V11 Flashcards
Thanks for taking my call
astronaut (noun)
astronomy (noun)
- ## a person whose job involves traveling and working in a spacecraft.-the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.
mission (noun)
1- [countable] an important official job that a person or group of people is given to do, especially when they are sent to another country
*a trade mission to China
2-[countable] a group of people doing an important official job; the place where they work
*the head of the U.S. mission in Spain
3- [countable, uncountable] the work of teaching people about Christianity, especially in a foreign country; a group of people doing such work
*a Catholic mission in Africa
4- [countable] a building or group of buildings used by a Christian mission.
5- [countable] particular work that you feel it is your duty to do
*Her mission in life was to work with the homeless.
= vocation (کار، شغل)
6- [countable] a flight into space
*a U.S. space mission
fascination (noun)
1- [countable, usually singular] a very strong attraction that makes something very interesting
*Water holds a fascination for most children.
2- [uncountable, singular] the state of being very attracted to and interested in someone or something
*The girls listened in fascination as the story unfolded.
(شیدایی، افسون، جذبه)
afterward (adverb)
(also afterwards /ˈæftərwərdz/
- at a later time; after an event that has already been mentioned
*She was sorry afterward for what she said.
*Let’s go out now and eat afterward.
(بعد از آن,پس از آن، سپس، بعدا)
impressive (adjective)
impressively (adverb)
-(of things or people) making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skillful, etc.
*an impressive building with a huge tower
*an impressive performance
&Opposite unimpressive
*impressively high
*an impressively detailed article
deck (noun)
1- the top outside floor of a ship or boat
*I was the only person on deck at that time of night.
2- one of the floors of a ship, bus, plane, or sports stadium
*the upper/lower/main deck of a ship
3- (also deck of cards, pack) a complete set of 52 playing cards
4- a wooden floor that is built outside the back of a house where you can sit and relax.
5- a part of a sound system that records and/or plays sounds on a disk or tape
*a cassette/tape deck
(عرشه، ایوان)
intrigue (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they intrigue
he / she / it intrigues
past simple intrigued
-ing form intriguing
intriguing (adjective)
intriguingly (adverb)
1- [transitive, often passive] intrigue somebody it intrigues somebody that… to make someone very interested so that they want to know more about something
*The idea intrigued her.
2- [intransitive] intrigue (with somebody) (against somebody) (formal) to secretly plan with other people to harm someone
(دسیسه کردن، توطئه چیدن، فریفتن)
-very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer
*These discoveries raise intriguing questions.
(مجذوب کننده)
*The book is intriguingly titled, “The Revenge of the Goldfish.”
extraordinary (adjective)
extraordinarily (adverb)
1- unexpected, surprising, or strange
= incredible
*It’s extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.
2- not normal or ordinary; greater or better than usual
*an extraordinary achievement
3- [only before noun] (formal) (of a meeting, etc.) arranged for a special purpose and happening in addition to what normally or regularly happens
*An extraordinary meeting was held to discuss the problem.
4- (following nouns) (technology) (of an official) employed for a special purpose in addition to the usual staff
*an envoy extraordinary
*He behaves extraordinarily for someone in his position.
*extraordinarily difficult
(باور نکردنی، خارق العاده,فوق العاده، غیرعادی، شگفت آور)
particular (adjective)
1- [only before noun] used to emphasize that you are referring to one individual person, thing, or type of thing and not others
= specific (مشخص، با جزئیات)
*There is one particular patient I’d like you to see.
2- [only before noun] greater than usual; special
*We must pay particular attention to this point.
3- particular (about/over something) very definite about what you like and careful about what you choose
= fussy (داد وبیداد کن (برای چیزهای جزئی)، ایراد گیر)
*She’s very particular about her clothes.
(ویژه، خاص، بخصوص، منحصر بفرد)
culture shock
euphoria (noun)
euphoric (adjective)
/yuˈfɔrɪk/ , /yuˈfɑrɪk/
- an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement that usually lasts only a short time
*I was in a state of euphoria all day.
*Euphoria soon gave way to despair.
(رضامندی، خوشی، خوشحالی، رضایت، مشاط)
*My euphoric mood could not last.
