Flesh- Eating Disease Flashcards
flesh-Eating disease
if lash
Group A Streptococcal
Signs and Symptoms
1- very serious
2- severe pain at wound site
- sometimes without obvious break in skin
3- within short time, swelling ,overlying skin stretched & discolored
4- fever
5- confusion
6-can have fatigue & vomiting
7-necrotizing fasciitis can progress rapidly
fa she itis
fas ci itis
Causative Agent
Streptococcus pyogenes
necrotizing fasciitis can progress rapidly (within hours)
so we need :
(1) need immediate treatment
(2) patient can go into shock & die
1-M protein & fibronectin binding proteins
-help colonize wound
-evade phagocytosis
-cause necrotizing fasciitis
-produce variety of exotoxins
3-variety of enzymes
-help it spread by destroying subcutaneous fascia, fatty tissue, & sometimes muscle tissue such as :
1- streptokinase/fibrinolysin: breaks down blood clots
2- hyaluronidases: break down connection between cells
3- deoxyribonucleases: destroy DNA
4- streptolysins O &S: damage WBCs & RBCs
type of enzyme :
1- streptokinase/fibrinolysin: breaks down blood clots
2- hyaluronidases: break down connection between cells
3- deoxyribonucleases: destroy DNA
4- streptolysins O &S: damage WBCs & RBCs
s trap to ki n ase/fi bro nil ice n/hi low rohnd a sis
strepto kin ase/fibrinolysin/hy alu ron id ases
risk of developing invasive infection increased with:
(1) chronic diseases (diabetes, alcoholism)
(2) weakened immune system (cancer, AIDS)
(3) skin wounds (trauma, burns, surgery)
1-cases in US rare & sporadic
2- invasive infections seldom occur in healthy people with minor injuries
S pir aad ik=متقطع/ sall dimنادر
spor adic/ sel dom
2-IV antibiotics but have no effect on:
(1) relieve pressure
(2) remove dead tissue (debridement)
(3) may need to amputate to quickly remove source of toxins
Aam pu tate
IV antibiotics but have no effect on:
(a) toxin
(b) necrotic tissue