Review Government Test 2 Flashcards
Government in Animal Farm
totlitarian dictatorship
Authoritarian to modorate sense and smally democratic
Misuse of power
(1) Milk and apples kept by the pig
(2) animals cant sleep in bed, but pigs are, and they change it so that animals cant sleep in beds without sheets.
Old Major Represents
Cal Marx, creater of communist principles
could also be lenin who lead the activism In Russia that lead to revolution
Combination of Lenin and Trotsky. Succeds to get revolution just like Lenin. Trotsky is snowball as strotsky is run out of S.S.S.R. and man who ran him out was solidifying power
Represents Stalin, as he makes people belief revolution was of his own making, but really lenin and Trotsky have true influence. Stalin was master of scaring and stringing people up.
Joseph Gerhliest, he is the propagandist genius and uses brain washing to get ppl. To believe them.
unrewarded working class
classic synic, doesn’t believe in perfect world, and just quite in background, he is Orwell himself
Neer joins revolution and wanted to please the humans to be accepted
Named Moses in the book, and represents the church and specifically the Russian orthodox church.
became secret police of the Soviet union
They are followers and never seize opp. Of their own
they are the rebels and they rebel against he rule of napolean
The narrator and keeps story going and maintains aweraness and hope overall
Czar, old ruler of Russia, the old regiem
Wealthy and famous speaker for humans. Represents the U.S. and England
Represents Germany, botrh Nazi & non Nazi
Economic change in Russia taken credit upon by Stalin from Lenin and Trotsky, and snowball is lenin and trotsky and stalin is Napolean; Napolean takes credit of the windmill after Snowball is run out
Battle of Cowshed
American forces fail to overturn communism and fails. And then have to coexist with the communist
ppl. Who controlled colonies
PPl who govern colonies
Charter colonies
Colonies that were the most free o the monarchy
Colonies founded by corporations
Charter Colonies
Colonies hoses and governor were elected by the people
Charter Colonies
Only whites, landowner protestants could vote
Charter Colonies
Proprietary Colony
Single person in charge of land
Proprietors would select governor and upper house
Proprietary Colony
Colonists would select the lower house only, and single person appoints the upper levels of government
Proprietary Colony
Propritary Colony Judicial system
Upper house appoints Judiciary
Royal Colonies
King or quieen seleted the upper house and judiciary; voters select lower house
What was their degree of participation
Coloniest got a sense of power and found that they could make it without the royalty
What is the power of the Purse
House that is able to raise the mony to pay and fund for the government
Colonial/British Conflicts: 1763-1775
British begin to raise the funds to pay for the war cuased by the English government; and the Colonists do not enjoy this.
Taxes and Representation
The colonists do not like for there to be a tax without their representation, but the parliments states that they represent the entire english culture in generel, even if they were not voted directly
Thomas Paine
Writes common sense pamphlets, and is arguing for the independence of the colonies
Robert Lee
Called for Independence and for confederation between the colonies
Thomas Jefferson
Writes the declaration of independence
John Adams
Good with words, but not very fun, and american people didn’t really like him, and so he gave it up to Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
He was a wise old man, and he was from the average renaissance man to solve it all
Ideas on the Declaration of Independence
First sectoin based on writig of John Locke. The latter half is more political than philosphical; the inspiration fo thomas paine is overwhelmignly convinient.
A confederation is a form of government where the state is supreme. National overnment exercises, only indirectly, power by receiving approval of the states
Articles of Confederation
This was the first consitution of the newly independent United States, drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781
Structure of national government
The national government featured a one house ongress. Each state had two to seven members but only one vote. All legislative making required approval of nine states. Ammendment required all state agreement. Congress appoints those who the executive work
Functions of national government
grated numerous powers, but was restricted simultaneously on how it could usethem. Congress declare war and pece, enter treaties and make alliances, but could not compel states to respect these actions. Control of armed forces, but get their military personell from the states if the states allowed. Request money, but couldn’t force states to give money.
