V1 Flashcards
hold on/tight
- to continue doing something or staying somewhere although it is difficult or unpleasant to do so
- Hold on and I’ll go and get some help
surely (adverb)
1- used to show that you are almost certain of what you are saying and want other people to agree with you.
. Surely we should do something about it?
2- used with a negative to show that something surprises you and you do not want to believe it.
. Surely you don’t think I was responsible for this?
. “They’re getting married.” “Surely not!”
3- (formal) without doubt; certainly
. He knew that if help did not arrive soon, they would surely die.
4- (old-fashioned) (informal) used to say “yes” to someone or to agree to something
slowly but surely
making slow but definite progress
We’ll get there slowly but surely.
walk off (phrasal verb)
- to leave a person or place suddenly because you are angry or upset.
walk something…..off
1-to go for a walk after a meal so that you feel less full
*We walked off a heavy Sunday lunch.
2- to go for a walk in order to make yourself feel better
* Is your foot OK? Come on, let’s walk it off.
individual (adjective)-(noun)
منحصر بفرد-تک
1-[only before noun] (often used after each) considered separately rather than as part of a group
*We interviewed each individual member of the community.
2-[only before noun] connected with one person; designed for one person
*respect for individual freedom
It’s likely = probably = it seems that
pronouncement (noun)
pronouncement (on something) (formal)
(اظهار عقیده رسمی، صدور رای، اعلامیه رسمی)
a formal public statement
. She made an official pronouncement on changes in government policy.
prompt (adjective)-(Verb)- (Noun)
promptness (noun) [uncountable]
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they prompt
he / she / it prompts
past simple prompted
-ing form prompting
(فوری، سریع)
1-done without delay
Prompt action was required as the fire spread
2- [not before noun] (of a person) acting without delay; arriving at the right time
=punctual (خوش قول، به موقع)
Please be prompt when attending these meetings.
(V) (سریع کردن، به فعالیت واداشتن، برانگیختن)
1- [transitive] to make someone decide to do something; to cause something to happen
= provoke (تحریک کردن, دامن زدن، برانگیختن، برافروختن)
prompt something/ prompt somebody to do something
. The thought of her daughter’s wedding day prompted her to lose some weight.
2- [transitive] to encourage (دلگرم کردن، تشویق کردن) someone to speak by asking them questions or suggesting words that they could say.
prompt somebody / prompt somebody to do something / prompt (somebody) + speech
. She was too nervous to speak and had to be prompted.
. And then what happened?” he prompted.
3- [transitive, intransitive] prompt (somebody) to follow the text of a play and remind the actors what the words are if they forget their lines.
1-a word or words said to an actor, to remind them what to say next when they have forgotten
2- (computing) a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer has finished doing something and is ready for more instructions
The chance of a lifetime.
commencement (noun)
[uncountable, countable, usually singular]
1- (formal) beginning
. the commencement of the financial year
2- a ceremony at which students receive their academic degrees or diploma
= graduation
nonverbal (adjective)
[usually before noun]
(غیر شفاهی، غیرزبانی)
- not involving words or speech
.nonverbal communication
inflame (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they inflame
he / she / it inflames
past simple inflamed
-ing form inflaming
inflammation (noun)
[uncountable, countable]
بر افروختن، به هیجان اوردن
1- inflame somebody/something to cause very strong feelings, especially anger or excitement, in a person or in a group of people
*His comments have inflamed teachers all over the country.
2- inflame something to make a situation worse or more difficult to deal with
*The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.
inflammation ; (التهاب، شعله ور سازی، احتراق، )
-a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, sore, and swollen because of infection or injury
*inflammation of the ear
*a cream to reduce inflammation
ambivalent (adjective)
ambivalent (about/toward somebody/something)
ambivalence (noun [uncountable, singular])
ambivalently (adverb)
(توجه ناگهانی و دلسردی ناگهانی نسبت بشخص یا چیزی، دمدمی مزاجی، دارای دو جنبه)
- having or showing both good and bad feelings about someone or something
. She seems to feel ambivalent about her new job.
ambivalence (about/toward somebody/something)
.There was ambivalence among church members about women becoming priests(کشیش، روحانی، ).
. Many people feel some ambivalence toward television and its effect on our lives.
defensive (adjective)- (noun)
defensively (adverb)
defensiveness (noun) [uncountable]
1- protecting someone or something against attack
. Troops (افراد) took up a defensive position around the town.
2- behaving in a way that shows that you feel that people are criticizing you
. Don’t ask him about his plans—he just gets defensive.
3- (sport) connected with trying to prevent the other team or player from scoring points or goals
. defensive play
respond (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they respond
he / she / it responds
past simple responded
-ing form responding
(پاسخ دادن, جواب دادن، واکنش نشان دادن، پاسخ)
1- [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to give a spoken or written answer to someone or something
= reply
. I asked him his name, but he didn’t respond.
. + speech “I’m not sure,” she responded.
. respond that…
When asked about the company’s future, the director responded that he remained optimistic(خوشبینانه).
2- [intransitive] respond (to something) (with something/by doing something)
to do something as a reaction to something that someone has said or done
= react
. How did they respond to the news?
3- [intransitive] respond (to something/somebody)
to react quickly or in the correct way to something or someone
. The car responds very well to the controls.
4- [intransitive] respond (to something) to improve as a result of a particular kind of treatment
. The infection(عفونت, سرایت مرض، گند ) did not respond to the drugs.
fire off (phrasal verb)
1- to shoot a bullet from a gun
. They fired off a volley (رگبار)of shots.
2- to write or say something to someone very quickly, often when you are angry
. He fired off a letter of complaint.
. She spent an hour firing off e-mails to all concerned.
*The image of a woman suffering keeps me up at night.
*The dream keeps me up at night.
genuine (adjective)
genuinely (adverb)
genuineness (noun) [uncountable]
(صادقانه، خالصانه، از ته قلب)
1- real; exactly what it appears to be; not artificial
= authentic
. Only genuine refugees (مهاجر، فراری، پناهنده سیاسی، آواره شدن)can apply for asylum(/əˈsaɪləm/
2- sincere(صادقانه، خالصانه، از ته قلب)and honest; that can be trusted
. He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions.
.genuinely sorry
unhappy (adj) = upset(adj)
pseudo- (combining form)
-(in nouns, adjectives, and adverbs) not genuine; false or pretended
. pseudointellectual (شبه روشنفکر)
. pseudoscience (شبه علم)
. pseudo-expert (شبه کارشناس)
comprehension (noun)
1-the ability to understand
*speech and comprehension
*His behavior was completely beyond comprehension (= impossible to understand).
2- an exercise that trains students to understand a language
*listening comprehension
*reading comprehension
Undivided attention
If you give someone or something your undivided attention, you concentrate on them fully and do not think about anything else.
His wife is, politely put, meek and submissive. In other words she is a
meek (adj) : quiet, gentle, and always ready to do what other people want without expressing your own opinion
=compliant /kəmˈplaɪənt/, self-effacing
submissive: too willing to accept someone else’s authority (قدرت) and to obey(اطاعت کردن) them without questioning anything they want you to do
tumble (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they tumble
he / she / it tumbles
past simple tumbled
-ing form tumbling
غلت خوردن،
. He slipped (لیز خوردن، لغزیدن) and tumbled down the stairs.
2- [intransitive] to fall rapidly in value or amount
. The price of oil is still tumbling.
3- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move or fall somewhere in a relaxed, uncontrolled or noisy way
. I undressed and tumbled into bed.
assumed (adjective)
[only before noun]
(فرض کردن)
- that you suppose to be true or to exist.
. the assumed differences between the two states.
Timekeeping is important to me
Abandon the situation
وضعیت را رها کنید
Special (adjective)
= exceptional
*There is something special about this place.
*What are your special interests?
defend (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they defend
he / she / it defends
past simple defended
-ing form defending
(دفاع کردن, حمایت کردن)
1- protect against attack
defend somebody/yourself/something– defend somebody/yourself/something from/against somebody/something–defend against somebody/something
. All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.
2- support
defend something– defend somebody/yourself/something from/against somebody/something
. Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics.
3- in sports
opposite attack
4- in competitions
.She will be defending her title at next month’s championships.
5- law
. He has employed one of the country’s top lawyers to defend him.
often feels like people are talking past each other
simultaneous (adjective)
simultaneity (noun) [uncountable]
simultaneously (adverb)
- happening or done at the same time as something else
. Any ceasefire (آتش بس) would be simultaneous with the withdrawal (پس گرفتن، باز گرفتن، صرفنظر کردن) of U.S. forces.
. simultaneous translation/interpreting(معنی کردن)
. The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.
quote (verb)
present simple I / you / we / they – quote
he / she / it – quotes
past simple – quoted
-ing form – quoting
1- [transitive, intransitive] to repeat the exact words that another person has said or written
. quote (somebody) (as doing something) The President was quoted in the press as saying that he disagreed with the decision.
. “It will all be gone tomorrow.” “Can I quote you on that?”
. Don’t quote me on this (= this is not an official statement), but I think he is going to resign.
2- [transitive] quote (somebody) something to mention an example of something to support what you are saying
. Can you quote me an instance (مورد، نمونه) of when this happened?
3- [transitive, intransitive] quote (somebody) (something) (for something/for doing something) to tell a customer how much money you will charge them for a job, service, or product
. They quoted us $300 for installing a shower unit.
4- [transitive] quote something (at something) (finance) to give a market price for shares, gold, or foreign money
. Yesterday the euro was quoted at $1.42775, unchanged from Monday.
5- [transitive] quote something (finance) to give the prices for a business company’s shares on a stock(سهام؛ موجودی کالا) exchange(معاوضه کردن)
. Several cosmetic(وسیله ارایش) companies are quoted on the New York Stock Exchange.
agenda (noun)
(دستور جلسه)
- a list of items to be discussed at a meeting
. The next item on the agenda is the publicity budget(بودجه).
except preposition
(also except for)
- used before you mention the only thing or person about which a statement is not true
=apart from
*We work every day except Sunday.
*They all came except Matt.
*I had nothing on except for my socks.
introspect (Verb)
(بخود برگشتن، بخود امدن، درخود فرورفتن)
Steer the conversation = navigate the conversation
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they steer
he / she / it steers
past simple steered
-ing form steering
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they navigate
he / she / it navigates
past simple navigated
-ing form navigating
-You steer a conversation when there’s something that you want to talk about, or something that you want to avoid talking about. * When people bring up politics, I usually try to steer the conversation back to something a little less controversial(بحث برانگیز)
. steer (verb) /stɪr/ :
1-steer (something /somebody) (+ adv./prep.) to control the direction in which a boat, car, etc. moves
*He steered the boat into the harbor.
2-[transitive, intransitive] steer (something) (+ adv./prep.) (of a boat, car, etc.) to move in a particular direction
*The ship steered a course between the islands.
. navigate verb /ˈnævəˌɡeɪt/
1-[intransitive, transitive] to find your position or the position of your ship, plane, car, etc. and the direction you need to go in, for example by using a map
*I’ll drive, and you can navigate.
* navigate your way… How do you navigate your way through a forest?
2-[transitive] navigate something to sail(سفر دریایی)along, over, or through an ocean, river, etc.
*The river became too narrow and shallow(کم عمق) to navigate.
Counter argument
ضد استدلال
conduct (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they conduct
he / she / it conducts
past simple conducted
-ing form conducting
(رفتار,سیره، جریان، انتقال دادن، انجام دادن، رفتار کردن، )
1- [transitive] conduct something to organize and/or do a particular activity
. to conduct an experiment/an investigation(تحقیق)/a survey (نظر سنجی، پژوهش).
2- [transitive, intransitive] conduct (something) to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music
. a concert by the San Francisco Symphony, conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas.
3- [transitive] conduct something (technology) (of a substance) to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through it
. Copper conducts electricity well.
4- [transitive] conduct yourself + adv./prep. (formal) to behave in a particular way
. He conducted himself far better than expected.
5- [transitive] conduct somebody/something + adv./prep. to lead or guide someone through or around a place
. The guide conducted us around the ruins(خراب کردن، از بین بردن) of the ancient(باستانی، قدیمی) city.
distraction (noun)
(گیجی، حواس پرتی، دیوانگی)
1- [countable, uncountable] a thing that takes your attention away from what you are doing or thinking about
. I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
2- [countable] an activity that amuses (سرگرم کردن، مشغول کردن، ) or entertains (سرگرم کردن
پذیرایی کردن، مهمانی کردن، ) you.
to distraction
so that you become upset, excited, or angry and not able to think clearly.
. The children are driving me to distraction today.
upon preposition
= on
*The decision was based upon two considerations(ملاحظات).
2- …upon… used to emphasize that there is a large number or amount of something
*mile upon mile of dusty(غبارآلود، گرد و خاکی) road.
*thousands upon thousands of letters.
-once upon a time
used, especially at the beginning of stories, to mean “a long time in the past”
*Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess.
-(almost) upon you
if something in the future is almost upon you, it is going to arrive or happen very soon
*The summer season was almost upon them again.
They may be punished
ممکن است مجازات شوند
Dead(ly)-serious (informal)
comfort (noun)
(آسایش، راحتی)
1- [uncountable] the state of being physically relaxed and free from pain; the state of having a pleasant life, with everything that you need
. These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance.
2- [uncountable] a feeling of not suffering or worrying so much; a feeling of being less unhappy
= consolation (دلداری، تسلی، تسلیت)
. to take/draw comfort from someone’s words.
3- [singular] a person or thing that helps you when you are suffering, worried, or unhappy
. The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this.
4- [countable, usually plural] a thing that makes your life easier or more comfortable
. The hotel has all modern comforts/every modern comfort.
One-hour therapy sessions
idiocy (noun)
(pl. idiocies) (formal)
1- [uncountable] very stupid behavior; the state of being very stupid
= stupidity
. It is sheer idiocy to go climbing in this weather.
2- [countable] a very stupid act, remark(اظهار نظر), etc.
. the idiocies of bureaucracy(تشریفات اداری)
lounge (noun)
1- a room for waiting in at an airport, etc.