*His parents were less than euphoric about the news of his engagement.
exotic (adjective)
exotically (adverb)
- from or in another country, especially a tropical one; seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countries
*brightly-colored exotic flowers/plants/birds
*She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world.
(عجیب و غریب,بیگانه، مرموز)
*rainbows of exotically colored blooms
delight (noun)
1- [uncountable] a feeling of great pleasure
= joy
*a feeling of sheer/pure delight.
2- [countable] something that gives you great pleasure
= joy
*This guitar is a delight to play.
honeymoons don’t last forever.
day-to-day realities of life
irritate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they irritate
he / she / it irritates
past simple irritated
-ing form irritating
irritated (adjective)
irritated (at/by/with something)
irritating (adjective)
irritatingly (adverb)
irritation (noun [uncountable, countable])
1- irritate somebody to annoy someone, especially by something you continuously do or by something that continuously happens
*The way she puts on that accent really irritates me.
2- irritate something to make your skin or a part of your body sore or painful
*Some drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach.
-annoyed or angry
*She was getting more and more irritated at his comments.
*I found her extremely irritating.
*He noted, with some irritation, that the letter had not been sent.
rejection (noun [uncountable, countable])
*Her proposal met with unanimous rejection.
*a rejection letter (= a letter in which you are told, for example, that you have not been accepted for a job)
*painful feelings of rejection.
(رد، عدم پذیرش,رد کردن، مردود سازی)
fed up (adjective)
[not before noun] (informal)
-bored or unhappy, especially with a situation that has continued for too long
*You look fed up. What’s the matter?
*fed up with somebody/something People are fed up with all these traffic jams.
*In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
*This noise has got to stop. I’m fed up with it.
*fed up with doing something/ I’m fed up with waiting for her.
add up (phrasal verb)
1- (especially in negative sentences) to seem reasonable; to make sense
*His story just doesn’t add up.
2- (not used in the progressive tenses) to increase by small amounts until there is a large total
*When you’re feeding a family of six the bills soon add up.
3- to calculate the total of two or more numbers or amounts
*The waiter can’t add up the check.
*Add up all the money I owe you.
superior (adjective)
1- superior (to somebody/something) better in quality than someone or something else; greater than someone or something else
*vastly superior
&Opposite inferior
2- superior (to somebody) higher in rank, importance, or position
*my superior officer
3- (disapproving) showing by your behavior that you think you are better than others
= arrogant
*a superior manner
4- (used especially in advertisements) of very good quality; better than other similar things
*superior lakefront condominiums
(ممتاز، برتر,عالی، رئیس، بالایی، بالاتر، مافوق، ارشد)
disillusionment (noun) = disenchantment
(also disillusion)
[uncountable, singular] disillusionment (with something)
disillusioned (adjective) = disenchanted
disillusioned (by/with somebody/something)
disillusion (verb)
disillusion somebody
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they disillusion
he / she / it disillusions
past simple disillusioned
-ing form disillusioning
- the state of being disillusioned
= disenchantment
*There is widespread disillusionment with the present government.
*Disillusionment among young people is worrying for schools.
-disappointed because the person you admired or the idea you believed to be good and true now seems without value
= disenchanted
*I soon became disillusioned with the job.
-to destroy someone’s belief in, or good opinion of, someone or something
*I hate to disillusion you, but not everyone is as honest as you.
(رهایی از شیفتگی، وارستگی از اغفال، بیداری از خواب و خیال، رفع اوهام)
superiority (noun) &Opposite inferiority
/səˌpɪriˈɔrət̮i/ , /səˌpɪriˈɑrət̮i/
superior (noun) &Opposite inferior
1- superiority (in something) superiority (to/over something/somebody) the state or quality of being better, more skillful, more powerful, greater, etc. than others
*the superiority of this operating system
2- behavior that shows that you think you are better than other people
an air of superiority
&Opposite inferiority
(ریاست، برتری، بزرگتری، ارشدیت، تفوق)
*Superiority phase
1- a person of higher rank, status, or position
*I’m going to complain to your superiors.
