V7 Flashcards
citrus (noun)
-fruit belonging to the group of fruit that includes oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit
*citrus fruit/trees/growers
*fabric in bright citrus shades (= orange, yellow, or green)
(مرکبات، خانواده مرکبات)
quality / quantity
leave my mark
-have a lasting or significant effect.
*he left his mark on English football.
fall out (phrasal verb)
fall off (phrasal verb)
1- to become loose and drop
*His hair is falling out.
2- if soldiers fall out, they leave their lines and move away
fall out (with somebody):
to have an argument with someone so that you are not friendly with them anymore
-to decrease in quantity or quality
*Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably.
Opposite rise
consumption (noun)
consumer (noun)
1- (formal) the act of using energy, food, or materials; the amount used
*the production of fuel for domestic consumption (= to be used in the country where it is produced)
2- the act of buying and using products
*Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.
3- (old-fashioned) a serious infectious disease of the lungs
= tuberculosis
(مصرف، سوختن، زوال، تحلیل)
(مصرف کننده)
striking (adjective)
strikingly (adverb)
1- interesting and unusual enough to attract attention
= marked
*a striking feature
2- very attractive, often in an unusual way
= stunning
*striking good looks
(قابل توجه,تصادم، برجسته، موثر، گیرنده، زننده)
*The two polls produced strikingly different results.
versus (preposition)
(abbreviation v., vs.)
1- (sport or law) used to show that two teams or sides are against each other
*It is Texas versus Nebraska in the championship game.
2- used to compare two different ideas, choices, etc.
*It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends.
(در مقابل,علیه، برضد، در برابر)
variety (noun)
(pl. varieties)
vary (verb)
varied (adjective)
variable (adjective)
variation (noun)
various (adjective)
variety (noun)
1- [singular] variety (of something) several different kinds of the same thing
*There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.
2- [uncountable] the quality of not being the same or not doing the same thing all the time
= diversity
*We all need variety in our diet.
3- [countable] variety (of something) a type of a thing, for example a plant or language, that is different from the others in the same general group
*Apples come in a great many varieties.
4- (also vaudeville) [uncountable] a form of theater or television entertainment that consists of a series of short performances, such as singing, dancing, and funny acts
*a variety show/theater
assume (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they assume
he / she / it assumes
past simple assumed
-ing form assuming
1- to think or accept that something is true but without having proof of it
* It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.
2- assume something (formal) to take or begin to have power or responsibility
= take
*The court assumed responsibility for the girl’s welfare.
3- assume something (formal) to take financial responsibility for something; to agree to pay for something
*Corporations are assuming more and more debt as they are forced to invest and innovate.
4- assume something (formal) to begin to have a particular quality or appearance
= take something—on
*This matter has assumed considerable importance.
5- assume something (formal) to pretend to have a particular feeling or quality
= put on
*He assumed an air of concern.
(فرض کردن,بخود گرفتن، بخود بستن، وانمود کردن، تظاهر کردن، تقلید کردن، فرض کردن، پنداشتن، بعهده گرفتن، تقبل کردن، انگاشتن، التزام، در دست گرفتن، فرماندهی، تقبل کردن)
get off (phrasal verb)
1- get off somebody: used especially to tell someone to stop touching you or another person
*Get off me, that hurts!
2- get somebody off : to leave a place or start a journey; to help someone do this
*We got off right after breakfast.
3- get off something: to leave work with permission
*Could you get off (work) early tomorrow?
4- get off something | get somebody off something: to stop discussing a particular subject; to make someone do this
*Please can we get off the subject of dieting?
5- get something off: to send something by mail
*I need to get these letters off first thing tomorrow.
6- get off (with something): to have no or almost no injuries in an accident
*She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises.
7- get off (with something) | get somebody off (with something)
: to receive no or almost no punishment; to help someone do this
*He was lucky to get off with a small fine.
inspection (noun)
[uncountable, countable]
1- an official visit to a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable
*Regular inspections are carried out at the prison.
2- the act of looking closely at something or someone, especially to check that everything is as it should be
= examination
*The documents are available for inspection.