. the departure lounge
2- a public room in a hotel, club, etc. for waiting or relaxing in
. the television lounge
threaten (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they threaten
he / she / it threatens
past simple threatened
-ing form threatening
(تهدید کردن، ترساندن)
1- [transitive] to say that you will cause trouble, hurt someone, etc. if you do not get what you want.
threaten somebody/ something –threaten somebody with something–threaten to do something–threaten that…
. They threatened that passengers (مسافر) would be killed.
2- [intransitive, transitive] to seem likely to happen or cause something unpleasant
. A storm was threatening.
3- [transitive] threaten something to be a danger to something
= endanger, at risk (from/of something)
.Pollution is threatening marine (دریایی) life.
conquer (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they conquer
he / she / it conquers
past simple conquered
-ing form conquering
(غلبه کردن-پیروزی یافتن بر، فتح کردن، تسخیر کردن)
commute (verb)
present simple I / you / we / they commute
he / she / it commutes
past simple commuted
-ing form commuting
commutative (adjective)
commutator (noun)
commute (noun)
commuter (noun)
1- [intransitive, transitive] to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and your home
. commute (from A) (to B) She commutes from Palo Alto to San Francisco every day.
. commute between A and B He spent that year commuting between New York and Chicago.
. I live within commuting distance of Atlanta.
. commute something People are prepared to commute long distances if they are desperate (درمانده، مستاصل) for work.
2- [transitive] commute something (to something) (law) to replace one punishment with another that is less severe (شدید، طاقت فرسا)
. The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment(زندان، محبوس کردن ).
3- [transitive] commute something (for/into something) (finance) to exchange one form of payment for something else
burglar (noun)
-a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal
*Burglars broke into the gallery and stole dozens(ده ها) of priceless paintings.
I had an allergic reaction to a medicine.
reveal (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they reveal
he / she / it reveals
past simple revealed
-ing form revealing
(آشکار کردن، افشا کردن, فاش کردن، معلوم کردن)
1- to make something known to someone
= disclose (باز کردن، آشکار کردن)
reveal something (to somebody) / reveal (that)… / it is revealed that…/ reveal how, what, etc…/ reveal somebody/something to be/have something
. to reveal a secret
. It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.
2- to show something that previously could not be seen
= display (ابراز کردن، نشان دادن)
reveal something / reveal yourself
. He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.
league (noun)
in league (with somebody)
making secret plans with someone
. out of my league
1- a group of sports teams who all play each other to find out which team is best
. major-league baseball
2- (informal) a level of quality, ability, etc.
. As a painter, he is in a league of his own (= much better than others).
. They’re in a different league from us.
. When it comes to cooking, I’m not in her league (= she is much better than me).
. A house like that is out of our league (= too expensive for us).
3- a group of people or nations who have combined for a particular purpose
= alliance (اتحاد -پیوستگی)
. the League of Nations
. a meeting of the League of Women Voters
part-way (adverb)
-some of the way
.They were part-way through the speeches when he arrived.
compound (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they compound
he / she / it compounds
past simple compounded
-ing form compounding
compound (noun)
compound (adjective)
1- [often passive] compound something to make something bad become even worse by causing further damage or problems
. The problems were compounded by severe(شدید، طاقت فرسا) food shortages.
2- be compounded of/from something (formal)
to be formed from something
. The DNA molecule is compounded from many smaller molecules.
3- [often passive] compound something (with something) (formal or technology) to mix something together
. liquid soaps compounded with disinfectant(داروی ضد عفونی، ماده گندزدا،)
4-compound something (finance) to pay or charge interest on an amount of money that includes any interest already earned or charged
alter (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they alter
he / she / it alters
past simple altered
-ing form altering
alterable (adjective) (formal)
(تغییر دادن، تغییر کردن)
1- [intransitive, transitive] to become different; to make someone or something different
. Prices did not alter significantly(بطور چشمگیر) during 2010.
2- [transitive] alter something to make changes to a piece of clothing so that it will fit you better
. We can have the dress altered to fit you.
identify (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they identify
he / she / it identifies
past simple identified
-ing form identifying
identified (adjective)
identifying (adjective)
(شناسایی کردن, تعیین کردن، تعیین هویت کردن، مشخص کردن، تشخیص دادن)
1- (informal ID) to recognize someone or something and be able to say who or what they are
. identify somebody/something as somebody/something
The bodies were identified as those of two suspected (مشکوک بودن) drug dealers.
2- to find or discover someone or something
identify something/ identify what, which, etc…
. They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system.
3- identify somebody/something (as somebody/something)
. In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class.
You are an introvert(wrong)/introverted person/ you are an introvert
I believe you are on the introverted side of the personality spectrum(طیف).
boomerang effect’
frequently (adverb)
opposite infrequently
اغلب، مکررا
خیلی اوقات، بارها، کرارا، غالبا
champion (noun)
قهرمان، پهلوان، مبارز
vehicle (noun)
1-(rather formal) a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car or truck
*motor vehicles (= cars, buses, trucks, etc.)
2-vehicle (for something) something that can be used to express your ideas or feelings or as a way of achieving something
*Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda.
manufacturer (noun)
a person or company that produces goods in large quantities
= maker
*a car/computer manufacturer
entrench (verb)
[usually passive] entrench something (sometimes disapproving)
present simple I / you / we / they entrench
he / she / it entrenches
past simple entrenched
-ing form entrenching
trench (noun)
سنگر گرفتن-تجاوز کردن به-
-to establish(تاسيس كردن) something very firmly(محکم) so that it is very difficult to change
*Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.
*entrenched attitudes/interests/opposition
*This idea had firmly entrenched itself in his consciousness(آگاهی)
1-a long, deep hole dug in the ground, for example for carrying away water
*Workmen were digging a trench beside the road.
2-a long, deep hole dug in the ground in which soldiers can be protected from enemy attacks (for example, in northern France and Belgium in World War I)
*life in the trenches
*trench warfare (جنگ)
consistent (adjective)
consistently (adverb)
(ثابت قدم,استوار، استحکام، سازگار، نامتناقض)
1- (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.
. She’s not very consistent in the way she treats her children.
2- happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time
. the senator’s consistent failure(عیب، نقص؛) to come up with any new policies(سیاست های).
3-consistent with something in agreement with something; not contradicting(متناقض) something
. The results are entirely(کاملا، کلا، سراسر) consistent with our earlier research.
4- (of an argument or a set of ideas) having different parts that all agree with each other
.a well-thought-out and consistent argument
opposite inconsistent
.Her work has been consistently excellent.
take / took / taken
fly / flew / flown
Lower/raise the temperature
outcome (noun)
- the final result of an action or event
. We are waiting to hear the outcome of the negotiations(/nə’gəuʃı’eıʃənz/ مذاکره، مذاکرات ).
. These costs are payable whatever the outcome of the case.
further down the road
-(further) along/down the road
at some time in the future
*There are certain to be more job losses further down the road.
*We can’t solve every problem today, so we’ll deal with that one further down the road.
clarity (noun)
(شفافیت, وضوح، روشنی، نظم و ترتیب، تمیزی)
1- the quality of being expressed clearly
. a lack of clarity in the law
2- the ability to think about or understand something clearly
. clarity of thought/purpose/vision
3- if a picture, substance(جسم، شی، جنس، ماده اصلی، ذات، ), or sound has clarity, you can see or hear it very clearly, or see through it easily
. the clarity of sound on a CD.
attempt (noun- Verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they attempt
he / she / it attempts
past simple attempted
-ing form attempting
(کوشش کردن؛ کوشش, سو قصد کردن، قصد کردن، مبادرت کردن به، تقلا کردن، )
1-[countable, uncountable] an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult, often with no success
. I passed my driving test on the first attempt.
2- [countable] attempt (on somebody/on somebody’s life) an act of trying to kill someone
. Someone has made an attempt on the president’s life.
3- [countable] attempt (on something) an effort to do better than something, such as a very good performance in sports
. his attempt on the world land speed record.
-to make an effort or try to do something, especially something difficult
. attempt to do something/ attempt something
I will attempt to answer all your questions.
strike back (phrasal verb)
strike back (at/against somebody)
to try to harm someone in return for an attack or injury you have received
(مقابله به مثل)
grand plan
طرح بزرگ
convince (verb)
present simple I / you / we / they – convince
he / she / it – convinces
past simple – convinced
-ing form – convincing
convict (noun)
conviction (noun)
convinced (adjective)
convincing (adjective) unconvincing
1- to make someone/yourself believe that something is true.
. convince somebody/yourself (of something) – You’ll need to convince them of your enthusiasm (اشتیاق، شور و شوق) for the job.
. convince somebody/yourself (that)… – I’d convinced myself (that) I was right.
2- convince somebody to do something to persuade (ترغیب کردن، مجاب کردن) someone to do something
. I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor.
متقاعد کردن
regardless (adverb)
(بدون توجه به .صرفنظر از، با وجود، علی رغم,ارسال ایمیل)
- paying no attention, even if the situation is bad or there are difficulties
. The weather was terrible but we carried on regardless.
she’s just done the marathon.
bizarre (adjective)
bizarrely (adverb)
-very strange or unusual
= weird
. a bizarre situation/incident(پیشامد، حادثه)/story
. bizarre behavior
. bizarrely dressed
giant (noun)
*He’s a giant of a man.
*the multinational oil giants
*literary giants
interpersonal adjective
[only before noun]
میان فردی
-connected with relationships between people
*interpersonal skills
identity (noun)
(pl. identities)
1- [countable, uncountable] (abbreviation(مخفف) ID) who or what someone or something is.
. She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity.
. She went through an identity crisis (بحران) in her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society).
2- [countable, uncountable] the characteristics, feelings, or beliefs that distinguish (تمیزدادن، تشخیص دادن، ) people from others
. a sense of national/cultural/personal/group identity
. a plan to strengthen (استحکام بخشیدن، تقویت کردن) the corporate identity (هویت سازمانی) of the company.
3- [uncountable] identity (with somebody/something) identity (between A and B) the state or feeling of being very similar to and able to understand someone or something
. an identity of interests
discover verb
present simple I / you / we / they – discover
he / she / it – discovers
past simple – discovered
-ing form – discovering
discoverer (noun)
1- discover something to be the first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists
. Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii.
. Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure (علاج، دارو) for AIDS.
2- to find someone or something that was hidden or that you did not expect to find
. discover somebody/something – Police discovered a large stash(انبار کردن، ذخیره کردن )of drugs while searching the house.
. discover somebody/something doing something – He was discovered hiding in a shed(انباری).
. discover somebody/something + adj. – She was discovered dead at her home in Portland.
3- to find out about something; to find some information about something
. discover something– I’ve just discovered hang gliding(نوعی کایت سواری)!
. discover (that)…– It was a shock to discover (that) he couldn’t read.
. discover why, how, etc… – We never did discover why she gave up her job.
. it is discovered that… – It was later discovered that the diaries(دفتر سررسید، دفتر خاطرات روزانه) were a fraud.
. somebody/something is discovered to be/have… – He was later discovered to be seriously ill.
4- [often passive] discover somebody to be the first person to realize that someone is very good at singing, acting, etc. and help them to become successful and famous
. The singer was discovered while still in school.
revolutionize (verb)
revolutionize something
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they revolutionize
he / she / it revolutionizes
past simple revolutionized
-ing form revolutionizing
revolution (noun)
revolutionize (verb)
revolutionary (adj)
revolutionarily (adv)
-to completely change the way that something is done
*Aerial(هوایی) photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology(باستان شناسی).
exhibit (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they exhibit
he / she / it exhibits
past simple exhibited
-ing form exhibiting
(به نمایش گذاشتن, نمایش دادن، در معرض نمایش قراردادن، ارایه دادن، ابراز کردن)
1- [transitive, intransitive] to show something in a public place for people to enjoy or to give them information
. exhibit something (at/in…)/exhibit (at/in…)
He exhibits regularly in local art galleries.
2- [transitive] exhibit something (formal) to show clearly that you have or feel a particular feeling, quality, or ability
= display
. The patient exhibited signs of fatigue (خستگی , فرسودگی، فرسودن) and memory loss.
rush (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they rush
he / she / it rushes
past simple rushed
-ing form rushing
(با عجله رفتن، شتاب کردن, یورش کردن، حمله کردن، حمله، یورش، حرکت شدید، ازدحام مردم، جویبار، هجوم بردن )
1- move fast
. + adv./prep. Don’t rush off, I haven’t finished.
. The children rushed out of school.
2- take/send quickly
. Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital.
3- do something too quickly
. rush into something/into doing something
We don’t want to rush into having a baby.
. rush somebody/rush somebody into something/into doing something
4- attack
. Fans rushed the stage after the concert.
5- in football
. [transitive] rush somebody to run into someone who has the ball
6- [transitive, intransitive] rush (something) to go through the process of joining a fraternity or sorority
. He’s deciding whether to rush a fraternity.
phenomenon (noun)
pl. phenomena
phenomenal adjective
1-a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood
*cultural/natural/social phenomena
*Globalization (جهانی شدن)is a phenomenon of the 21st century.
2-(phenomenons) a person or thing that is very successful or impressive(چشمگیر)
فوق العاده
very great or impressive
= extraordinary
*The product has been a phenomenal success.
In awe
polarize (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they polarize
he / she / it polarizes
past simple polarized
-ing form polarizing
polarization (noun) [uncountable, countable]
1- [intransitive, transitive] to separate or make people separate into two groups with completely opposite opinions
. Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
. polarize something The issue has polarized public opinion.
2- [transitive] polarize something (physics) to make waves of light, etc. vibrate in a single direction
3- [transitive] polarize something (physics) to give polarity to something
to polarize a magnet
sprain (verb)/ sprain (noun)
sprain something
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they sprain
he / she / it sprains
past simple sprained
-ing form spraining
(verb) پیچ خوردن
-to injure a joint in your body, especially your wrist or ankle, by suddenly twisting it
*I stumbled(تصادف کرد) and sprained my ankle.
