Lit Review 2 (1) Flashcards
parts of the literary work and how they are tied together
Drama with sad ending and idealistic noble hero and holds him up to a high standard
order in which the story is told
a discovery (probably of self-discovery)
a turnaround in the story
tragic flaw
something that cuses the lead character to be in a fatal situation typacially pide leads him or her to death
overwhelming amount of pride
Sophoclean irony/dramatic irony
When a character in a play says something and the audience understands this, but the characters do not.
the three unities
Takes pace withing 24 hours, or a the day before the death of the heor
It all takes place in the same place, most of the time at the palace steps, and one must willingly suspend their disbelief
there is only one plot, not many polots going on at the same time
A cleaznse of the soul or emotinos of the audience
a group of twonsmen, typically comment on action in a tradegy
reference to history
Parable is a hevenly story with an earthly meaning. A story mostly concerned with the moral not with the upper story.
It is a symbol in a story
The first blessings that are in the sermon of the mount
Daughter of agammemnon and Clytaemnestra that is sacrificed to artemis to be able to ge the winds needed to go to try
Son of Agammemon and Clytaemnestra and he kills Clytaemnestra after she kills agammemnon
Goddess of the moon, and hunt, and chasticity
Wife is the wife to Lauis and mother then later wife aswell to Oedipus, and she has an equal claim to the throne along side Creon.
He is the borther of Jocasta, and after the death of Jocasta and Oedipuss he becomes ruler because he has an equal share of the throne
Antigone, Ismene, Polynices, Eteocles
They are all daugheters of Oedipus
He is the blind prophet and is the most famous prophet in literature. He is physically blind, but he is the one that can really see. He became prophet after he had a sex change from male to female then back after seeing two snakes coupling respectively for each of the sex changes. So since he knows the both sexes, the Gods seek him out to know which sex has more pleasure during sex, and find out that females do according to Tiresias and so Zeus makes him a propher, and Hera makes him blind.
The Sphinx
a winged monster of Thebes, having a woman’s head and a lion’s body. It propounded a riddle about the three ages of man, killing those who failed to solve it, until Oedipus was successful, whereupon the Sphinx committed suicide.
Right above the peleponisian peninsula, and that is hwere they go to ask Apollo over what they should do and the truth of the situation is. Thisis where Eodipus gets his prophecy about his parents.
She is the wife of Aammemnon, and she kills him and is then killed by Orestes, and she had an affair with Aegisthus
Daughter of Priam and siter of Paris and Hector. Apollo wanted Cassandra to bear him a child, and she agreed, and so he gave her the gift of prophecy, and the gods cant take it back. So Apollo gives cassandra the gift of prophecy, but then she backs out, and Apollo is angry, and curses andHe curses her so no one will believe her phrophecy. And she is alwasy right, but no one ever believes her. Prophecied the death of Agamemnon and of herself, and no one believes her.
One of the twelve Olympians, goddess of agriculture and patron of farmers. She was born of Cronus and Rhea and herself had one daughter, Persephone. Demeter gave the seasons to humankind (winter being caused by her mourning while Persephone dwells in the Underworld and summer while Persephone is in Earth with her)
Persephone was the dauther of Zeus and Demeter and the bond between the mother and daughter was tremendously strong. As the myth goes, while playing in the fields, gathering flowers, Persephone was taken by Hades, Lord of the Underworld, who had seen her and had fallen madly in love with her.
God of the Underworld
God of Love
God of War
He is the head of the one that cooked his children and served them to the gods and was then sent to the under world were he is being taunted keeping out of the reach of the grapes to satisfy his thirst
n Greek mythology, Pelops (Greek ?????, from pelios: dark; and ops: face, eye), was king of Pisa in the Peloponnesus. His father, Tantalus, was the founder of the House of Atreus through Pelops’s son of that name
God of the sea
Sermon on the Mount
This is the most sermon, and the most important sermon of Jesus, where he states some radical statements, such as the Beatitudes where he blesses those who are humble, etc.
The Prodigal Son
It is the story of the second born son, who asked for his inheritance and then left to waste all of his money with women and what not, but then when it was all gone, he returned to his father and he welcomed him with open arms and killed the fattest cow
The Good Samaritan
A jew is beat and left on the side of the road to die
First man to come by is a priest
The second one is a priest
The samritan comes by and he is the one that takes him, and gives money to the Inn Keeper to take him in until he is recovered
Define tragedy and give its characteristics.
