CogPsychTest 1 Flashcards
cognitive processes that allow us to concentrate on one set of events in our environment while ignoring other events; it controls our mental environment by choosing the events that enter our consciousness
attentional blink
the moment when a person is shifting focus and is unable to attend fully to a new target event
attentional processing
processing an event within the first second after it is captured by sensory storage
attentional spotllight
the cognitive ability to focus or sharpen attention on a previously peripheral stimulus
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
a neurabehavioral disorder that manisfests itself in symptoms such as restlessness, distractiblity, inattention, and difficulty in self control. Pepole with ADHD focus on too many stimuli and have diffculty filtering out unneccessary information in their environment, and are therefore easily distracted
automatic processes
processing that leads to decsions that are nt consciously controlled and which require inimal atetnional resources
a scientist who looks exclusievely at observable actions (what can be seen) rather than hypothesizing about ental process (what cannot be seen)
the amount of information a memeyr system can hold
capacity theory of attention
the idea that attention is a resource distributed among tasks and that the ability to focus attention varies with the number and complexity of tasks
change blindness
the inability to notice changes between similar scenes or pictures unless they are compared side by side
closed skill
a task that can be realiably accomplished under a variety of predicatable circumstances
cocktail-party phenomenon
the ability to shift attention immediately when a word or voice from a peripheral stream of speech “grabs” your attention
how infomration is retained in a memory system
those process by which the sensory input is tranformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and used
cognitive neuroscience
the scientific study of the relationship between brain structures, neurological activity, and cognitive function
cognitive psychology
the branch of psychlogy that identifies our mental processes and how they affect our ability to interact with the world around us
cognitive science
an interdisciplinary field that ebraces research and theory from many areas of specialization (e.g., anthropology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, as well as cogntivie psychology and cognitive neurosceince) and is devoted to studying mental activity and intelligent behavior
controlled processing
processing that requires conscious, attnetional resources, in contrast with automatic processing
corpus collosum
the largest of a collection of fibers (commissures) that connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain
the outer surface of the brain, composed of cell bodies and their axons
the length of time information is held in memory sistem
early-selection filter
active when attention is captured by the physical properties of the stimlus (e.g., someone coughing during a leture).
the oldest neuroimaging techinque in which a cap containing electrodes is placed on a person’s head; the electrodes reflect the total electrical output of neurons near them, which varies according to the person’s state of arousal. This activity is shown as wavest hat vary in height (amplitude) and how rapidly they repeat (frequency). EEG identifies broad ares of the brain involvedi n specific cognitive events
event-related potentionals
momentary chagnes in the EEG signal that occu as an immediate response to something the participant has observed or thought about.
focused attentional processing
the process by which the atttentional system deeply process stimuli in the environment
the inability to recall information in a memory system
the outer portion of the brain that surrounds the midbrian and is composed of the cortex; the forebrain regulates higher mental process, such as complex learning, memor, thought, and language
frontal lobe
lobe of the brain that performs many functions, especially those related to memory, problem solving, and ocmmunication
functional magnetic resonansce imaging
a neuroimaging techniique that locates areas of cognitive activity by measuring blod changes, called BOLD response. This electromagnetic system creates an image of the electical activity by indirectly measuring the amound of blood flow and therefore the amount of brain activity