VFI-L15- the green revolution Flashcards
useful = beneficial , worthwhile (ارزشمند) , advantageous
*useless = pointless , futile (بیهوده، پوچ) , fruitless
*possible = conceivable(ممکن) , feasible (شدنی,عملی), viable(شدنی), achievable
*impossible = unattainable , impracticable , unfeasible
* likely= liable(قابل اطمینان، مسئول، مشمول) , probable
*unlikely = improbable , questionable , doubtful
- unspoiled (بکر و دست نخورده)= pristine (اولی)
*crucial = vital - unparalleled = unprecedented (بی نظیر)
*extremely harmful = devastating (ویرانگر)
*insurmountable (حل نشدنی)= insoluble (لاینحل)
*unaffected = immune (مصون، ایمن)
*omnipresent (حاضر در همه جا)= pervasive (نافذ، فراگیرنده)
*persistent (مزمن، ادامه دار)= chronic (مزمن,دیرینه)
*unavoidably = inexorably (ازروی سنگدلی), inevitably (ناچارا، الزاما، به ضرورت)
*challenging (چالش برانگیز)= taxing
- under threat from
*in danger of
*at risk
- realistic (OPP) unrealistic
*reasonable (OPP) unreasonable
*related (OPP) unrelated
*relevant (OPP) irrelevant
*responsible (OPP) irresponsible
*repairable (OPP) irreparable
*reversible (OPP) irreversible
*replaceable (OPP) irreplaceable
pollution (noun)
(آلودگی,کثافت، ناپاکی)
pollutant (noun)
- leaflet (noun): (بروشور,اعلامیه)
*revolution (انقلاب)
*seemingly (adverb-ظاهرا)
*reuse (v)
*biodiversity (n)
*food chain (n)-(زنجیره غذایی)
erode (verb)
[often passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they erode
he / she / it erodes
past simple eroded
-ing form eroding
erosion (noun)
1-[transitive, intransitive] to gradually destroy the surface of something through the action of wind, rain, etc.; to be gradually destroyed in this way
= wear away
*erode something (away) //The cliff face has been steadily eroded by the ocean.
2- [transitive, intransitive] erode (something) to gradually destroy something or make it weaker over a period of time; to be destroyed or made weaker in this way
*Her confidence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures.
(فرسودن، فرساییدن، خوردن، ساییدن، فاسدکردن، ساییده شدن)
1- the process by which the surface of something is gradually destroyed through the action of wind, rain, etc.
*the erosion of the coastline by the ocean
2- the process of gradually destroying something or making it weaker over a period of time
*the erosion of her confidence
(فرسایش,رفتگی، فرسودگی، خوردگی، سایش، فساد تدریجی، تحلیل، ساییدگی)
dispose (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they dispose
he / she / it disposes
past simple disposed
-ing form disposing
disposal (noun)
1-+ adv./prep. to arrange things or people in a particular way or position
2- dispose somebody to/toward something dispose somebody to do something to make someone behave in a particular way
*a drug that disposes the patient toward sleep
(دور انداختن، از (شر) چیزی خلاص شدن)
1- [uncountable] the act of getting rid of something
*a bomb disposal squad
2- [countable] (business) the sale of part of a business, property, etc.
*The next step is to think about disposal of your assets.
(دفع، از بین بردن)
sustain (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they sustain
he / she / it sustains
past simple sustained
-ing form sustaining
sustainable (adjective)
sustainability (noun [uncountable])
sustainably (adverb)
1- sustain somebody/something to provide enough of what someone or something needs in order to live or exist
*Which planets can sustain life?
2- sustain something to make something continue for some time without becoming less
= maintain
*a period of sustained economic growth
3- sustain something (formal) to experience something bad
= suffer
*to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat
4- sustain something to provide evidence to support an opinion, a theory, etc.
= uphold
*The evidence is not detailed enough to sustain his argument.
5- sustain something (formal) to support a weight without breaking or falling
= bear
*The ice will not sustain your weight.
6- sustain something (law) to decide that a claim, etc. is valid
= uphold
*The court sustained his claim that the contract was illegal.
(نگه داشتن,ثابت، تند، پایدار نگهداشتن، متحمل شدن، تحمل کردن، تقویت کردن، حمایت کردن)
1- involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment
*sustainable forest management
2- that can continue or be continued for a long time
*Unfortunately, this level of output is not sustainable.
&Opposite unsustainable
(پایدار,قابل تحمل، تاب آوردنی)
hand out (phrasal verb)
- hand something—out (to somebody)
1-to give a number of things to the members of a group
= distribute (توزیع کردن)
*Could you hand these books out, please?
2- to give advice, a punishment, etc.
*He’s always handing out advice to people.
remove : decaffeinated , deforestation
dominant (adjective)
dominance (noun [uncountable])
1- more important, powerful or noticeable than other things
*The company has achieved a dominant position in the world market.
