V6 Flashcards
put a human face on something
- to make an important event or principle understandable to ordinary people by directing their attention to the way it affects a particular person.
*Anne Frank was the girl whose diary put a human face on the Holocaust.
-to make (something) more appealing, easier to understand, or easier to care about by connecting it to an actual person.
*The author puts a human face on the disease by interviewing people who have it.
seascape (noun)
-a picture or view of the ocean
*a vast, sweeping seascape of sky, waves and sand
signature (noun)
1- [countable] your name as you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter
*Someone had forged her signature on the check.
2- [uncountable] (formal) the act of signing something
*Two copies of the contract will be sent to you for signature.
3- [countable, usually singular] a particular quality that makes something different from other similar things and makes it easy to recognize
*Bright colors are his signature.
if you’re breaking the law by keeping it?
ethical (adjective)
ethically (adverb)
1- connected with beliefs and principles about what is right and wrong
*ethical issues/standards/questions.
2- morally correct or acceptable
Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?
*The committee judged that he had not behaved ethically.
*Doctors felt ethically obliged to continue the treatment.
furniture (noun)
- objects that can be moved, such as tables, chairs, and beds, that are put into a house or an office to make it suitable for living or working in
*a piece of furniture
*patio/office, etc. furniture
*We need to buy some new furniture.
aspect (noun)
1- [countable] a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea, a problem, etc.; a way in which it may be considered
*The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.
2- [uncountable, singular] (formal) the appearance of a place, a situation, or a person
*Events began to take on a more sinister aspect.
3- [countable, usually singular] (formal) the direction in which a building, window, piece of land, etc. faces; the side of a building that faces a particular direction
= orientation
*Our room had a western aspect.
4- [uncountable, countable] (grammar) the form of a verb that shows, for example, whether the action happens once or repeatedly, is completed or still continuing
(جنبه، ابعاد (بصورت جمع),جهت شیب، نمود، سیما، منظر، صورت، ظاهر، وضع، )
staircase (noun)
-a set of stairs including the posts and rails (= banisters) that are fixed at the side
*a marble/stone/wooden staircase
(راه پله)
liable (adjective)
[not before noun]
liability (noun)
(pl. liabilities)
1- liable (for something) legally responsible for paying the cost of something
*You will be liable for any damage caused.
2- /ˈlaɪbl/ liable to do something likely to do something
*We’re all liable to make mistakes when we’re tired.
3- /ˈlaɪbl/ liable to something likely to be affected by something
= prone (مستعد به انجام کاری,حالت درازکش، متمایل، مستعد، مهیا، دمر)
*You are more liable to injury if you exercise infrequently.
4- liable to something likely to be punished by law for something
*Offenders are liable to fines of up to $500.
5- liable for/to something liable to do something having to do something by law
*People who earn under a certain amount are not liable to pay tax.
(مستعد,قابل اطمینان، مسئول، مشمول)
1-[uncountable] liability (for something) liability (to do something) the state of being legally responsible for something
*The company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters.
2- [countable, usually singular] (informal) a person or thing that causes you a lot of problems
*Since his injury, Jones has become more of a liability than an asset to the team.
3- [countable, usually plural] the amount of money that a person or company owes
*The company is reported to have liabilities of nearly $90 ,000.
(تعهد، الزام، اسناد دیونی، مسئولیت، دین، بدهی، فرض، شمول، احتمال، (درمحاسبات) بدهکاری، استعداد، سزاواری)
landlord (noun)
-a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, an office, etc.
intense (adjective)
intensely (adverb)
intensify (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they intensify
he / she / it intensifies
past simple intensified
-ing form intensifying
intensification (noun [uncountable, singular])
intense fear/ anger/ hunger/ headache/ odor(بو، رایحه) / light
intensive program / care/ study / effort (تلاش، کوشش) / therapy
1- very great; very strong
= extreme
*intense heat/cold/pain
2- serious and often involving a lot of action in a short period of time
*intense competition
3- (of a person) having or showing very strong feelings, opinions, or thoughts about someone or something
*an intense look
*She disliked him intensely.
-to increase in degree or strength; to make something increase in degree or strength
= heighten
*Violence intensified during the night.
parasite (noun)
1- a small animal or plant that lives on or inside another animal or plant and gets its food from it
*fleas, lice, and other parasites.
2- (disapproving) a person who always relies on or benefits from other people and gives nothing back
*He regards students as parasites on society.
(انگل، طفیلی، صدای مزاحم، پارازیت)
draw off (phrasal verb)
draw something—off
-to remove some liquid from a larger supply
*The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure.
(منحرف کردن، کسر کردن، برداشت، کاستن، کم کردن، جدا کردن، مجزا کردن، دور کردن از)
nausea (noun)
- the feeling that you have when you want to vomit, for example because you are sick or are disgusted by something
*A wave of nausea swept over her.
*Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms.
(دل اشوب، حالت تهوع، حالت استفراغ، انزجار)
infected (adjective)
-containing harmful bacteria
*The wound from the dog bite became infected.