*a bad ankle sprain
feasible (adjective)
feasibility (noun) [uncountable]
(عملی، امکان پذیر، میسر)
- that is possible and likely to be achieved
= practicable
a feasible plan/suggestion/idea
opposite -unfeasible
. a feasibility study on the proposed (پیشنهاد کردن، طرح کردن) new airport
inattentive (adjective)
(disapproving- ناپسند، حاکی از نارضایتی)
opposite attentive
inattentively (adverb)
(بی اعتنا، بی توجه)
- not paying attention to something or someone
. an inattentive pupil
. inattentive to something/somebody inattentive to the needs of others
inherent (adjective)
/ɪnˈhɪrənt/ ,
inherent (in somebody/something)
inherently (adverb)
-that is a basic or permanent part of someone or something and that cannot be removed
= intrinsic /inˈtrinzik/
*the difficulties inherent in a study of this type
*Violence is inherent in our society.
*an inherently unworkable system
fair enough (informal)
used to say that an idea or a suggestion seems reasonable
. “We’ll meet at 8.” “Fair enough.”
. If you don’t want to come, fair enough, but let Bill know.
collaborative (adjective) [only before noun]
collaboratively (adverb)
(مبتنی بر همکاری)
- involving, or done by, several people or groups of people working together
. collaborative projects/studies/research
. a collaborative effort(تلاش، کوشش)/venture (جرات، جسارت)
underscore (verb)
= underline
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they underscore
he / she / it underscores
past simple underscored
-ing form underscoring
(خط یا علامتی زیرچیزی کشیدن، تاکید)
profitable ( adj)
= lucrative
profitability (n)
profitably (adv)
1-that makes or is likely to make money
.a highly profitable business
.a profitable investment
2-that gives someone an advantage or a useful result
. a profitable experience
Strain a relationship
-If a relationship is strained, problems are spoiling (خراب کردن) it
* Relations between the two countries have become strained (= difficult) recently.
-showing that someone is nervous or worried
*She was looking strained and had dark circles beneath(زیر) her eyes
paramount (adjective)
paramountcy (noun [uncountable])
(فائق، حاکم عالیمقام، بزرگتر، برترین)
1- more important than anything else
. This matter is of paramount importance.
. Safety is paramount.
2- (formal) having the highest position or the greatest power
. China’s paramount leader
substitute (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they substitute
he / she / it substitutes
past simple substituted
-ing form substituting
sub‧sti‧tu‧tion (noun [uncountable, countable])
جایگزین کردن
-to take the place of someone or something else; to use someone or something instead of someone or something else
*substitute for somebody/something Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you.
*the substitution of low-fat spreads for butter
defensive (adjective)
(دفاعی، حالت تدافع)
1- protecting someone or something against attack
. a defensive measure (یک اقدام دفاعی)
2- behaving in a way that shows that you feel that people are criticizing(انتقاد کردن، ایراد گرفتن) you
. Don’t ask him about his plans—he just gets defensive.
3- (sport) connected with trying to prevent the other team or player from scoring points or goals
. defensive play
indicate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they indicate
he / she / it indicates
past simple indicated
-ing form indicating
*Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.
*A red sky at night often indicates good weather the next day.
3- mention
*In his letter, he indicated to us (that) he was willing to cooperate(همکاری کردن).
4- point to
*She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us.
5- give information
*The results are indicated in Table 2.
*You are allowed 2 pieces of luggage(بار مسافر) unless your ticket indicates otherwise(در غیر این صورت).
6- show measurement
*When the temperature gauge indicates 90°F or more, turn off the engine.
7- be recommended
*A course of chemotherapy(شیمی درمانی) was indicated.
curiosity (noun)
(pl. curiosities)
(کنجکاوی-حس کنجکاوی)
1- [uncountable, singular] curiosity (about something) curiosity (to do something) a strong desire (میل، خواسته) to know about something
. Children show curiosity about everything.
2- [countable] an unusual and interesting thing
. The museum is full of historical curiosities.
- curiosity killed the cat (saying)
used to tell someone not to ask questions or try to find out about things that do not concern them
controversial (adjective)
opposite — noncontroversial, uncontroversial
controversially (adverb)
(جنجالی، بحث برانگیز)
- causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement
. a highly controversial topic
. Punishments for prisoners include the loss of privileges (مزایا) and, more controversially, the stopping of visits.
They must have/bear a certain resemblance to each other.
admit (verb)
1- [intransitive, transitive] admit (to somebody) (that…) to agree, often unwillingly, that something is true
= confess
. Don’t be afraid to admit to your mistakes.
2- [intransitive, transitive] to say that you have done something wrong or illegal
= confess to
. He refused to admit to the other charges.(او از اعتراف به سایر اتهامات خودداری کرد.)
3- [transitive] to allow someone or something to enter a place.
. Each ticket admits one adult.
4- [transitive] to allow someone to become a member of a club, a school, or an organization.
. Women were only admitted into the club last year.
5- admit somebody to/into a hospital, an institution(موسسه), etc. to take someone to a hospital or other institution where they can receive special care.
. Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital.
belief (noun)
(باور، عقیده، اعتقاد, ایمان، گمان، اعتماد)
1- [uncountable] belief (in something/somebody)
a strong feeling that something or someone exists or is true; confidence that something or someone is good or right
. I admire his passionate(پر شور، پر هیجان - adj) belief in what he is doing.
. belief in God/democracy
2- [singular, uncountable] belief (that…)
an opinion about something; something that you think is true
. She acted in the belief that she was doing good.
. Contrary to popular belief (= in spite (با وجود) of what people may think), he was not responsible for the tragedy.
3- [countable, usually plural] something that you believe, especially as part of your religion
. religious/political beliefs.
lessen (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they lessen
he / she / it lessens
past simple lessened
-ing form lessening
lessening (noun) [singular, uncountable]
-to become or make something become smaller, weaker, less important, etc.
= diminish , minimize
*The noise began to lessen.
*lessen something to… lessen the risk/impact/effect of something
*a lessening of tension (تنش)
avalanche (noun)
(also snowslide)
-a cold
- runny nose
- cough (verb)
*I caught a cold / I’m catching a cold
* cough syrup
giant (noun)
1- (in stories) a very large, strong person who is often cruel and stupid
2- an unusually large person, animal, or plant
. He’s a giant of a man.
3- a very large and powerful organization
. the multinational oil giants
4- a person who is very good at something
. literary (کتابی، ادیبانه، ) giants
oppose (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they oppose
he / she / it opposes
past simple opposed
-ing form opposing
1- to disagree strongly with someone’s plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding(متعاقب، بعدی)
. I would oppose changing the law.
2- oppose somebody to compete with someone in a contest(مسابقه)
. She intends (قصد کردن، خیال داشتن) to oppose the incumbent(متصدی، ناگزیر) in the next election(انتخابات).
foster (verb) - (adjective [only before noun])
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they foster ,
he / she / it fosters ,
past simple fostered ,
-ing form fostering
(پرورش دادن، کمک کردن)
1- foster something to encourage something to develop
= encourage (تشویق کردن), promote (تاسیس کردن، توسعه دادن، بالا بردن)
The organization’s aim is to foster better relations within the community.
2- foster somebody to take another person’s child into your home for a period of time, without becoming his or her legal parents
They have fostered over 60 children during the past ten years.
- used with some nouns in connection with the fostering of a child
.a foster mother/father/family/ foster parent/ a foster child/a foster home / foster care
destructive (adjective)
destructively (adverb)
destructiveness (noun) [uncountable]
(مخرب، ویرانگر)
- causing destruction or damage
. the destructive power of modern weapons(سلاح).
. the destructive effects of anxiety
adopt (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they adopt
he / she / it adopts
past simple adopted
-ing form adopting
(بطور رسمی به فرزندی پذیرفتن یک کودک ,قبول کردن، اتخاذ کردن، اقتباس کردن، تعمید دادن، نام گذاردن)
1- child
. adopt somebody / to adopt a child
2- [transitive] adopt something to start to use a particular method or to show a particular attitude toward someone or something
. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.
3- [transitive] adopt something to formally accept a suggestion or policy by voting
. to adopt a resolution
4- [transitive] adopt something to choose a new name, a country, a custom, etc. and begin to use it as your own
. to adopt a name/title/language
5- [transitive] adopt something (formal) to use a particular manner, way of speaking, expression, etc.
. He adopted an air of indifference.
It’s just an excuse [to] avoid doing exercise.
You can manage to do some light exercises every day.
petrified (adjective) = terrified
1- extremely frightened
. petrified (of something) I’m petrified of snakes.
. They were petrified with fear (= so frightened that they were unable to move or think).
. petrified (that…) She was petrified that the police would burst (/bərst/ – حمله کردن) in at any moment.
2- [only before noun] petrified trees, insects, etc. have died and been changed into stone over a very long period of time
. a petrified forest
thrilling(هیجان انگیز)/ exhilarating(نشاط آور)/exciting
shabby (adjective)
(shabbier, shabbiest)
shabbily (adverb)
shabbiness (noun [uncountable])
پست، دون، نخ نما، کهنه، ژنده
1- (of buildings, clothes, objects, etc.) in poor condition because they have been used a lot
= scruffy (کثیف و ژولیده-ناهنجار، ناسترده)
*The outside of the house was beginning to look shabby.
2- (of a person) badly dressed in clothes that have been worn a lot
= scruffy
*The old man was shabby and unkempt(شانه نکرده، ژولیده، نامرتب، ناهنجار، خشن، ناسترده).
3- (of behavior) unfair or unreasonable
= shoddy
*She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.
*shabbily dressed
*I think you were very shabbily treated.
stretch (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they stretch
he / she / it stretches
past simple stretched
-ing form stretching
کشش، دراز کردن، کشیدن، امتداد دادن، بسط دادن، منبسط کردن،
phenomenon (noun)
(پدیده, حادثه، عارضه)
1- a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood
. cultural/natural/social phenomena
2- (phenomenons) a person or thing that is very successful or impressive
spread (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they spread
he / she / it spreads
past simple spread
-ing form spreading
appear verb
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they appear
he / she / it appears
past simple appeared
-ing form appearing
1-linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses) to give the impression of being or doing something
= seem
*+ adj./appear to be something/appear to do something/it appears (that)…/It would appear that
They appeared not to know what was happening.
2-[intransitive] to start to be seen
*Three days later a rash(کهیر) appeared.
*+ adv./prep. A bus appeared around the corner.
3-begin to exist
*When did mammals appear on the earth?
4-of book/program
*His new book will be appearing in the spring.
5-in movie/play
*He has appeared in over 60 movies.
*By ten o’clock, Lee still hadn’t appeared.
7-be written/mentioned
*Your name will appear at the front of the book.
8-in court
*She appeared on six charges of theft.
alter (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they alter
he / she / it alters
past simple altered
-ing form altering
alterable (adjective) (formal)
1-[intransitive, transitive] to become different; to make someone or something different
*Prices did not alter significantly(به طور قابل ملاحظه) during 2010.
2-[transitive] alter something to make changes to a piece of clothing so that it will fit you better
*We can have the dress altered to fit you.
chronic (adjective)
chronically (adverb)
(مزمن -دیرینه، سخت، شدید)
1- (especially of a disease) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of
. chronic bronchitis/arthritis(التهاب مفصل)/asthma(تنگی نفس، آسم)
2- having had a disease for a long time
. a chronic alcoholic/depressive
. a hospital for the chronically ill.
high-quality listening
completion (noun)
-the act or process of finishing something; the state of being finished and complete
*the completion of the new hospital building
*The project is due for completion in the spring.
*The road is nearing completion (= it is nearly finished).
consistent (adjective)
consistently (adverb)
opposite inconsistent
(استوار، استحکام، سازگار، نامتناقض، غلظت)
1- (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.
. She’s not very consistent in the way she treats her children.
2- happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time
. the senator’s consistent failure to come up with any new policies
3- consistent with something in agreement with something; not contradicting something
. The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.
4- (of an argument or a set of ideas) having different parts that all agree with each other
. a well-thought-out and consistent argument
opposite inconsistent
.Her work has been consistently excellent.
time is kind of up
the allowed period of time has ended
prejudiced (adjective)
1- having an unreasonable dislike of or preference(اولویت) for someone or something, especially based on their race(نژاد، نسل، تبار), religion, sex, etc.
. Few people will admit(اعتراف کردن، پذیرفتن) to being racially(نژادی) prejudiced.
. prejudiced (against/in favor of somebody/something) They are prejudiced against older applicants(متقاضی, داوطلب).
turnover (noun)
1- [countable, usually singular, uncountable] turnover (of something) the total amount of goods or services sold by a company during a particular period of time
. an annual (سالانه) turnover of $75 million
. a fall in turnover
2- [singular] turnover (of somebody) the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by other people
a high turnover of staff
3- [singular] turnover (of something) the rate at which goods are sold in a store and replaced by others
. a fast turnover of stock
4- [countable] a small pie in the shape of a triangle or half a circle, filled with fruit or jelly
5- [countable] (in football or basketball) an occasion when the team that has the ball loses it to the other team
(میزان درآمد، مقدار فروش)
essentially (adverb)
essential (adjective)
essential (noun) [usually plural]
(اصولا، در اصل, ذاتا، بطور ضروری، واقعا)
-when you think about the true, important, or basic nature of someone or something
= basically, fundamentally
.There are three essentially different ways of tackling ((به مشکلات) پرداختن) the problem.
(حیاتی، ضروری، واجب)
1- something that is needed in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing
. I only had time to pack the bare essentials (= the most necessary things).
2- an important basic fact or piece of knowledge about a subject
. the essentials of English grammar
explorer (noun)
-a person who travels to unknown places in order to find out more about them
*Early explorers traded directly with Native Americans for furs.
Treat with animals
I treat Peyman kindly.
concerted (adjective) [only before noun]
(مجتمعا، باهم، موزون، هم نوا)
-done in a planned and determined way, especially by more than one person, government, country, etc.
. a concerted approach/attack/campaign
. She has begun to make a concerted effort to find a job.
Injure your back
swallow (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they swallow
he / she / it swallows
past simple swallowed
-ing form swallowing
1- [transitive, intransitive] to make food, drink, etc. go down your throat into your stomach
*swallow (something) Always chew food well before swallowing it.
2-[intransitive] to move the muscles of your throat as if you were swallowing something, especially because you are nervous
*She swallowed hard and told him the bad news.
3- [transitive, often passive] to take someone or something in or completely cover them, so that they cannot be seen or no longer exist separately
*swallow somebody/something I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness.
4-[transitive] swallow somebody/something (up) to use up something completely, especially an amount of money
*Most of my salary gets swallowed (up) by the rent and bills.
