mexican history review Flashcards
When did the mexican revolution begin?
September 16, 1810
Who launched the revolution
Father Miguel Hidalgo
Who was Miguel Hidalgo
Born in 1753 on the Hacienda de Corralejo in state of Guanajuato
Studied theology in the city of Valladolid, now Morelia, and graduated from and became rector of the seminary of San Nicolas
What complaints did they have against Miguel Hidalgo
Their complaints were moral and theological:
He was a proff. Gambler, and was free in his treatment of women
What people were really upset about was his thoughts. That he thought hell wasn’t real, that he mocked Saint Teresa, he preached about intellectual freedome, and he himself would read banned books.
What helped Hidalgo overcome these accusations?
he had support of ecclasiastic and civil athorities of his dioceses and district
What occurred that helped Hidalgo justify his rise for Independecne
Napoleon’s invasion of spain in sept. of 1808 and the imprisonment of King Ferdinand VII
How did the invasion of Napoleon lead to the revolution?
They claimed that they were only trying to protect the Catholic religion against the French heritics, which were incarnated in the gachupines
What famous speech was given on September 16
El grito, done by miguel hidalgo in the early morning of sept. 16 to rally the indians at the square of dolores, where he called for the indians to free the prisoners and lock up the spaniards, so that they could reclaim what they had lost to the gachupines
How long did it take for the men to take most of the Bajio and for the troops to multiply?
In a matter of days most of the Bajio was up in flames and the few hundred indians were now twenty thousand men(indians and caste)
Principal driving force?
the protection of religion from the French heretics and their incarnations in the New World, the Gachupines. They thought the Europeans present in New Spain had become corrupt and Frenchified, so they had to be removed to protect the Catholic faith from corruption
What happened at the city of Guanajuato
The insurgency attacked and murdered all of the spaniards that were taking refuge at Alhondiga de Granaditas, which was a grain silo.
Who was the only spaniard saved at Guanajuato?
Lucas Alaman was saved, and he would come to be Mexico’s prominent historian for the first part of Mexican History
Hidalgo also occupied what city?
Valladolid and then Guadalajara
What did the creoles part of the ____________________ (council) think after the collapse of the monarchs to the French?
Those who were a part of the ayuntamiento, thought that they were to be free and soverign now, since in historic times, when the monarch was unable to rule, juntas would govern, and even the viceroy would come to think that the ayuntamiento, the national junta of Mexico should be the one to govern New Spain.
Who was the Viceroy after the collapse of the monarchs, and what were his plans?
the viceroy was Jose de Iturrigary, who, if he played his cards right, might be seeing a Mexican crown on his head, which is why he allowed the ayuntamiento to form the junta to begin governing of Mexico, but Spaniards who opposed this, forcibly removed his and sent him back to Spain at Veracruz, where upon arrival he was imprisoned.
what was Hidalgo’s downfall?
allowed himself to be treated as a soverign and inactions at the Monte de las Cruces, near Mexico city, he decided not to attack, moving to guadalajara, where he partied, made official appointments, lived surrounded by gaurds and women, and was addressed with the title “Most Serene Highness”
While in the outskirts of Mexico City he halted and didn’t enter Mexico city, and when the royal artillary began to ensue, the indians became startled, and so Hidalgo moves to the northern city of Guadalajara, where he murderes the Gachupines that he invites in with false claims of being treated well in the new nation, but really only sets them up to be murdered, and while he is here, he is treated as a king, being called “
What did hidalgo do to avoid being captured?
he began to move north, toward chihuahua and texas, maybe in hopes of being able to reach the u.s. and avoid prosecution in new spain.
How was hidalgo captured?
royalist officer lured him into an ambush by closing all the water holes, but one, and had him captured alive, along with the other leaders of the insurgency, an taken to Chihuahua.
What happened at Chihuahua for his trial?
He declared himsef sicerely repentatn, taking responsibility for the massecres of Spaniards in valladolid and guadalajara and guanajuato. Claimed his intentions was to place the kingdom at the disposition of Don Ferdinand VII. He was charged, tried, and executed on July 30, 1811
What happened on july 30, 1811
The leaders of the insurgency were executed
Who were the leaders of the insurgency along with Hidalgo
Allende, Aldama, Jimenez
Where did the final shot that killed Hidalgo hit?
It was shot right into his Heart
What was done to deter furthere rebellions?
they placed the heads of the leaders on the four walls of the city of Guanajuato, where they had murdered all of the spaniards there at the Alhondiga de Granaditas, and remained there until the end of the revolutionary war (war for independence)(
Who took up the cause for revolution after hidalgo?
Father Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon
Bio on Morelos
Born in 1765 in Valladolid, Michoacan; was a mestizo; enrolled in the Colegio de San Nicolas in 1789 when Hidalgo was rector. Graduated and began to minister in a poor village of Michoacan, where he helped to gain some money by organizing a group of mule-drivers to move grain, brandy, and cattle from the village of Nocupetaro to Valladolid, but wasn’t interested in becoming rich
How did Morelos differ from Hidalgo
he differed in the fact that he had some knowledge about warfare from the Military Instructions by Prussia’s Frederick the Great, carefully chose his lieutenants: the galeana brothers and the bravo brothers; carefully managed the treasure with total honesty, and had a sense of order that governed every action Morelos took, and promotions were based only on merit
Who wanted to resolve the issue of independence and loyalty, and was a caudillo of the NATIONAL Supreme Junta
Ignacio Rayan, who had been acknowledged as the leader of the insurgency after Hidalgo’s death, and so Morelos answered to him as the leader.
