Test 1 History Flashcards
Indian tribe that’s located in the Dakota region, and is divided into the Asinnibone, Mandan, and Dakota Sioux tribes.
How was the problem of the “Plain Indians” resolved?
- Army was sent to fight the Indians. The U.S. army preferred to use the cavalry.
- Colt Revolver & repeating rifle was invented.
- Established Indian Reservations
- Bounty on Buffalo
- Transcontinental Railroad
- Diseases
Indian Reservations
Indians would have to live there only if they left would they be killed
Colt Revolever
Invented by Samuel Colt
Bounty on Buffalo
Buffalo had a bounty on them, with a $2 bounty per tail and the body left to rot.
The Indians began to get white man’s diseases. These were deadly since many of the Indians didn’t have any immunity to the diseases.
Crazy Horse
Sioux war chief, and was the co-leader of the Indians at the battle of little big horn
Sitting Bull
Sioux medicine man, and was the co-leader of the Indians at the battle of Little Big Horn.
Little Big Horn
Largest battle between the Indians and the U.S. Army taken place in Montana. U.S. army was led by Gen. George Armstrong Custer leading the U.S. Cavalry. The battle was between 4,000 warriors and 264 cavalry me from the U.S. U.S. tried to run away, but they died on the run back.
Settlement of the West
- Homestead act of 1862
- Land Grants to Railroads
- Land Rushes
Homestead act of 1862
free farms of 160 acres to anyone who would move out west. Most of these people were civil war vets., estern farmers whose farms had worn out, and new immigrants from Europe.
Land Rushes
They would settle land by setting up acres and numbering them, then people would have to run in and get the little flag with the number they would get the land. much like black friday
Environemental problems in the Great Plain
- Lack of wood
- Lack of Water
- toughness of the sod
lack of wood
Great plains hardly have any trees. Houses had to be built out of sod bricks. There was also a fencing problem, until barbed wire was invented to fix this problem.
Lack of Water
water for family, livestock, and irrigation was needed, but there wasn’t any water, and it hardly rained. To fix this they had to create wells, but the water was really deep down. Thus they had to invent the water mill to pump up water, using the same method as oil pumping.
Toughness of the Sod
The sod in the great plains was extremly hard, as the soil had a great network of grass roots. This created a tough sod and it had to be fixed by creating a steel tipped plow. this was created by John Deere who took up a role of producing many farming tools.
Cattle Drives in the West
- Sedalia Trail
- Chisholm Trail
- Western Trail
- Goodnight Loving Trail
Sedalia Trail
ran from San Antonio to Kansas City
Chisholm Trail
Ran from Brownsville to Wichita, Kansas
Western Trail
Ran from S. Texas to Dodge City, Kansas
Goodnight Loving Trail
Ran from W. Texas to Denver
End of Cattle drives
- Cattle was raised in Kansas and Nebraska
- longhorn cattle was inferior to other beef products–Hereford & Angus cattle was better for beef
- West began to be fenced
- Southern Pacific Railroad built in 1886
“Buffalo Bill” Cody
He was a buffalo hunter, an Indian scalper, and a circus performer–in the Buffalo Bill wild west show.
Wyatt Earp
U.S. Marshal for dodge city Kansas and Tumbstone, Arizona. He was a very harsh Marshal.
“Wild Bill” Hickbook
most famous gun figher in the west killed in deadwood, South Dakota while playing.
gold discoveries
Sutter’s Mill California in 1849
Pikes Peak, Colorado, gives rise to Denver in 1859
Comstok load in nevada in 1859
Blakhills, South Dakota(deadwood) homesteak mine.
Results of the gold Disocoveries
Led to rise of the U.S. Geological Survey
Rapid Expansion of the U.S. economy minerals provided material needed for industrial expansion
Frederick Jackson Turner
“Turner’s Thesis” states “American character was created by the frontier.
American Character according to the Frederick Jackson Turner
- Restless–most people move at least 7 times
- versatile–american’s need to know a lot of things
- Don’t respect Tradition–don’t care about past, only present and future
- No Class system–base judgement of a person on what he/she can do
- Lawless society–Don’t obey laws very well
Urban and Industrial Growth
1870: rural pop. 40 M.– Urban Pop. 10 M.
1900: rural pop. 76 M.– Urban Pop. 30 M.
American Cities
1850: 1900: N.Y.C.--696K 3.4M Chicago--29K 1.7M Philadelphia--121K 1.3M St. Louis--77K 575K Boston--136K 560K
Causes of urban growth
- The Civil War spurred in Industrial growth
- cyrus McCromick’s agricultural harvester repleaces manual labor aross the U.S.