5-[transitive] to accept that something is true; to believe something
swallow something I found her excuse very hard to swallow.
6-[transitive] swallow something to hide your feelings
*to swallow your doubts
7- [transitive] swallow something to accept insults, criticisms, etc. without complaining or protesting
*I was surprised that he just sat there and swallowed all their remarks(اظهار نظر-توضیح، تفسیر، تذکر، ).
-a bitter pill (for somebody) (to swallow)
a fact or an event that is unpleasant and difficult to accept
*The election(انتخابات) defeat(شکست) was a bitter pill(قرص) for the party to swallow.
prioritize (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they prioritize
he / she / it prioritizes
past simple prioritized
-ing form prioritizing
prioritization (noun)[uncountable]
(اولویت بندی کنید)
1- [transitive, intransitive] prioritize (something) to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first
.You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.
2-[transitive] prioritize something (formal) to treat something as being more important than other things
. The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people.
failure (noun)
not successful
1- [uncountable] lack of success in doing or achieving something
. The success or failure of the plan depends on you.
. The attempt (کوشش کردن؛ کوشش )was doomed (محکوم به فنا - /du:md/
) to failure.
. All my efforts ended in failure.
2- [countable] a person or thing that is not successful
. The whole thing was a complete failure.
not doing something
3- [uncountable, countable] failure to do something an act of not doing something, especially something that you are expected to do
. His confession followed repeated failures to appear(ظاهرشدن، پدیدار شدن
) in court.
of machine/part of body
4- [uncountable, countable] the state of not working correctly or as expected; an occasion when this happens
. patients suffering from heart/kidney, etc. failure
of business
5- [countable, uncountable] business/bank failure a situation in which a business or bank has to close because it is not successful
. an alarming increase in bank failures
of crops
6- [uncountable, countable] crop failure a situation in which crops do not grow correctly and do not produce food
. Bad weather has resulted in crop failure.
clash (verb)-(noun)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they clash
he / she / it clashes
past simple clashed
-ing form clashing
.Demonstrators (معترض) clashed violently with police.
2-argue / (over/on something)
.The leaders and members clashed on the issue.
3- be different
.They have clashing personalities.
4- of colors
. The wallpaper and the carpet clash.
5- make loud noise
.The long blades clashed together.
6- of two events
. Unfortunately your party clashes with a wedding I’m going to
= conflict
. Clashes broke out between police and demonstrators.
. a clash between the two leaders over education policy
decade (noun)
- a period of ten years, especially a period such as 1910–1919 or 1990–1999
thought (noun)
1- something you think
. The very thought of it makes me feel sick.
2- mind/ideas
. You are always in my thoughts.
3-process/act of thinking
. She was lost in thought (= concentrating so much on her thoughts that she was not aware((از چیزی) آگاه بودن) of her surroundings).
4- [uncountable] the act of thinking seriously and carefully about something
= consideration
. I’ve given the matter careful thought.
5- care/worry
. Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter.
. Don’t give it another thought (= to tell someone not to worry after they have said they are sorry).
. It’s the thought that counts (= used to say that someone has been very kind even if they have only done something small or unimportant).
6- intention
. She had given up all thought of changing her job.
7- in politics/science, etc.
. feminist thought
participant (noun)
participant (in something)
(شریک، سهیم، همراه)
- a person who is taking part in an activity or event
. He has been an active participant in the discussion.
treasurer (noun)
a person who is responsible for the money and accounts of a club or an organization.
مسئول امور مالی شرکت، خزان دار
janitor (noun)
-a person whose job is to take care of a building such as a school or an apartment building
= custodian /kəˈstōdēən/
bravery (noun)
= courage (noun)
Brave (adj) = courageous (adj) = lion-heart (noun) lion-hearted (adj)
-brave behavior or actions:
*They were awarded medals for their bravery.
*inherent(ذاتی) bravery (شجاعت ذاتی)
polarize (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they polarize
he / she / it polarizes
past simple polarized
-ing form polarizing
قطبی کردن
1-[intransitive, transitive] to separate or make people separate into two groups with completely opposite opinions
*Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
2-[transitive] polarize something (physics) to make waves of light, etc. vibrate in a single direction
interplay (noun)
[uncountable, singular] interplay (of/between A and B) (formal)
(ناثیر و تاثر، اثر متقابل، فعل و انفعال)
- the way in which two or more things or people affect each other
. the interplay between politics and the environment.
relieve (verb)
relieve of (phrasal verb).
relieved (adjective)
1- relieve something to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain
. to relieve the symptoms (نشانه بیماری، علایم بیماری) of a cold
. to relieve anxiety/guilt/stress
2- relieve something to make a problem less serious
= alleviate [/əˈliːvieɪt/] (تسکین دادن)
. efforts to relieve poverty(فقر)
. to relieve traffic congestion(ازدحام، تراکم)
3- relieve something to make something less boring, especially by introducing something different
. We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait.
4- relieve somebody to replace someone who is on duty
. to relieve a sentry (پاسدار، نگهبان)
5- relieve something to free a town, etc. from an enemy army that has surrounded it
6- relieve yourself a polite way of referring to going to the bathroom
. I had to relieve myself behind a bush(بوته).
remedy (noun)-(Verb)
(pl. remedies)
(راه حل, گزیر، علاج، دارو، میزان، چاره، اصلاح کردن، جبران کردن)
1- a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation
= solution
remedy (for something)/ remedy (to something)
. There are a number of possible remedies to this problem.
2- a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious
. an herbal (گیاهی) remedy
.remedy for something
an excellent home remedy for sore throats
3- remedy (against something) (law)
a way of dealing with a problem, using the processes of the law
= redress (جبران خسارت، تصحیح)
.Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying.
chronological (adjective)
chronologically (adverb)
بترتیب وقوع
1- (of a number of events) arranged in the order in which they happened
*The facts should be presented in chronological order.
2- chronological age (formal) the number of years a person has lived as opposed to their level of physical, mental, or emotional development
crisis (noun)
[countable, uncountable] (pl. crises /ˈkraɪsiz/
1-a time of great danger, difficulty, or confusion(گیجی) when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made
*a political/financial crisis
*the government’s latest economic crisis
2-a time when a problem, a bad situation, or an illness is at its worst point
*Their marriage has reached a crisis point.
On weekends, …
surrounding (adjective)
[only before noun]
surround (verb)
surround (noun)
surroundings (noun)
- that is near or around something
.San Francisco and the surrounding area
. From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside.
executive (noun)
1- [countable] a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an organization
*company/corporate(مربوط به شرکت-صنفی)/business/industry executives
*a senior/top executive in a computer firm (شرکت، موسسه تجاری)
2-[countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people who run a company or an organization
*The union’s(اتحادیه) executive has/have yet to reach a decision.
3-the executive [singular + singular or plural verb] the part of a government responsible for putting laws into effect
*Conservatives (محافظه کار/ /kənˈsɜːvətɪv /) are by tradition believers in a strong executive.
(مدیر.مدیر عامل، مدیر اجرایی، مجری، هیئت رئیسه)
come along (phrasal verb)
- I’ve come along you
1-to arrive; to appear
*When the right opportunity comes along, she’ll take it.
2- to go somewhere with someone
*I’m glad you came along.
3- to improve or develop in the way that you want
= progress
* Your French has come along a lot recently.
substitute (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they substitute
he / she / it substitutes
past simple substituted
-ing form substituting
sub‧sti‧tu‧tion (noun) [uncountable, countable]
(جایگزین کردن, علی البدل، بازیگر ذخیره، قائم مقام، عوض، جانشین کردن، تعویض کردن، جابجا کردن، بدل، )
- to take the place of someone or something else; to use someone or something instead of someone or something else
.. substitute for somebody/something/ substitute A for B/ substitute B with/by A/ substitute somebody/something
.Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you.
.Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.
. Brady was substituted in the second half after a knee injury (= somebody else played instead of Brady in the second half).
. the substitution of low-fat spreads for butter.
. Two substitutions were made during the game.
emphasize (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they emphasize
he / she / it emphasizes
past simple emphasized
-ing form emphasizing
emphasis (noun)
(pl. emphases /ˈɛmfəsiz/ ) [uncountable, countable]
(تاکید, اهمیت، قوت، تکیه, باقوت تلفظ کردن، تایید کردن، اهمیت دادن، نیرو دادن)
1- to give special importance to something
= stress
emphasize something / emphasize that… / emphasize how, what, etc… / it must/should be emphasized that… / + speech
. She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work.
. “This must be our top priority,” he emphasized.
2- emphasize something to make something more noticeable
. She swept (متمایل، پیچ دار، پیچ خورده، کج شده) her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones.
3- emphasize something to give extra force to a word or phrase when you are speaking, especially to show that it is important
1- special importance that is given to something
= stress
emphasis (on/upon something)
. The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language.
. to put/lay/place emphasis on something
2- the extra force given to a word or phrase when spoken, especially in order to show that it is important; a way of writing a word (for example drawing a line underneath it) to show that it is important
= stress
. “I can assure (اطمینان دادن) you,” she added with emphasis, “the figures are correct.”
framework noun
1-the parts of a building or an object that support its weight and give it shape
*built on a wooden/metal framework
2-framework (of/for something) a set of beliefs, ideas, or rules that is used as the basis for making judgments, decisions, etc.
*The report provides a framework for further research.
-You shouldn’t go to school. (I advise you against going to school)
-You don’t have to go to school. (you have the option of staying [at] home)
fraud (noun)
1- [uncountable, countable] the crime of cheating someone in order to get money or goods illegally
. She was charged with credit card fraud.
2- [countable] a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people
. He’s nothing but a liar and a fraud.
3- [countable] something that is not as good, useful, etc. as people claim it is.
سو استفاده، کلاه برداری، فریب، حیله، تقلب
subsequent (adjective)
-happening or coming after something else
opposite previous
*subsequent generations
*Subsequent events confirmed(تایید شدهv) our doubts.
debate (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they debate
he / she / it debates
past simple debated
-ing form debating
debating (noun) [uncountable]
مناظره-مناقشه، بحث
1- [transitive, intransitive] to discuss something, especially formally, before making a decision or finding a solution
= discuss
*debate (something)… Politicians will be debating the bill later this week.
*debate whether, what, etc…. The committee will debate whether to lower the age of club membership to 16.
2-[intransitive, transitive] to think carefully about something before making a decision
*debate (with yourself)… She debated with herself for a while, and then picked up the phone.
*a debating club at a school
subsequently (adverb) (formal)
(متعاقبا، سپس)
- afterward; later; after something else has happened
. The original interview notes were subsequently lost.
All hell(جهنم) broke loose (*hell breaks loose)
all hell breaks loose, a situation suddenly becomes violent and noisy, especially with people arguing or fighting
* One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose
empathy (noun) [uncountable]
/ˌɛmpəˈθɛt̮ɪk/ (also empathic /ɛmˈpæθɪk/ ) (adjective)
(همدل، همدلانه)
- the ability to understand another person’s feelings, experience, etc.
empathy (with somebody/something)/ empathy (for somebody/something) / empathy (between A and B)
. the writer’s imaginative(خلاقانه، مبتکرانه) empathy with his subject.
. empathy for other people’s situations
merely (adverb)
-used meaning “only” or “simply” to emphasize a fact or something that you are saying
. It is not merely a job, but a way of life.
(فقط-صرفا، محضا)
entrench (verb)
[usually passive] entrench something (sometimes disapproving)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they entrench
he / she / it entrenches
past simple entrenched
-ing form entrenching
(سنگر کندن، به سنگر رفتن، تجاوز کردن به)
-to establish something very firmly so that it is very difficult to change
.Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.
.entrenched attitudes/interests/opposition
consume (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they consume
he / she / it consumes
past simple consumed
-ing form consuming
(مصرف کردن، تناول کردن, تحلیل رفتن، از پا درآمدن)
1- consume something
to use something, especially fuel, energy, or time
. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.
2- consume something
to eat or drink something
. Before he died he had consumed a large quantity (مقدار، اندازه) of alcohol.
3- consume somebody (with something)
[usually passive] to fill someone with a strong feeling
. Carolyn was consumed with guilt(گناه، تقصیر).
4- consume something
(of fire) to completely destroy something
. The hotel was quickly consumed by fire.
commitment noun
(تعهد, التزام، سرسپردگی، الزام)
1- [countable, uncountable] a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way; a promise to support someone or something; the fact of committing yourself
commitment (to somebody/something) / commitment to do/doing something
. The company’s commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.
2- [uncountable] commitment (to somebody/something) the willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or an activity
. A career as an actor requires one hundred percent commitment.
3- [countable] a thing that you have promised or agreed to do, or that you have to do
. He’s busy for the next month with professional commitments.
4- [uncountable, countable] commitment (of something) (to something) agreeing to use money, time, or people in order to achieve something
. the commitment of resources to education
The whole (of-wrong) project
recognize (verb)
(not used in the progressive tenses)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they recognize
he / she / it recognizes
past simple recognized
(تشخیص دادن، تصدیق کردن)
1- to know who someone is or what something is when you see or hear them, because you have seen or heard them or it before
recognize somebody/something/ recognize somebody/something by/from something
. I recognized her by her red hair.
2- to admit(اعتراف کردن، پذیرفتن) or to be aware that something exists or is true
= acknowledge
. They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.
3- to accept and approve(تایید کردن) of someone or something officially.
4- be recognized (as something) to be thought of as very good or important by people in general
.The book is now recognized as a classic.
5- recognize somebody/something to give someone official thanks for something that they have done or achieved
. His service to the country was recognized with the award of the Medal of Honor.
entrepreneur (noun)
- a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks
—entrepreneurial (adj)
.entrepreneurial skills
—entrepreneurship (noun)
Breath holding
exception (noun)
1- a person or thing that is not included in a general statement
*Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception.
2-a thing that does not follow a rule
*Good writing is unfortunately the exception rather (نسبتا ، تا اندازه ای) than the rule (= it is unusual).
converse (verb- noun)
[intransitive] converse (with somebody) (formal)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they converse
he / she / it converses
past simple conversed
-ing form conversing
converse (adjective)
(معکوس، واژگون، وارونه، مخالف، گفتگو، عکس، صحبت کردن، محاوره کردن، مذاکره کردن، امیزش، صحبت )
-to have a conversation with someone
. She conversed with the Romanians in French.
