Test 3 Bio Flashcards
Quiz 10, 11, 12
The filtering unit of the nephron is
renal corpuscle made up of the gloemerulus and bowmans capsule
65% of water is absorbed in
proximal tubule
The descending loop of Henle is
permeable to
The digestion and utilization of which nutirent creates the greatest need for nitrogenous waster exretion
In the thick ascending loop of henle Na and Cl atoms are pumped up the concentration gradient from an area of lesser concentration within the tubule to an area of greater concentration outside the tubule this involves
active transport
Increased ADH secretion is likely after
sweating-induced dehydration increases plasma osmolarity
pineal gland
anterior lobe pituitary
posterior lobe pituitary
Parathyroid Hromone
pancreatic islets
Regulaes effect of light dark cycle on other glands
increases cell division, protein
synthesis, promotes growth
especially in the bones
increases glucose levels in blood
and brain
stimulates secretion of thryoxin
and triidothyronine
releases calcium from bone,
increases clacium absorption
in digestive tract and kidneys
Parathyroid Hormones
increases rate of clacium deposition in bone
maintains male secondary sex characteristic
increases cellular glucose uptake and conversion of glucose to glycogen
stimulates and maintains metabolic
stimulates muscle contractions of the uterus
substances produced by one part of the body that have an effect on specific target cells located in a different part of the body
excessive secretion of GH by the anterior pituitary results in
Pituitary Giantism
if individuals produce too much thyroxin
excessive production of GH during adulthood results in
Grave’s disease is
if the thyroid is underactive while an infant is maturing, the child may develop a condition called
control center of the endocrine system
which of the following hormones has the broadest range of targest
every time you eat a cookie or candy bar, your blood sugar increases. This triggers an increase in the hormone
which of the following hormones have antagonistic (opposing) effects?
insulin and glucagons
which disorder is correctly matched with its cause?
pituitary dwarfism and hyposecretion of growth hormone
injections of a hormone are sometimes given to strengthen contraction of the uterus during childbirth. What hormone might this be?
type I diabetes mellitus
an autoimmune disease that develops following immune attack on pancreatic cells
jet lag occurs when a person moves rapidly from one time zone to another, cuasing conflict between the body’s biological rhythm and the new cylce of light and dark. Some scientists suspect that jet lag may result from disruption of a daily hormone cylce. which of the following hormones do you think is the most likely suspect?
as a young girl, maria suffered a head injury that damages her pituitary. An injury to the pituitary is particularly serios because of all the function controlled by this gland. As maria got older, she and her doctors found that all of the following except ________ were affected.
blood sugar level/pancreas
Because only the _________ gland uses iodine to make its hormones, radioactive iodine is often used as a treatment for tumors of this gland.
Only one chromosme of each homologus pair is present
the male gonad is
sperm are produced in
seminiferous tubules
peaks of LH and FSH production occur
the period surounding ovulation
the female gonad is
the simplest definition of meiosis is
reduction cell division
has unequal cytokenesis
produces one large ocum and smaller polar bodies
in anisogamtes, the male gamete is usually
Called sperm
In anisogametes, the female gamete is usually
Called ovum
No motile
genetic variation in sexual reproductin may occur by which means
crossing over in meiosis I
independent assortment of the chromosomes in gametogenesis
genetic recombination via fertilization
the primary function o the polar bodies is
dumping ground for extra chromosomes
Meiosis II does not take place in the oocyte until
the joining of the spemr and ovum is called
the ball of cells which consists of 32 cells produced by a rapid series of cell division is
called morula
has the same colume as the zygote
the cells arranged themselves so that there is a hollow cntral cavity called the blastoceol, this stage is called the
cells invaginate, and ifferentiate to form three tissues layers the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. This stge is called
through differentiation the cells of this tissue form the muscles and bones of the musculoskeletal system. This tissue layer is
coild tobues on top of each testis, which stores sperm until they are ejeculated
secrete mucous and an alkaline fluid which neutralizes the acidity of urin remaining in the urethra and which provides lubrication to facilitate penetration of the vagina
bulbourethral gland
sperm duct which carries the sperm from the epididymus to the ejaculatory duct
seminal vesicle
carries the ovum to the uterus
fallopian tubes
hollow, muscular, thick walled organ lined with mucous membranes in which the ebryo implants iself
recieves the sprm nd is the birth canal it is highly acid
during the first third of human pregnancy, the major source of progesterone is
corpus luteum
which of the follwing correctly traces the path of spemr from their site of production to exiting a man’s body?
