued object
*the priceless art treasures of the Metropolitan Museum.
3- [singular] a person who is much loved or valued
*Liz is an absolute treasure—I couldn’t do without her.
sophisticated (adjective)
1- having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture, and other things that people think are socially important
*the sophisticated pleasures of city life.
2- (of a machine, system, etc.) advanced and complicated in the way that it works or is presented
*highly sophisticated computer systems.
3- (of a person) able to understand difficult or complicated ideas
a sophisticated audience.
Opposite unsophisticated
(فرهیخته، امروزی, خبره و ماهر، درسطح بالا، )
expedition (noun)
1-an organized trip with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known
*to plan/lead/go on an expedition to the North Pole.
2- the people who go on an expedition
*Three members of the Everest expedition were killed.
3- (sometimes humorous) a short trip that you make when you want or need something
*a shopping expedition
(سفر اکتشافی، سفر با هدف تعیین شده)
in charge (noun)
- the person who is officially responsible for a department, etc.
*the in charge of the district(منطقه، ناحیه) hospital
took a tour
hypothetical (adjective)
hypothetically (adverb)
-based on situations or ideas that are possible and imagined rather than real and true
*a hypothetical question/situation/example.
debt (noun)
1-[countable] a sum of money that someone owes
*I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country.
2-[uncountable] the situation of owing money, especially when you cannot pay
*He died heavily in debt.
3-[countable, usually singular] the fact that you should feel grateful to someone because they have helped you or been kind to you
*to owe a debt of gratitude to someone
*I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers.
admit (verb) =confess
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they admit
he / she / it admits
past simple admitted
-ing form admitting
1-[intransitive, transitive] admit (to somebody) (that…) to agree, often unwillingly, that something is true
*It was a stupid thing to do, I admit.
2- [intransitive, transitive] to say that you have done something wrong or illegal
=confess to
*He refused to admit to the other charges.
3- [transitive] to allow someone or something to enter a place
* Each ticket admits one adult.
4- [transitive] to allow someone to become a member of a club, a school, or an organization
* The society admits all U.S. citizens over 21.
5- [transitive, often passive] admit somebody to/into a hospital, an institution, etc. to take someone to a hospital or other institution where they can receive special care
*Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital.
confirm (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they confirm
he / she / it confirms
past simple confirmed
-ing form confirming
1-to state or show that something is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence
*Rumors of job losses were later confirmed.
2-confirm something confirm somebody (in something) to make someone feel or believe something even more strongly
*The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights.
3- confirm something to make a position, an agreement, etc. more definite or official; to establish someone or something firmly
*After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed.
4- [usually passive] confirm somebody to make someone a full member of the Christian Church
*She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen.
5- [usually passive] confirm somebody to perform a ceremony when a young person has completed their high school Jewish studies
missionary (noun)
(pl. missionaries)
مبلغ مذهبی
sighting (noun)
-an occasion when someone sees someone or something, especially something unusual or something that lasts for only a short time
*a reported sighting of Elvis Presley
*This was the first sighting of the comet(ستاره دنباله دار) for 1,000 years.
zoologist (noun)
-a scientist who studies zoology
dissect (verb)
/dɪˈsɛkt/ , /daɪˈsɛkt/
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they dissect ,
he / she / it dissects ,
past simple dissected ,
-ing form dissecting
dissection (noun [uncountable, countable])
/dɪˈsɛkʃn/ , /daɪˈsɛkʃn/
1-dissect something to cut up a dead person, an animal, or a plant in order to study it
*The biology students had to dissect a rat(موش صحرایی).
2-dissect something to study something closely and/or discuss it in great detail
*Her latest novel was dissected by the critics(منتقدان).
3-dissect something to divide something into smaller pieces, areas, etc.
*The city is dissected by a network of old canals.
*anatomical dissection
*Your enjoyment of a novel can suffer from too much analysis and dissection.
specimen (noun)
1-a small amount of something that shows what the rest of it is like
= sample
*Astronauts have brought back specimens of rock from the moon.
2-a single example of something, especially an animal or a plant
*The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish.
