Unit 2 study guide Flashcards
Cult of Domesticity
attempted to define gender roles in the nineteenth century by limiting women to a domestic sphere
the movement in opposition to slavery, often demanding immediate, uncompensated emancipation of all slaves
Jacksonian Democracy
Movement for more democracy in America led by Jackson, wanted no banks, smaller government, better system for poor farmers
Manifest Destiny
the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent.
Practiced by Mormons, having two or more spouses at a time
Joseph Smith who founded Mormons announced the practice of it running for president
Popular Sovereignty
The doctrine stating that the sovereign people of a territory should themselves determine the status of slavery within that territory.
Spoils System
Jackson vowed t punish the people that attacked him during his campaign
thought spoils system would rotate jobs so more citizens could participate in gov.
the act of not drinking alcohol to better society
Federal System
government with both independent state governments and a national government with limited powers to handle matters of common interest.
Republican Government
a limited government, in which elected representatives make laws in the people’s interest while respecting the constitutional rights of citizens.
Great Compromise
Compromise that proposed 2 houses of Congress. One where a states population would determine representation and another where all states ere represented equally.In the House of Representatives each state would be assigned a number of seats in proportion to its population
Shays Rebellion
Daniel Shays led a rebellion against governments taxing farmers and forclosing farms. The rebels went to Springfield to protest but troops stopped them.
Pinckney’s Treaty
A treaty with Spain that set the border between the United States and Spanish Florida
Three-Fifths Compromise
- Compromise that made all slaves count as ⅗ of a person for taxation and representation
Alexander Hamilton
First Secretary of Treasury, created the bank and nations foundation of economy.
Daniel Shays
Farmer who started the Shays Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled in about the new taxing on Whiskey. Farmers ho produced whiskey were losing money
Neutrality Proclamation
Washington state USA would not support France or Britain in their European conflict
Jays Treaty
1794- British and USA agreed for British trade and that britain leaves northwest territory
XYZ Affair
French minister Talleyrand asked for a bribe from US for negotiations, American diplomats agreed. Adams thought this insulted Americas honor and cut off trade with France
Alien and Sedition Acts
Federalist Congress aimed at protecting the government by acts making it harder for immigrants to vote and made it a crime to criticize President or Congress
Kentucky and Virginia Resolves
Declared that states could nullify federal laws that states found unconstitutional, written by Jefferson and Madison, result of Alien laws
Virginia Plan
States got a number of representitives in Congress based on population
New Jersey Plan
Each state had one vote in Congress
9 out of 13 states to approve a law to make it true
Judiciary Act of 1789
Passed an act to establish a federal court in each state that operated according to local procedures
Bank of USA
Created by Hamilton, save governments money till needed
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments of the Constitution, rights for individuals, 1791
Election of 1800
Jefferson and Burr both received 73 electoral votes, so House of Representatives decided Jefferson as President (democrat republican party)
Second Great Awakening
Religious revival starting in 1801, attracted women, blacks, natives.
Charles Finney
Preacher of Second Great Awakening, preached everyone could have a spiritual rebirth and could be saved
Louisiana Purchase
Western USA territory purchased from France for 15 million
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Sent by Jefferson to explore northwestern territories. Traveled from St. Louis to Colombia River from 1803-1806
British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into British navy, factor in War of 1812
Chesapeake Incident
Chesapeake was stopped in Atlantic by British Leopard which led to British attacks and the enforcement of Embargo Acts of Jefferson
Embargo Act
Ended Americans importation and exportation of goods, hurt Americans economy and got repealed in 1809
Realized Indians had to unify to fight against Americans on their land.Formed a confederation to stop the taking of Indian Lands
War Hawks
Nationalist congress members who persuaded America to call War of 1812 against Britain
Hartford Convention
Federalists listed complaints about the rulings of the Republican Party lost Federalists support
endd of Federalist party
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty that ended War of 1812
Battle of New Orleans
Battle between America and Britain over control of New Orleans, America won
James Monroe (democrat republican)
5th President, Missouri Compromise, profession of Monroe Doctrine, declared US opposition to European interference in USA
Monroe Doctrine
Proclaimed the Europe shouldn’t interfere with affairs in the US
Transcontinental Treaty
Spain ceded Florida to the USA, border between US and Spanish Mexico 1819
Eli WHitney
Created cotton gin
Samuel Slater
British mechanic that moved to the USA and invented the first American machine for spinning cotton
Stole Ideas from Britain
Second Bank of the USA
The purpose for the bank was to handle the financial needs and requirements of the new central government of the newly formed United States. Modeled after Hamilton’s first bank
Robert Fulton
Designed first successful steamboat and warship
Erie Canal
Between Albany and Buffalo, allowed farmers to ship surplus crops to sell in North
DeWitt Clinton
Came up with plan to link New York City with the Great Lakes region
Waltham (Lowell) System
Developed textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts. Almost all workers were young single women
John Marshall
Shaped interpretation of Constitution like strengthened judicial branch, increased federal government power
Marbury v. Madison
Established Judicial Review, courts can strike down laws they find that violate the Constitution
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Corporation contracts were inviolable and coudnt be controlled by state gov.