- Rapid Immigration, taking in anyone who wants to come creating cheap labor force
- Discovey of mineral in americ’s western mountains will prvide the raw materils for the industries
Henry Bessemer created machine Bessemere converter or “Blast Furnace” named today
steel needed Coal, Iron Ore, and LImestone
Messabi Range was the main source of irion
Coal was found in Penn. and west Virginia
Pittsburg becomes first steel center. Soon it was followed by Cleveland, Detroit, and chicago, and Gary Indiana remains as the main steel center for many decades.
Andrew Carnegie
Scotish immirant created a near monopoly owner of the steel industry and became the first great millionary and great CEO. Then sold all his holding to create the U.S. Steel Corp. His most famous quote was “Not a sin to be rich, but it is a sign to die rich,” and he gave money to create 3K public libraries
Railroad Industry
Track milage quadripled from 1865-1900, and Chicago becamoe the railroad center.
Train Improvements
Train Speed increased from 40m/hr to 100m/hr
- switch from burning wood to coal
- powerful light given off by the light bulb created by edison
- Bogeys for the wheel
- Iron rails to steel rails
- Wodden tressels and bridges to steel tressels and bridges
- George Westinhouse invented air breaks.
- Double traking of the american railroads
Cornelious Vanderbilt
Built many railroads then sold them to a rail company. “Builtmore” mansion, the largest in America, was owned by him.
George Westinhouse
Invented the air breaks
Air Breaks
Invented by George Westinhouse. The air breaks would be activited by the driver of the train, and then it will stop the last car first and work itself in a relay method to the first car. This made the stopping much faster and easier.
Shipping Industry
shift from wooden ship to steel ship
steel ship has no length limit
spurred world trade
| Urban Transportation</p>
<p> electric trolley</p> <p> elevated railway</p> <p> subway</p> <p> Elevator</p> <p> Automobile</p>
Elisha Otis
Invented the Elevator
Petroleum Industry
First mine in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859 by Edwin Drake
Nylon was first synthetic fiber from oil, and it was named by N.Y.C. and London where it was invented at the same time.
John D. Rockefeller
Standard Oil Co. was founded and owned by him. He owned most of the oil fields, shipping, and refineries of the United States, having a near monopoly of the industry. He was later forced to break up the co. and keep only 1/8 and he kept what is today Exxon
Electric Power
Micheal Farraday English inventor discovered electricity.
Telephone Industry
Alexander Graham Bell– Copper wired can carry human voice invented in 1876
ATT founded in 1885–gave huge spurr to the copper industry and logging industry
Auto Industry
A steam engine and an electric car were all probable option, but they all failed. Only the internal combustion engine worked and created by four major co. Ransome olds–Oldsmobile, Henry Ford–Ford, Carl Benz–Mercedes Benz. The wheels at first were made out of wood, but then Charles Goodyear invented the pneumatic tire.
“Big 3”
Ford, GM, Chrysler all located in Detroit
Ford’s “Better Idea”
Ford Doubled the salary of workers creating a ripple effect and the rest of the industries had to raise their salary, increasing the amount an average family could afford.
Airplane Industry
Wilburt & Orville Wright create plane in 1903 and the first airforce is obtained by 1914. First plane flown in Kitty Hawk, N.C. where the Wright brothers pushed plane onto Kill Devil Hill. Wilburt is the first man to fly.
Radio Industry
invented by Gugllelmo Marconi
British Boradcast Corp. Led to the ABC–American Broadcast Corp., NBC–National Broadcast Corp., and CBS–Columbia Broadcast System.
Motion Picture Industry
Thomas Alva Edison invented the motion pic. camera and projector for silent movies.
first movie was in 1903–The great train robbery, and then in 1914 the birth of a nation was the first modern drama lenght movie
movie theathers were named nickleodiun, after they charged a nickle to enter the cinema. Hollywood was the center of the movie industry since they needed bright sunlight, wider veriety of scenery in area
Mary Pickfor–“America’s sweetheart”
Charlie Chaplin–leading comedian
Rudolph Valentino–Leading male artist
Thomas Alva Edison
Patentent over 1K inventions, sold nespaper first, then became telehaphist then had lab set up at menlo park, nj
most popular for the Lighbulb, motion picture camera and projector, recordplayer, electric volt counting machine, mimeograph–zerox machine replaced this
stock/ticker/tape machine
Gilded Age
- conspicuous consumption
- monopolies
- price fixing
- long hour & low wages
- child labor
- unsafe working condition
- migrant in huge numbers
- assembly line work
- no inspector in meat industry
- corrupt politicians
- no social security
- social Darwinism
Conspicous consumption of the gilded age
most wealthy lived in Manhattan and summer cottage in Newport, Mass.
gained complte control over one industy
Price Fixing
nota monopply, but only four or five co. fixed price to force people to pay
Long Hours & Low Wages
60 hours 11 hours a day common hours but some asked for 14 hours or 16 hours
$10 per week was standard, but lowes was up to $2 per week. Many employers actioned off job.