(بازرسی,نظارت، بازرسی و بازبینی، تفتیش، بازدید، معاینه، سرکشی)
immigrant (noun)
-a person who has come to live permanently in a country that is not their own
*immigrant communities/families/workers
*illegal immigrants
passenger (noun)
- a person who is traveling in a car, bus, train, plane, or ship and who is not driving it or working on it
*a passenger train (= carrying passengers, not goods)
detention (noun)
1- [uncountable] the state of being kept in a place, especially a prison, and prevented from leaving
*police powers of arrest and detention
2- [uncountable, countable] the punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home
*They can’t give me (a) detention for this.
(منع، معطلی، ضبط، مانع رفتن شدن، بازداشت، حبس)
ancestor (noun)
ancestral ( adjective)
1- a person in your family who lived a long time ago
= forebear
*His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.
2- an animal that lived in the past, that a modern animal has developed from
*a reptile that was the common ancestor of lizards and turtles.
3- an early form of a machine that later became more developed
= forerunner
*The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a penny-farthing.
(نیا (جمع نیاکان)، اجداد)
*her ancestral home (= that had belonged to her ancestors)
hold back (phrasal verb)
1- hold somebody—back: to prevent a school student from progressing to the next grade
*She was held back in first grade.
2- hold somebody/something—back: to prevent someone or something from moving forward or crossing something
*The police were unable to hold back the crowd.
3- to prevent the progress or development of someone or something
*Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students?
4- hold something—back: to not tell someone something they want or need to know
to hold back information
*I think he’s holding something back. I’m sure he knows more than he admits.
5- to stop yourself from expressing how you really feel
*She just managed to hold back her anger.
6-hold back (from doing something) | hold somebody back (from doing something)
: to hesitate (تعلل کردن، تردید کردن) or to make someone hesitate to act or speak
*She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news.
varied (adjective)
(usually approving)
1- of many different types
*varied opinions
2- not staying the same, but changing often
*He led a full and varied life.
logical (adjective)
logically (adverb)
1- (of an action, event, etc.) seeming natural, reasonable. or sensible
*a logical thing to do in the circumstances
2- following or able to follow the rules of logic in which ideas or facts are based on other true ideas or facts
*a logical argument
Opposite illogical
(منطقی، معقول,استدلالی)
*to argue logically
introductory (adjective)
1- written or said at the beginning of something as an introduction to what follows
= opening
*introductory chapters/paragraphs/remarks.
2- intended as an introduction to a subject or an activity for people who have never done it before
*introductory courses/lectures.
3- offered for a short time only, when a product is first on sale
*a special introductory price of just $10
(دیباچه ای، وابسته به مقدمه، معارفه ای)
profession (noun)
1- [countable] a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education
*the medical/legal/teaching, etc. profession
2-the profession [singular] all the people who work in a particular type of profession
*The legal profession has always resisted change.
3- the professions [plural] (old-fashioned) the traditional jobs that need a high level of education and training, such as being a doctor or a lawyer
*employment in industry and the professions.
4- [countable] profession of something a statement about what you believe, feel, or think about something, which is sometimes made publicly
= declaration (بیانیه, اظهارنامه، اعلان، دادخواست، )
*a profession of faith (ایمان، اعتقاد)
anthropologist (noun)
-a person who studies anthropology (انسان شناسی)
go off (phrasal verb)
1- to leave a place, especially in order to do something
*She went off to get a drink.
2- to be fired; to explode
*The gun went off by accident.
3- if an alarm, etc. goes off, it makes a sudden loud noise.
4- if a light, the electricity, etc. goes off, it stops working
*Suddenly the lights went off.
Opposite go on
5- to happen in a particular way
*The meeting went off well.
go off (on somebody) (informal)
-to suddenly become angry with someone
*He suddenly went off and started yelling.
corporate (adjective)
/ˈkɔrpərət/ , /ˈkɔrprət/
[only before noun]
1- connected with a corporation
*corporate finance/planning/strategy
2- (technology) forming a corporation
*The neighborhood association is a corporate body.
3- involving or shared by all the members of a group
*corporate responsibility
(مربوط به شرکت,صنفی، یکی شده، دارای شخصیت حقوقی، بصورت شرکت درامده)
nowhere (adverb)
(also no place)
- not in or to any place
*This animal is found in Australia, and nowhere else.
*There was nowhere for me to sit.
Arctic (adjective)
1- [only before noun] related to or happening in the regions around the North Pole
*Arctic explorers
2- arctic extremely cold
*The news reported arctic conditions in the city.
consult (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they consult
he / she / it consults
past simple consulted
-ing form consulting
1- [transitive] to go to someone for information or advice
*If the pain continues, consult your doctor.