3-a small quantity of blood, urine, etc. that is taken from someone and tested by a doctor
*to provide/take a specimen
quarrel (verb)
/ˈkwɔrəl/ , /ˈkwɑrəl/
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they quarrel ,
he / she / it quarrels ,
past simple quarreled
(Canadian English usually)quarrelled ,
-ing form quarreling
(Canadian English usually)quarrelling
-to have an angry argument or disagreement
*My sister and I used to quarrel all the time.
*quarrel (with somebody) (about/over something) She quarreled with her brother over their father’s will.
distinctive (adjective)
distinctively (adverb)
-having a quality or characteristic that makes something different and easily noticed
= characteristic
*clothes with a distinctive style
*The male bird has distinctive white markings on its head.
*a distinctively nutty flavor
comparison (noun)
1- [uncountable] comparison (with somebody/something) the process of comparing two or more people or things
*Comparison with other oil-producing countries is extremely interesting.
2- [countable] an occasion when two or more people or things are compared
*a comparison of the rail systems in Japan and the U.S.
contradict (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they contradict
he / she / it contradicts
past simple contradicted
-ing form contradicting
1- to say that something that someone else has said is wrong, and that the opposite is true
* All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.
2-contradict something contradict each other (of statements or pieces of evidence) to be so different from each other that one of them must be wrong
*The two stories contradict each other.
(تناقض داشتن با,مخالف بودن با)
دوباره تحلیل شد
weasel (noun)
weasel verb
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they weasel
he / she / it weasels
past simple weaseled
(Canadian English usually)weaselled
-ing form weaseling
(Canadian English usually)weaselling
weasel out (phrasal verb)
weasel out (of something) (informal) (disapproving)
-to avoid doing something that you ought to do or have promised to do
*He’s now trying to weasel out of our agreement.
ancestor (noun)
ancestral (adjective)
1- a person in your family who lived a long time ago
= forebear
*His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.
2-an animal that lived in the past, that a modern animal has developed from
*a reptile(خزنده) that was the common ancestor of lizards and turtles.
3-an early form of a machine that later became more developed
= forerunner
*The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a penny-farthing.
*her ancestral home (= that had belonged to her ancestors)
lineage (noun)
[uncountable, countable] (formal)
-the series of families that someone comes from originally
*a French nobleman of ancient(باستانی) lineage
= ancestry
(اصل و نسب)
comparatively (adverb)
-as compared to something or someone else
= relatively
*The unit is comparatively easy to install and cheap to operate.
*He died comparatively young (= at a younger age than most people die).
*comparatively few/low/rare/recent
به صورت مقایسه ای
blunt (adjective)
(blunter, bluntest)
bluntness (noun [uncountable])
1- without a sharp edge or point
*a blunt knife
*This pencil is blunt!
Opposite sharp
2- (of a person or remark) very direct; saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite
*She has a reputation for being blunt.
vegetation (noun)
-plants in general, especially the plants that are found in a particular area or environment
*The hills are covered in lush(سرسبز) green vegetation.
*Desert areas have little vegetation.
fleshy (adjective)
1-(of parts of the body or people) having a lot of flesh
*fleshy arms/lips.
*a large fleshy man.
2-(of plants or fruit) thick and soft
*fleshy fruit/leaves
plural of leaf
adept (adjective)
adept (at/in something) adept (at/in doing something)
adept (noun)
/ˈædɛpt/ , /əˈdɛpt/
adeptly (noun)
- good at doing something that is quite difficult
= skilful
*He became adept at getting even the shyest students to talk
forage (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they forage ,
he / she / it forages ,
past simple foraged ,
-ing form foraging
1- [intransitive] forage (for something) (especially of an animal) to search for food
*The female only leaves the young when she forages for food.
2-[intransitive] forage (for something) (of a person) to search for something, especially using the hands
=rummage (زیر و رو کردن)
*Her assistant was foraging in a cabinet for some envelopes.
justice (noun)
1- [uncountable] the fair treatment of people
*laws based on the principles of justice
2-[uncountable] the quality of being fair or reasonable
*Who can deny the justice of their cause?
