Lit. Review Test 3 Flashcards
the rhythm of a piece of poetry, determined by the number and length of feet in a line.
a group of syllables constituting a metrical unit. In English poetry it consists of stressed and unstressed syllables, while in ancient classical poetry it consists of long and short syllables
two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.
a set of three rhyming lines of verse
a stanza of four lines, esp. one having alternate rhymes.
One accented syllable then one unaccented
a type of verse that consists of or features trochees, which is a foot consisting of one long or stressed syllable followed by one short or unstressed syllable
(of a metric foot) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one
a metrical foot consisting of one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables or (in Greek and Latin) one long syllable followed by two short syllables.
In poetry, a monometer is a line of verse with just one metrical foot
a line of verse consisting of two metrical feet
a line of verse consisting of three metrical feet
a verse of four measures
a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet, or (in Greek and Latin verse) of two halves each of two feet and a long syllable
a verse of four measures
a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet, or (in Greek and Latin verse) of two halves each of two feet and a long syllable
a line of verse consisting of six metrical feet, esp. of six dactyls
a line of verse consisting of eight metrical feet
Bob and wheel
This is found in the end of each paragraph. It is the last five lines of the pargraph where the peom rhymes
Chivalric romance
Gnere of the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The night in his horse with his lance going out to combat evil and restore order and protect purity and damsels in distress.
Heroic Couplet
(in verse) a pair of rhyming iambic pentameters
Blank Verse
verse without rhyme, esp. that which uses iambic pentameter
A narrative structure containing or connecting a series of otherwise unrelated tales
It is providing a concious so one wont live in a certiain way because if not it could bring problems
Four Humorous
Sanguine–Meaning too much blood and complexions are then kind of red, and one is chearful and optemistic
Choleric–Too much yellow bile from liver and always getting angry
Phelgmatic–Too boring and have phlemans in the trout
Splenetic–Too much black bile from your spleen and originally it meant melancholy today it means given to anger
The sudy of the horscopes and the future, of what will happen based on the position of the stars at your birth.
The Verse forms of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the Cantervury Tales
Each paragraph verse is of different length, and during the main section it doesn’t rhyme, but there are always 4 stresses and 3 alliterations. Also, the last five sentences are the bob and wheel of which the first one has 1 stress and then the next four have 2 stresses and alliteration in them as well and these five sentences of the bob and wheel rhyme.
The Green Kngith
Symbolizes nature because nobody in real life will be able to cut off his heand and then put it back on, like nature dowes with the trees and the roses and the grass that dies then comes back to life
The beheading game
Symbolic for how nature works
New Years
Symbol of a new beginning and has with it the idea of the cycle of the year and so on
All Hallows
Symbolic for the day to remember the dead
Symbol to remember the birth of Christ
unlucky 13 comes from the 13 months, the celtic religion is seen as evil the Christian religion is seen as safe
The Hunt
Symbol of the deer that they are shy and afraid; symbolic of the wife being shy and afraid as she temps sir gawain
Boar/Wil Pig symbolic for ferocity; symbolic of the wife being fierce and she is wearing few clothes and is more demanding
Fox symbolic for being cunning and prankster; This is symbolic as t he wife now tricks Sir Gawain and she is is hardly dresed and tries to give him a ring, but Sir Gawain takes nothing, until he takes the Green belt that is to protect him from death and the green sash is symbolic of his sin
The Three Stikes
They are symolic of the three times the Green Knight was attempted to kill Sir Gwain, but doesn’t remembering the three days when Sir Gawain returned the kisses to Sir Burcilak by giving back each of the kisses, but didn’t give back the sash, wich is why he got hurt on the third strike, but since that was the only wrong thing he did he was only meerily scratched
The Three Kisses
Three is the traditinal number of all old fairy tales, three is the magic number, and the youngest one is the good one
The Green Chapel