- the opposite or reverse of a fact or statement
. Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true: reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic.
.the converse effect
holiday weight
demonstrate (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they demonstrate
he / she / it demonstrates
past simple demonstrated
-ing form demonstrating
(تظاهرات کردن, نمایش دادن، ثابت کردن، اثبات کردن (با دلیل)، نشان دادن، شرح دادن)
1- [transitive] to show something clearly by giving proof or evidence(مدرک، اثبات).
demonstrate that — demonstrate something (to somebody) — demonstrate how, what, etc… —demonstrate somebody/something to be something — it is demonstrated that
. His sudden departure (عزیمت، ترک) had demonstrated how unreliable he was.
. It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective.
2- [transitive] demonstrate something to show by your actions that you have a particular quality, feeling or opinion
= display
. You need to demonstrate more self-control.
3- [transitive] to show and explain how something works or how to do something
. demonstrate something (to somebody) / demonstrate (to somebody) how, what, etc…
Her job involves demonstrating new educational software.
4- [intransitive] to take part in a public meeting or march, usually as a protest or to show support for something
= protest
. demonstrate (against something) / demonstrate (in favor/support of something)
students demonstrating against the war
eject (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they eject
he / she / it ejects
past simple ejected
-ing form ejecting
ejection (noun) [uncountable, countable]
(بیرون کردن، پس زدن، بیرون راندن، بیرون انداختن، دفع کردن،)
1- [transitive] eject somebody (from something) (formal) to force someone to leave a place
= throw somebody—out (of…)
. Police ejected a crowd of violent protesters from the hall.
2- [transitive] eject something (from something) to push something out suddenly and with a lot of force
. Used cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing.
3- [transitive, intransitive] eject (something) when you eject a disk, etc., or when it ejects, it comes out of the machine after you have pressed a button
4- [intransitive] (of a pilot) to escape from an aircraft that is going to crash, sometimes using an ejection seat0
. The pilot managed to eject moments before the plane crashed.
reasoned (adjective)
[only before noun]
(دلیل، علت, سبب، عقل، خرد، شعور، استدلال کردن، دلیل و برهان آوردن)
-(of an argument, opinion, etc.) presented in a logical way that shows careful thought
. His claims were supported with proofs (سند، گواه) and reasoned argument.
overseas (adjective)
-connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country by the ocean
*overseas development/markets/trade
*overseas students/visitors
arrogant (adjective)
متکبر، خودپسند
- behaving in a proud, unpleasant way, showing little thought for other people
*He was a rude, arrogant young man.
let in on (phrasal verb)
- let somebody in on something (informal) :to allow someone to share a secret
. Are you going to let them in on your plans?
. Well, let me let you in on something…
reciprocate (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they reciprocate
he / she / it reciprocates
past simple reciprocated
-ing form reciprocating
reciprocation ( noun ) [uncountable]
(مقابله به مثل نمودن، دادن و گرفتن، تلافی کردن)
1- [transitive, intransitive] to behave or feel toward someone in the same way as they behave or feel toward you.
. reciprocate something (with something) Her passion for him was not reciprocated
2- [intransitive] (technology) to move backward and forward in a straight line
. a reciprocating action
moderate (adjective - Verb - Noun)
opposite immoderate
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they moderate
he / she / it moderates
past simple moderated
-ing form moderating
(ملایم، آرام، میانه رو، مناسب، محدود، اداره کردن، تعدیل کردن)
1-that is neither very good, large, hot, etc. nor very bad, small, cold, etc.
. students of moderate ability (دانش آموزان با توانایی متوسط)
2- having or showing opinions, especially about politics, that are not extreme
. moderate views/policies
3- staying within limits that are considered to be reasonable by most people
. a moderate drinker
1- [intransitive, transitive] to become or make something become less extreme, severe, etc.
. moderate something We agreed to moderate our original demands(تقاضا).
2- [transitive, intransitive] moderate (something) to be in charge of a discussion or debate (مناظره کردن، مباحثه کردن)and make sure it is fair
. The television debate was moderated by a law professor.
a person who has opinions, especially about politics, that are not extreme.
enhance (verb)
enhance something
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they enhance
he / she / it enhances
past simple enhanced
-ing form enhancing
enhanced (adjective)
enhancement (noun) [uncountable, countable]
(افزایش دادن، بهبود دادن, کمک کردن، تسهیل کردن، بالابردن، افزودن، زیادکردن، بلندکردن)
- to increase or further improve the good quality, value, or status of someone or something
. This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.
. enhanced efficiency
. equipment for the enhancement of sound quality
aisle (noun)
-a passage between rows of seats in a church, theater, train, etc., or between rows of shelves in a supermarket
. an aisle seat (= in a plane)
. Coffee and tea are in the next aisle.
go/walk down the aisle (informal)
to get married
rolling in the aisles (informal)
laughing a lot
. She soon had us rolling in the aisles.
Every now and then, I go out and see some friends.
هرازگاهی بیرون می روم و چند دوست را می بینم
flier noun
(also flyer)
1- (informal) a person who flies an aircraft (usually a small one, not a passenger plane)
2- a person who travels in a plane as a passenger
. frequent fliers (پروازهای مکرر)
3- a person who operates something such as a model aircraft or a kite from the ground
4- a thing, especially a bird or an insect, that flies in a particular way
. Butterflies can be strong fliers.
5- a sheet of paper that advertises a product or an event and is given to a large number of people
. to hand out fliers for a new club
attuned (adjective)
[not before noun]
هماهنگ شده
*Attuned to the life you have.
-attuned (to somebody/something) familiar with someone or something so that you can understand or recognize them or it, and act in an appropriate way
*She wasn’t yet attuned to her baby’s needs.
prior (adj)
1- happening or existing before something else or before a particular time
. Although not essential( ضروری، واجب), some prior knowledge of statistics (آمار و ارقام) is desirable(مطلوب، پسندیده).
. Visits are by prior arrangement.
2- already existing and therefore more important
.They have a prior claim to the property(ملک، زمین و ساختمان، مستقلات).
3- prior to (formal) before something
. during the week prior to the meeting
. prior business experience
comprehension (noun) [uncountable]
(دریافت، قوه ادراک)
1- the ability to understand
. speech and comprehension
. His behavior was completely beyond comprehension (= impossible to understand).
2- an exercise that trains students to understand a language
. listening / reading comprehension
Imposter syndrome (IS)
is a behavioral (رفتاری) health phenomenon(حادثه، عارضه، نمود، تجلی، اثر طبیعی، پدیده) described as self-doubt of intellect (هوش، فهم، قوه درک، ), skills, or accomplishments(کمالات، فضائل، معلومات، ) among high-achieving individuals(انفرادی، اختصاصی).
be caught up in
be/get caught up in something
to become involved in something, especially when you do not want to be
. Innocent(بیگناه، بی تقصیر) passersby(رهگذر، عابر) got caught up in the riots(اغتشاش، آشوب، فتنه، ).
apparently (adverb)
- according to what you have heard or read; according to the way something appears
. Apparently they are getting divorced.
. He paused, apparently lost in thought.
cover the mouthpiece (of) the phone.
figure out (phrasal verb) = work something out
figure somebody/something — out
1- to think about someone or something until you understand them/it
. We couldn’t figure her out.
. figure out how, what, etc… I can’t figure out how to do this.
2- to calculate an amount or the cost of something
= work something out
. figure out how, what, etc… Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?
intense (adjective)
*Intense (adj) day at work(روز پر فشار در محل کار)
1-very great; very strong
= extreme
*intense heat/cold/pain
*The President is under intense pressure to resign(استعفا دهد)
2-serious and often involving a lot of action in a short period of time
*intense competition
compensate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they compensate
he / she / it compensates
past simple compensated
-ing form compensating
Compensate for …
جبران کردن
1-[intransitive] compensate (for something) to provide something good to balance or reduce the bad effects of damage, loss, etc.
= make up (to somebody) for something
*Nothing can compensate [for] the loss of a loved one.
2-[transitive] compensate somebody (for something) to pay someone money because they have suffered some damage, loss, injury, etc.
*Her lawyers say she should be compensated for her suffering.
genuine (adjective)
Genuine promise
genuine person
genuinely (adverb)
genuineness (noun) [uncountable]
خالص- اصل- حقیقی-درست
1-real; exactly what it appears to be; not artificial
= authentic (معتبر)
*Is the painting a genuine Picasso?
2-sincere and honest; that can be trusted
*He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions.
- genuinely sorry
much better NOT much more better
economics (noun)
1- [uncountable] the study of how a society organizes its money, trade(داد و ستد، کسب و کار، تجارت), and industry
. He studied politics and economics at Yale.
2- [plural, uncountable] the way in which money influences, or is organized within an area of business or society
. The economics of the project are very encouraging(دلگرم کننده).
harness (noun)
(مهارکردن، مطیع کردن، تحت کنترل دراوردن)
1- a set of strips of leather and metal pieces that is put around a horse’s head and body so that the horse can be controlled and fastened to a carriage(کالسکه، واگن), etc.
2- a set of strips of leather, etc. for fastening something to a person’s body or to keep them from moving off or falling
. a safety harness(یک مهار ایمنی)
Mental health
ensure (verb)
(also insure)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they ensure
he / she / it ensures
past simple ensured
-ing form ensuring
(اطمینان حاصل کردن, تامین کردن، مطمئن ساختن، متقاعد کردن، حتمی کردن)
- to make sure that something happens or is definite
ensure something / ensure somebody something / ensure (that)…
. Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.
. The book ensured his success.
He is too proud
mere (adjective)
(merest) [only before noun]
(محض، خالی، تنها، انحصاری، دریا، آب راکد، مرداب)
1- used when you want to emphasize how small, unimportant, etc. someone or something is
. It took her a mere 20 minutes to win.
2- used when you are saying that the fact that a particular thing is present in a situation is enough to have an influence on that situation
. His mere presence (= just the fact that he was there) made her feel afraid.
inclination (noun)
1- [uncountable, countable] a feeling that makes you want to do something
*inclination (to do something) He did not show the slightest(کوچکترین) inclination to leave.
2- [countable] inclination to do something a tendency(گرایش) to do something
*There is an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject.
Less/more the least/most
fast-forward (verb)
present simple I / you / we / they – fast-forward
he / she / it – fast-forwards
past simple – fast-forwarded
-ing form – fast-forwarding
- to wind a tape or video forward without playing it.
-fast forward (noun) [uncountable]
. Press fast forward to advance (پیش رفتن، پیش افتادن، ) the tape.
. the fast-forward button
introspection (noun)
باطن بینی، درون گرایی
- the careful examination of your own thoughts, feelings, and reasons for behaving in a particular way
. These situations are best resolved with the minimum of introspection or self-analysis.
participant (noun)
participant (in something)
-a person who is taking part in an activity or event
. He has been an active participant (شریک، سهیم، همراه) in the discussion.
set back (phrasal verb)
- to delay the progress of something or someone by a particular time
. The bad weather set back the building program by several weeks. - set somebody back something [no passive] (informal)
to cost someone a particular amount of money
. The repairs could set you back over $200. - set something back (from something) [usually passive]
to place something, especially a building, at a distance from something
. The house is set well back from the road.
alteration (noun)
1-[countable] a change to something that makes it different
*major/minor alterations
*They are making some alterations to the house.
2-[uncountable] the act of making a change to something
*The dress will not need much alteration.
A two-month contract
deepen (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they deepen
he / she / it deepens
past simple deepened
-ing form deepening
(گود کردن، گودشدن)
1- [intransitive, transitive] deepen (something) (into something) if an emotion or a feeling deepens, or if something deepens it, it becomes stronger
. Their friendship soon deepened into love.
2- [intransitive, transitive] deepen (something) to become worse; to make something worse
. Warships were sent in as the crisis(بحران) deepened.
3- [intransitive, transitive] to become deeper; to make something deeper
. The water deepened gradually.
4- [transitive] deepen something to improve your knowledge or understanding of something
. an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of different cultures
5- [intransitive, transitive] deepen (something) if color or light deepens or if something deepens it, it becomes darker
. deepening shadows
6- [intransitive, transitive] deepen (something) (to something) if a sound or voice deepens or if you deepen it, it becomes lower or you make it lower
. His voice deepened to a growl (خرخر کردن).
7- [intransitive] if your breathing deepens, you breathe more air into your lungs than before
defend (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they defend
he / she / it defends
past simple defended
-ing form defending
(دفاع کردن)
1- protect against attack
defend somebody/yourself/something–defend somebody/yourself/something from/against somebody/something–defend against somebody/something
. It is impossible to defend against an all-out (از همه طرف)attack.
2- support
defend something–defend somebody/yourself/something from/against somebody/something
. Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics.
3- in sports
opposite attack
4- in competitions
. He is defending champion.
5- law
. He has employed one of the country’s top lawyers to defend him.
grasp (verb)-(noun)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they grasp
he / she / it grasps
past simple grasped
-ing form grasping
(Verb) [به چنگ آوردن، گیر آوردن، فهمیدن، چنگ زدن، قاپیدن، اخذ، ]
1- grasp somebody/something to take a firm hold of someone or something
synonym grip
. He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.
2-to understand something completely
. grasp something/grasp how, why, etc… / grasp that
She was unable to grasp how to do it.
3- grasp a chance/an opportunity to take an opportunity without hesitating (تامل کردن، مردد بودن، بی میل بودن)and use it,
. I grasped the opportunity to work in Europe.
clutch(چنگ زدن، محکم گرفتن)/grasp at straws(پوشال، ناچیز)
to try all possible means to find a solution or some hope in a difficult or unpleasant situation, even though this seems very unlikely
. I know I’m just clutching at straws here, but is it possible that the doctors are wrong?
1- a firm hold of someone or something or control over someone or something
. I grabbed him, but he slipped(لیز خوردن، لغزیدن) from my grasp.
2- a person’s understanding of a subject or of difficult facts
. He has a good grasp of German grammar.
3- the ability to get or achieve something
. Success was within her grasp.
inevitable adjective
اجتناب ناپذیر
1-that you cannot avoid or prevent
= unavoidable
*It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.
*It was inevitable that there would be job losses.
