Chapter 20 guide Flashcards
Sewards Folly
USA purchased Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars
What deal was made with Hawaii and USA?
Hawaii was granted a reciprocity treaty on sugar in return Hawaii would yield no territory to foreign powers and a naval base was established at Pearl Harbor
After the king died, who was the new queen?
Queen Lil was the new nationalist monarch who wanted a “Hawaii for Hawaiians”
How was Lil removed?
Angry Americans didnt like her policies
When did Congress annex Hawaii as a new state?
in 1898 after the outbreak of the Spanish-American War
Who desired an American owned canal across the Isthmus of Panama?
President Grant
Who helped build the waterway, what policy was made?
The French organized a company to build the canal and Hayes announced that the United States would not permit a European power to control this waterway
Cuban Revolution
Cuban nationalists had been waging a war against Spain and the Spanish were herding Cuban rebels into inhumane camps
Cuban rebels who were fighting for democracy against an autocratic oppressor
What happened when spanish officals tried to reason with the rebels
failed to effectively deal with the Cuban rebels and McKinley ordered the battleship Maine to Havana Harbor
Yellow Journalism
a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States. (Pulitzer and Hearst
WHy did McKinley and Congress finally call war on Spain?
The battleship explosion of the Maine was blamed on the Spanish, but no one knows for sure
What happened after USA forcefully removed Spanish officials from Cuba?
Spain declared war (Teller Amendment)
Admiral George Dewey attacked
the Spanish fleet in the Philippines and American troops controlled the Philippines
How did USA achieve a quick victory over Spanish in Cuba?
with aggressive units like the Rough Riders led by Teddy Roosevelt
What happened when USA won against Spain?
the Spanish agreed to leave Cuba, cede Puerto Rico and Guam, and the Philippines would be decided at a later peace conference in Paris
People were sceptical about taking Phillipines and making USA an empire. Why did Big Businesses want USA to take Philippines?
saw the Philippines as a gateway to markets in East Asia
governed by racial and ethnic prejudices
Labor leaders feared the competition of cheap labor
How mauch was Phillippines sold for at the peace treaty?
20 million
Emilio Aguinaldo
was furious that the United States would not leave and he helped launch a brutal guerilla war i the Phillippines
How did it end?
The war was brutal and It took 70,000 troops to get the island under control and the help of William Howard Taft as governor
Foraker Act
Established a government for Puerto Rico
It did not grant American citizenship
No self-government
Placed a tariff on Puerto Rican goods
Platt Amendment
finalized the exit of the United States
American intervention whenever necessary
Government that protected life, property, and individual liberty
Cuba could make no foreign treaties
Cuba must grant naval bases for the United States
Roosevelt Corollary
How did people feel about the Consitution applying to the new territories?
argued that all civil and political rights guaranteed in the Constitution also applied to people under U.S. control
Insular Cases (5-4 decision)
the Supreme Court ruled that they were “subjects” not citizens.
Open Door Policy
Russo-Japanese War
Roosevelt was able to successfully mediate and end the war with the Treaty of Portsmouth
Japan thought they got a raw deal and blamed the United States—relations between the two countries was cool
Gentlemens Agreement
Panama Canal
The isthmus was tough terrain to cut through and build a canal and the French wanted out and the United States was willing to take over
Roosevelt supported Panama’s separation from Colombia with warships and the United States was free to build the canal through Panama
The American “Bully”
Dollar Diplomacy
William Howard Taft implemented which protected American investment abroad
How did Wilson want to work with foriegn countries?
wanted to take the moral “high road”
Wilson implemented his Moral/Missionary diplomacy by refusing to recognize the Mexican leader that violently came to power—Huerta
Civil War in Mexico:
Pancho Villa emerged as a bandit who raided the border and killed Americans
Villa was difficult to capture and Wilson sent the American army under Pershing to capture him
Pershing failed to capture Villa and Wilson recalled Pershing
How did WW1 start
he assassination of Franz Ferdinand (King of Austria)
England, France, and Russia
Central Powers
Germany, Austria, and Ottomans
Why was American trade limited when WW1 started?
the British controlled the seas
American trade with the Central powers:
was almost nonexistent and angered the Germans
American trade with the Central powers:
was almost nonexistent and angered the Germans
The Germans used submarines to gain control over the seas and turn the tide of the war –Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Lusitania (1915)
The Germans sunk the Lusitania (1915) which killed many Americans and evoked much emotion from Wilson and the United States
What oher boat did Germans sink and what did they promise?
he Sussex (1916) the Germans promised to stop sinking merchant ships
WHo and why did they win election of 1912?
Wilson won the election of 1912 due to the split of the Republican party
Wh ran against Wilson?
Charles Evan Hughes
SOme of Wilsons doings:
Wilson appointed Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court—He was Jewish and a Progressive
He appealed to farmers by providing federal loans for farmers
He passed labor laws to help children and industrial workers
War Industries Board
which had a great deal of power to fix prices, business cooperation, and control the railroads
Where did disadvantaged people move to?
The city
National War Labor Board
regulated hours of workers and unions were encouraged
Espionage Act of 1917
WIlson imposed fines and jail sentences for anyone convicted of aiding the enemy or obstructing recruitment during WW1
Sedition Act
made it illegal to speak badly about the federal government and Eugene Debs found himself in jail for making anti-war speeches
Schenck v. US
During WW1 where did women work?
took over mens factory jobs
WW1 helped
the “Black Migration” to Northern cities for industrial work
WHat did whites and unions hate?
the new Black labor and violence erupted in many cities
How were blacks treated in WW1?
heavily discriminated against—placed in segregated units
American Expeditionary Forces
commanded by John Pershing and the Americans fought bravely
The AEF helped drive back a major German offensive in 1918 at Chateau-Thierry and Bellau Wood
The AEF pushed through the Argonne Forest after heavy casualties
WHy did Germany all armistice on Nov. 11?
Allies were collapsing in on them
14 points
Woodrow WIlsons statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I.
Major Points
Freedom of seas
National Self Determination
League of Nations
Paris Peace Conference People
Wilson, P.M. George (Britain), Premier Clemenceau(France), and Orlando (Italy)
How wa the Treaty of Versailles set up?
failed to reflect the Fourteen Points and blamed Germany for the war and assumed all war debt (33 Billion)
Which republican led the movement against the Treaty of Versailles?
Henry Cabot Lodge, was particularly concerned over protecting territorial integrity of member states
Red Scare
The Russian Revolution added to the fear of Communism
Many people failed to differentiate between socialists and communists
Many radicals were not American citizens and many people were demanding that radicals be ruthlessly suppressed
General Palmer
collected information about radical activities and arrested and deported numerous radicals
Palmer Raids
raids conducted in November 1919 and January 1920 by the United States Department of Justice under the administration of President Woodrow Wilson to capture and arrest suspected socialists, especially anarchists and communists, and deport them from the United States
infringed on many liberties and at first were widely supported and after a while Palmer began to sound ridiculous and the Red Scare lost its momentum
1920 election democrat nominee:
James Cox
1920 election republican nominee and winner?
Warren Harding
Why was Wilsons League of Nations a failure?
Too timid in the face of agressors