Structure of state government
states had bicameral legislature. Voters select both houses, legislation controlled executive in most states
Annapolis Convention
Only five delegates led by James Madison and Alexandre Hamilton to increase the national power of the United States of America
The Call to Philadelphi
Meeting ofa the national delegates at Philadelhia in May 1787to increse the power of the naitonal government
Shay’s Rebellion
Rebellion initially featured attacks on the courts of the states of massahcusetts by angry farmers who were having their lands foreclosed, led by Danial Shay. Increased the fact that states needed to consider sending delegates to Philadelhia in May 1787 to revise the Articles
Philadelphia Naitonal Convention
This convention, including representatives from twelve states of the thirteen who hoped to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Profile of the delegates
not a commonar among them. 35 delegates, 32 lawyers, 50% graduates, more than half were delegates to the continental cogress o the congress of the confederation. Many young people, and the ideology was very much conservative
Charles Beard: Famous historian argued in An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, that a relatively wealthy contingent drew up the eventual Constitution, and they produced a self-serving document
Alexander Hamilton
Conservative through and through, he supported a strong variation of fedralism, which featured a very strong national government and a powerful independent executive. He is one of the poorest of the representatives, and he had trouble to find out who his parents were, and so he has a lot of trouble to meet days end. He was the major driving force that made the people go
James Madison
Madison was the greatest political thinker of the revolutionary era and perhaps of all of American history. Formulated a political theory that featured reasoned dialogue with decisions made through consensus. He is the father of the constitution because he helped to drive this convention and wrote most of it. He was the one that would keep most of the delegates there and have them participate
George Washington at the convention
gave the meeting a sense of legitimacy and made him the future “father of his country” as its president
Benjamin Franklin at the convention
also made the session more legitimate, franklin was representative of those who were much older than him, and he would be there entirely to get the constitution done
John Adams at the convention
he was embassador for Great Britain, and thus he couldn’t be present at the meeting, but he would have probably participated and have had suppoprted the new constitution
Thomas Jefferson at the convention
He was embassador to France and he wouldn’t have participated in the meeting if he could’ve gone because he was very much for strong power of the states
Patrick Henry
He is the radical revolutionary who didn’t like a big government, and turned down the invitation to attend, but was present in the continental convention before.
Environment during the convention
It was a very warm summer that caused much personal discomfert because of the very high heat
Virginia Plan
Have 2 houses based upon population. Have an executive chosen by congeress (Legislature) and no mention of how many executives, but with time settled on only 1. Finally, there will be a national judiciary that will be selected by the congress. There are three branches of government, even if two aren’t as strong. Congress could override state laws, giving more power to the legislature houses of the national government
Virginia Plan Problem
They didn’t like that the houses were based upon population and the small states wouldn’t have much say in the laws of the government
New Jersey Plan
Have a one house legislature, a multiple executive and independent, and wasn’t entirely discussed how he would be chosen, and would jave a national Judiciary chosen by the executive. The Supremacy clause states that the consitution will be the supreme law of the land, and no law may go against it, and will empower the national government to be stronger than the states
Resoluiton to empasse
The committee of Eleven that would resolved impasse between alrge and small states, led by Roger Sherman, leader of the Connecticut delegation, the committee drew up a compromise plan incorporating section of both plans. This truly resolved the difficulties between the contentious plans.
Connecticut/Great Compromise
Two house legeslature, with lower house based upon pop. And the upper house will be two rep. from each state and they will each have one vote creating equal representation.
3/5 compromise
1 slave is 3/5 of a person that will count towards that states representation, to satisfy both of the arguing sides, those in the north who didn’t want to count the slaves, then the south who wanted to count them as one person to increase number of representatives, and ultimatly keep slavery most likely.
Executive and the constitution
President will be elected by an electoral college, to a four year term, and will be unlimited the number of terms. There will only be one executive
The judiciary and the constitution
Committee on detail chose a judiciary that wasn’t elected, but appointed by the president, but approved by the senate.