The noble hero means that it is someone of very high nobelity, in this case of roylaty. These are all of the royal family, and among the highst classes of people in the society.
They are also supposed to have a tragic flaw, which is their pride
The three Unities, wich takes place on the last day of the heroe’s life
The Aduience must feel pity and terror while reading in the play
Define parable and give its characteristics.
Parable is a hevenly story with an earthly meaning. A story mostly concerned with the moral not with the upper story.
The nature of tragedy as seen in Agamemnon, Oedipus the King, and Antigone. Give the characteristics of tragedy and relate them to the plays. (noble hero, tragic flaw [hamartia], three unities, recognition, reversal, violence off stage, pity and fear, catharsis, one plot, don’t mix tragedy and comedy, action with magnitude, concerns a universal truth or application, serious rather than petty concerns)
The noble hero means that it is someone of very high nobelity, in this case of roylaty. These are all of the royal family, and among the highst classes of people in the society.
They are also supposed to have a tragic flaw, which is their pride
The three Unities, wich takes place on the last day of the heroe’s life
The Aduience must feel pity and terror while reading in the play
Agamemnon is the one who had to kill his daughter in order to get the winds needed to go to troy, and he had to do this in order to recover the honor of the family. This is due to the fact that the family had to go get Helen from Troy who had been taken by paris. Then when he returned nice and safe from war, he was killed by Clytamnestra in order to avenge the death of Iphegenia, and to get revenge for Aegisthus aswell.
He is quick to act, such as killing four men as they tried to push him off of the road, and he had already sent Creon to delphi to find out about the plague. He also thinks that all of this is just his fate, as there was a prophecy about this before he had even been born.
She is the wife of Aammemnon, and she kills him and is then killed by Orestes, and she had an affair with Aegisthus. She is only trying to get justice for the loss of her daughter, and is then killed by orestes
She is the prophet who no one believes. She was the princess of troy and was then gifted by Apollo with the gift of vision, but then was cursed no one will believe her because she didn’t have sex with Apollo in the middle of the act
She is the daughter of Oedipus, and when both of her borthers are killed ,but one is trated as an enemy and is ordered he will not be buried, she still goes ahead and defies creon to still bury him, and so then she is sentenced to be buried alive in a cace so she will starve to death and her blood wont fall on the city. And then Creon’s son then goes and enters the cave to find her she had alrady hanged herself and so he kills himself, and this was just moment after Creon had set out to find them and to forgive Antigone
He is the king of and brother to Jocasta, and so Creon is very proud of himself because although everyone tells him that he shouldn’t be so harsh on Antigone, that he should allow her to go about her business of the Gods that is to bury the death, but he doesn’t believe anyone becuase of his pride, and so he ends up killing himself after seeing the loss of his son and antigone and so then the house of Cadmus ends with his death
Fate vs. character in Oedipus the King
Tragic heros blame their fate
Oedipus seems to have a good reason because of the prophecies before he was born
If fate brings his downfall, then he is NO MORE than a prophet on a string
To have a tragedy, the character must be responsible Oedipus’s character is enough to bring about his tragedy
Sight and blindness in Oedipus the King.
Although those who could see new of what was going on in the physical world, and they were aware of their surroudning, they didn’t even know about the fact that they were playing right into their own demise. Tiresius, the one who was blind, was able to see what was really happenning much better than those who could really see. Thus, when Oedipus realizes what he has done with his mother and father, he blinds himself in order to see what he couldn’t see before.
The ironies of all of these works you have read
Oedipus: Runs away to not kill dad and have sex with mom, but thanks to him running away he does that
Antigone: She is buried alive while brother is not buried, buryin the living while living the dead undead\
Symbolic significance of Agamemnon, Oedipus the King, and Antigone in terms of human society and taboos
Agmemenon is symbolic in human taboos tha the Patriarchy is the one who wins over the matriarchy, and the change between individual justice over to communal justice
Oedipus is about the incest and patricide, menaing that one cannot commit incest and one cannot kill their parents (Patricide)
Antigone: Honore the death, even in a patriarchy, women have their own role and they must not be kept from doing it