Unit 4 - Dermatophytes, Genus Trichophyton, and Genus Microsporum Flashcards
What is another name for Dermatophytosis?
What are dermatophytoses?
superficial fungal infections involving the keratinized layers of the skin and its appendages
What layers of the skin do Dermatophytes penetrate?
all layers of the skin but are generally restricted to the non-living cornefied layers
What are the general characteristics of a dermatophyte infection?
- Spreads from a single point 2. Have invasion of hair and skin 3. Organism is unable to survive the inflammatory reaction and moves peripherally creating the classical ringed lesions of alopecia with central healing and peripheral inflammation
What are infections with Dermatophytes called?
How are Dermatophytes characterized?
based on their asexual stages or on their habitat
What are the three ‘form’ genera of Dermatophyte asexual organisms?
Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton
What is the perfect state for Microsporum and Trichophyton?
What is the perfect state for Epidermophyton?
there is none
What are the different habitats that Dermatophytes are characterized based on?
geophilic, zoophilic, and anthrophilic
Where do geophilic Dermatophytes live?
they inhabit soil and are free-living saprophytes that infect animals or humans
Where do zoophilic Dermatophytes live?
they are normally found as parasites of animals
Where do anthropophilic Dermatophytes live?
they are parasites of humans
How do Dermatophytes cause clinical disease?
they hydrolyze keratin and damage the epidermis and hair follicles
What is a major component of lesions caused by Dermatophytes?
How is Dermatophytosis diagnosed?
gross exam for fluorescence with the Wood’s lamp, direct exam (KOH mounts), culture (SGA), and Lactophenol Cotton Blue mounts
Where should you collect Dermatophytes from?
Collect from the margins of the lesions
Generally what are Dermatophytes characterized by?
rate of growth, color of the colony, surface texture, surface topography, and presence and characteristics of their macroconidia, microconidia, and other specialized structures
Generally, what are Microsporum characterized by the presence of?
macroconidia and a lack of microconidia
Microsporum canis var canis is ______ but often attacks humans, especially children.
70% of canine dermatophytosis is caused by _____ ______.
Microsporum canis
What is infection by Microsporum canis var canis the most severe in?
What part of the body is most affected by Microsporum canis var canis?
the head - alopecia around the eyes, nose, and ears
How is Microsporum canis var canis diagnosed?
via direct exam and KOH
What does Microsporum canis var canis grow on?
SGA in 1 week
What does Microsporum canis var canis look like on SGA?
it has a flat, thin to velvetly white surface; radiating border, pale yellow to deep yellow reverse