&Opposite inferior
2- used in titles for the head of a religious community
*Mother Superior
(ممتاز، برتر,عالی، رئیس، بالایی، بالاتر، مافوق، ارشد)
romanticize (verb)
[transitive, intransitive] romanticize (something)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they romanticize
he / she / it romanticizes
past simple romanticized
-ing form romanticizing
- to make something seem more attractive or interesting than it really is
*romanticizing the past
*a romanticized picture of parenthood
adjust (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they adjust
he / she / it adjusts
past simple adjusted
-ing form adjusting
adjustment (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
readjust (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they readjust
he / she / it readjusts
past simple readjusted
-ing form readjusting
readjustment (noun [countable, uncountable])
1- [transitive] to change something slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better
*adjust something / Watch out for sharp turns and adjust your speed accordingly.
2- [intransitive, transitive] to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and/or think
= adapt
*They’ll be fine—they just need time to adjust.
3- [transitive] adjust something to move something slightly so that it looks neater or feels more comfortable
*He smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie.
(تطبیق دادن، سازگار کردن)
1-a small change made to something in order to correct or improve it
*I’ve made a few adjustments to the design.
2- a change in the way a person behaves or thinks
*She went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up.
(انطباق، سازگاری)
1- [intransitive] to get used to a changed or new situation
*Children are highly adaptable—they just need time to readjust.
2- [transitive] readjust something to change or move something slightly
*She got out of the car and readjusted her dress.
*He has made a number of readjustments to his technique.
(سازگاری مجدد)
anticipate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they anticipate
he / she / it anticipates
past simple anticipated
-ing form anticipating
anticipatory (adjective (formal))
1- to expect something
*anticipate something We don’t anticipate any major problems.
*Our anticipated arrival time is 8:30.
2- to see what might happen in the future and take action to prepare for it
*anticipate something / We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry.
3- anticipate (doing) something anticipate (something doing) something to think with pleasure and excitement about something that is going to happen
*We eagerly(مشتاقانه، ارزومندانه) anticipated the day we would finish school.
4- anticipate somebody (doing something) (formal) to do something before it can be done by someone else
= forestall
*When Scott reached the South Pole, he found that Amundsen had anticipated him.
(انتظار داشتن,پیش بینی کردن، پیشدستی کردن، جلوانداختن، پیش گرفتن بر، سبقت جستن بر)
*a fast anticipatory movement by the goaltender
punctual (adjective)
punctuality (noun [uncountable])
punctually (adverb)
- happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late
*She has been reliable and punctual.
*He insists on regular attendance and punctuality.
*They always pay punctually.
(وقت شناس,خوش قول، به موقع، ثابت در یک نقطه، نکته دار، معنی دار، نیشدار)
glance (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they glance
he / she / it glances
past simple glanced
-ing form glancing
1- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to look quickly at something or someone
*She glanced at her watch.
2- [intransitive] glance at/down/over/through something to read something quickly and not thoroughly
= scan
*I only had time to glance at the newspapers.
(نیم نگاهی انداختن, برانداز کردن، نظر اجمالی، مرور، نگاه مختصرکردن، نظر اجمالی کردن، اشاره کردن و رد شدن برق زدن، خراشیدن، به یک نظر دیدن)
panic (noun)
[uncountable, countable, usually singular]
1- a sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly
*a moment of panic
2- a situation in which people are made to feel very anxious, causing them to act quickly and without thinking carefully
*News of the losses caused (a) panic among investors.
frantic (adjective)
frantically (adverb)
1- done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized
= hectic
*a frantic dash/search/struggle
2- unable to control your emotions because you are extremely frightened or worried about something
= beside yourself (with something)
*frantic with worry
(بی عقل، اتشی، عصبانی، از کوره در رفته)
*They worked frantically to finish on time.
(دیوانه وار، باشدت خشم)
squint (verb)
[intransitive, transitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they squint
he / she / it squints
past simple squinted
-ing form squinting
- to look at something with your eyes partly shut in order to keep out bright light or to see better
*to squint into the sun
*She was squinting through the keyhole.
(لوچی، دوبینی، احولی، لوچ بودن، چپ نگاه کردن، نگاه با چشم نیم باز)
consistent (adjective)
consistently (adverb)
1- (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.
*She’s not very consistent in the way she treats her children.
2- happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time
*the senator’s consistent failure to come up with any new policies
3- consistent with something in agreement with something; not contradicting something
*The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.
4- (of an argument or a set of ideas) having different parts that all agree with each other
*a well-thought-out and consistent argument
&Opposite inconsistent
*Her work has been consistently excellent.
inaccurate (adjective)
inaccuracy ( noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. inaccuracies))
inaccurately (adverb)
- not exact or accurate; with mistakes
*an inaccurate statement
*inaccurate information
&Opposite accurate
(نادرست، اشتباه، غلط)
*The article is full of inaccuracies
shuffle (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they shuffle
he / she / it shuffles
past simple shuffled
-ing form shuffling
1- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to walk slowly without lifting your feet completely off the ground
*He shuffled across the room to the window.
2- [transitive, intransitive] shuffle (something) to move from one foot to another; to move your feet in an awkward or embarrassed way
*Jenny shuffled her feet and blushed with shame.
3- [transitive, intransitive] shuffle (something) to mix cards up in a deck of playing cards before playing a game
*Shuffle the cards and deal out seven to each player.
4- [transitive] shuffle something to move paper or things into different positions or a different order
*I shuffled the documents on my desk.
(برزدن، بهم امیختن، بهم مخلوط کردن، این سو وان سو حرکت کردن، بیقرار بودن)
accompany (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they accompany
he / she / it accompanies
past simple accompanied
-ing form accompanying
1- accompany somebody (formal) to travel or go somewhere with someone
*His wife accompanied him on the trip.
2- accompany something to happen or appear with something else
*strong winds accompanied by heavy rain
3- accompany somebody (at/on something) to play a musical instrument, especially a piano, while someone else sings or plays the main tune
*The singer was accompanied on the piano by her sister.
(همراهی کردن، همراه بودن (با))
suffocate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they suffocate
he / she / it suffocates
past simple suffocated
-ing form suffocating
suffocation (noun [uncountable])
1- [intransitive, transitive] to die because there is no air to breathe; to kill someone by not letting them breathe air
*Many dogs have suffocated in hot cars.
2- [intransitive] be suffocating if it is suffocating, it is very hot and there is little fresh air
*Can I open a window? It’s suffocating in here!
(خفه کردن، خاموش کردن)
*to die of suffocation
unbearable (adjective) = intolerable &Opposite bearable
unbearably (adverb)
- too painful, annoying, or unpleasant to deal with or accept
= intolerable
*The heat was becoming unbearable.
*unbearable pain
*He’s been unbearable since he won that prize.
&Opposite bearable
(تحمل ناپذیر، غیر قابل تحمل، تاب ناپذیر)
*unbearably hot
*He was so unbearably smug about winning.
drift (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they drift
he / she / it drifts
past simple drifted
-ing form drifting
1- [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air
*Clouds drifted across the sky.
2- [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move or go somewhere slowly
*The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident.
3- [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to happen or change, or to do something without a particular plan or purpose
*I didn’t intend to be a teacher—I just drifted into it.
4- [intransitive] drift in/into something to go from one situation or state to another without realizing it
*Finally she drifted into sleep.
5- [intransitive] to be blown into large piles by the wind
*drifting sand
6- [transitive] + adv./prep. to make something float somewhere
*The logs are drifted downstream to the mill.
(کشیده شدن به …، بدون برنامه مشخصی پیش رفتن,رانش، رانه، انحراف از سمتی، انحراف گلوله، انحراف مسیر، سمبه، توده باد آورده، جسم شناور، برف باد آورده، معنی، مقصود، جریان آهسته، جمع شدن، توده شدن، بی اراده کار کردن، بی مقصد رفتن، دستخوش پیشامد بودن)
kick off (phrasal verb)
1-when a football or soccer game or a team, etc. kicks off, the game starts
2- kick off (with something) (informal) // to start
*What time shall we kick off?
3- to remove something by kicking
*to kick off your shoes
4- to start a discussion, a meeting, an event, etc.
= open
superb (adjective)
superbly (adverb)
- excellent; of very good quality
*a superb player
*The car is in superb condition.
*a superbly illustrated book
*She plays superbly.
(عالی، فوق العاده, بسیار خوب، باشکوه، باوقار)