2- [transitive, intransitive] to discuss something with someone to get their permission for something, or to help you make a decision
* You shouldn’t have done it without consulting me.
3- [transitive] consult something to look in or at something to get information
=refer to
*He consulted the manual.
(مشورت کردن, همفکری کردن، رایزنی کردن، کنکاش کردن، مشورت کردن، مشورت خواستن از، مشورت)
occupation (noun)
1- [countable] a job or profession
*Please state your name, age, and occupation below.
2- [countable] the way in which you spend your time, especially when you are not working
*Her main occupation seems to be shopping..
3- [uncountable] the act of moving into a country, town, etc. and taking control of it using military force; the period of time during which a country, town, etc. is controlled in this way
*the Roman occupation of Britain.
4- [uncountable] (formal) the act of living in or using a building, room, piece of land, etc.
*The offices will be ready for occupation in June.
(شغل، حرفه,اشتغال، کار، تصرف کردن، پیشه، حرفه، اشغال، تصرف)
council (noun)
1- a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or county
*a city/town/county/borough/district council
2- a group of people chosen to give advice, make rules, do research, provide money, etc.
*the Medical Research Council.
3- (formal) (especially in the past) a formal meeting to discuss what action to take in a particular situation
*The King held a council at Nottingham in mid-October 1330.
(شورا؛ سازمان خدمات شهری,هیات، انجمن، مشاوره، مجلس)
refurbish (verb)
refurbish something
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they refurbish
he / she / it refurbishes
past simple refurbished
-ing form refurbishing
refurbishment (noun [uncountable, countable])
- to clean and decorate a room, building, etc. in order to make it more attractive, more useful, etc.
*The theater has been extensively refurbished.
(روشن و تازه کردن)
*The hotel is closed for refurbishment.
*This is just one of several planned refurbishments.
preserve (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they preserve
he / she / it preserves
past simple preserved
-ing form preserving
1- preserve something to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept
*He was anxious to preserve his reputation(شهرت، اعتبار).
2- [often passive] to keep something in its original state in good condition
*a perfectly preserved 17th-century house
3- preserve something to prevent something, especially food, from decaying(تجزیه، پوسیدگی، فساد) by treating it in a particular way
*olives preserved in brine
4- preserve somebody/something (from something) to keep someone or something alive, or safe from harm or danger
= save
*The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.
classify (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they classify
he / she / it classifies
past simple classified
-ing form classifying
1- classify something to arrange things in groups according to features that they have in common
*he books in the library are classified according to subject.
2- classify somebody/something as something to decide which type or group someone or something belongs to
*Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.
3- classify something to make documents or information officially secret or available only to people with special authority
*Government officials classified 6.3 million documents in 2008.
(طبقه بندی کردن,رده بندی کردن، دسته بندی کردن)
compass (noun)
1- (also magnetic compass) [countable] an instrument for finding direction, with a needle that always points to the north
*a map and compass
*the points of the compass (= N., S., E., W., etc.)
2- [countable] (also compasses [plural]) an instrument with two long thin parts joined together at the top, used for drawing circles and measuring distances on a map
3- [singular] (formal) a range or an extent, especially of what can be achieved in a particular situation
*the compass of a singer’s voice (= the range from the lowest to the highest note that he or she can sing)
(وسعت، جهت یاب، (adj.& adv.& vt.& vi.& n.) تدبیر کردن، نقشه کشیدن، اختراع کردن)
procedure (noun)
procedural (adjective (formal))
procedural rules
1- [countable, uncountable] procedure (for something) a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way
*maintenance procedures
2- [uncountable] the official or formal order or way of doing something, especially in business, law, or politics
*court/legal/parliamentary procedure
3- [countable] (medical) a medical operation
*to perform a routine surgical procedure
(عمل پزشکی,طرز کار، طریقه فرآیند، اقدام، آیین کار، روش کار، شیوه، دستورالعمل، روال، رویه، طرز عمل)
*procedural rules
splash (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they splash
he / she / it splashes
past simple splashed
-ing form splashing
1- [intransitive] + adv./prep. (of liquid) to fall noisily onto a surface
*Water splashed onto the floor.
2- [transitive] to make someone or something wet by making water, mud, etc. fall on them/it
* He splashed cold water on his face.
3- [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to move through water making drops fly everywhere
*The kids were splashing through the puddles.