(از دست دادن شغل اجتناب ناپذیر بود)
2-[only before noun] (often humorous) so frequent (زود زود)that you always expect it
*toddlers and their inevitable tantrums(کج خلقی)
interpersonal (adjective)
[only before noun]
- connected with relationships between people
. interpersonal skills
recognize (verb)
(not used in the progressive tenses)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they recognize
he / she / it recognizes
past simple recognized
(تشخیص دادن، تصدیق کردن, به رسمیت شناختن، )
1- to know who someone is or what something is when you see or hear them, because you have seen or heard them or it before.
. recognize somebody/something I recognized him as soon as he entered the room.
2- to admit or to be aware that something exists or is true
= acknowledge
. recognize something They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.
3- to accept and approve of someone or something officially
. recognize somebody/something (as something) recognized qualifications
4- be recognized (as something) to be thought of as very good or important by people in general
. The book is now recognized as a classic.
5- recognize somebody/something to give someone official thanks for something that they have done or achieved
. His service to the country was recognized with the award of the Medal of Honor.
Hanging off a cliff
آویزان شدن از یک صخره
cliff (noun)
-a high area of rock with a very steep side, often at the edge of the ocean
the cliff edge/top
someone is out of their depth
-you mean that they are in a situation that is much too difficult for them to be able to cope (از عهده برآمدن)with it
. I’d always struggled at school. I hated it and felt out of my depth.
Sore (adj) = painful (adj)
*sore spot
posit (verb)
posit something posit that… (formal)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they posit
he / she / it posits
past simple posited
-ing form positing
(ادعا، قرار دادن، ثابت کردن، فرض کردن، فرض)
- to suggest or accept that something is true so that it can be used as the basis for an argument or discussion
= postulate (شرط اصلی، لازمه)
. Most religions posit the existence of life after death.
kick off (phrasal verb)
-when a football or soccer game or a team, etc. kicks off, the game starts
- kick off (with something) (informal) to start
. What time shall we kick off?
. Tom will kick off with a few comments.
- to start a discussion, a meeting, an event, etc.
1-obligation (to do something) the state of being forced to do something because it is your duty, or because of a law, etc.
.You are under no obligation to buy anything.
2-something that you must do because you have promised, because of a law, etc.
.obligation to do something
We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.
التزام-تعهد- وظیفه
despite (preposition)
(علی رغم، با وجود)
1- used to show that something happened or is true although something else might have happened to prevent it
=in spite of something
. Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts(تلاش، کوشش) to control it.
2- despite yourself used to show that someone did not intend (قصد انجام کاری داشتن) to do the thing mentioned
= in spite of yourself
. He had to laugh despite himself.
Injure (verb)
injury (noun)
*He injured his knee playing hockey.
*serious injury/injuries
*minor injuries
immediately (adverb / conjunction)
(فورا، بی درنگ، بدون واسطه)
1- without delay
= at once
. She answered almost immediately.
2- (usually with prepositions) next to or very close to a particular place or time
. Turn right immediately after the church(کلیسا).
3- (usually with past participles) closely and directly
. Counseling(مشاوره) is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy.
I have no time to exercise or …
Exercise routine
reasoned (adjective)
[only before noun]
-(of an argument, opinion, etc.) presented in a logical way that shows careful thought
*His claims were supported with proofs and reasoned argument.
*She argued(استدلال کرد) her point in a reasoned and intelligent manner.
rather (adverb)
(نسبتا ، تا اندازه ای, بلکه، تا یک اندازه، با میل بیشتری، ترجیحا)
1- used to mean “fairly” or “to some degree,” often when you are expressing slight criticism, disappointment, or surprise
. She fell and hurt her leg rather badly.
2- used to correct something you have said, or to give more accurate information
. She worked as a secretary, or rather, a personal assistant.
3- used to introduce an idea that is different or opposite to the idea that you have stated previously
. The walls were not white, but rather a sort of dirty gray.
rather than
-instead of someone or something
.I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee.
would rather… (than)
-(usually reduced to ‘d rather) would prefer to
. She’d rather die than give a speech.
engaging (adjective)
engagingly (adverb)
(گیرا، سرگرم کننده، جالب توجه)
- interesting or pleasant in a way that attracts your attention
. an engaging smile
. She smiled engagingly.
attend (verb)
present simple I / you / we / they —- attend
he / she / it —- attends
past simple —- attended
-ing form —- attending
1- [intransitive, transitive] to be present at an event
. We’d like as many people as possible to attend.
. attend something The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
. to attend a wedding/funeral
2- [transitive] attend something to go regularly to a place
. Our children attend the same school.
. How many people attend church every Sunday?
3- [intransitive] attend (to somebody/something) (formal) to pay attention to what someone is saying or to what you are doing
. She hadn’t been attending during the lesson.
4- [transitive] attend something (formal) to happen at the same time as something
. She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity.
5- [transitive] attend somebody (formal) to be with someone and help them
. The president was attended by several members of his staff (پرسنل ).
You reinforce my belief in love.
تو باور من به عشق را تقویت می کنی.
suspect (verb)
present simple I / you / we / they suspect
he / she / it suspects
past simple suspected
suspected (adjective)
1- [transitive, intransitive] to have an idea that something is probably true or likely to happen, especially something bad, but without having definite proof(سند، گواه)
. Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap.
2- [transitive] suspect something to be suspicious(مشکوک- adj) about something; to not trust something
. I suspected her motives in offering to help.
3- [transitive] to have an idea that someone is guilty of something, without having definite proof
. He resigned (استعفا دادن) after being suspected of theft(دزدی، سرقت).
suspected (adjective)
.a suspected outbreak (فاجعه، حادثه، وقوع، بروز، ) of smallpox (شیوع مشکوک آبله)
. suspected tax evasion(بهانه، حیله)
reputation (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
-the opinion that people have about what someone or something is like, based on what has happened in the past
*to earn/establish/build a reputation
*to have a good/bad reputation.
*The company enjoys a worldwide reputation for quality of design.
constructive (adjective)
constructively (adverb)
(سازنده، بناکننده، (مج). سودمند، مفید، ساختمانی)
- having a useful and helpful effect rather than being negative or with no purpose
. constructive criticism(انتقاد)/suggestions/advice
. His work involved helping hyperactive children to use their energy in a constructive way.
. Use your time constructively.(از زمان خود به طور سازنده استفاده کنید.)
hone (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they hone
he / she / it hones
past simple honed
-ing form honing
1- to develop and improve something, especially a skill, over a period of time
. hone something She honed her debating skills at college.
. It was a finely honed piece of writing.
. hone something to something His body was honed to perfection.
2- hone something (to something) to make a blade sharp or sharper
synonym sharpen
. The knife had been honed to razor sharpness.
. The hook should be honed to a needle-sharp point.
indefinite (adjective)
1- lasting for a period of time that has no fixed end
*She will be away for the indefinite future.
2- not clearly defined
= imprecise (مبهم) /imprəˈsīs/
*an indefinite science
Compete against/with
worn off (phrasal verb)
-wore off; worn off; wearing off; wears off. :
to gradually decrease, disappear, or stop
. The painkillers wore off after a couple of hours
. The shine on the leather will wear off pretty quickly.
minister (noun)
- Minister (in some countries) a senior member of the government who is in charge of a government department or a branch of one
. cabinet ministers
composer (noun)
-a person who writes music, especially classical music.
diagnose verb
[transitive, intransitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they diagnose
he / she / it diagnoses
past simple diagnosed
-ing form diagnosing
تشخیص دادن
*I’m an expert when it comes to diagnosing my problem, but I’m too poor a physician(پزشک).
-to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is
*diagnose (something)… The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.
*diagnose something as something…The illness was diagnosed as cancer.
*diagnose somebody with something… He has recently been diagnosed with angina(گلو درد).
*diagnose somebody as something… He was diagnosed as a diabetic when he was 64.
*I couldn’t stick to the usual schedule/routine
whether (conjunction)
1- used to express a doubt or choice between two possibilities.
. I asked him whether he had done it all himself or whether someone had helped him.
2- used to show that something is true in either of two cases
. You are entitled to a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not
. I’m going whether you like it or not.
strain (noun)
1- worry/anxiety
. These repayments (بازپرداخت) are putting a strain on our finances(امور مالی).
. Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you).
2- physical pressure
. The rope broke under the strain
3- injury (جراحت، آسیب)
. a calf (ماهیچه ساق پا)/groin(کشاله ران)/leg strain
4- type of plant/animal/disease
. a new strain of mosquitoes (پشه) resistant(مقاوم) to the poison.
5- in someone’s character
. He had a definite strain of snobbery(رفتاراز روی خودستایی، افاده فروشی) in him.
= streak
6- of music
. She could hear the strains of Mozart through the window.
tailor (noun)
-a person whose job is to make men’s clothes, especially someone who makes suits, etc. for individual customers
justify (verb) = defend
present simple I / you / we / they justify
he / she / it justifies
past simple justified
-ing form justifying
1- to show that someone or something is right or reasonable
. justify (somebody/something) doing something How can they justify paying such huge salaries?
. justify something Her success had justified the faith(ايمان، اعتقاد)her teachers had put in her.
2- justify something/yourself (to somebody) justify (somebody/something) doing something to give an explanation or excuse for something or for doing something
(= defend)
The Secretary of Education has been asked to justify the decision to Congress.
You don’t need to justify yourself to me.
3- justify something (technology) to arrange lines of printed text so that one or both edges are straight
the end justifies the means (saying)
bad or unfair methods of doing something are acceptable if the result of that action is good or positive
(توجیه کردن,هم تراز کردن، قضاوت کردن، تبرئه کردن، حق دادن، تصدیق کردن، ذی حق دانستن، )
explicit (adj)
1-(of a statement or piece of writing) clear and easy to understand
. He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there.
2- (of a person) saying something clearly, exactly, and openly
. She was very explicit about why she had left.
3- said, done, or shown in an open or direct way, so that you have no doubt about what is happening
. The reasons for the decision should be made explicit.
(روشن، واضح، آشکار، صاف، ساده، )
explicitly (adv)
. The report states explicitly that the system was to blame.
explicitness (n) [uncountable]
. He didn’t like the degree of sexual explicitness in the movie.
have an ideal shape (is wrong)/ be in ideal shape
OP rear
-refer to sth that is first , main , or basic.
*primary colors
*primary elections(انتخابات)
*primary school
*primary care physician(پزشک مراقبت های اولیه)
act out (phrasal verb)
-act something …. out
1- to perform a ceremony or show how something happened, as if performing a play
*The ritual(تشریفات مذهبی، آیین پرستش، تشریفات، ) of the party convention is acted out in the same way every year.
*The children started to act out the whole incident.
2- to act a part in a real situation
*She acted out the role of the wronged lover.
*Whenever I emotionally disturbed, my body starts to act out
deadly serious
Heated disagreement
A heated discussion or quarrel( /ˈkwɑrəl/نزاع) is one where the people involved are angry and excited.
Visible OP invisible
maintain (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they maintain
he / she / it maintains
past simple maintained
-ing form maintaining
(نگهداری کردن, پشتیبانی کردن، ابقا کردن، ادامه دادن، حمایت کردن)
1- maintain something to make something continue at the same level, standard, etc.
= preserve
. to maintain law and order/standards/a balance
2- maintain something to keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly
. The house is large and difficult to maintain.
3- to keep stating that something is true, even though other people do not agree or do not believe it
= insist (اصرار کردن، پافشاری کردن)
. maintain (that)…/ maintain something/ + speech
The men maintained (that) they were out of the country when the crime was committed.
4- maintain somebody/something to support someone or something over a long period of time by giving money, paying for food, etc.
= keep
Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three.
budget (noun)
بودجه اختصاص دادن؛ بودجه
decline (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they decline
he / she / it declines
past simple declined
-ing form declining
(کاهش یافتن؛ نزول)
1- [intransitive] to become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc.
. The number of tourists going to the resort declined by 10% last year.
2- [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to refuse politely to accept or to do something
= refuse
.decline something to decline an offer/invitation
3- [intransitive, transitive] decline (something) (grammar) if a noun, an adjective, or a pronoun declines, it has different forms according to whether it is the subject or the object of a verb, whether it is in the singular or plural, etc. When you decline a noun, etc., you list these forms.
narrator (noun)
payable (adjective)
[not before noun]
1- that must be paid or can be paid
. A 10% deposit (پس انداز ) is payable in advance.
. The price is payable in monthly instalments( پرداخت قسطی).
2- when a check, etc. is made payable to someone, their name is written on it and they can then deposit it to their bank account
. Please make the check payable to Rose Roger.
favor (noun)
(Canadian English usually favour)
1- [countable] a thing that you do to help someone
. Could you do me a favor and pick up Sam from school today?
. Can I ask a favor?
2- approval (تایید) or support for someone or something
.The program has lost favor with viewers recently.
. She’s not in favor with (= supported or liked by) the media right now.
3- [uncountable] treatment that is generous to one person or group in a way that seems unfair to others
= bias
. As a coach, she showed no favor to any of the girls on the softball team.
4- party gift
= party favors
5- favors [plural] (old-fashioned) agreement to have sex with someone
. demands (تقاضا) for sexual favors
chivalrous (adjective)
chivalrously (adverb)
(of men) polite, kind, and behaving with honor(شرافت، افتخار), especially toward women
= gallant (دلیر، شجاع، عالی، خوش لباس، جنتلمن، )
I’m putting on weight
essential (adjective)- ( noun [usually plural])
opposite dispensable (صرفنظر کردنی، چاره پذیر، غیرضروری)
(حیاتی، ضروری، واجب)
1- completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity
= vital (حیاتی، ضروری، واجب)
essential to something / essential for something / it is essential to do something / it is essential that…
. an essential part/ingredient/component of something.
. Experience is essential for this job.
2- [only before noun] connected with the most important aspect or basic nature of someone or something
= fundamental
.The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money.
1- something that is needed in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing
. I only had time to pack the bare essentials (= the most necessary things).
2- an important basic fact or piece of knowledge about a subject
. the essentials of English grammar
timetable (noun) = schedule
1-a chart showing the times at which trains, buses and planes leave and arrive
*a bus/train timetable
*It said in the timetable that a train was due (مورد انتظار، مقرر شده) at 11.30.