Unsafe working conditions
gave rise to the OSHA–Occupational Safety Health Agency
Migrants in huge numbers
Ellis Island main port of entry for immigratns
No inspector in the meat industry
upton sinclari wrote the jublge telling of these atrocoties.
Upton SInclair
Journalist who went undercover for many industries, but most famous for writing the Jungle on the meat industry
Corrupt Politicians
no secret ballot
“Social Darwinism”
Based on Charles Darwin’s book “Origin of Species” (1859) on survival of the fittest.
Karl Marx
Founder of communism, and a German Jew
Superb education, and very well traveled in Europe and noted abuses in labor. Dedicated to improve working conditions.
Kicked out of Germany, Switzerland, France, and finally stayed in Britain. Famous quote at the end of the book “Communist Manifesto” was “Workers of the world unite”
Fredirch Engels
Communist Manifesto(1848) written by Carl Marx and Engels
Das Kapital (1867)
written by Marx only and shows the evils of capitalism and how communism can correct it.
Marx basic idea of Communism
A. 1. Bourgeoisie–class that owns means of production. they won land, food, buisnesses, and factories. West was the upper Middle Class.
2. Proletariat–the working class and the one that had most of the work on it’s shoulder, and the largest of the two.
B. Conflict between the two classes is inevitable and can’t be stopped
C. Revolution is invitable
D. Private ownership will end when the Proletariat revolt, and the community will take ownership
E. Communist must be atheists–“Religion is the opium of the People”
F. Predicted communist revolution in:
Britain, Germany, France, U.S.A.
William McKinley
1896-1901, assassinated by anarchist
Teddy Roosevelt
president from 1901-1908
he had started off as the assistant sec. of the navy and he grows the navy, then vice presidetn then president and hand picks successor. He was aknicerbocke, came from wealthy family, Educated by private schools and tutors. weak poor vision, but at age 12 he became strong and could’ve become a boxer. he was an outstanding hourseman and an expert marksman and hunter. he was a strict conservative of wildlife. studied history at harvard, no need to work, commisions and board and became N.Y.C. commision of police. Resigned from navy and began volunteer army organization during spanish–american war and became famous and him as their leader. represented by bull moose and by the teddy bear. vice president after war. president after mckinly was killed.
“The United States should speak softly and carry a big stick” “As long as America has a big army we will get our way” “In latin America the U.S. will sometimes have to act as a policing power”
Woodrow Wilson
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Made monopolies illegal in America
Interstate commerce Act
Regulate Business that runs from state to state
Department of Agriculture established
imrpve farming conditions, manage american forests
Meat inspection act
carcass must be inspected for safety
purefood &drugh act passed
foods have to be inspected, and drugs must be inspected
co-ups formed
farm coperates build silos for stroage to stop spoil and increase revenue from crops
Unision form
The government garanteed workers “right to strike”
Dept. of Labor
created to help workers have a safe working environement. worked for 8hr. work day, 40 hrs. per week. regulation of child labor
National Parks Fish & Wildlife Service, and the dept. of the entiror is under this also
Income Tax
Flat Tax where everyone has to pay the same rate. or the graduated income tax, wehre the rich have to pay more and the poor less.
19th Ammendment
women’s suffrage
The Commision & Board System
established in 1920 and city commision and board wa paid nothing sot hey wouldn’t go into politics for money
Journalist who would like to get rid of all the waste in society
Ida Tarbell
Standard Oil book that told about their injustices
Upton Sinclair
The jungle and it’s corruption
Frank Norris
Octopus–About the RR and how it was an octopus
Why did the U.S. want an empire
- continue moving west
- producing far more food than was needed and wanted to sell it to someone
- producing more goods than eeded
- Alfred Thayer Mahan–influence of sea power upon history, Big navy yields big empire
- Social Darwinism–Big Succesful countries take over small ones
- White Man’s burden–White race is superiro to all others so they must civilize the savage and inferior races
Spanish american war of 1898
“Splendid Little War”
Began with troubles in Cuba, when the Cuban people began a rebellion against Spain.