4- [transitive] splash something with something [usually passive] to decorate something with areas of bright color, not in a regular pattern
*The walls were splashed with patches of blue and purple.
(پاشیدن,ترکیدن، صدای ریزش، ترشح کردن، چلپ چلوپ کردن، ریختن (باصدای ترشح)، دارای ترشح)
inaccurate (adjective)
- not exact or accurate; with mistakes
*an inaccurate statement
*inaccurate information
(نادرست، اشتباه، غلط)
habitat (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
- the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found
*The panda’s natural habitat is the bamboo forest.
*The marshes provide a rich habitat for water plants.
(زیستگاه,محل سکونت، مسکن طبیعی، بوم، جای اصلی)
generalization (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
- a general statement that is based on only a few facts or examples; the act of making such statements
*a speech full of broad/sweeping generalizations
*to make generalizations about something
(تعمیم، نتیجه گیری کلی، کلیت بخشی)
disused (adjective)
[usually before noun]
- no longer used
*a disused station.
(متروکه، عدم استعمال، ترک کردن، ترک استعمال (چیزی را) کردن)
approach (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they approach
he / she / it approaches
past simple approached
-ing form approaching
1- [intransitive, transitive] to come near to someone or something in distance or time
*We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching.
2- [transitive] to speak to someone about something, especially to ask them for something or to offer to do something
*We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.
3- [transitive] approach something to come close to something in amount, level, or quality
*profits approaching 30 million dollars.
4- [transitive] approach something to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way
*What’s the best way of approaching this problem?
(نزدیک شدن، نزدیک آمدن,دیدگاه، روش، رویکرد، شیوه، برداشت)
pedestrian (noun)
- a person walking in the street and not traveling in a vehicle
*Two pedestrians were injured when the car skidded.
(عابر پیاده,وابسته به پیاده روی، مبتذل، بی روح)
exterior (noun)
1- [countable] the outside of something, especially a building
*The exterior of the house needs painting.
Opposite interior
2- [singular] the way that someone appears or behaves, especially when this is very different from their real feelings or character
*Beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.
(قسمت بیرونی، نما,بیرونی، ظاهری، واقع در سطح خارجی)
ceiling (noun)
1- the top inside surface of a room
*She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling.
2- the highest limit or amount of something
*price ceilings
3- technology) the greatest height at which a particular aircraft is able to fly
*an aircraft with a ceiling of 20,000 feet
adjustment (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
1- a small change made to something in order to correct or improve it
*I’ve made a few adjustments to the design.
2- a change in the way a person behaves or thinks
*She went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up.
(تنظیم, تعدیل, اصلاح)
critic (noun)
1- a person who expresses opinions about the good and bad qualities of books, music, etc.
*a music/theater/literary, etc. critic
2- a person who expresses disapproval of someone or something and talks about their bad qualities, especially publicly
*She is one of the ruling party’s most outspoken critics.
(منتقد (فیلم و آثار هنری),نقدگر، نکوهشگر، سخن سنج، نقاد، انتقاد کننده، کارشناس، خبره)
aboriginal (adjective)
1- Aboriginal relating to the original people living in Australia
*the issue of Aboriginal land rights
2- relating to the original people, animals, etc. of a place and to a period of time before Europeans arrived
*the aboriginal peoples of Canada
*aboriginal art/culture
maintain (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they maintain
he / she / it maintains
past simple maintained
-ing form maintaining
1- maintain something to make something continue at the same level, standard, etc.
= preserve
*to maintain law and order/standards/a balance
2- maintain something to keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly
*The house is large and difficult to maintain.
3- to keep stating that something is true, even though other people do not agree or do not believe it
= insist
*maintain (that)… The men maintained (that) they were out of the country when the crime was committed.
4- maintain somebody/something to support someone or something over a long period of time by giving money, paying for food, etc.
= keep
*Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three.
(نگهداری کردن, پشتیبانی کردن، ابقا کردن، ادامه دادن، حمایت کردن، مدعی بودن، نگهداشتن، برقرار داشتن)
carving (noun)
carve (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they carve
he / she / it carves
past simple carved
-ing form carving
1- [countable, uncountable] an object or a pattern made by cutting away material from wood or stone
*stone/wooden carvings
1- [transitive, intransitive] to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from wood or stone
* a carved doorway
2- [transitive] carve something (on something) to write something on a surface by cutting into it
*They carved their initials on the desk.
