Chapter 9 Flashcards
What transformed the nations physical, commerical, and political landscape?
How did cotton effect the slaves?
Expected to work longer and harder, were punished more because of a higher demand
What inventions helped expand US economy?
Cotton gin, steamboats, corporations, and a different kind of bank
Cotton in South vs. North
Cotton made slaves i South more valuable but made the North more hostile to slaveholders
What developments made cotton expand?
Europeans perfered cotton clothes and inventions like the flying shuttle and the spinning jenny made making cotton easier
Where did most big inventions happen and what did they want?
England, they wanted to keep it a secret from other countries
Where did most big inventions happen and what did they want?
England, they wanted to keep it a secret from other countries
What happened that made the US known about the inventions?
Samuel Slater, an apprentice, sailed to New York from England and brought patents and blueprints across to give to America
Did America support cotton at first?
They were skeptical
Eli Whitney
Made cotton gin which allowed inexpensive processing of cotton
Whitney did get rich off of the gin, but did get rich off of
developing the idea of interchangeable parts and manufacturing rifles with such parts for the US government
Results of cotton gin
US had an export crop, cotton market led to the development of new lands, especially plantations in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana
Black belt
The cotton growing region stretching from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, named for black soil
Most of the black belt land was
new, not original 13
Rate of growing cotton on regular land vs. black belt
300 pounds in South Carolina could grow 800-1000 pounds in the black belt
In 1801, 9% of worlds cotton came from US while 60% came from Inda. In 1820
USA was exporting more cotton than India
between 1800 and 1860 1 million slaves moved from their home to
Somewhere in Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, Arkansas, or Alabama to pick cotton
Why was it scary for slaves to move into the interior of the US
It breaks them off from their birthplace and family
The newer region wanted men slaves for
male muscle
The old regions wanted women so they could
bear more children to be sold
What age group of slaves was sold the most?
Once sold, what did slaves do?
The walked in ¨slave coffles¨ and walked 20 miles a day, sometimes up to 2 months
(sometimes were transported by ship)
Example of slaves revolting while traveling
In 1841, slaves being shipped
from Norfolk, Virginia, to New Orleans forced the captain to deliver them to the Bahamas, a British colony, where they found freedom because Britain
had abolished slavery
Gendr divide on plantations
Women and children hoed, men plowed
How long did harvest last
August through October, slaves worked from sunrise to sunset
Was cotton on big plantations or small plantations?
How did slave control work on large plantations?
slaves worked in large gangs while certain slaves were appointed as drivers to get the work done, poor whites were overseers of the slaves
How did slaves create communities in their quarters?
Leaders were chosen, secretly taught each other to read and write, grew their own food, made cloth , and even sometimes earned cash
Who memorized the blueprints for a mill in England and brought his memory to USA to build mills in Massachusetts
Francis Cabot Lowell
What company did Lowell create with Patrick T Jackson and Nathan Appleton?
Boston Manufacturing Company
WHat was created?
British style power loom
When Lowell died, what was created in 1823?
Lowell Massachusetts
The factories and towns Lowell built transformed…
the industry and lives of the people involved in it
Boston Associates first turned to
Young women working on farms to work for giant looms and mills
Where Lowells factories clean?
One of the first strikes in America
Women on factory jobs, didnt last long, all failed
Where was most cotton shipped in its raw state to?
Manchester and Leeds in England
Was trade easy between England and US since War of 1812?
New York had advantages to cotton:
Good water harbor, ports had experienced workers and were easily accessible by coastal vessels, most of Souths cotton was shipped to New York to be shipped to England
Who did New York businesses send south to buy cotton
agents called factors
Jeremiah Thompson
Established a fixed schedule of weekly departures of ships from New York toLiverpool
What else was New York good for because of the bank?
Raising money
New York Stock Exchange
Founded to support large scale commerce by allowing investors to pool funds and create new industries
New York was home to many banks that helped finance
the cotton industry
Who promised to build a canal using state funds to win governor?
DeWitt Clinton
What would this canal give?
Farmers along the route a link to markets and would connect all of NY to Ohio and eventually the Mississippi River
What was the concern about the canal?
It would be very difficult to create
How long did the Erie Canal go for?
363 miles
Economic impact of Erie Canal
Goods that cost $100 to ship now cost $9 on Erie Canal, farmers in NY and Ohio could get their wheat to international markets, families could be reunited w letters
By 1830, Erie Canal carried ____ as much freight of the Mississippi River
How were Erie Canal boats pulled?
horses on land
Who created the steamboat?
Robert Fulton
What did steamboats help with?
Cutting travel time and trade
(could travel against stream)
What was also being built across the Appalachian Mountains?
National Road
What did the Road help link?
Potomac River with the Ohio River
Where else was the National Road built?
Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois which helped also connect the Mississippi RIver
Were Jefferson, Madison, and Moroe happy with the transportation?
Not really, thy didnt think transportation infrastructure was good for the nation
States built there own
With increased travel and speed,
news travel increased
What news slower or faster in southern coastal cities?
What were some of the first corporations in AMerica
By 1815, America had
200 state chartered banks
What 2 services did the bank provide
Printed paper currency and made loans and collected interest
Banks started to issue bank notes on loans in their portfolio, which
was risky but expanded the amount of money in circulation
As commerce developed
larger commercial and industrial ventures were to risky to be financed soley by individuals
Many people from parts of the land moved
from isolated fa\mily businesses to work in large nationally and internationally connected industries
Why was Monroes 2 terms as president considered the Era of Good Feelings?
Lack of rancor in his virtually unanimous election and reelection when the opposing Federalist party almost disappeared
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Supreme Court ruled that state charters were contracts and contracts were inviolable, ruling this as unconstitutional
Gibbons v. Ogden
Court ruled that NY didnt have a right to give Ogden a monopoly to ferry service in NY harbor since it connected NY and NJ and thus involved interstate commerce
Whos population grew as a result of Americas westward movement
What stopped a bill to authorize a state constitutional convention
Congressman James Tallmadge Jr, he introduced an amendment to Missouri that prohibited the intro of new slaves into the state ans make free the ones there
Why did people not like this?
Slaves helped cotton growth
Missouri Compromise
Missouri would be admitted as a slave state, Maine admitted as a free state, and prohibited slavery in rest of Louisiana Territory above 36 30 north
With this compromise and may others, what did Henry Clay become known as?
The Great Compromiser
Who were the canidates after Monroes Presidency?
John Calhoun, William Crawford, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay,
Why were people appealed with Andrew Jackson as president?
He opposed banks and was a war hero
Who was elected president after Monroe?
John Quincy Adams
Who did Adams appoint as his secretary of state?
Henry Clay
Adams goal for presidency?
Unify the nation and improve all parts of the country
What list did Adams propose to the federal gov.?
Support for federally funded improvements like roads, and canals
What did Adams propose?
A second National Road to link Washington DC to New Orleasn and a new national university
Why was Adams proposing all of this?
to knit the nation together
What did Clay create?
American System
American System
The program of government to improve roads and canals and to foster economic growth
CLaays effort to increases tariffs from 20 to 35% helped
New England mill owners and workers whos jobs it protected
Whig Party
Political party that took shape in support of Adams-Clay American system, firtknown as National Republicans
Who was against the Whig Party
Jacksonian Democrats
WHat did Whig Party advocate for?
Strong national government role in economy, social reform movements
What did Democrat Party advocate for?
rights of the ¨common man¨ and to be left alone by centralized government
Senator Martin Van Buren
Architect of Jacksons campaign, strict constructionalist of the Constitution, allied with many southerners