2- (biology) a dominant gene causes a person to have a particular physical characteristic, for example brown eyes, even if only one of their parents has passed on this gene
(مسلط، غالب)
*to achieve/assert dominance over someone
eminent (adjective)
[usually before noun]
1- (of people) famous and respected, especially in a particular profession
*an eminent architect
2- (of good qualities) unusual; excellent
*a man of eminent good sense
(سرشناس,برجسته، بلند، متعال، بزرگ، والا مقام، هویدا)
unprecedented (adjective)
unprecedentedly (adverb)
-that has never happened, been done, or been known before
*The situation is unprecedented in modern times.
(بی مانند,بی سابقه، جدید، بی نظیر)
*a period of unprecedentedly high food prices
confront (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they confront
he / she / it confronts
past simple confronted
-ing form confronting
1- confront somebody/something (of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need to be dealt with by someone
*the economic problems confronting the country
2- confront something to deal with a problem or difficult situation
= face up to
*She knew that she had to confront her fears.
3- confront somebody to face someone so that they cannot avoid seeing and hearing you, especially in an unfriendly or dangerous situation
*This was the first time he had confronted an armed robber.
4- confront somebody with somebody/something to make someone face or deal with an unpleasant or difficult person or situation
*He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship.
5- be confronted with something to have something in front of you that you have to deal with or react to
*When confronted with a bear, stop and stay calm.
((با مشکل) مواجه شدن,روبرو شدن با، مواجهه دادن)
inexorable (adjective)
/ɪnˈɛksərəbl/ , /ɪnˈɛɡzərəbl/
inexorability ( noun [uncountable])
/ɪnˌɛksərəˈbɪlət̮i/ , /ɪnˌɛɡzərəˈbɪlət̮i/
inexorably (adverb)
/ɪnˈɛksərəbli/ , /ɪnˈɛɡzərəbli/
-(of a process) that cannot be stopped or changed
= relentless
*the inexorable rise of crime
(نرم نشدنی، سخت، سنگدل، بی شفقت، تسلیم نشدنی)
*the inexorability of progress
*events leading inexorably toward a crisis
(ازروی سنگدلی)
emission (noun)
1-[uncountable] (formal) the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc.
*the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
2- [countable] gas, etc. that is sent out into the air
*The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions.
arguably (adverb)
-used, often before a comparative or superlative adjective, when you are stating an opinion that you believe you could give reasons to support
*He is arguably the best actor of his generation.
(احتمالا، به صورت مشکوک، نامطمئن، تقریبی)
drought (noun)
[uncountable, countable]
-a long period of time when there is little or no rain
*two years of severe drought
*one of the worst droughts on record
(خشکسالی، خشکی، تشنگی)
inevitable (adjective)
inevitability (noun [uncountable, singular])
1-that you cannot avoid or prevent
= unavoidable
*It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.
2- [only before noun] (often humorous) so frequent that you always expect it
*toddlers and their inevitable tantrums
3- the inevitable noun [singular] something that is certain to happen
*You have to accept the inevitable.
(اجتناب ناپذیر,ناچار، نا گزیر، چاره ناپذیر، غیر قابل امتناع، حتما، حتمی الوقوع، بدیهی)
*the inevitability of death
*There was an inevitability about their defeat.
contaminate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they contaminate
he / she / it contaminates
past simple contaminated
-ing form contaminating
contamination (noun [uncountable])
1-contaminate something (with something) to make a substance or place dirty or no longer pure by adding a substance that is dangerous or carries disease
= adulterate
*The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.
2- contaminate something (formal) to influence people’s ideas or attitudes in a bad way
*They were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people.
(آلوده کردن,آلودن، ملوث کردن، سرایت دادن)
*radioactive contamination
pesticide (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
-a chemical used for killing pests, especially insects
*vegetables grown without the use of pesticides
*crops sprayed with pesticide
(افت کش)
fertilizer (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
-a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully
*artificial/chemical fertilizers
*liquid fertilizer
pristine (adjective)
1- fresh and clean, as if new
= immaculate
*The car is in pristine condition.
2- not developed or changed in any way; left in its original condition
= unspoiled
*pristine, pollution-free beaches
(پیشین، اولی، طبیعی ودست نخورده، تر وتازه)
immune (adjective)
[not usually before noun]
1- immune (to something) that cannot catch or be affected by a particular disease or illness
*Adults are often immune to German measles.
2- immune (to something) not affected by something
*You’ll eventually become immune to criticism.
3- immune (from something) protected from something and therefore able to avoid it
= exempt (بخشوده، ازاد، مستثنی، معاف کردن)
*No one should be immune from prosecution.
(مصون، ایمن)
quest (noun)
quest (for something) (formal or )
-(literary) a long search for something, especially for some quality such as happiness
*the quest for happiness/knowledge/truth
*He set off in quest of adventure.
(جستجو,جویش، طلب، بازجویی، تحقیق، جستجو کردن، کاوش)
pervasive (adjective)
pervasively (adverb)
pervasiveness (noun [uncountable])
-existing in all parts of a place or thing; spreading gradually to affect all parts of a place or thing
*a pervasive smell of damp
*Her influence is all-pervasive (= it affects everyone and everything).
(نافذ، فراگیرنده)