3- to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces for eating [transitive, intransitive]
* Who’s going to carve the turkey?
4- [transitive, no passive] to work hard in order to have a successful career, reputation, etc.
* He succeeded in carving out a career in media.
(حک کردن، تراشیدن، کنده کاری کردن، بریدن، بریدن گوشت پخته,کندن)
descendant (noun)
1- a person’s descendants are their children, their children’s children, and all the people who live after them who are related to them
*He was an Adams and a direct descendant of the second President of the United States.
2- something that has developed from something similar in the past
(نواده، نوه، نسل، زاده (در جمع) اولاد، زادگان)
prehistoric (adjective)
- connected with the time in history before information was written down
*in prehistoric times
*prehistoric man/remains/animals/burial sites
((prehistorical) پیش تاریخی، وابسته به قبل از تاریخ، ماقبل تاریخی)
mythical (adjective)
[usually before noun]
1- (less frequent mythic) existing only in ancient myths
= legendary
*mythical beasts/heroes
2- (less frequent mythic) that does not exist or is not true
= fictitious
*the mythical “rich uncle” that he boasts about
3- = mythic
spirit (noun)-(verb)
1- [uncountable, countable] the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings, and character rather than their body
*the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties.
2- spirits [plural] a person’s feelings or state of mind
*to be in high/low spirits
3- [countable] (always with an adjective) a person of the type mentioned
*a brave spirit.
4- [uncountable] courage, determination, or energy
*Show a little fighting spirit.
5- [uncountable, singular] loyal feelings toward a group, team, or society
*There’s not much community spirit around here.
6- [singular] a state of mind or mood; an attitude
*We approached the situation in the wrong spirit.
7- [singular] the typical or most important quality or mood of something
*The exhibition captures the spirit of the age/times.
8- [uncountable] the real or intended meaning or purpose of something
*Obey the spirit, not the letter (= the narrow meaning of the words) of the law.
9- [countable] the soul thought of as separate from the body and believed to live on after death; a ghost
*He is dead, but his spirit lives on.
10-[countable] (old-fashioned) an imaginary creature with magic powers, for example, a fairy or an elf
11-[countable, usually plural] (old-fashioned) a strong alcoholic drink
*I don’t drink whiskey or brandy or any other spirits.
12- [uncountable] a special type of alcohol used in industry or medicine
(روحیه (معمولا بصورت جمع به کار می رود),جوهر، حمیت، غرور، جان، روان، رمق، جرات، روح دادن، به سر خلق آوردن، علوم مهندسی: الکل)
abstract (adjective)
1- based on general ideas and not on any particular real person, thing, or situation
*abstract knowledge/principles
2- existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical reality
*We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.
3- (of art) not representing people or things in a realistic way, but expressing the artist’s ideas about them
*the work of abstract expressionists like Mark Rothko
cooperative (adjective)
cooperatively ( adverb)
1- [usually before noun] involving doing something together or working together with others toward a shared aim
*Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work.
2- helpful by doing what you are asked to do
*Employees will usually be more cooperative if their opinions are taken seriously.
Opposite uncooperative
3- [usually before noun] (business) owned and run by the people involved, with the profits shared by them
*a cooperative farm
(مشارکتی,شرکت تعاونی، وابسته به تشریک مساعی)
imitation (noun)
imitate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they imitate
he / she / it imitates
past simple imitated
-ing form imitating
1- [countable] a copy of something, especially something expensive
*a poor/cheap imitation of the real thing.
2- [uncountable] the act of copying someone or something
*A child learns to talk by imitation.
3- [countable] an act of copying the way someone talks and behaves, especially to make people laugh
= impression
*He does an imitation of Barack Obama
pose (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they pose
he / she / it poses
past simple posed
-ing form posing
1- [transitive] pose something to create a threat, problem, etc. that has to be dealt with
*to pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk.
2- [transitive] pose a question (formal) to ask a question, especially one that needs serious thought.
3- [intransitive] pose (for somebody/something) to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be painted, drawn, or photographed
*The delegates posed for a group photograph.
4- [intransitive] pose as somebody to pretend to be someone in order to trick other people
*The gang entered the building posing as workmen.
5- [intransitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses) (disapproving) to dress or behave in a way that is intended to impress other people
*I saw him out posing in his new sports car.
