VFI-L18- the laws Flashcards
** crime = arson (n-ایجاد حریق عمدی), burglary (n- دزدی), fraud (n- شیادی), kidnapping (آدم ربایی), murder , smuggling (n-قاچاق)
**petty crimes (crime that is not very serious) = pickpocketing (جیب بری), vandalism (تخریب آثار عمومی و با ارزش)
**swearing (ناسزاگویی) is offensive(توهین آمیز) but is not a crime.
** dumping toxic waste (تخلیه زباله های سمی) is not considered a crime in all areas.
- crime (n) / commit a crime (v) / criminal (adj)
*deterrent (n) [بازدارنده] / deter (v) [جلوگیری کردن] / deterrent (adj)
*enforcement (n) [انجام] / enforce (v) [وادار کردن] / enforceable (adj) [لازم الاجرا]
*offence (n) [گناه، تقصیر]/ offend (v) [رنجاندن، ناراحت کردن] / offensive (adj) [اهانت آمیز، توهین آمیز]
- prevention (n) [جلوگیری، ممانعت] / prevent (v) / preventable (adj)
*prison , imprisonment [حبس,زندانی شدن), prisoner (n) / imprison (v) / imprisoned (adj)[محبوس] - punishment (n) / punish (v) / punishable (adj)
- the accused (متهم)= the person who is on trial (محاکمه، دادرسی)
*the judge = decides how a criminal should be punished
*the jury (هیات منصفه)= decides whether the accused is innocent (بیگناه) or guilty
- the prosecutor(دادستان) = tries to prove the accused is guilty
- the lawyer = tries to prove the accused is innocent
- the victim (قربانی) = gives evidence against the accused
– prevent = to stop something from happening or someone from doing something.
* I stayed away from the bully to prevent any trouble.(this will prevent crimes from happening)
– avoid = to stay away from something or someone
* you should try to avoid dangerous situation.
- a convict (محکوم) is a person who is in prison.
- to convict someone is to find them guilty in a court of law.
- you commit a crime or convict a criminal. (NOT: convict a crime)
- we talk about criminal acts (NOT : criminal actions)
- accept the consequences (عواقب آن را بپذیرید)
- commit a crime (ارتکاب جرم)
- convict a criminal (مجرمی را محکوم کند)
- impose a fine (جریمه اعمال کند)
*pass a law (یک قانون تصویب کنید)
- law- abiding (قانونمند)
strict (adjective)
(stricter, strictest)
strictness (noun [uncountable])
1- that must be obeyed exactly
*strict rules/regulations/discipline
2- demanding that rules, especially rules about behavior, should be obeyed
*a strict teacher/parent/disciplinarian
3- obeying the rules of a particular religion, belief, etc. exactly
*a strict Muslim
4- [usually before noun] very exact and clearly defined
*It wasn’t illegal in the strict sense (of the word).
(سخت گیر,اکید، یک دنده، محض، نص صریح، محکم)
severe (adjective)
(severer, severest)
severely (adverb)
severity (noun [uncountable])
1- extremely bad or serious
*a severe handicap
2- severe (on/with somebody) punishing someone in an extreme way when they break a particular set of rules
= harsh
*The courts are becoming more severe with young offenders.
3- not kind or sympathetic and showing disapproval of someone or something
= stern
*a severe expression
4- extremely difficult and requiring a lot of skill or ability
= stiff
*The marathon is a severe test of stamina.
5- (disapproving) extremely plain and lacking any decoration
*Modern furniture is a little too severe for my taste.
(شدید، طاقت فرسا,سختگیرانه، سخت گیر، شاق، شدید)
*severely disabled
*A prison sentence should match the severity of the crime.
violate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they violate
he / she / it violates
past simple violated
-ing form violating
violation (noun [uncountable, countable]0
violator (noun)
1- violate something (formal) to go against or refuse to obey a law, an agreement, etc.
= flout
*to violate international law
2- violate something (formal) to disturb or not respect someone’s peace, privacy, etc.
*She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy.
3- violate something to damage or destroy a holy or special place
= desecrate
*to violate a grave
4-violate somebody (literary or old-fashioned) to force someone to have sex
= rape
(نقض کردن,تخلف کردن، تجاوز کردن، شکستن، نقض کردن، هتک حرمت کردن، بی حرمت ساختن، مختل کردن)
*They were in open violation of the treaty.
