Test 1 Biology Flashcards
Radial Symmetry
At least two planes of symmetry. Symmetry in which the body can be divided into mirror-imaged halves by any plane through its central axis [like Cnidarians].
Bilateral Symmetry
Body symmetry in which a cenral longitudinal plane divides the body into two equal but opposite haves [like humans]. Only one plane of symmetry.
Biradial Symmetry
Both radial and bilateral [just ctenophorans have this type of symmetry, they are alos called comb jellies].
no symmetry; organisms with no planes of symmetry.
Organisms with tow germ layers: endoderm and ectoderm.
Organisms with three germ layesL endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm.
inner layer, usually derives the digestive tract.
outer layer, skin/nervous system.
middle layer, organs, muscle skeleton.
Organisms with true coelom [or body cavity] derived ONLY from Mesoderm germ layer.
Orgnisms with no coelom or body cavity
Organisms with a false or face coelom [or body cavity] derived from Endoderm ad Mesoderm.
Having separate sexes.
Having both male and female reproductive organs.
Complete digestive system
Two openings [one works as the mouth and the other one as the anus]. It is also called alimentary canal.
Incomplete digestive system
One opening [works as both mouth and anus[.
Open circulatory system
System in which the fluid [in this case called hemolymph, not blood] bathes the tissues and organs directly and there is no distinction between circulating fluid and interstitial fluid].
Closed Circulatory system
system in which fluid [in this case blood] is confined to vessels and is kept separate from the interstitial fluid.
An evolutionary trend toward the concentration of sensory equipment at the anterior end of the body. [“Formation of head”]
symbiotic relationship in which one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of another, the host, by living either within or on the host.
Adaptive Radiation
Period of evolutionary change in which groups of organisms form many new species whose adaptations allow them to fill different ecological roles in their communities [like mollusks]
organisms that produce a trochophore larvae and have lophphore.
Organsms that molt
What findings does the fact that protostomes are divided into 2 subgroups suggest?
That protostomes are monophyletic group
Shallow warm water contains
low amounts of oxygen
Birds are descendants of
The nervous system of the planaria
central nervous system
Tetrapods evolved
from lobe-finned fishes
The burrow of the fidbeedle crab is used primarily for
- Sponges
- Phylum at the multicellular level of organization, with simple epithelial tissue only! No complex tissues, but with division of labor.
- Asymmetric
- Hermaphroditic
- Grantia, Syncon is an example of a poriferan organism.
- Poriferans are divided into their classes primarily on the basis of the composition of their spicules.
- Two of the advantages off sexual reproduction in sponges are: increasing genetic variations and dispersal.
- Hermaphroditic sponges ensure cross fertilization by producing their gametes at different times.
- Cabbage Head Jellyfish, Portuguese man of war, Box Jellyfish, Coral are all Cniderians.
- First phylum of animals at the tissue level of organization.
- Radial Symmetry
- With a nerve net
- Diploblastic
- Dioecious
- The sessile, asexual reproductive form of Cnidarians is the polyp
- The free swimming, sexual repodcutive form of Cnidarians is the medusa
- Cnidarians are divided into their classes primarily on the basis of their life cycle [some of them are polyps all their life, others are polyps then medusa, etc.]
- the best treatment for the sting of a Cnidarians is white vinegar [check quiz just to make sure!]
- The Cnidarians inner layer of tissue is specialized for digestion.
- The box jellyfish are the most complex cnidarians with 24 eyes, 6 at each corner where tentacles are attached, 2 with cornea, and lens one also with an iris. tow are image forming while the rest only detect light or dark.
- Comb jellies
- Biradial Symmetry
- Diploblastic
- Hermaphroditic
- Simples animals to use cilia for movement. Cilia arranged in eight rows.
- Flat worms
- Acoelomate
- First phylum of animals with cephalization
- first phylum of animals that is triploblastic
Schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke)
Platyhelminthes; contracted when wadding in rise fields.
Clinorchis sinesis (Human liver fluke)
Taenia saginata (human beef tapeworm)
The intermediate host of the human-beef tapeworm is
The Cow
Blood Flukes, Schistosoma mansonii, are especially a problem in human’s
liver and lungs
Dibothtiocephalus latus
the broad tapeworm may be contracted by eating raw salmon
Platyhelmnthes, flatworms, include:
flukes, tapeworms, and planaria
What adaptive advantage is the large-surface are to volume to ratio to the Platyhelminthes?
provides more efficient gas exchange
- round worms
- Frist phyla of animals with a complete digestive system
- Pseudocoelomate
Necator Americanus (American Hookworm)
Dracuncula Medinesis, Guinea worm
Ascaris Lumbircoides
Nematode; contracted by drinking water or eating food contaminated with their eggs.