Opposite injustice
3- [uncountable] the legal system used to punish people who have committed crimes
*the criminal justice system
4- Justice [countable] a judge in a court (also used before the name of a judge)
(دادگستری؛ عدالت, انصاف، درستی، دادگستری، )
convict (verb)
[often passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they convict
he / she / it convicts
past simple convicted
-ing form convicting
convict (noun)
- convict somebody (of something) to decide and state officially in court that someone is guilty of a crime
*a convicted murderer
*He was convicted of fraud.
(محکوم کردن, مقصر دانسته شدن، مجرم، جانی، محبوس)
-a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison
*an escaped convict
release (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they release
he / she / it releases
past simple released
-ing form releasing
1-set someone or something free
*Death released him from his suffering.
*to release a prisoner/hostage
2- stop holding something
*He refused to release her arm.
= let somebody/something go, let somebody/something loose.
3- feelings
*She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.
4- free someone from duty
*The club is releasing some of its older players.
5- part of machine
*to release the clutch/handbrake/switch, etc.
6- make less tight
*You need to release the tension in these shoulder muscles.
7- release something to make something available to the public.
*to release a movie/book/CD.
8- release something to make something available that had previously been restricted
*The new building program will go ahead as soon as the government releases the funds.
commit (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they commit
he / she / it commits
past simple committed
-ing form committing
1- [transitive] commit a crime, etc. to do something wrong or illegal
*to commit murder/adultery, etc.
2- [transitive] commit suicide to kill yourself deliberately (تعمدا,با تامل، با مشورت، عمدا)
3- [transitive, often passive] to promise sincerely that you will definitely do something, keep to an agreement or arrangement, etc.
*The President is committed to reforming health care.
4- [transitive] commit yourself (to something) to give an opinion or make a decision openly so that it is then difficult to change it
*You don’t have to commit yourself now, just think about it.
5- be loyal
*Why are so many men scared to commit? (= say they will be loyal to one person)
6- money/time
*The mayor has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.
7- to hospital/prison
*She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
8- something to memory
*She committed the instructions to memory.
9- something to paper/writing
(مرتکب شدن؛ تعهد دادن,متعهد به انجام امری نمودن، سرسپردن، به کار بردن نیروها، وارد عمل کردن نیروها، انجام دادن، اعزام داشتن برای (مجازات و غیره))
alternative (noun)
alternative (adjective)
[only before noun]
- a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities
*You can be paid in cash weekly or by check monthly; those are the two alternatives.
*We had no alternative but to fire Gibson.
(راهکار جایگزین، راه دیگر)
1-(also al‧ter‧nate) that can be used instead of something else
*an alternative method of doing something
2-different from the usual or traditional way in which something is done
*alternative comedy/music/lifestyles/values
restorative (adjective)
restorative (noun)
1- (formal) making you feel strong and healthy again
*the restorative power of fresh air.
2- (medical) connected with treatment that repairs the body or a part of it
*restorative dentistry/surgery
-a thing that makes you feel better, stronger, etc.
*Sleep is the best restorative there is.
offender (noun)
1- a person who commits a crime
*a persistent/serious/violent, etc. offender
*a young offender institution
2- a person or thing that does something wrong
*The report on sexual discrimination at work shows that some of the worst offenders are women.
(مجرم,متخلف، تخطی کننده، متجاوز، )
go crazy
-to act in a way that is out of control : to act wildly.
* We were just talking when he suddenly went crazy and started screaming.
*The crowd went crazy when the team won the championship.
plead (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they plead
he / she / it pleads
past simple pleaded
(North American English also) past simple pled
-ing form pleading
1- [intransitive, transitive] to ask someone for something in a very strong and serious way
= beg
* She pleaded with him not to go.
2- [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime
*(+ adj.) to plead guilty/not guilty.
3- [transitive] plead something to present a case to a court
They hired a top lawyer to plead their case.
4- [transitive, no passive] plead something (for something) plead that… to give something as an explanation or excuse for something
*He pleaded family problems for his lack of concentration.
5- [transitive, intransitive] to argue in support of someone or something
* She appeared on television to plead the cause of political prisoners everywhere.