seminiferous tubule-epididymis-vasdeferens-urethra
on its way to fertilize a human egg, a perm cell does no have to pass through which of the following
folic acid is important ton ormal enurla tube development. Its absence can lead to
for a species with the genotype AaBbCcDdEe, how many different combination of chormosomes are possivle in the gametes
homologous chormosomes separate during
meiosis I
which of the following affects the number of genetically distinct gametes that an organism can make
the number of chromosomes in the cell
the number of genes for which different alleles are present
random alignment of chromosomes during meiosis
corossing over during meiosis
corssing over is_________.
the exchange of homologous protion of nonsister chromatids
which of the following correctly displays the sequence of development milestones?
the archenteron of the developing frog eventually develops into the
digestive tract
the neural fold and neural tube lead to the formation of
spinal cord
central nervous system
The type of neuron that when stimulated by the environement transmists an impulse to the central nervous system is an
sensory neurons
motor neurons generally transmit information to the CNS
You come o class and are surprised to find out that there is an exan today. As a result of your surprise, your heart rate increases, you’re breathing rate increases, and your digestive system shuts down. Amazingly, you remain calm enough to realize that these events are being stimualted by
sympathetic division of the PNS
the part of the nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord is
central nervious system
in a neuron, the exon conducts nerve impulses
away from the cell body
inside the neuron there are lare organic ions that carry
negative electric charge
in humnas the best developed area of the brain is the
synaptic transmission generally depends upon the release of
the space between two neurons is
synaptic cleft
conduction of a nerve impulse is
those nerves leading from the central nervious system to the skeletal muscles or glands
somatic nervous system
in the axon of a neuron at resting potential, the elctrical charge is
more negative inside the membrane
a thin muscular diapragm that regulates the size of the pupil and therefore the amount of light entering the eye is
receptors for the sense of smell are
olfactory cells
rods in the retina of the eye are responsible for
night vision
in the eye, light energy is converted into
chemical energy
an impulse is generated when the fluid in the cochlea moves the tectoral membrane against the hair and nerve endings of the
basilar membrane
in the rods of the ye, light striking the ye cuases the pigment rhodopsin to break down into
in vertebrates, the photoreceptors o the eye are foind on the
glaucoma is caused by __________
blockage of the ducts that drain the aqueous humor
which of the following correctly traces the path of light into your eye?
cornea, pupil, lens, retina
which of these is the correct path of sound waves to the choclea?
auditory canal-eardrum-hammer-anvil-stirrup-oval window
which of the following best descibes a nerve signal?
passage of ions through the membrane of a neuron
damage to the nerve from the saccule and utricle to the brain could result in
the smallest unit of contraction in skeletal muscle is
the bones of the pectoral girdle, arm, hands, pelvic girdle, legs and feet make up the
appendicular skeleton
which of the following is not a function of a vertebrate skeleton
protection of external structures
muscle fivers contract because
actin fibers and myosin fibers slide past each other
muslce contraction occurs when a sarcomere
you’re treating a patient who experienced a fracture to her appendiucal skeleton. Treatment of which of the following bones is indicated
all the following are important functions of the skelatl system except that
provides for rapid communication
which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton
which is a ball-and-socket joint?
which of the major types of muscle in humans has a primary function in movement?
which of the following statemnets best descrives the sliking filament mechanism of muslce contraction?
as they slide past each other, actin filaments shorten, while myosin filaments do not shorten
which of the folloiwng types of muscle in huymns is involved in voluntary body movements?
arm and leg muscles are arranged in antagonistc paris. How does this affect their functioning?
it allows the muscles to produce opposing movements