VFI-L5-student life Flashcards
*take / study a course
*do homework
*describes someone who studies a lot= studious
* things that stop you from working = distractions
* a sound you can hear, but do not actively listen to = background noise
*two different types of homework or school task= project, assignment (تکلیف)
- to study for an exam= revise (مرور کردن، بازبینی کردن)
*another word for syllabus= curriculum (برنامه آموزشی,دوره تحصیلات، برنامه تحصیلی) - to check your work= review
- to do something with great difficulty = struggle
- I got into trouble at school.
*I think you can only really learn from experience.
- kindergarten/ nursery (شیرخوارگاه، مهد کودک)
- primary/ elementary school
*junior/ senior
*first grade= first level
*scholarship/ grant
*high/ secondary school
*private / public school
*single-sex/ mixed school - a funding/ a grant
learn = get new knowledge or skills .
* I’m learning English/ I’m learning to knit (بافتن)
*take a course (NOT learn a course)
**prepositions after learn : learn about / learn from/ learn to
*I learned a lot from this course.
studious (adjective)
studiously (adverb)
- spending a lot of time studying or reading
= scholarly (پژوهشگر، دانشمندانه)
*a studious young man
-in a way that is carefully planned and deliberate
*He studiously avoided answering the question.
overcome (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they overcome
he / she / it overcomes
past simple overcame
past participle overcome
-ing form overcoming
1- overcome something to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something
*She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.
2- overcome somebody/something to defeat someone
*In the final game Sweden easily overcame France.
3- [usually passive] overcome somebody to be extremely strongly affected by something
= overwhelm (آشفته کردن، مستاصل کردن)
*Her parents were overcome with grief at the funeral.
concentrate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they concentrate
he / she / it concentrates
past simple concentrated
-ing form concentrating
1- [intransitive, transitive] to give all your attention to something and not think about anything else
*concentrate (on something/on doing something) // I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on.
2- [transitive] concentrate something + adv./prep. to bring something together in one place
*Power is largely concentrated in the hands of a small elite.
3- [transitive] concentrate something (technology) to increase the strength of a substance by reducing its volume, for example by boiling it
= reduce
preference (noun)
1- [uncountable, singular] preference (for somebody/something) a greater interest in or desire for someone or something than someone or something else
*It’s a matter of personal preference.
2- [countable] a thing that is liked better or best
*a study of consumer preferences
organize (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they organize
he / she / it organizes
past simple organized
-ing form organizing
organizer (noun)
1- [transitive] organize something to arrange for something to happen or to be provided
*to organize a meeting/party/trip
2- [transitive] organize something to arrange something or the parts of something into a particular order or structure
*Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly.
3- [transitive] organize yourself/somebody to plan your/someone’s work and activities in an efficient way
*I’m sure you don’t need me to organize you.
4- [transitive, intransitive] organize (somebody/yourself) (into something) to form a group of people with a shared aim, especially a union or political party
*the right of workers to organize themselves into unions.
*the organizers of the festival
protractor (noun)
-an instrument for measuring and drawing angles, usually made from a half circle of clear plastic with degrees (0° to 180°) marked on it
compass (noun)
1- (also magnetic compass) [countable] an instrument for finding direction, with a needle that always points to the north
*a map and compass
2- [countable] (also compasses [plural]) an instrument with two long thin parts joined together at the top, used for drawing circles and measuring distances on a map
3- [singular] (formal) a range or an extent, especially of what can be achieved in a particular situation
*the compass of a singer’s voice (= the range from the lowest to the highest note that he or she can sing)
revise (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they revise
he / she / it revises
past simple revised
-ing form revising
1- [transitive] revise something to change your opinions or plans, for example because of something you have learned
*I can see I’ll have to revise my opinion of his abilities now
2- [transitive] revise something to change something, such as a book or an estimate, in order to correct or improve it
*a revised edition of a textbook
(مرور کردن، بازبینی کردن)
curriculum (noun)
(pl. curricula /kəˈrɪkyələ/ or curriculums)
- the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc.
*the school curriculum
*Spanish is in the curriculum.
(برنامه آموزشی,دوره تحصیلات، برنامه تحصیلی)
lecturer (noun)
1- a person who gives a lecture
*She’s an excellent lecturer.
2- a person who teaches at a university or college on a temporary basis
*He’s a lecturer in French at Princeton.
teach (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they teach
he / she / it teaches
past simple taught
-ing form teaching
dyslexia (noun)
dyslexic ( adjective)
dyslexic (noun)
*He’s dyslexic.
*writing courses for dyslexics
ancient (adjective)
anciently (adverb)
1- belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past
*ancient civilization
*ancient Greece
&Opposite modern
2- very old; having existed for a very long time
*an ancient oak tree
*The area where the market was anciently held (= in ancient times).
multiplication (noun)
-the act or process of multiplying
*the multiplication sign (×)
*Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism.
(ضرب، افزایش، تکثیر)
scope (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they scope
he / she / it scopes
past simple scoped
-ing form scoping
scope (noun)
1- scope something (informal) to look at or examine something thoroughly
*His eyes scoped the room, trying to spot her in the crowd.
2- scope something (out) to examine something carefully before you start work on it so that you know the size of the task
*The information helped us scope the project.
1- the opportunity or ability to do or achieve something
= potential
*scope (for something)// There’s still plenty of scope for improvement.
2- the range of things that a subject, an organization, an activity, etc. deals with
*Our powers are limited in scope.
3- -scope (in nouns) an instrument for looking through or watching something with
controversy (noun)
[uncountable, countable] (pl. controversies) controversy (over/about/surrounding somebody/something)
controversial (adjective)
controversially (adverb)
- public discussion and argument about something that many people strongly disagree about, disapprove of, or are shocked by
*to arouse/cause controversy
*a bitter controversy over/about the site of the new airport
(مشاجره، مناقشه، جدل,مجادله، هم ستیزی، جدال، ستیزه، بحث)
-causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement
*a highly controversial topic.
&Opposite noncontroversial, uncontroversial
*Punishments for prisoners include the loss of privileges and, more controversially, the stopping of visits.
*architecture(subject)/ architect( person)/ architectural(adjective)
- archaeology (subject)/ archaeologist( person)/ archaeological(adjective)
- biology( subject)/ biologist (person) biological( adjective)
- economics( subject)/ economist (person)/ economic (adjective)(economical is related to saving money or fuel)
- geology( subject)/ geologist (person)/ geological(adjective)
- geography( subject)/ geographer( person)/ geographical( adjective)
- journalism( subject)/ journalist( person)/ journalistic(adjective)
*languages (subject)/ linguist(person)/ linguistic(adjective)
*law (subject)/ lawyer( person)/ legal( adjective)
- mathematics, math (subject)/ mathematician (person)/ mathematical( adjective)
*science (subject)/ scientist( person)/ scientific( adjective)
*after graduation= postgraduation
*dissertation (پایان نامه، تز)= thesis
*is easier= more straightforward
*wide= broad
*filed of study= area of specialization/research area
*establish= ascertain (معلوم کردن، ثابت کردن)
*consider= ask yourself
*think about= take into account
*results= findings