2- a chart or plan of the classes that a student or teacher has in school each week
*We have a new timetable each term.
= schedule
3-a plan of when you expect or hope particular events to happen
= schedule
*I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things).
incorrect (adjective)
incorrectly (adverb)
incorrectness (noun) [uncountable]
1-not accurate or true
*incorrect information/spelling
2-speaking or behaving in a way that does not follow the accepted standards or rules
opposite correct
*an incorrectly addressed letter
persuasion (noun)
(قانع سازی، تشویق، تحریک، اجبار، متقاعد سازی)
1- [uncountable] the act of persuading someone to do something or to believe something
. It didn’t take much persuasion to get her to tell us where he was.
2- [countable, uncountable] a particular set of beliefs, especially about religion or politics
. politicians(سیاستمدار) of all persuasions
neutral (adjective)
(خنثی,بی اثر، بی طرف)
During disagreements, people tend to listen quite poorly to each other.
exclusive (adjective)
[opposite inclusive]
exclusively (adverb)
(انحصاری,تنها، منحصر به فرد، گران، دربست)
1- only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group
. The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.
2- (of a group, society, etc.) not very willing to allow new people to become members, especially if they are from a lower social class
. He belongs to an exclusive club.
3- of a high quality and expensive, and therefore not often bought or used by most people
. an exclusive hotel
4- not able to exist or be a true statement at the same time as something else
. The two options are not mutually(متقابلا ) exclusive (= you can have them both).
5- (formal) exclusive of somebody/something not including someone or something
. The price is for room only, exclusive of meals.
[opposite inclusive]
. a charity that relies (متکی است) almost exclusively on voluntary contributions
1-athlete (noun)
2-athletic (adjective)
3- athletically (adverb)
4- athleticism (noun) [uncountable]
1- person who does/plays sport
1-a person who competes in sports
*Olympic athletes
2-a person who is good at sports and physical exercise
*She is a natural athlete.
-physically strong, fit, and active
*an athletic figure/build
*a tall, slim, athletic girl
*She moved with great athleticism around the court.
controversial (adjective)
controversially (adverb)
(جنجالی، بحث برانگیز, مباحثه ای، جدلی، جدال آمیز)
-causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement
. a highly controversial topic
. one of the most controversial of Seattle’s new office buildings.
. Punishments for prisoners include the loss of privileges and, more controversially, the stopping of visits.
I’m particularly (به ویژه، علی الخصوص) proud of…
merit (noun- verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they merit
he / she / it merits
past simple merited
(سزاواری، لیاقت، شایسته بودن، استحقاق داشتن)
1- [uncountable] (formal) the quality of being good and of deserving praise, reward, or admiration
= worth (ارزش)
.I want to get the job (on merit) and not because I know the president of the company.
. a work of outstanding artistic (هنری) merit.
2- [countable, usually plural] a good feature that deserves praise(تحسین کردن؛ تعریف و تمجید), reward, or admiration(تحسین)
= strength
.We will consider each case on its (own) merits (= without considering any other issues, feelings, etc.).
(formal) to do something to deserve praise, attention, etc.
synonym deserve
. He claims that their success was not merited.
Romantic relationships are usually exclusive(انحصاری) (to the two people involved)
composition (noun)
ترکیب بندی-ترکیب-فرمول
1- [uncountable] the different parts that something is made of; the way in which the different parts are organized
*the chemical composition of the soil (خاک).
2- [countable] a piece of music or art, or a poem
*one of Beethoven’s finest compositions.
3-[uncountable] the act of composing something
*pieces performed in the order of their composition
4- [uncountable] the art of writing music
*to study composition
5- [countable] a short text that is written as a school exercise; a short essay
6- [uncountable] (art) the arrangement of people or objects in a painting or photograph
disappointment (noun)
1- [uncountable] sadness because something has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected or hoped
*Reserve early for the show to avoid disappointment.
*To our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip.
2- [countable] a person or thing that is disappointing
*a bitter/major disappointment
*That new restaurant was a big disappointment.
incorporated (adjective)
(abbreviation Inc.)
formed into a business company with legal status
politician (noun)
1- (informal pol) a person whose job is concerned with politics, especially as an elected(انتخاب شده است) member of a legislature(قانونگذار /ˈlejəˌslāCHər/) (= governing body)
2-(disapproving رد کردن-تصویب نکردن) a person who is good at using different situations in an organization to try to get power or advantage for himself or herself
Results in = leads to = causes
resulted in; resulting in; results in.
- to cause (something) to happen.
*The disease resulted in his death.
- to produce (something) as a result.
*The trial(آزمایش) resulted in an acquittal(تبرئه).
practitioner (noun)
(متخصص, وکیل حرفه ای)
1- (technology) a person who works in a profession, especially medicine or law.
. health care practitioners
2- (formal) a person who regularly does a particular activity, especially one that requires skill.
. one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction
genuine (adjective)
genuinely (adverb)
genuineness (noun) [uncountable]
(صادقانه، خالصانه، از ته قلب)
1- real; exactly what it appears to be; not artificial
= authentic
. Is the painting a genuine Picasso?
2- sincere and honest; that can be trusted
. He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions.
. genuinely sorry
numerous (adjective)
- existing in large numbers
= many
. He has been late on numerous occasions.
. The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention.
approach (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they approach
he / she / it approaches
past simple approached
-ing form approaching
(نزدیک شدن، نزدیک آمدن)
1- [intransitive, transitive] to come near to someone or something in distance or time
approach somebody/something
. As you approach the town, you’ll see the college on the left.
2- [transitive] to speak to someone about something, especially to ask them for something or to offer to do something
approach somebody
. We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.
3- [transitive] approach something to come close to something in amount, level, or quality
. profits approaching 30 million dollars
4- [transitive] approach something to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way
.What’s the best way of approaching this problem?
surround (verb)-(Noun)
present simple I / you / we / they surround
he / she / it surrounds
past simple surrounded
-ing form surrounding
. surrounded by احاطه شده، در میان
1- to be all around something or someone
. surround something/somebody : Tall trees surround the lake.
. surround something/somebody with something : The lake is surrounded with/by trees.
2- to move into position all around someone or something, especially so as to prevent them from escaping; to move someone or something into position in this way
. surround somebody/something Police surrounded the building.
. surround somebody/something with somebody/something They surrounded the building with police.
3- surround something/somebody to be closely connected with something or someone
. publicity (تبلیغات ) surrounding the divorce
4- surround yourself with somebody/something to choose to have particular people or things near you all the time
. I like to surround myself with beautiful things.
(Noun) :
1- a border(حاشیه دار کردن، لبه دار کردن، مرز) or an area around the edge of something, especially one that is decorated
. a fireplace with a tile (کاشی، کاشی کاری کردن) surround
2- surrounds [plural] the area surrounding a place
. Cleveland and its surrounds
look up a word
the definition of a word
Complete idiot
idiocy (noun)
(pl. idiocies) (formal)
1-[uncountable] very stupid behavior; the state of being very stupid
= stupidity
*It is sheer(خالص، ناب) idiocy to go climbing in this weather.
2-[countable] a very stupid act, remark(اظهار نظر), etc.
*the idiocies of bureaucracy(بوروکراسی)
acceptance (noun)
1- [uncountable, countable] the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc.
. Please confirm (تایید کردن، تصدیق کردن) your acceptance of this offer in writing.
2- [uncountable] the act of agreeing with something and approving (تایید کردن)of it
. The new laws have gained widespread (گسترده, همه جانبه ) acceptance.
3- [uncountable] the process of allowing someone to join something or be a member of a group
. Your acceptance into the insurance (حق بیمه، پول بیمه) plan is guaranteed.
4- [uncountable] willingness (تمایل، رضایت، میل) to accept an unpleasant or difficult situation
. acceptance of death/suffering
sensation (noun)
(شور- هيجان- احساس- حس-ظاهر)
1- [countable] a feeling that you get when something affects your body
. a tingling(گز گز -سوزن سوزن )/burning, etc. sensation
. I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.
2- [uncountable] the ability to feel through your sense of touch
= feeling
. She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms.
3- [countable, usually singular] a general feeling or impression that is difficult to explain; an experience or a memory
. He had the eerie(وهم اور، ترساننده، گرفته، مکدر) sensation of being watched.
. When I arrived, I had the sensation that she had been expecting me.
4- [countable, usually singular, uncountable] very great surprise, excitement(هیجان), or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise
. News of his arrest caused a sensation.
. The band became a sensation overnight.
What a story!
What an event!
What a night!
I’m not a violent person
instead (adverb)
(به جای، در عوض)
- in the place of someone or something
. He didn’t reply. Instead, he turned on his heel (پاشنه پا) and left the room.
intimidated (adjective)
[not usually before noun]
(ترساندن، مرعوب کردن، تشر زدن به، نهیب زدن به)
- feeling frightened and not confident in a particular situation
. We try to make sure students don’t feel intimidated on their first day at school.
Deceive (V)
1-to make someone believe something that is not true
.Her husband had been deceiving her for years.
2- deceive yourself (that…) to refuse to admit to yourself that something unpleasant is true
.You’re deceiving yourself if you think he’ll change his mind.
3-deceive (somebody) to make someone have a wrong idea about someone or something
. Unless my eyes are deceiving me, that’s his wife.
=mislead(v) /ˌmɪsˈlid/
awareness (noun)
[uncountable, singular] awareness (of something) awareness (that…)
(آگاهی, اطلاع، هشیاری )
- knowing something; knowing that something exists and is important; being interested in something
. to raise(افزایش دادن)/heighten(تشدید کردن، شدت بخشیدن)/increase public awareness of something
. a greater/a growing/an increasing awareness of something
crave (verb)
[transitive, intransitive] crave (for) something crave to do something
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they crave
he / she / it craves
past simple craved
-ing form craving
هوس کردن-اشتیاق داشتن-ارزو کردن
-to have a very strong desire for something
= long for
*She has always craved excitement.
*Sarah craves adrenaline rush
scramble (verb)-(noun)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they scramble
he / she / it scrambles
past simple scrambled
-ing form scrambling
1- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move quickly, especially with difficulty, using your hands to help you
= clamber
.She managed to scramble over the wall.
2- [intransitive] scramble to do something + adv./prep. to move or do something quickly because you are in a hurry
.Rescue (نجات دادن؛ نجات) workers scrambled to find survivors in the wreckage(لاشه هواپیما یا ماشین و غیره).
3- [intransitive] to push, fight, or compete with others in order to get or to reach something
scramble for something/scramble to do something
. Shoppers were scrambling to get the best bargains(مذاکره، معامله باصرفه).
4- [transitive, usually passive] scramble something to cook an egg by mixing the white and yellow parts together and heating them, sometimes with milk and butter
. scrambled eggs
5- [transitive, often passive] scramble something to change the way that a telephone or radio message sounds so that only people with special equipment(لوازم، تجهیزات) can understand it
. scrambled satellite(ماهواره) signals.
6- [transitive] scramble something to confuse(گیج، سردرگم) someone’s thoughts, ideas, etc. so that they have no order
.Alcohol seemed to have scrambled his brain.
7- [transitive, intransitive, usually passive] scramble (something) to order that planes, etc. should take off immediately in an emergency; to take off immediately in an emergency
.A helicopter was scrambled to help rescue three young climbers.
8- [intransitive] (of a quarterback in football) to run around with the ball while waiting for a chance to throw it
.He scrambled left and right on the play.
embark (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they embark
he / she / it embarks
past simple embarked
-ing form embarking
/ˌɛmbɑrˈkeɪʃn/ (noun) [uncountable, countable]
-to get onto a ship; to put something onto a ship
*We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked.
*embark somebody/something They embarked the troops by night.
opposite disembark
- embark on a journey / embark upon a journey
*Embarkation will be at 4:00 p.m.
Simply put, hopelessness is the state of not having any hope left.
chicken out (phrasal verb)
chicken out (of something/of doing something) (informal)
to decide not to do something because you are afraid
*You’re not going to chicken out, are you?
*Kim put my name down for a sponsored parachute(چتر نجات-perəˌSHo͞ot) jump but I chickened out at the last moment.
bruise (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they bruise
he / she / it bruises
past simple bruised
-ing form bruising .
bruised (adjective)
کبود کردن؛ کبودی-خون مردگی،
1- [intransitive, transitive] to develop a bruise, or make a bruise or bruises appear on the skin of someone or something
*Strawberries bruise easily.
*bruise something… She had slipped and badly bruised her knee.
2-[transitive, usually passive] bruise somebody to affect someone badly and make them feel unhappy, and less confident
*They had been badly bruised by the defeat(شکست).
*He suffered badly bruised ribs in the crash.
*bruised fruit
*a bruised ego (نفس-ضمیر، عزت نفس)
not willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own: We’re not going to be closed-minded: we’re going to look at every possible option.
counsel (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they counsel
he / she / it counsels
past simple counseled
(Canadian English usually)counselled
-ing form counseling
(Canadian English usually)counselling
1- counsel somebody to listen to and give support or professional advice to someone who needs help
. Therapists were brought in to counsel the bereaved(داغ دیده).
2- (formal) to advise someone to do something
counsel something/ counsel somebody to do something
. Most experts counsel caution (احتیاط, توجه کنید، هوشیاری، وثیقه، ضامن، هوشیار کردن، اخطار کردن به، ) in such cases.
cultivate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they cultivate
he / she / it cultivates
past simple cultivated
-ing form cultivating
- You should cultivate a stable sleeping habit. After several days/weeks your body just becomes accustomed(عادت کرده) to that routine.
1-cultivate something to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops
= grow
*The land around here has never been cultivated.
2-cultivate something to grow plants or crops
*The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.
implicit (adj)
1-implicit (in something) suggested without being directly expressed
. Implicit in his speech was the assumption( فرض -گمان) that they were guilty.
2-implicit (in something) forming part of something (although perhaps not directly expressed)
. The ability to listen is implicit in the teacher’s role.
3-complete and not doubted
. She had the implicit trust of her staff.
(ضمنی، بلا اعتراض، مطلق، بی شرط، )
implicitly (adv)
. It reinforces(مسلح کردن، مستحکم کردن), implicitly or explicitly, the idea that money is all-important.
