VFI-L16-the energy crisis Flashcards
crisis (noun)
[countable, uncountable] (pl. crises /ˈkraɪsiz/ )
1- a time of great danger, difficulty, or confusion when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made
*a political/financial crisis
2- a time when a problem, a bad situation, or an illness is at its worst point
*Their marriage has reached a crisis point.
- environmentally friendly
*save energy / conserve (نگهداری کردن، حفظ کردن)
*four-wheel-drive car
- curb (محدود کردن، کنترل کردن), limit , restrict (محدود کردن)
*promote =(توسعه دادن، بالا بردن، ترفیع دادن، ترقی دادن، ترویج کردن)
*retain = to keep or store (نگه داشتن، حفظ کردن)
*disposable = throw it away (چیزی که پس از استفاده دور انداخته میشود)
*drastic (جدی, موثر، قوی، عنیف، کاری، شدید) = severe (شدید، طاقت فرسا)
*diminish / dwindle / deplete = decrease
alternative (noun)
alternative (adjective)
[only before noun]
- a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities
*You can be paid in cash weekly or by check monthly; those are the two alternatives.
1- (also al‧ter‧nate) that can be used instead of something else
*an alternative method of doing something
2-different from the usual or traditional way in which something is done
*alternative comedy/music/lifestyles/values
(راهکار جایگزین، راه دیگر)
tidy up (phrasal verb)
tidy something—up
-to arrange or deal with something so that it is well or correctly finished
*I tidied up the report before handing it in.
(مرتب کردن)
forth (adverb)
(literary except in particular idioms and phrasal verbs)
1- away from a place; out
*They set forth at dawn.
2-toward a place; forward
*Water gushed forth from a hole in the rock.
(به جلو، به بعد,از حالا)
sort out (phrasal verb)
sort itself out
-(of a problem) to stop being a problem without anyone having to take action
*It will all sort itself out in the end.
-sort something—out
1- (informal) to organize the contents of something; to make something neater
*The cabinets need sorting out.
2- to organize something successfully
*If you’re going to the bus station, can you sort out the tickets for tomorrow?
sort something—out (from something)
-to separate something from a larger group
*Could you sort out the toys that can be thrown away?
(مرتب کردن)
needless (adjective)
needlessly (adverb)
fumes (noun)
(less frequent fume [uncountable])
-smoke, gas, or something similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe in
*diesel/gas/exhaust fumes
*to be overcome by smoke and fumes
(بخار شدن، دود کردن، بخور، گاز، بخار دادن، دود دادن)
indicate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they indicate
he / she / it indicates
past simple indicated
-ing form indicating
1- [transitive, intransitive] to show that something is true or exists
*indicate something Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.
2- [transitive] to be a sign of something; to show that something is possible or likely
*indicate something A red sky at night often indicates good weather the next day.
3- [transitive] to mention something, especially in an indirect way
*indicate (to somebody) (that)… In his letter, he indicated to us (that) he was willing to cooperate.
4- [transitive] to make someone notice someone or something, especially by pointing or moving your head
*indicate somebody/something (to somebody) She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us.
5- [transitive] indicate something to represent information without using words
*The results are indicated in Table 2.
6- [transitive] to give information in writing
*indicate something You are allowed 2 pieces of luggage unless your ticket indicates otherwise.
7- [transitive] indicate something indicate how much, how many, etc… (of an instrument for measuring things) to show a particular measurement
*When the temperature gauge indicates 90°F or more, turn off the engine.
8- [transitive, usually passive] indicate something (formal) to be necessary or recommended
*A course of chemotherapy was indicated.
(نشان دادن، اشاره داشتن,نشان دادن، نمایان ساختن، اشاره کردن)
magnitude (noun)
magnitude (of something)
1- [uncountable] (formal) the great size or importance of something; the degree to which something is large or important
*We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.
2- [countable, uncountable] (astronomy) the degree to which a star is bright
*The star varies in brightness by about three magnitudes.
3-[countable, uncountable] (geology) the size of an earthquake
The quake reached a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale.