((مشکل/خطر/دردسر) ایجاد کردن، باعث شدن,مطرح کردن، گذاردن، قراردادن، اقامه کردن، ژست گرفتن، وانمود شدن، قیافه گرفتن، وضع، حالت، ژست)
self-taught (adjective)
- having learned something by reading books, etc., rather than by someone teaching you
*a self-taught artist
(خود اموز)
folksy (adjective)
1- simple, friendly, and informal
*They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image.
2- (sometimes disapproving) done or made in a traditional style that is typical of simple customs in the past
*a folksy ballad(شعر افسانه ای)
(خوش مشرب، دوستانه، خودمانی)
sophisticate (noun)
sophisticated (adjective)
-a sophisticated person
*She wasn’t the sophisticate that Jack had imagined her to be.
1- having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture, and other things that people think are socially important
*the sophisticated pleasures of city life.
2- (of a machine, system, etc.) advanced and complicated in the way that it works or is presented
*highly sophisticated computer systems.
3- (of a person) able to understand difficult or complicated ideas
*a sophisticated audience
Opposite unsophisticated
(فرهیخته، امروزی,خبره و ماهر، درسطح بالا، مصنوعی، غیر طبیعی، تصنعی، )
Gothic (adjective)
1- connected with the Goths (= a Germanic people who fought against the Roman Empire)
2- (architecture) built in the style that was popular in western Europe from the 12th to the 16th centuries, and which has pointed arches and windows and tall thin pillars
*a Gothic church
3- (of a novel, etc.) written in the style popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, which described romantic adventures in mysterious or frightening surroundings.
4-(of type and printing) having pointed letters with thick lines and sharp angles. German books used to be printed in this style.
5-connected with goths
(وحشی، وهمی، زبان گوتیک، سبک معماری گوتیک، حروف سیاه قلم المانی)
foremost (adjective)
- the most important or famous; in a position at the front
*the world’s foremost authority on the subject
*The governor was foremost among those who condemned the violence.
(بهترین، پیش ترین، جلوترین، دردرجه نخست)
spare (adjective)
1- [usually before noun] that is not being used or is not needed at the present time
*We have a spare bedroom, if you’d like to stay.
2- [only before noun] kept in case you need to replace the one you usually use; extra
*a spare key/tire
3- available to do what you want with rather than work
*He’s studying music in his spare time.
4- thin, and usually quite tall
5- plain and simple but elegant
*the writer’s spare prose
ruffle (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they ruffle
he / she / it ruffles
past simple ruffled
-ing form ruffling
1- to disturb the smooth surface of something, so that it is not even
* She ruffled his hair affectionately.
2- [often passive] ruffle somebody to make someone annoyed, worried, or upset
= fluster
*Nothing ever seems to ruffle Susan.
(موجدار کردن (مثل باد براب)، بر هم زدن، ناصاف کردن، ناهموار کردن، ژولیده کردن، گره زدن، براشفتن، تلاطم)
elongate (verb)
[intransitive, transitive] elongate (something)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they elongate ,
he / she / it elongates ,
past simple elongated ,
-ing form elongating
elongation (noun [uncountable])
- to become longer; to make something longer
= lengthen
*the elongation of vowel sounds
connotation (noun)
- an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning
*The word “professional” has connotations of skill and excellence.
*negative connotations
(دلالت ضمنی، توارد ذهنی، معنی)
marvelous (adjective) = fantastic, splendid
(Canadian English usually marvellous)
marvelously (adverb)
- extremely good; wonderful
= fantastic, splendid
*This will be a marvelous opportunity for her.
*The weather was marvelous.
*This recipe is marvelously simple and quick.
intention (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
intend (verb)
intended (adjective) (≠unintended)
intentional (adjective) (≠unintentional)
intentionally (adverb) (≠unintentionally)
-what you intend or plan to do; your aim
* I have no intention of going to the wedding.
(قصد، نیت,اراده، عمد، منظور، خیال، غرض، مفهوم)
*I have no horse in the race. (there’s nothing in it for me)
Low-pressure environment
محیط کم فشار
I hit the jackpot /BINGO!
usurp (verb)
usurp somebody/something (formal)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they usurp
he / she / it usurps
past simple usurped
-ing form usurping
usurpation (noun [uncountable, countable])
usurper (noun)
- ## to take someone’s position and/or power without having the right to do this.*the usurpation of power.
elaborate (adjective)
[usually before noun]
elaborately (adverb)
- very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized
*elaborate designs
*She had prepared a very elaborate meal.