*an infected water supply
insecticide (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
insecticidal (adjective)
-a chemical used for killing insects
*crops sprayed with insecticides
prevent (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they prevent
he / she / it prevents
past simple prevented
-ing form preventing
preventable (adjective)
-to stop someone from doing something; to stop something from happening
*The accident could have been prevented.
*The government took steps to prevent a scandal.
*preventable diseases/accidents.
(ممانعت کردن,جلوگیری کردن، پیش گیری کردن، باز داشتن، مانع شدن)
implement (verb)
/ˈɪmpləmənt/ , /ˈɪmpləˌmɛnt/
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they implement
he / she / it implements
past simple implemented
-ing form implementing
implementation ( noun [uncountable])
- implement something to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used
= carry something—out
*to implement changes/decisions/policies/reforms
*A new work program for young people will be implemented.
(پیاده کردن، انجام دادن,اجرا کردن، آلت، افزار، ابزار، اسباب، انجام دادن، ایفا کردن، اجرا کردن، تکمیل کردن، )
*the implementation of the new system
cooperate (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they cooperate
he / she / it cooperates
past simple cooperated
-ing form cooperating
1- [intransitive] cooperate (with somebody) (in/on something) to work together with someone else in order to achieve something
*The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other.
2- [intransitive] cooperate (with somebody) (in/on something) to be helpful by doing what someone asks you to do
*Their captors told them they would be killed unless they cooperated.
(همکاری کردن,همیاری کردن، باهم کار کردن، همدستی کردن، تشریک مساعی کردن، اشتراک مساعی کردن، تعاون کردن)
ministry (noun)
(pl. ministries)
1- the Ministry [singular] ministers of religion, especially Protestant ministers, when they are mentioned as a group
*He was an excellent candidate for the Baptist ministry.
2- [countable, usually singular] the work and duties of a minister in the church; the period of time spent working as a minister in the church.
3- [countable] (in some countries) a government department that has a particular area of responsibility
*the Ministry of Defense
*a ministry spokesperson
practitioner (noun)
1- (technology) a person who works in a profession, especially medicine or law
*health care practitioners.
2- (formal) a person who regularly does a particular activity, especially one that requires skill
*one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction
(متخصص,وکیل دست به کار، وکیلی که کار اصلیش وکالت باشد، وکیل حرفه ای، شاغل مقام طبابت یا وکالت)
get rid of somebody/something
- to make yourself free of someone or something that is annoying you or that you do not want; to throw something away
*Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.
*The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.
reside (verb)
[intransitive] + adv./prep. (formal)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they reside
he / she / it resides
past simple resided
-ing form residing
resident ( people)
residence (Place)
residential (adjective)
-to live in a particular place
*He returned to the U.S. in 1939, having resided abroad for many years.
*Their passports do not give them the right to reside in the U.S.
(سکونت داشتن,ساکن بودن، مستقر بودن، اقامت داشتن، مسکن داشتن، مقیم شدن)
athlete (noun)
1- a person who competes in sports
*Olympic athletes
2- a person who is good at sports and physical exercise
*She is a natural athlete.
(ورزشکار، پهلوان، قهرمان ورزش؛ دو و میدانی کار)
oversee (verb)
oversee somebody/something
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they oversee
he / she / it oversees
past simple oversaw
past participle overseen
-ing form overseeing
- to watch someone or something and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly
= supervise
*United Nations observers oversaw the elections.
(نظارت کردن, سرکشی کردن، مباشرت کردن، سرپرستی کردن)
administration (noun)
1- (the) Administration [countable, singular] the government of a country under a particular leader
*the Obama administration
2- the administration [countable, singular] the people who plan, organize, and run a business, an institution, etc.
*the hospital/university administration
3- (informal admin) [uncountable] the activities that are done in order to plan, organize, and run a business, school, or other institution
*Administration costs are passed on to the customer.
4- [uncountable] the process or act of organizing the way that something is done
*the administration of justice
5-[uncountable] (formal) the act of giving a drug to someone
*the administration of antibiotics
(مدیریت، اداره,اداره امور یگانها، اداره کردن، اجرا کردن، اداره کل، حکومت، اجرا)
in charge (of something/someone)
- responsible for something or someone:
*Who’s in charge here?
*The teacher put me in charge of organizing the project.
rescue (verb)
[Verb Forms]
present simple I / you / we / they rescue
he / she / it rescues
past simple rescued
-ing form rescuing
rescuer (noun)
- to save someone or something from a dangerous or harmful situation
*He rescued a child from drowning.
*The house was rescued from demolition.
plenty (pronoun)
-plenty (of something) a large amount; as much or as many as you need
*plenty of eggs/money/time
relief (noun)
1- [uncountable, singular] the feeling of happiness that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen
*a sense of relief
2- [uncountable] relief (from/of something) the act of removing or reducing pain, anxiety, etc.
*modern methods of pain relief
3- [uncountable] food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help people in places where there has been a war or natural disaster
= aid
*famine/disaster relief
4- [uncountable] financial help given by the government to people who need it
5- [uncountable]
= tax relief
*relief on mortgage interest payments
6- [uncountable, singular] something that is interesting or enjoyable that replaces something boring, difficult, or unpleasant for a short period of time
*a few moments of light relief in an otherwise dull performance
7- [countable] (often used as an adjective) a person or group of people that replaces another when they have finished working for the day or when they are sick
*The next crew relief comes on duty at 9 o’clock.