(بزرگی,دامنه، حیطه عمل، کشش، شدت، تعداد، عظمت، حجم، قدر، اهمیت، شکوه، اندازه، مقدار)
considerably (adverb)
- much; a lot
= significantly
*The need for sleep varies considerably from person to person.
hazard (noun)
- a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage
*a fire/safety hazard
*hazard (to somebody/something)// Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.
(خطر,ضرر، اتفاق، در معرض مخاطره قرار دادن، به خطر انداختن)
yield (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they yield
he / she / it yields
past simple yielded
-ing form yielding
1- [transitive] yield something to produce or provide something, for example a profit, result, or crop
*Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns.
2- [intransitive] to stop resisting something or someone; to agree to do something that you do not want to do
= give way (to somebody/something)
*After a long siege, the town was forced to yield.
3- [transitive] yield something/somebody (up) (to somebody) (formal) to allow someone to win; to have or take control of something that has been yours until now
= surrender
*He refused to yield up his gun.
4- [intransitive] to move, bend, or break because of pressure
*Despite our attempts to break it, the lock would not yield.
5- [intransitive] yield (to somebody/something) to allow vehicles on a bigger road to go first
*Yield to oncoming traffic.
(تسلیم شدن,پس دادن، بازدهی، ثمر دادن، واگذار کردن، ارزانی داشتن، بازده، محصول، حاصل، تسلیم کردن )
capture (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they capture
he / she / it captures
past simple captured
-ing form capturing
1- to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or in a place they cannot escape from
*capture somebody Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers.
2- capture something to take control of a place, building, etc. using force
*The city was captured in 1941.
3- capture something to succeed in getting control of something that other people are also trying to control
*The company has captured 90% of the market.
4- capture somebody’s attention/imagination/interest to make someone interested in something
*They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences.
5- capture something to succeed in accurately expressing a feeling, an atmosphere, etc. in a picture, piece of writing, movie, etc.
synonym catch
*The article captured the mood of the nation.
6- [often passive] capture somebody or something on film/tape/canvas, etc. to film/record/paint, etc. someone or something
*The attack was captured on film by security cameras.
7- capture somebody’s heart to make someone love you
8- capture something to put something into a computer in a form it can use.
(اسیر کردن,ربودن، ضبط کردن، کشتن، غنیمت گرفتن، گرفتار کردن، تصرف کردن، دستگیر کردن، دستگیری، تسخیر، گرفتن)
substance (noun)
1- [countable] a type of solid, liquid, or gas that has particular qualities
*a chemical/radioactive, etc. substance
2- [uncountable] the quality of being based on facts or the truth
*It was malicious gossip, completely without substance.
3- [uncountable] the most important or main part of something
*Love and guilt form the substance of his new book.
4- [uncountable] (formal) importance
= significance
*matters of substance
(ماده,جسم، شی، جنس، ماده اصلی، ذات، جوهر، مفاد، مفهوم، استحکام، دوام، مسند)
windmill (noun)
(هر چیزی شبیه اسیاب بادی، (اسیاب وار) چرخیدن)
poisonous (adjective)
1- causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the body
= toxic
*poisonous chemicals/plants
2- (of animals and insects) producing a poison that can cause death or illness if the animal or insect bites you
= venomous
*poisonous snakes
3- extremely unpleasant or unfriendly
*a poisonous person
abandon (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they abandon
he / she / it abandons
past simple abandoned
-ing form abandoning
(رها کردن,ترک گفتن، واگذار کردن، تسلیم شدن، رهاکردن، تبعید کردن، واگذاری، رهاسازی، بی خیالی)
- eco-friendly
*insignificant (ناچیز، کم اهمیت)
*inexpensive (ارزان، کم خرج، معقول، صرفه جو، ساده)
*costly (گران)
*convert (تبدیل کردن)
*commonplace (پیش پا افتاده، معمولی، مبتذل، همه جایی)
emit (verb)
emit something (formal)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they emit
he / she / it emits
past simple emitted
-ing form emitting
- to send out something such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc.
*The metal container began to emit a clicking sound.
*Sulfur gases were emitted by the volcano.
(خارج کردن,تشعشع کردن، ساتع کردن، بیرون دادن، بیرون ریختن، انتشار نور، منتشرکردن)