Tuberculosis (TB) Flashcards
a serious illness that mainly affects the lungs
Signs and Symptoms
1-initial infection often asymptomatic
initial infection
1-immune response controls it but not able to totally eliminate it
2- person left healthy but with latent infection or
latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI)
may develop tuberculosis (TB) disease/active TB later in life such as :
(1) chronic illness
(2) slight fever
(3) progressive weight loss
(4) night sweating
(5) persistent cough: often with blood streaked sputum
(1) مرض مزمن
(2) حمى خفيفة
(3) فقدان الوزن التدريجي
(4) التعرق الليلي
(5) السعال المستمر: غالباً ما يكون مصحوباً ببلغم ملطخ بالدم
_____________________or ________________________________
can develop TB disease on initial infection
children or immunocompromised people
Causative Agent
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
myko bacterium tuberculosis
1-colonize alveoli cause inflammation
2- survive ingestion by macrophages, carried to:
(1) lymph nodes
(2) lungs
3-granuloma forms
granuloma forms
a tiny cluster of white blood cells and other tissue
. It can appear in your lungs, skin or other parts of your body. Granulomas aren’t cancerous. They form as a reaction to infections, inflammation
ik less tir
1-collection of lymphocytes & macrophages
2- body’s attempt to wall off & contain pathogen
two bir kill
tuber cle
transmission by
respiratory route
1-need few microorganisms to cause disease
Tuberculin skin tests (TST)
administered to detect the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
two bir kill n
tuber cu lin
1-delayed hypersensitivity to bacterial antigens injected into skin
2-redness and swelling at site of injection after 48-72 hours
1-BGC vaccine but not used in us :
attenuated vaccine
prevents childhood TB disease but ineffective preventing LTBI
why BGC vaccination discouraged in US ?
recipients usually develop positive TST eliminates important early diagnosis
ris ip yint
re cip ients
multiple medications for many months
(1) multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)
(2) extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB)
(3) a combination of antibacterial such as :
isoniazid INH in combination with three other drugs rifampin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol
i soo nized/ ri fam bin/ atham bu tohl
iso nia zid/rifam bin/ etham butol