it is a symbol of the pagan religions, and it is the opposite to the Christian religion and it is related to ancient Celtic mythology, where it is wild and dangerous, while the christian chapels are safe and secure
Structure of the Canterbury Tales
The structure of the Canterbury tales is a frame of a work of literature
This means that there are two stories and one is the frame of the other, because one story is told withing the frame of the superior larger stories. The twenty-eight stories are told withing the main story
Characer of Sir Gawain
Sir Gawain is vey brave and couragous and he is pure and loyal
The Knight
He is humber, he is not proud and he has fought well. A yeoman is caught in a foot of green
A prioress
head of the monestery
Speaks French with a heavy English accent
Eats very carefully
Feeds her pets daintly
Took vows as a clergywoman of chastisity and of helping the poor and being humble, but she is not humble nor is she practicing chastisity as she has a pin with an A and under it says that Love conquers all
Also she wears very expensive clothes and spends her money
The Monk
Taken vows of poverty, but is really fat and loves to hunt and eat really well, and spend a lot of money in order for him to be fed and his favorite dish was a roast swan
A frair
Has taken a vow of chasticity yet he is very good at woing all of the girls, and he even then arranges their marraiges after he has gotten them pregnant in order for him not to get pregnant
Nun and Priest
They were very good people and didn’t have any fualt
The merchant
he is at first a very good person, but shows that he is in debt, and is living like he has a lot of money, and showing it off
The Oxford Student
Very humble, and he is very skinny, and any money he had he would waste it on his books. One of the finest persons, and he will go about with dignity and virtue by his pseech, and is party of the clergy, but since he is a good person, they wont give him a job so he wont find out about all of their curruption
The Lawyer
He is very curropt, and decietful, and a liar
The Five Guildsmen
Weaver, Carpenter, a dye, a tapestry-maker, and a Haberdasher. These people are good working men, but their wives are trying to wear fanicer clothes than their class because of their prosperity and are trying to clim the social ladder The
The Cook
Really good cook, but had an open sore on his leg, with puss spilling out of it
The Skipper
Ship camptain, when they ship from Bordough the wine, he will drill a hole in the casket and then steal some wine and poor back in the water. He has also done some piracy and will make them walk the plank
The Physician
He will use the horscope to treat them, and he will use magic to try and treat them, and would based upon their income and wealth prescribe the medication to go to the pharmacuticals in order for him to get a profit share from the pharmacutical as the people wouldn’t get well and he would cheat them
Wealthy woman from the city of bath
The wife of Bath is the most interesting of all the characters
Bath is a city on the coast with Romans baths there
She is death from one ear because her husband hit her in the ear so hard she went deaf after she tore the fifth page of her husdbands book
She likes to be the first person to go up so everyone can see her
She has ten pounds of lenin up there which she will be fancy
Traveled to jeruselum
Shoes are very fancy
big wide hips
she had been married five times already
How she married her husbands for money and how she used them and will withhold sex from them until they turned over her money and so the fifth one is the one she finally loves, and is the one who hit her in the ear and left her deaf
She is a weaver
She is unfaithful and thinks tha women are to rule the world, and thinks that in the Wife of Bath’s Tale then they want sovereignty and they want to become the bosses
He is a fine mand who loves god
Brother of the Parson
He is also someone who loves God and is a good person
Pardoner of Rouncivalle
Pay him and he will pardon them and it will give the chruch money, and with him he carrys a bucnh of relic and the bones he carries are supposed to be saints bones, but are really pigs bones
He is someone who will call peopple to punch them for being sinner
He was sexually presmiscus and he has taken vows of chastisment and he isn’t
He takes bribes so they wont be punsihed
Wife of Bath’s character
Women want to be bosses and she has power over her husbands
connection with nature of sir Gawain and the Green Knight
It is very important and that’s what the poem is really about, justl ike how th green knight is able to come back…………
Arthurian Elementins in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”
They are very idealistc tales about knight hood