VFI-L12- information technology Flashcards
- small= compact
*easy to use = user-friendly
*normal phone buttons= standard, telephone keyboard
*show= display
*without being asked = automatically
*the most up-to-date technology = the latest
*obtain information from the internet = download
- open a computer file = access
- move up and down on a screen = scroll
*work a machine = operate
*an action or purpose something is designed for = function
*have specific tools = equipped
*save or keep safe = store
*guessed = speculated
*a machine invented for a specific purpose = device, gadget
*the first working example of machine = prototype
*almost real = virtual (تقریبی)
*very modern = cutting-edge
*be greater than expected = surpassed
*relating to computers= digital
*a screen that images can be on = monitor
*an adjective used to describe anything related to computers= cyber
computerize (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they computerize
he / she / it computerizes
past simple computerized
-ing form computerizing
computerization (noun [uncountable])
1- computerize something to provide a computer or computers to do the work of something
*The factory has been fully computerized.
2- computerize something to store information on a computer
*computerized databases
contradict (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they contradict
he / she / it contradicts
past simple contradicted
-ing form contradicting
1- to say that something that someone else has said is wrong, and that the opposite is true
*contradict something// All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.
2- contradict something contradict each other (of statements or pieces of evidence) to be so different from each other that one of them must be wrong
*The two stories contradict each other.
(مخالفت کردن,تناقض داشتن، مخالف بودن، سخن (کسی را) انکار کردن، رد کردن)
expectation (noun)
1- [uncountable, countable] a belief that something will happen because it is likely
*expectation (of something)// We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.
2- [countable, usually plural, uncountable] a hope that something good will happen
*She went to college with great expectations.
3- [countable, usually plural] a strong belief about the way something should happen or how someone should behave
*Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children.
(انتظار,امید، پیش نگری، چشم داشت، توقع)
- cyber addiction
dominate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they dominate
he / she / it dominates
past simple dominated
-ing form dominating
domination (noun [uncountable])
1- [transitive, intransitive] dominate (somebody/something) to control or have a lot of influence over someone or something, especially in an unpleasant way
*As a child he was dominated by his father.
2- [transitive] dominate something to be the most important or noticeable feature of something
*The train crash dominated the news.
3- [transitive] dominate something to be the largest, highest, or most obvious thing in a place
*The cathedral dominates the city.
4- [transitive, intransitive] dominate (something) (sport) to play much better than your opponent in a game
*He dominated in the first game of the chess match.
(تحت الشعاع قرار دادن؛ مسلط بودن,چیره شدن، حکمفرما بودن، تسلط داشتن، تفوق یافتن)
*political domination
*companies fighting for domination of the software market
diminish (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they diminish
he / she / it diminishes
past simple diminished
-ing form diminishing
1- [intransitive, transitive] diminish (something) to become or to make something become smaller, weaker, etc.
*The world’s resources are rapidly diminishing.
2- [transitive] diminish somebody/something to make someone or something seem less important than they really are
= belittle
*I don’t wish to diminish the importance of their contribution.
(تقلیل یافتن,کم شدن، نقصان یافتن، فروکش کردن)
envisage (verb)
envisage something (formal)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they envisage
he / she / it envisages
past simple envisaged
-ing form envisaging
-to imagine what will happen in the future
*What level of profit do you envisage?
(روبروشدن، مواجه شدن با، در نظر داشتن، انتظار داشتن، درذهن مجسم کردن)
awash (adjective)
/əˈwɑʃ/ , /əˈwɔʃ/
[not before noun]
1- awash (with water) covered with water
*The river had flooded and the road was awash.
2- awash with something having something in large quantities
*The city is awash with drugs.
(لبریز، لبه اب)
speculate (verb)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they speculate
he / she / it speculates
past simple speculated
-ing form speculating
1- [intransitive, transitive] to form an opinion about something without knowing all the details or facts
*speculate (about/on/as to something)// We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation.
2- [intransitive] speculate (in/on something) to buy goods, property, shares, etc., hoping to make a profit when you sell them, but with the risk of losing money
*He likes to speculate on the stock market.
(گمانه زنی,سوداگری کردن، انتظار سود و زیاد داشتن، اندیشیدن، تفکر کردن، معاملات قماری کردن)
disappointment (noun)
1- [uncountable] sadness because something has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected or hoped
*Reserve early for the show to avoid disappointment.
2- [countable] a person or thing that is disappointing
*a bitter/major disappointment
(سرخوردگی,یاس، ناامیدی، نومیدی، دلشکستگی)
tribute (noun)
1- [uncountable, countable] tribute (to somebody) an act, a statement, or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person
*At her funeral, her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.
2- [singular] tribute to something/somebody showing the good effects or influence of something or someone
*His recovery is a tribute to the doctors’ skill.
3- [uncountable, countable] (especially in the past) money given by one country or ruler to another, especially in return for protection or for not being attacked
(بزرگداشت,احترام، ستایش، تکریم)
vision (noun)
1- [uncountable] the ability to see; the area that you can see from a particular position
*to have good/perfect/poor/blurred/normal vision
2- [countable] an idea or a picture in your imagination
*He had a vision of a world in which there would be no wars.
3- [countable] a dream or similar experience, especially of a religious kind
*The idea came to her in a vision.
4- [uncountable] the ability to think about or plan the future with great imagination and intelligence
= foresight
*a leader of vision
5- [countable] a vision (of something) (literary) a person of great beauty or who shows the quality mentioned
*She was a vision in white lace.
6- [uncountable] the picture on a television or movie theater screen
*We apologize for the loss of vision.
(بینایی,خیال، تصور، دیدن (در رویا)، منظره، وحی، الهام، بصیرت)
cutting edge (noun)
1- the cutting edge (of something) the newest, most advanced stage in the development of something
*working at the cutting edge of computer technology
2- an aspect of something that gives it an advantage
*We’re relying on him to give the team a cutting edge.
redundant (adjective)
redundantly (adverb)
-not needed or useful
*The picture has too much redundant detail.
(مازاد,زاید، اضافی، حشو، افزونه)
stubborn (adjective)
stubbornly (adverb)
stubbornness (noun [uncountable])
1- (often disapproving) determined not to change your opinion or attitude
= obstinate
*He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.
2- difficult to get rid of or deal with
= persistent
*a stubborn cough/stain
*She stubbornly refused to pay.
*Unemployment remains stubbornly high.
(کله شق,سمج، خودسر، سرسخت، لجوج، خیره سر)
patent (noun)
[countable, uncountable]
-an official right to be the only person to make, use, or sell a product or an invention; a document that proves this
*to apply for/obtain a patent on an invention
*The device was protected by patent.
(حق ثبت اختراع)
revolutionize (verb)
revolutionize something
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they revolutionize
he / she / it revolutionizes
past simple revolutionized
-ing form revolutionizing
-to completely change the way that something is done
*Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology.
(انقلابی کردن، تغییرات اساسی دادن)
transaction (noun)
1- [countable] transaction (between A and B) a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or selling
= deal
*financial transactions between companies
2- [uncountable] transaction of something (formal) the process of doing something
*the transaction of government business
(معامله,داد و ستد، تراکنش، معامله، سودا، انجام)
manual (adjective)
manually (adverb)
1- (of work, etc.) involving using the hands or physical strength
*manual labor/jobs/skills
2- operated or controlled by hand rather than automatically or using electricity, etc.
*The car has a manual shift.
3-connected with using the hands
*manual dexterity
*manually operated