Trichinella spiralis
The best method for interrupting the life cycle of most parasitic worms is
cooking the meat well
Hookwoms may be contracted by
walking barefoot
The vector and intermediate host of heartworms are
The round worms Wucheria Bancroftii causes:
Elephantiasis, which is a blockage of lymph glands leading to swelling of the tissues due to accumulation of fluid.
Ancyclostomata canium
the dog hookworm can cause anemia and diarrhea
The intermediate host of a parasite contains
the larvae form of the parasite
Nematodes, round worms, include:
hookworms, heartworms, spiralis, and lumbricoides
- Earthworm, leech, clamworm
- Meteorically segmented
- closed circulatory system
- lophotrochozoa
- Octopus, squid, oyster
- Second largest phylum in the animal kingdom
- With a chitinous exoskeleton
- One Pair of appendages per segment
- Open circulatory system
- Ecdyzoa
Limitations of the exoskeleton of arthropods include
its size and that they must shed
THe scientific name for the blue crab is Callinectus Spaidus. Spidus means:
The soft shell crab is
a molting crab
The maggot of the house fly
is the juvenile form (larvae) of the fly
The house fly has a
Complete matamorphisis with egg, larva/maggot, pupal, and adult stages
The screw wrom population in Texas was controlled by using
sterialized males [trough radiation] to mate with females, and since they only mate once before dying, population was limited
- Scientists believe that chordates evolved form Echinodermata, tunicates
Chordates are divided into the following subphylum:
- Cephalochordata
- Urochordata
- Vertebrata
Sumphylum Cephalocordata
- Lancelets (Amphioxus)
- in amphioxus, lancelets, the notochord functions as a skeleton, extends from head to tail, present throughout all life
- in amphioxus, lacelets, the notochord extedns from the head to the tial (anterior to posterior) and is present in both the larvae and the adult.
Subphylum Urochordata
- Tunicates
- Adult Tunicates are sessile and filter feeders
- In tunicates the notchord is present only during the larval stage and restricted to the posterior.
Subphlym Vertebrata is divided into:
- Agnatha/Cyclostomata
- Chondrichthyes
- Osteichthyes
- Amphibia
- Aves
- Reptilia
- Mammalia
Subphylum Vertebrata
- Animals with a serial arrangement vertebrae are in this subphylum
- Characteristics of chordates: notochored, pharyngeal gills slits, hollow nerve cord, muscular post-anal tail
- Hagfish, lampre
- notochord is present throughout their life history
- 2 chambered heart
- Manta rey, Great white shark, whale shark, qualus [dogfish shark]
- sharks are dioecisou, they reproduce sexually, and they have internal fertilization
- 2 chambred heart
- perch, torut, grouper [jewfish], and flouder
2. 2 chambred heart
- the class of vertebrates with slimy sking and lacking protective outgrowths and functioning as a secondary source of oxygen absorption
- 3 chambred heart
- ectothermic
- amphibians have gills at some stage in their life history
- The class of vertebrates whose body is covered by feathers
- homeothermic
- Partially divided 4 chambered heart
2. ectothermic
- homeothermic
- the class of vertebrates with mammary glands
- the class of vertebrate whose body is covered by hair.
1 Blue crab, tarantula, grasshopper, centipede, spiny lobster 2 Largest phylum in the animal Kingdom 3 With a chitinous exoskeleton 4 One Pair of appendages per segment 5 Open circulatory system 6 Ecdyzoa
group of fist with no true jaws round mouth
group of fish in which the adult is parasitic saprophytic and the larvae is a filter feeder
the class of fish that contains the lampre and hagfish
the class of fish with a protocercal tail
the larval stages of lamprey may last as long as
4-8 years
agnatha means
group of fish whose notochord is replaced by vertebra compsed of cartilage
group of fish whose body s covered by denticles or placoid scales
the class of fish that includes the sharks, skates and rays
the class of fish with a heterocecal tail
chondrichthyes means
the copulatory organ of male sharks is called
the clasper
sharks that lay eggs but retain them in their bodies until they hatch are
Sharks that lay eggs are
the body of most sharks is made of
the pectoral fins of sharks are used for
direction when swimming
the skin of the fmale shark is twice as thick as the males to
withstand bites that males give them when mating
scientists belive that the sharks jaws evolved from
first pair of gill bars
scientist belive that the sharks teeth evolved from
placoid sclaes or denticles.
Group of fish whose notochord is replaced in the embryo by vertebra
Osteichtyes means
bony fish
the class of fish with a homocercal tail
the class of fish which includes the trout, perch, redfish and catfish
group of fish with their body covered by either cycloid, ctenoid or ganoid scales
group of fish with that have a single gill slits covered and protected by an opercle
group of fish that have swim or air bladder
Mammals that give birth to underdeveloped young whose complete development in a pouch belong to the order
Placental mammals belong to the subclass
egg laying mammals such as the platypus and the echidna belong to the order
Scientist believe that the mammary glands of mammals evolved from
sweat glands
The class of vertebrate whose body is covered by hair.