*an elaborately decorated room
(با جزئیات شرح دادن)
accurate (adjective)
accurately (adverb)
1- correct and true in every detail
*an accurate description/account/calculation
2- able to give completely correct information or to do something in an exact way
*a highly accurate electronic compass
3- an accurate throw, shot, weapon, etc. hits or reaches the thing that it was aimed at
Opposite inaccurate
*The article accurately reflects public opinion.
*You need to hit the ball accurately.
abundance (noun)
[singular, uncountable] abundance (of something) (formal)
- a large quantity that is more than enough
*New York has an abundance of cafés and restaurants.
(فراوانی,زیادی، وفور)
approach (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they approach
he / she / it approaches
past simple approached
-ing form approaching
1- [intransitive, transitive] to come near to someone or something in distance or time
*We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching.
2- [transitive] to speak to someone about something, especially to ask them for something or to offer to do something
*We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.
3- [transitive] approach something to come close to something in amount, level, or quality
*profits approaching 30 million dollars.
4- [transitive] approach something to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way
*What’s the best way of approaching this problem?
(نزدیک شدن، نزدیک آمدن,دیدگاه، روش، رویکرد، شیوه، برداشت)
multitudinous (adjective)
- extremely large in number
(کثیر، بیشمار، انبوه)
sole (adjective)
[only before noun]
1- only; single
*the sole surviving member of the family
2- belonging to one person or group; not shared
*She has sole responsibility for the project.
prominent (adjective)
1- important or well known
*a prominent politician
2- easily seen
= noticeable
*The church tower was a prominent feature in the landscape.
(شاخص، برجسته, حساس، والا)
incentive (noun) Opposite disincentive
[countable, uncountable] incentive (for/to somebody/something) (to do something)
- something that encourages you to do something
*tax incentives to encourage savings
*There is no incentive for people to save fuel.
(مشوق,محرک، انگیزه، فتنه انگیز، آتش افروز، موجب، مشوق)
portion (verb)-(noun)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they portion
he / she / it portions
past simple portioned
-ing form portioning
portion (noun)
- to divide something into parts or portions
*The factory portions and packs over 12 ,000 meals a day.
*portion something out/ Land was portioned out among the clans.
1-one part of something larger
*a substantial/significant portion of the population
2- an amount of food that is large enough for one person
*a generous portion of meat
3- [usually singular] a part of something that is shared with other people
= share
*You must accept a portion of the blame for this crisis.
prosper (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they prosper
he / she / it prospers
past simple prospered
-ing form prospering
prosperous (adjective)
- to develop in a successful way; to be successful, especially in making money
= thrive /θraɪv/
*The economy prospered under his administration.
*She seems to be prospering since she moved out of the city.
(رونق یافتن، موفق شدن، کامیاب شدن، پیشرفت کردن)
— - rich and successful
= affluent /ˈæfluənt /
*prosperous countries
*Farmers are more prosperous in the south of the country.
predicament (noun)
- a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one where it is difficult to know what to do
= quandary (سرگردانی، گیجی، تحیر، حیرت، معما)
*the club’s financial predicament
*I’m in a terrible predicament.
(مخمصه، حالت، وضع نامساعد، وضع خطرناک)
*can’t wait to get out of this predicament
prone (adjective)
proneness ( noun [uncountable])
1- likely to suffer from something or to do something bad
= liable
*prone to something prone to injury
*Working without a break makes you more prone to error.
2- -prone (in adjectives) likely to suffer or do the thing mentioned
3- (formal) lying flat with the front of your body touching the ground
= prostrate
*The victim lay prone without moving.
*proneness to depression
obese (adjective)
(formal or medical)
obesity (noun [uncountable])
- (of people) very fat, in a way that is not healthy
*Obese patients are given dietary advice.
*Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.
(چاق,فربه، گوشتالو)
Mouth-watering food
A shot in the dark
Cheap thrill/fun
-Rise (verb) (noun) rose risen
-Increase (verb) (noun) increased
-Grow (verb) growth (noun) grew grown
-Fall (verb) (noun) fell fallen
-Decrease (verb) (noun) decreased
-Decline (verb) (noun) declined
Rose dramatically(به طور چشمگیر)/sharply/drastically(جدی,موثر، قوی)/significantly(بطور چشمگیر)/steeply(بطور سراشیب یا سرازیر)
*Had/Saw/experienced a 10% rise from 60% to 70%.