U.S.S. Maine was anchored at Havana, Cuba and it sank because of an explosion, which made the U.S. go to war with Spain as it blamed Spain.
1st battle at Manila Bay, and we took over the Philipines.
2nd battle takes plane in Cuba as we sink all of the Spanish Atlantic fleet, and the Army at Tampa bay is sent to Santiago, Cuba.
Battle of El Caney & San Juan Hill
These two battles take place in Cuba and are the two major battles of the Spanish American War of 1898
Treaty of Paris (1898)
Ends the Spanish American war of 1898
U.S. gave Cuba independence from Spain, but kept Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
Bought from Russia in 1867
First interested the U.S. as a whailing center. Next christian missionaries move in, and then are followed by planters that arrived to build sugar and pinapple plantations. Finally, the United States wanted Pearl Harbor to build a naval base. Finally in 1898 Hawaii is taken from Queen LILIUOKALANI, after she led a rebellion in an attempt to expel the american landowners.
American Samoa
Nearly went to war with Germany for this territory as both of us arrived at the same time for the island’s, but we gave Germany the larger ones, and we ketp the two small ones. However, the U.S. got Pago-Pago, the best harbor of the two islands, and we keep a naval base there today
The Panama Canal
It was a “transhipment point” where the ships would dock at one beach of the panama, then they would unload the shipment and move it on land to the other beach. Then the cargo would be loaded onto a new ship that would finish the route to the West. Built from 1904-1914. The Panama Canal was owend by the united states from 1914-2000 when it was returned to Panama, but it will be directed by the U.S. in time of war.
Suez Canal
The Suez Canal was built by France in 1869
Ferdinand Lesseps
Engineer for the Suez Canal, and tried building the Panama Canal. The workers were dying of Malaria, and Yellow Fever as it was transmitted by Mosquitos. So he gave up.
Locations looked at by the United States
Isthmus of the Tehuantepec, but there was a revolution in Mexico at the time.
Nicaragua was considered, but there was a volcanic eruption near the region that was going to be the canal.
Finally Panama, was the final option and it was the best suited option at the time.
Difficulty of the Ocean
“Lock” had to be created to be able to fix the diff. level of the oceans. The Pacific Ocean is -200 ft., while the Atlantic Ocean was higher.
Health problems in the Panama Canal
Malaria and Yellow Fever were causing many deaths. Hover, Walter Reed & William Gorgas helped to solve this problem. William Gorgas was the chief sanitiation officer of the Panama Canal
Roosevelt Roads Naval Base
Naval Base located at Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands
Bought from Denmark in 1917
Benefits of the Panama Canal
Improved World Trade
Improved America’s strategic position
Brought a lot of money to the U.S.
Panamax Standard & Malaccamax
The standard has been changed to fit the lenght of the Panama Canal locks and the depth of the Malacca. 999ft long and 44ft. deep.
Importance of WWI
- First “Total War”–Means that everyone in the country is affected by the war and helps to the cause of the war. Also, nation prove that they will resort to immoral means to win like: Flamethrower, bombing of cities, poison gas, genocide(killing off another nationality) with Turkey trying to kill of the Armenians.
- Collapse of four great empires: Russian, German, Austrian, Ottoman/Turkish
- First successful communist revolution as Russia collapsed and lead to Russian rev. by Vladimir Lenin
- Democratic Nation were triumphant: France, Britain, U.S.
- Common man will demand and get better treatment
- Women enter work force in large numbers
- increased pessimism: most people of the western world believed things always got better, and better, but after war they changed to a roller coaster ride type of history, meaning that history always repeats itself.
- WWI leads to WWII
Marshall Ferdinand Foch
“This is not peace, this is a truce for 20 years” he said. He was the leader of the Allied troops, and was a french general. He based his prediction on the fact that every 20 years a new generation is born, so the nations of the world have a new army at hands.
Causes of WWI
- Rise of Germany as a world power
Germany became a united nation in 1871, as it was a collection of city states and kingdoms before they were united. Everyone feard Kaiser Wilhelm II, the emperor of Germany. He had a baby arm because of complication at birth. Finally, he was believed to be very aggressive because of this feature. - European Alliance System
There was the Triple Alliance (“The Central Power”) composed of Germany, Austria, and Italy. These were all Autocratic Monarchies.