8- [singular] relief of… the act of freeing a town, etc. from an enemy army that has surrounded it
*the relief of Mafeking
9- [uncountable, countable] a way of decorating wood, stone, etc. by cutting designs into the surface of it so that some parts stick out more than others; a design that is made in this way
*The bronze doors are covered with sculpted reliefs.
10- [uncountable] the effect of colors, light, etc. that makes an object more noticeable than others around it
*The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky.
11- [uncountable] the quality of a particular situation, problem, etc. that makes it more noticeable than before
*Their differences have been thrown into sharp relief by the present crisis.
empathy (noun)
empathetic (adjective)
/ˌɛmpəˈθɛt̮ɪk/ (also empathic /ɛmˈpæθɪk/ )
-the ability to understand another person’s feelings, experience, etc.
*the writer’s imaginative empathy with his subject.
(یکدلی، (هیپوتیزم و روانشناسی) انتقال فکر، تلقین، همدلی)
advocate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they advocate
he / she / it advocates
past simple advocated
-ing form advocating
-to support something publicly
* The group does not advocate the use of violence.
*Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behavior.
(حامی,دفاع کردن، طرفداری کردن، حامی، طرفدار، وکیل مدافع)
cerebral (adjective)
1- relating to the brain
*a cerebral hemorrhage
2- relating to the mind rather than the feelings
= intellectual
*His poetry is very cerebral.
(مخی، دماغی، مغزی، فکری)
cortex (noun)
(pl. cortices /ˈkɔrt̮əsiz/ ) (anatomy)
-the outer layer of an organ in the body, especially the brain
*the cerebral/renal cortex (= around the brain/ kidney)
(قشر مخ، پوست، قشر، لایه رویی، روپوش، پوسته)
inference (noun)
1- [countable] something that you can find out indirectly from what you already know
= deduction
*to draw/make inferences from the data.
2- [uncountable] the act or process of forming an opinion, based on what you already know
*If he is guilty, then by inference, so is his wife (= it is logical to think so, from the same evidence).
(استنباط، استنتاج)
absorb (verb)
/əbˈsɔrb/ , /əbˈzɔrb/
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they absorb ,
he / she / it absorbs ,
past simple absorbed ,
-ing form absorbing
1- to take in a liquid, gas, or other substance from the surface or space around
*Plants absorb oxygen.
2- [often passive] to make something smaller become part of something larger
* The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.
3- absorb something to take something into the mind and learn or understand it
=take in
*It’s a lot of information to absorb all at once.
4- absorb somebody to interest someone very much so that they pay no attention to anything else
= engross
*This work had absorbed him for several years.
5- absorb something to take in and keep heat, light, energy, etc. instead of reflecting it
*Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day.
6- absorb something to reduce the effect of a blow, hit, etc.
*This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact.
7- absorb something to use up a large supply of something, especially money or time
*The new proposals would absorb $80 billion of the federal budget.
8- absorb something to deal with changes, effects, costs, etc.
*The company is unable to absorb such huge losses.
(جذب کردن، درکشیدن، درآشامیدن، یاد گرفتن و فهمیدن، فراگرفتن,(غدد)، کاملا فروبردن، تحلیل بردن، مستغرق بودن، مجذوب شدن در)
propensity (noun)
(pl. propensities) (formal)
-a tendency to a particular kind of behavior
= inclination
* He showed a propensity for violence
(تمایل طبیعی، میل باطنی، رغبت)
superficial (adjective)
superficiality (noun [uncountable])
superficially (adverb)
1- (often disapproving) not studying or looking at something thoroughly; seeing only what is obvious
*a superficial analysis
2- appearing to be true, real, or important until you look at it more carefully
*superficial differences/similarities
3- (of a wound or damage) only affecting the surface and therefore not serious
*a superficial injury
4- (disapproving) not concerned with anything serious or important and lacking any depth of understanding or feeling
= shallow
*a superficial friendship
5-(technology) of or on the surface of something
*superficial veins
(سطحی، ظاهری,صوری، سرسری، ظاهری)
subtle (adjective)
(subtler, subtlest)
subtly (adverb0
1- (often approving) not very noticeable or obvious
*subtle colors/flavors/smells, etc.
2-(of a person or their behavior) behaving in a smart and skillful way, and using indirect methods, in order to achieve something
*I decided to try a more subtle approach.
3-organized in a smart and skillful way
*a subtle plan
4-good at noticing and understanding things
*The job required a subtle mind.
*Her version of events is subtly different from what actually happened.
sheer (adjective)
1- [only before noun] used to emphasize the size, degree, or amount of something
*The area is under threat from the sheer number of tourists using it.
2- [only before noun] complete and not mixed with anything else
= utter
*The concert was sheer delight.
3- very steep
*sheer cliffs/slopes
4-(of cloth, etc.) thin, light, and almost transparent
*sheer nylon
(محض,صرف، خالص، تند، مطلق، به طور عمود، یک راست، پاک، به کلی)