ch 27 part 4 vocabulary Flashcards
Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome
(staphylococcal TSS) is an acute disease mediated by the production of superantigenic toxins
characterized by high fever, skin rash followed by skin peeling, hypotension, vomiting, diarrhea and potentially leading to multisystem organ failure
Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 or TSST-1
is a superantigen (SAg) produced
lipopolysaccharides found in the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria
T helper cells
positive cells, are a type of T cell that play an important role in the adaptive immune system
proteins released by cells have a specific effect on the interactions and communications between
tam pan
little plugs made of cotton that fit inside your vagina and soak up menstrual blood
السدادات القطنية إحدى المنتجات الأنثوية التي تستخدم اثناء الدورة الشهرية وهذه المنتجات تمتص أو تقوم بتجميع الدم والأنسجة والخلايا التي تخرج من المهبل أثناء الدورة الشهرية