McCulloch v. Maryland
Congress had the power to establish a national bank and that a state (in this case, Maryland) did not have the power to tax branches of the federal government that are carrying out powers legal in the Constitution.
Worcester v. Georgia
that the states did not have the right to impose regulations on Native American land.
Panic of 1819
First widespread economic crisis, brought depression, deflation and unemployment. Hurt the poorer class
Missouri Compromise
Compromise that made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state. All states 34 30 latitude are free.
A narrow minded concern for interests of one section of a country over the interests of a whole nation
Spoils System
One is elected and replaces former government officials with members of his own political party or supporters. Jackson policy
Daniel Webster
Advocated renewal and opposed the financial policy of Jackson, pushed for a strong union. responded to Haynes defense of nullification with “Liberty and Union, now and forever”
John Calhoun
Advocated for state rights and nullification. Damaged relations with Jackson because f views and wives
Tariff of Abominations
sought to protect northern and western agricultural products from competition with foreign imports; however, the resulting tax on foreign goods would raise the cost of living in the South a
Nullification Crisis
Southerners declared federal tariffs null because they favored freedom. stood by the belief that states had the right to nullify federal laws as written in the Constitution
Trail of Tears
Route taken of Cherokee Indians as they were relocated from the East to Oklahoma
Opposed Jackson, led by John Quincy Adams and believed government power should be exercised to improve America
Panic of 1837
financial crisis in the United States that touched off a major depression, which lasted until the mid-1840s. Profits, prices, and wages went down, westward expansion was stalled, unemployment went up
Election of 1840
WIlliam Henry Harrison vs. Martin Van Buren- Harrison and Whig win
Utopian group that prohibits marraige and practiced celibacy and makes furniture
Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830, moved to Salt Lake City
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Suffragette who organized the 1st convention on womens rights
Susan B. Anthony
Campaigned for womens rights and the temperance movements
Horace Man
Transformed public schools to a similar version of how they were today.
Dorotheaa Dix
Created first wave for US mental asylums, new methods to treat mentally ill
Ann Lee
Had a vision from God that celibacy was key and started the Shakers religion
the act of not drinking alcohol to better society
William Garrison
Wanted immediate emancipation of slaves and compensation to slave owners
Electoral College
-Proposed by James Madison, how we still tally votes for presidency
Fredrick Douglass
Prominent figure in African American abolitionist movement; advocates for freedom of slaves
Election of 1828
Jackson won more than twice the electoral vote of John Quincy Adams. However the popular vote was much closer. Adams had strong support in New England while Jackson swept the South and Southwest. Jackson won
Election of 1832
Henry Clay vs. Jackson. Clay was a big supporter of the Bank while Jackson wasnt. Jackson won
Election of 1836
Democrat Martin Van Buren defeated several Whig Party candidates led by William Henry Harrison .
American System
a national economic plan put forth by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky and the Whig party. The plan consisted of three major components: Pass high tariffs (taxes) on imports to protect American businesses and to increase revenues
Andrew Jackson
the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, seeking to act as the direct representative of the common man. More nearly than any of his predecessors, Andrew Jackson was elected by popular vote; Hated the Bank. a strict construction of the Constitution and in states’ rights, he believed that when the Constitution had delegated power to the federal government,
Federalist Party
Pro-British, believed in a large national government and bank
Anti Federalist Party
opposed the idea of one principal government were the Antifederalists, who supported the idea of small, state governments.
James Madison
-proposed more amendments to add to the constitution, disagreed with Hamiltons policies.
John Adams
2nd president, sought a strong, orderly central government. Federalist party