. I trust John implicitly.
1-caffeine (noun)
2-decaffeinated (adjective)/(noun) [uncountable, countable]
1-a drug found in coffee and tea that makes you feel more active
2-(of coffee or tea) with most or all of the caffeine removed
rack up (phrasal verb)
rack up something
- to collect something, such as profits or losses in a business, or points in a competition
. The company racked up $200 million in losses in two years.
. In ten years of boxing he racked up a record 176 wins.
intensify (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they intensify
he / she / it intensifies
past simple intensified
-ing form intensifying
intensification (noun) [uncountable, singular]
(تشدید کردن، شدت بخشیدن-تقویت کردن، افزایش دادن، سخت کردن)
- to increase in degree or strength; to make something increase in degree or strength
= heighten
.Violence intensified during the night.
. intensify something
The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government.
steer (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they steer
he / she / it steers
past simple steered
-ing form steering
1- [transitive, intransitive] steer (something /somebody) (+ adv./prep.) to control the direction in which a boat, car, etc. moves
. He steered the boat into the harbor.
2- [transitive, intransitive] steer (something) (+ adv./prep.) (of a boat, car, etc.) to move in a particular direction
. The ship steered a course between the islands.
3- [transitive] steer something + adv./prep. to take control of a situation and influence the way in which it develops
. He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce.
keep/stay/steer clear (of somebody/something)
to avoid a person or thing because it may cause problems
. Steer clear of the center of town at this time of the evening.
heal (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they heal
he / she / it heals
past simple healed
-ing form healing
*my foot was sprained. It is healed now.
*Some personalities(شخصیت ها) are healers.
شفا دادن-التیام دادن
1-[intransitive, transitive] to become healthy again; to make something healthy again
*It took a long time for the wounds(زخم ها) to heal.
2-[transitive] heal somebody (of something) (old use or formal) to cure someone who is sick; to make someone feel happy again
*the story of Jesus healing ten lepers(جذامی ها) of their disease
*I felt healed by his love.
It was 11 at night.
individual (noun)
individual (adjective)
(انفرادی، اختصاصی، تک، منحصر به فرد)
1- a person considered separately rather than as part of a group
. The competition is open to both teams and individuals.
2- a person who is original and very different from others
She’s grown into quite an individual.
3- (informal) (usually disapproving) a person of a particular type, especially a strange one
. an odd-looking individual
. This is the same individual who’s been hanging out on the corner lately.
1- [only before noun] (often used after each) considered separately rather than as part of a group
. We interviewed each individual member of the community.
2- [only before noun] connected with one person; designed for one person
. respect for individual freedom
3- (usually approving) typical of one particular person or thing in a way that is different from others
= distinctive (مشخص-مشخصه)
. a highly individual style of dress
abandon (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they abandon
he / she / it abandons
past simple abandoned
-ing form abandoning
= leave
. Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.
. He abandoned himself to despair(نومیدی، یاس، مایوس شدن، ).
. They abandoned the game because of rain.
. The baby had been abandoned by its mother.
adrenaline junkie
(addicted to adrenaline)
inclined (adjective)
(متمایل, مایل، کج، مورب,شیب دار)
1- [not before noun] inclined (to do something) wanting to do something
. There’ll be time for a swim if you feel so inclined.
. He writes only when he feels inclined to.
2- inclined to do something tending to do something; likely to do something
. He’s inclined to be lazy.
3- inclined to agree, believe, think, etc. used when you are expressing an opinion but do not want to express it very strongly
. I’m inclined to agree with you.
4- (used with particular adverbs) having a natural ability for something; preferring to do something
. musically/academically inclined children
5- sloping (شیب دار) ; at an angle
bumpy (adjective)
(bumpier, bumpiest)
1-(of a surface) not even; with a lot of bumps
*a bumpy road/track
*bumpy ground
2-(of a journey) uncomfortable, with a lot of sudden, unpleasant movements caused by the road surface, weather conditions, etc.
*a bumpy ride/flight
pile (noun)
1- [countable] a number of things that have been placed on top of each other
*pile of something… a pile of clothes/paper
*I found it in a pile of documents on his desk.
*in/into a pile… The hats were stacked in neat piles.
2- [countable] a mass of something that is high in the middle and wider at the bottom than at the top
= heap
*pile of something… piles of dirty washing
*The house was reduced to a pile of rubble.
3- [countable, usually plural] pile of something (informal) a lot of something
*I have piles of work to do.
4-[uncountable, singular] the short threads, pieces of wool, etc. that form the soft surface of carpets and some types of cloth such as velvet
*a deep-pile carpet
5- [countable] a large wooden, metal, or stone post that is fixed into the ground and used to support a building, bridge, etc.
on a daily basis
به صورت روزانه
We have no real influence on politics
initiative (noun)
(ابتکار عملیات، قدرت انجام عمل، ابتکار عمل، ذوق، پیشقدمی، قریحه، آغازی)
1- [countable] a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose
. a United Nations peace initiative
2- [uncountable] the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for someone to tell you what to do
. You won’t get much help. You’ll have to use your initiative.
3- the initiative [singular] the power or opportunity to act and gain an advantage before other people do
. to seize(گرفتن، توقیف کردن)/lose the initiative
. It was up to the U.S. to take the initiative in repairing relations.
4- [countable] (law) (in some states of the U.S.) a process by which ordinary people can suggest a new law by signing(علامت، نماد، تابلو) a petition(دادخواست، تظلم، دادخواهی کردن)
currently (adverb)
-at the present time
. The hourly charge is currently $35.
. Currently, over 500 students are enrolled in the course.
. All the options are currently available.
. This matter is currently being discussed.
در حال حاضر، اکنون
sequence (noun)-(verb)
1- [countable] a set of events, actions, numbers, etc. that have a particular order and that lead to a particular result
*He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery.
2-[countable, uncountable] the order that events, actions, etc. happen in or should happen in
*The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence.
3-[countable] a part of a movie that deals with one subject or topic or consists of one scene
*the dream sequence in the middle of the movie
Treat you/ behave toward you
*My parents treat my little sister like a little girl.
*Her boyfriend is the same age as her.
refrain (verb)
[intransitive] (formal)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they refrain
he / she / it refrains
past simple refrained
-ing form refraining
(خود داری کردن، منع کردن، نگاه داشتن)
- to stop yourself from doing something, especially something that you want to do
=desist (بازایستادن، دست برداشتن از، دست کشیدن)
refrain (from something)/refrain (from doing something)
. They appealed to the protesters to refrain from violence.
Crazy (adj) = insane (adj) = mad
I advise against that!
unfulfilled (adjective)
محقق نشده است
1- (of a need, wish, etc.) that has not been satisfied or achieved
*unfulfilled ambitions/hopes/promises, etc.
*He died young with his ambitions unfulfilled.
2- if a person feels unfulfilled, they feel that they could achieve more in their life or work.
*She’s feeling restless(بی قرار) and unfulfilled in her present job.
opposite fulfilled (برآورده شد)
verbal (adjective)
(زبانی، شفاهی، فعلی، تحت اللفظی)
1- relating to words
. The job candidate must have good verbal skills.
2- spoken, not written
. a verbal agreement/warning
3- (grammar) relating to verbs
. a verbal noun
embrace (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they embrace
he / she / it embraces
past simple embraced
-ing form embracing
embrace (noun) [countable, uncountable]
(در آغوش گرفتن، در بر گرفتن، بغل کردن، شامل بودن)
1- [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to put your arms around someone as a sign of love or friendship
= hug
.They embraced and promised to keep in touch.
2- embrace something (formal) to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially when it is done with enthusiasm(اشتیاق، شور و شوق)
. to embrace democracy/feminism/Islam
3- embrace something (formal) to include something
. The talks embraced a wide range of issues.
.He held (نگه داشته شده) her in a warm embrace.
. There were tears and embraces as they said goodbye.
desire (noun)
1- [countable, uncountable] a strong wish to have or do something
enough money to satisfy all your desires
. desire for something a strong desire for power
. desire to do something She felt an overwhelming (عظیم، شدید) desire to return home.
2- [uncountable, countable] desire (for somebody) a strong wish to have sex with someone
. She felt a surge (موج) of love and desire for him.
3- [countable, usually singular] a person or thing that is wished for
. When she agreed to marry him he felt he had achieved his heart’s desire.
contribute (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they contribute
he / she / it contributes
past simple contributed
-ing form contributing
contributing (adjective)
1- [transitive, intransitive] to give something, especially money or goods, to help someone or something
. contribute something (to/toward something)/contribute (to/toward something)
Would you like to contribute to our cause?
2- contribute (to something) to be one of the causes of something
Medical negligence could have contributed to her death.
3- [intransitive, transitive] to increase, improve, or add to something
. contribute to something/ contribute something to something
Immigrants (مهاجر) have contributed to American culture in many ways.
4- [transitive, intransitive] to write things for a newspaper, magazine, or a radio or television program; to speak during a meeting or conversation, especially to give your opinion
. contribute something (to something)/ contribute (to something)
We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.
.Human error may have been a contributing factor.
(خطای انسانی ممکن است یکی از عوامل موثر باشد)
equipment (noun)
1-the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity
*a useful piece of equipment for the kitchen
2-the process of providing a place or person with necessary things
*The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.
overjoyed adjective
[not before noun]
-extremely happy or pleased
= delighted /dɪˈlaɪt̮əd/
*overjoyed (at something) …He was overjoyed at my success.
*overjoyed (to do something)… We were overjoyed to hear their good news.
*overjoyed (that…) …She was overjoyed that her article had been published.
eventually (adverb)
(بالاخره، سرانجام، عاقبت)
- at the end of a period of time or a series of events
. Our flight eventually left five hours late.
.This person is not to be trusted!
.Too trusting
این شخص قابل اعتماد نیست!
اعتماد بیش از حد
surreptitious (adjective) = furtive = stealthy
surreptitiously (adverb)
-done secretly or quickly, in the hope that other people will not notice
. She sneaked (حركت پنهاني)a surreptitious glance (نيم نگاهي انداختن) at her watch.
furtive (adjective) / furtively (adverb) / furtiveness (noun [uncountable])
stealthy (adjective)/ stealthily (adverb)
(نهانی، پنهان، محرمانه)
Segway (noun) [ C ]
-a brand name for an electric vehicle with two wheels. The rider stands on a base between the wheels and holds onto a bar at waist height.
indemnity (noun)
(pl. indemnities) (formal or )
1-(law) [uncountable] indemnity (against something) protection against damage or loss, especially in the form of a promise to pay for any that happens
*indemnity insurance (بیمه)
2-[countable] a sum of money that is given as payment for damage or loss
deliberately (adverb)
deliberate (adjective)
deliberate (verb)
deliberation (noun)
deliberative (adjective)
(تعمدا, با تامل، با مشورت، عمدا )
1- done in a way that was planned, not by chance
= intentionally
. She’s been deliberately ignoring him all day.
2- slowly and carefully
. He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately.
principle (noun)
(اصول اخلاقی، اصول)
1- [countable, usually plural, uncountable] a moral rule or a strong belief that influences your actions
. He has high moral ( اخلاقی)principles.
. Stick to your principles and tell him you won’t do it.
2- [countable] a law, a rule, or a theory that something is based on
. the principles and practice of writing reports.
. Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principles (= the most basic rules).
3- [countable] a belief that is accepted as a reason for acting or thinking in a particular way
. the principle that free education should be available for all children
4- [singular] a general or scientific law that explains how something works or why something happens
. the principle that heat rises
No prior business
A keen observer
یک ناظر تیزبین
*I’m keen on playing soccer
particularly (adverb)
به ویژه، علی الخصوص,مخصوصا، جزء به جزء
-especially; more than usual or more than others
*particularly useful/important/interesting
*I particularly like the colour of the walls.
attribute (verb)
present simple I / you / we / they attribute
he / she / it attributes
past simple attributed
-ing form attributing
attribution (noun) [uncountable]
نسبت دادن، حمل کردن بر
1- attribute something to something to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing
. She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.
2- to say or believe that someone is responsible (مسئول، وظیفه شناس) for doing something, especially for saying, writing, or painting something
. attribute something The committee (کمیته، هیات) refused (رد کردن) to attribute blame without further (بیشتر) information.
. attribute something to somebody This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.
attribution (noun) [uncountable]
. The attribution of this painting to Rembrandt has never been questioned.
paralyze (verb)
[often passive]
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they paralyze
he / she / it paralyzes
past simple paralyzed
-ing form paralyzing
(فلج کردن، از کار انداختن، بیحس کردن)
1- paralyze somebody to make someone unable to feel or move all or part of their body
. The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.
. (figurative)(مجازی، تمثیلی) paralyzing heat
. (figurative) She stood there, paralyzed with fear.
2- paralyze something to prevent something from functioning normally
. The airport is still paralyzed by the strike.
announcer (noun)
1- a person who introduces, or gives information about, programs on radio or television
2- a person who gives information about something in a train station, an airport, etc., especially through a loudspeaker
(اعلان کننده، گوینده)
reinforce (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they reinforce
he / she / it reinforces
past simple reinforced
-ing form reinforcing
(مسلح کردن، مستحکم کردن, تقویت یگانها، تقویت کردن، محکم کردن، مدد کردن، )
1- reinforce something to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger
. The experience reinforced my sense of loss.
2- reinforce something to make a structure or material stronger, especially by adding another material to it
. All buildings are now reinforced to withstand (مقاومت کردن، تاب آوردن) earthquakes.
3- reinforce something to send more people or equipment in order to make an army, etc. stronger
. The U.N. has undertaken (بر عهده گرفتن) to reinforce its military presence (وجود، حضور) along the borders(حریم).
orientation (noun)
orientate (verb)
(جهت یابی,تمایل، جهت گیری، توجیه کردن، روانه کردن، آشنایی، راهنمایی، گرایش)
1- [uncountable, countable] the type of aims or interests that a person or an organization has; the act of directing your aims toward a particular thing
*The course is essentially (اصولا، در اصل) theoretical in orientation.
*orientation to/toward something … Companies have been forced into a greater orientation to the market.
2-[uncountable, countable] a person’s basic beliefs or feelings about a particular subject
*religious/political orientation
*a person’s sexual orientation (= whether they are attracted to men, women, or both)