*Experienced a steady/slow/gradual(تدریجی)/stable rise
comprise (verb)
(not used in the progressive tenses)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they comprise
he / she / it comprises
past simple comprised
1- be comprised of comprise something to have someone or something as parts or members
= consist (شامل چیزی بودن) of somebody/something
*The collection comprises 327 paintings.
*The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.
2- comprise something to be the parts or members that form something
= make something—up
*Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.
(متشکل بودن، دربرداشتن، شامل بودن)
compromise (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they compromise
he / she / it compromises
past simple compromised
-ing form compromising
1- [intransitive] to give up some of your demands after a disagreement with someone, in order to reach an agreement
*Neither side is prepared to compromise.
2- [transitive, intransitive] to do something that is against your principles or does not reach standards that you have set
*I refuse to compromise my principles.
3- [transitive] compromise somebody/something/yourself to bring someone or something/yourself into danger or under suspicion, especially by acting in a way that is not very sensible
*She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation.
(سازش کردن؛ سازش,تسالم، تراضی، توافق، مصالحه کردن، تسویه کردن)
spare time activities
فعالیت های اوقات فراغت
pastime (noun)
- something that you enjoy doing when you are not working
= hobby
*Watching television now seems to be the most popular national pastime.
elderly (adjective)
elder (adjective)
1- (of people) used as a polite word for‘old’
*an elderly couple
*elderly relatives
1- [only before noun] (old-fashioned or formal) (of people, especially two members of the same family) older
*my elder brother
2-the elder (old-fashioned or formal) used without a noun immediately after it to show who is the older of two people
*the elder of their two sons
3- the Elder used before or after someone’s name to show that they are the older of two people who have the same name
*the Elder Pitt
Half/ one in ten Americans …
respectively (adverb) / in order
- in the same order as the people or things already mentioned
*Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19 respectively
(به ترتیب)
absurd (adjective) = ridiculous
absurdity (noun [uncountable, countable] (pl. absurdities))
/əbˈsərdət̮i/ , /əbˈzərdət̮i/
absurdly (adverb) = ridiculously
1- completely ridiculous; not logical and sensible
= ridiculous
*That uniform makes the guards look absurd.
2- the absurd noun [singular] things that are or that seem to be absurd
*He has a good sense of the absurd.
(احمقانه,پوچ، ناپسند، یاوه، مزخرف، بی معنی، نامعقول، عبث، مضحک)
*It was only later that she could see the absurdity of the situation.
= ridiculously
*The paintings were sold for absurdly high prices.
absorb (verb)
/əbˈsɔrb/ , /əbˈzɔrb/
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they absorb ,
he / she / it absorbs ,
past simple absorbed ,
-ing form absorbing
1- to take in a liquid, gas, or other substance from the surface or space around
* Plants absorb oxygen.
2- [often passive] to make something smaller become part of something larger
*The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.
3- absorb something to take something into the mind and learn or understand it
= take in
*It’s a lot of information to absorb all at once.
4- absorb somebody to interest someone very much so that they pay no attention to anything else
= engross
*This work had absorbed him for several years.
5- absorb something to take in and keep heat, light, energy, etc. instead of reflecting it
*Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day.
6- absorb something to reduce the effect of a blow, hit, etc.
*This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact.
7- absorb something to use up a large supply of something, especially money or time
*The new proposals would absorb $80 billion of the federal budget.
8- absorb something to deal with changes, effects, costs, etc.
*The company is unable to absorb such huge losses.
(جذب کردن، درکشیدن، درآشامیدن، یاد گرفتن و فهمیدن، فراگرفتن,(غدد)، کاملا فروبردن، تحلیل بردن، مستغرق بودن، مجذوب شدن در)
desensitize (verb)
[usually passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they desensitize
he / she / it desensitizes
past simple desensitized
-ing form desensitizing
desensitization (noun [uncountable])
1- desensitize somebody/something (to something) to make someone or something less aware of something, especially a problem or something bad, by making them become used to it
*People are increasingly becoming desensitized to violence on television.
2- desensitize somebody/something (technology) to treat someone or something so that they will stop being sensitive to physical or chemical changes, or to a particular substance
*There is no effective vaccine to desensitize people who are allergic to fleas.
(بی حس کردن)
*systemically desensitized