Triple Entente was made up of France, Britain, and Russia. - Militarism
Germany and France had largest army of Europe. It was made up of Germany: 2M in the Standard Army, and 9M after calling up the Reserve army. France: 1.3M in the Standard Army, 8M after calling the Reserve Army. - Naval Race
“Two Power” standard for the British, which meant in the British Navy always had largest navy after combining the previous two navies. - Imperialism:
Social Darwinism–Countries take over weak small countries. Cape to Cairo Railroad, and Berlin to Baghdad railroad. Trouble in the Balkans “Powder keg of Europe” - Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
WWI War Plan
France had Plan 17: Plan 1-16 hadn’t worked only Plan 17. This plan only worked by getting all of the soldiers together and march to Berlin, and then defeat German Army on the way.
Germany: Schlieffen Plan
nook out France in 40 days then take Russia down. 16,400 trains to take food 1 train for every 3 min.
Battle of Mons
“Angels of Mons” The first battle of the WWI and was the largest mass citing of Angels that caused the seize fire.
Battle of “The Miracle of the Marne”
35th day of the war and was nicknamed the “Taxicab”. Taxi cabs of Paris would carry the soldiers a couple of miles outside of the city to the main battle site. Italy switched sides after this battle.
Trench Warfare
Trench built 8ft. deep, and was built from Switzerland to the sea, with a complex of labyrinth of trenches.
Battle of the Somme
British lost 240K men
Battle of Verdun
Greatest Battle in history. German Attempt to break french line, each lost half a million men.
Fighting in the East
Russia is a small industrial nation and they cant give guns to soldiers. In 1917 Russia had lost 10M soldiers in the war, leading to the communist revolution led by Lennin.
Communist Revolution
Lennin takes Russia out of war, and kills Czar Nicholas II, Czarinia Alexandra, and the Heir Czarovitch Alexi, along with the other members of the Family
Czar Nicholas II
Was the leder of the Russian Nation before the Communist revolution
Fighting in the Middle East
T.E. Lawrance “Lawrance of Arabia” led a rebellion on the Turkish Empire
British Blackade of Central Powers
Adriatic Sea Blocked for Austrian Empire
English Channel Blocked for Germany, and the North-sea mine barrage was created to help block the North-Sea that was really wide.
German Navy
U-Boats named after unterzeeboot. Was the main ship against the rest of the world. Finally, the German navy refused to fight the British and American navies.
U.S. Goes to War
April 1917 U.S. declares war.
1. U.S. lends money to France and England so it can’t afford for them to loose the war, or the U.S. Economy crashes
2. Britain controlled all news of war that the U.S. recieved so they censored it to boost the U.S. reasons for war.
3. Feb. 1917, Germany began unrestricted Sub. warfare
5. “Zimmerman Telegram”
Sent from German foreign minister Zimmerman asking Mexico to declare war on the U.S.
U.S. Prepares for War
- Raise an Army:
80K army men
17 air planes
Slective Service Act (Draft)
Draft Men between age of 18-45, singe, and at non essential jobs to impact American society the least. - U.S. navy is sent to Europe to help with the blockade and they use “Convoy Duty”. Only 1 U.S. transport was sunk over the course of the war.
American Expeditionary Force
Sent to France with 2M people in the Unit and was led by Gen. John Blackjack Pershing. They had no equipment.
Participation of the U.S. in Europe
Battle of the Meuse–Argonne Forest
1.2M Americans and Marines in war pushed german bak more than 30 miles 120K casualties, the most costly war in U.S. British Tank invented by it’s navy
End of the War
- Sept. 1918–Bulgaria Surrenders
- Oct. 1918–Ottaman Empire Surrenders
- Nov. 1918–Austrian Empire Surrenders
- Nov. 1918–Problems in Germany
Riots in German Cities
Army units almost commit mutiny
Kheize Wilhelm II flees to Netherlands
“Armstice” reached Nov. 11, 11:00 AM
Mobolizing Industry for War
War Industries Board
Run american war-time economy
Ran by Bernard Baruch, the second most famous and powerful man after the president
Conserving Food
U.S. Food Administration
Ran by Herbet Hoover
asked for meatless & wheatless day to ration food.
Raising Money
Income Taxes were increased to fund war
Luxury and Entertainment taxes were imposed
18th Ammendment
Banned consumption and production of alcohol in the U.S. passed in 1918 and go into effect 1919.
Espionage and Sedition Acts
attempting to stop spies and saboteurs from Germany
Sedition Act:
Didn’t let anyone speak badly about the President and the war in Europe or the draft
Mobolizing Public Opinion
Increase public opinion on the war
Edwin Drake
Leader of the first oil rig
Micheal Farraday
Founded how to make electricity