*gross violations of human rights
(نقض,خطا، تجاوز، تخلف، تخطی، پیمان شکنی، نقض عهد)
offense (noun)
offensive (adjective)
offensively (adverb)
offensiveness (noun [uncountable])
1- [countable] offense (against somebody/something) an illegal act
= crime
*a criminal/serious/minor/sexual, etc. offense
2- [uncountable] the act of upsetting or insulting someone
*I’m sure he meant no offense when he said that.
(جرم، جنایت,گناه، تقصیر، حمله، یورش، هجوم، اهانت، توهین، دلخوری، رنجش، تجاوز، قانون شکنی، بزه، خلاف، تقصیر، خطا، تعرض)
1- rude in a way that causes you to feel upset, insulted, or annoyed
*offensive remarks
&Opposite inoffensive
2- (formal) extremely unpleasant
= obnoxious
*an offensive smell
3- [only before noun] connected with the act of attacking someone or something
*an offensive war
(اهانت آمیز، توهین آمیز,تهاجمی، متهاجم، عملیات آفندی، تهاجم، مهاجم، متجاوز، اهانت آور، رنجاننده، کریه، زشت، یورش، حمله)
*He later apologized for speaking offensively about the president.
*The team needs to be encouraged to play more offensively.
- authority (noun (plural authorities))
- sanction (n- v)
abolish (verb)
abolish something
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they abolish
he / she / it abolishes
past simple abolished
-ing form abolishing
-to officially end a law, a system, or an institution
*This tax should be abolished.
(لغو کردن، ازمیان بردن، منسوخ کردن، برانداختن)
administrative (adjective)
-connected with organizing the work of a business or an institution
*an administrative job/assistant/error
(اجرایی,اداری، مجری)
representative (noun)
1- representative (of somebody/something) a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else or on behalf of a group
*a representative of the U.N.
2- (informal rep) a person who works for a company and travels around selling its products
*a sales representative
3- a person chosen to take the place of someone else
*He was the principal’s representative at the ceremony.
4- a person who is typical of a particular group
*The singer is regarded as a representative of the youth of her generation.
5- Representative (abbreviation Rep.) (in the U.S.) a member of the House of Representatives, the lower house of Congress; a member of the House of Representatives in the lower house of a state legislature
(معرف، نمونه,معرف، بیانگر، نمایشگر، نماینده، حاکی از)
conscious (adjective)
consciously (adverb)
1- [not before noun] aware of something; noticing something
*conscious of something// She’s very conscious of the problems involved.
&Opposite unconscious
2- able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening
*A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone.
&Opposite unconscious
3- (of actions, feelings, etc.) deliberate or controlled
*to make a conscious decision
*Consciously or unconsciously, you made a choice.
(هوشیار,بهوش، آگاه، باخبر، ملتفت، وار)
reckless (adjective)
recklessly (adverb)
recklessness (noun [uncountable])
- showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions
= rash
*He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety.
*She was a good rider, but reckless.
(بی احتیاط,بی پروا، بی بیاک، بی ملاحظه، بی اعتنا)
*He admitted driving recklessly.
*She had fallen hopelessly and recklessly in love.
elusive (adjective)
elusively (adverb)
elusiveness (noun [uncountable])
- difficult to find, define, or achieve
*Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be found.
*the elusive concept of “literature”
(گریزان، فراری، کسی که از دیگران دوری میکند، طفره زن)
perpetrate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they perpetrate
he / she / it perpetrates
past simple perpetrated
-ing form perpetrating
perpetration (noun [uncountable])
- to commit a crime or do something wrong or evil
*perpetrate something to perpetrate a crime/fraud/massacre
*security breaches perpetrated by people working for the company
(مرتکب شدن، مرتکب کردن، مقصر بودن)
inequality (noun)
(pl. inequalities) [uncountable, countable]
- the unfair difference between groups of people in society, when some have more wealth, status, or opportunities than others
*inequality of opportunity
*economic inequalities between different areas
(نابرابری,غیر یکنواختی، تفاوت، عدم تساوی، اختلاف، فرق، ناهمواری)