What did Rayon propose to fix the problem?
Sovereignty arises directly form the people, resides in the person of Ferdinand VII and is exercised by the American National Supreme Congress. Born here, resides there, and returns here again because it is exercised here
how did Morelos treat his men and enemies?
Moreles expected order from his men, and didn’t allow any looters and robberies, and was unforgiving with his enemies without being bloodthirsty
what was his motivation?
political and military aims, not by ethnic hated or the desire for social revenge. He just wanted to have the political control to fall onto the creoles and not to be controlled by the gachupines from Eruope
what did hidalgo abolish after he was excommunicated?
What had Morelos already controlled by the time he was in Oaxaca?
Colima to Guatemala, southern Puebla, Veracruz and Michoacan.
What city did they try to take over, that caused problems?
What happened to the relationships between Rayon and Morelos?
Rayon watned to keep morelos in line, so he could keep the power, but most of the insurgents recognized morelos as the actual leader of the insurgency, so when Rayon kept sending inspectors and slowing down morelos and aiding the enemy indirectly, Morelos stripped Rayon of his powerful position and abolished the junta, calling for th the Congress of Anahuac
When and where did the Congress of Anahuac first meet?
Chilpancingo in Sept. of 1813
What was the first thng the congress would do at Chilpancingo
Declare Mexican Independence
What was another name for the congress fo Anahuac
Congress of Chilpancingo
What type of system did the congress of chilpancingo adopt for the new nation
representioant, separation of the three branches of government, civil rights, and freedom of expression, the new naton would be a republic like its admired northern neighbor. Expcept in relgiion. It had to be catholic republic.
what happened to morelos when he put himself at the servcie of the congress?
The congress stripped him of all military power
Why did Morelos begin to fall?
Defeat by agustin de Itrubide at Valladolid, lost Matamoros and Galeana, and the attitude of Rayon, as he didn’t keep Morelos informed of the events that transpired in the Bajio. But mostly the problem of having to submit to the power of the congress, as he had to help protect the congress while in battle.
When did the congres finish drafting a constitution?
October 1814 in the village of Apatzingan
What happened to morelos shortly afterward?
Forced into an unequal battle, he ended up having to flea on foot after his defeat and was then captured by Matias Carrasco who took him back to Mexico city, where he was paraded and people would admire him or others would curse him, but they all saw him and became a leged. wen through the trails of Ecclesiastical, military and tribunal of the INquisition. Only act of weakness according to some was denouncing by name his comrades-in-arms who were still hiding in the mountains
What did the Holy Court of the Inquisition believe executing morelos would do?
help to set an example and deter others from doing the same. He was then executed on the patio of an old mansion of the viceory in the village of San Cristobal, where he got four bullets, but he wasn’t dead and shoot him four last times which gave the final blows.
who led the final chapter of the insurgency?
Agustin de Iturbide
How lond did Iturbide take togain independence
seven months
what was Iturbide’s record against the insurgents?
it was a list of how he took fierce coudillos, caputred fortifications difficult to assault, and most of all won victories over the most illustrious insurgent leaders :liceaga, rayon, and even morelos himself at Valladolid
What was a negative aspect of Iturbide?
His cruelty. He was harsh beyond measure with the Insurgents, and had a drive to enrich himself by any manner or means
What was the Plan de Iguala
It was a plan to igualar the people. Described as trigarante as it would guarantee three funamental principles
what were the three principles guaranteed by the Plan de Iguala?
it guaranteed the unity of all ethnic and social groups, the exclusive rights of Roman Catholicism, and absolute indpendence from Spain
What treaty ended the mexican war for independence?
treaties of Cordoba singed August 1821 by Itrubidy and the last Viceroy of New Spain.
what did the treaty say the new nation would establish as a gov.
they would establish a constiutional monarchy with leader being a Bourbon prince or European prince
What happened on September 27, 1821
Iturbide marched into Mexico City and the war for independence came to an end
In the intermediate time that the government was being set up what happened?
Iturbide shared power with a provisional council of regents and with the national congress, created to draw upa constituion for the new nation
what did spain say in response to the mexican independence
Spain rejected mexican empire and rejected the proposition of sending a prince to rule the empire, and the vatican also didn’t recognize the empire
who then took the governing position?
iturbide became constitutional emperor of Mexico, july 21, 1822
why did this not go down well with many people?
it wasn’t really a part of the tradition, it didn’t belong in the america’s, as it wasn’t a true part of the culture. Then Iturbide broke with traidition and had himself crowned by the president of the congress, and then he crowned his own wife.
What was wrong with Iturbides speech?
not speaking as an emperor but as a member of congress, and was self-critical, damaging himself with clear signs of insecurity, and was speaking as an old disillusioned king
What became evident while Iturbide’s rule?
mines abandoned, haciendas devastated, industrial development brought to a standstill, and the capital of the country had left abroad, so they were in complete bankruptcy
What was the greatest problem that stagnated the country?
Rivalry between Iturbide and congress