Gender test 1 Flashcards
Term describing one who incorporates both masculine and feminine qualities
Individuals who accept other-sex and same-sex individuals as sexual partners
people with the perspective that gender cannot be divorced from its context
Condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex but exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with the other sex.
Description of trait, behavior, or interest assigned to the female gender role.
Belief that men and women should be treated equally
Term used to refer to the social categories of male and female.
Gender Culture
Each society’s or culture’s conceptualization of gender roles
Gender identity/gender-role identity
One’s perception of oneself as psychologically male or female.
Gender Role
Expectations that go along with being male or female
Gender-Role Attitude
One’s personal view about how men women should behave.
Individuals who prefer other-sex sexual partners
Individuals who prefer same-sex sexual partners
Interrole Conflict
Experience of conflict between expectations of two or more roles that are assumed simultaneously
A person who is born with ambiguous genitalia
Intrarole Conflict
Experience of conflict between expectations within a given role.
Description of a trait, behavior, or interest assigned to the male gender role
Persons who maintain there are important differences between the two sexes
Persons who maintain the two sexes are fundamentally the same.
Social position accompanied by a set of norms or expectations
Term used to refer to the biological categories of male and female
Sex Discrimination
Behavioral component of one’s attitude toward men and women that involves differential treatment of people based on their biological sex
Affective component of one’s attitude toward sex characterized by demonstration of prejudice toward people based on their sex
Sex-related behavior
Behavior that corresponds to sex but is not necessarily caused by sex
Sex stereotype/gender-role stereotype
cognitive component of one’s attitude toward sex
condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex and exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with that sex
Sex typing
acquisition of sex-appropriate preferences, behaviors, skills, and self-concept
Sexual orientation
Preference to have other-sex or same-sex persons as sexual partners
Descriptive term referring to an individual whose psychological sex is not congruent with biological sex
Persons whose biological sex have been changed surgically or hormonally to reflect their psychological sex
Gender-Role Strain
Tension that develops when the expectations that accompany one’s gender role have negative consequences for the individual
Self-Fulfilling prophecy
When people’s belief influence their actions toward a target in a way such that the target comes to confirm their beliefs
Self-Role discrepancy theory
the strain that arises when we fail to live up to the gender role society has constructed
social constructionists
people who believe that masculinity and femininity are categories constructed by society an that each society may have a difference definition of masculinity and femininity
Socialized dysfunctional characteristics
inherently dysfunctional personality characteristics that are fundamental to the gender roles instilled by society
Unmitigated agency
personality orientation characterized by a focus on the self to the exclusion of others
Unmitigated communion
Personality orientation characterized by a focus on others to the exclusion of the self
Backlash Effect
The penalty that is imposed on people for countersteretypical behavior
Benevolent discrimination
Providing more help to women than men with the notion that women are less competent than men and are in need of men’s help
Benevolent Sexism
Positive feelings toward women coupled with the notion that women are less competent than men and are in need of men’s help
Category-based expectancies
Assumption about individuals based on characteristics of general categories to which they belong
Correspondent inference theory
Idea that people are more likely to make dispositional attributions for behavior that is unique or extreme rather than normative
Egalitarian gender ideology
Maintains that power is distributed equally between men and women and that men and women identify equally with the same spheres
Gender ideologies
Attitudes toward men’s and women’s roles
Gender-Role Stereotypes
Features that individuals assign to men and women in their society; features not assigned due to one’s biological sex, but due to the social roles men and women hold
A negative attitude toward homosexuals
Hostile sexism
Feelings of hostility toward women reflected by negative assumptions about women, especially against those who challenge the power of men
Shifting Standard
Idea that there is one standard for defining the behavior of one group, but another standard for defining the behavior of another group
Target-Based expectancies
Perceptions of a person based on individual information about that person
Traditional gender ideology
Maintains that men’s sphere is work and women’s sphere is home (women may devote time to work, but must make sure to maintain their attention to the home)
Negative attitude toward transgendered people
When does gender stereotype begin?
It begins at about 15 to 36 months of age, and is usually done by the teaching of the parents, and the way we are treated
How do the Gender Steretype devlop?
The parents first develop this
- Rewarding behavior that they want
- by making little comments
- by spending time with their same sex child and having the child then see their behavior which they will later imitate
- by giving them chores correspoding with their behavior
- by punishing behavior that is not appropriate for their sex
- our siblings influence the gender steretype aswell, by seeing the older brother or sister as a figure to model
- firends also have a significant behavior in the gender steretype by how they go about by carrying themselves
- finally the media also plays a big role
What influence does the media have on the developlment of gender steretype?
Advertisers make the commercials to be of interesd for either male of female and the products are different for men than they are for women, as women are targeted with cleaning and for beauty and a diet product for women, but a sport, a cars and outdoors commercial will be targeted with for men. Even cartoons show this too as a little princess is usually rescued by a strong prince
Characteristic of men
characteristic of women
they are nurturing
What does the affective component result in?
Results in the emotional component and in the sexism of individuals
If a women experesses her emotions on negative things about her husband, and hurt his feeligs casues what type of conflict? Explain.
She has an intra-role conflict as she expresses her emotions, but her husbands feelings are hurt. Women are expected to be emotional & sensitive to others, and in her expression she is not being this
If a women is taking care of children, but is ignoring her husband and boss/work, she has what type of conflict?
She runs into an inter-role conflict as she is not meeting with her duties of being emotional and sensitive and caring to both her husband and children, and is not being a good worker at her job
Term used by Europeans to call the natives who were allowed/encouraged children to follow gender role that fit them best
Would be called Berdache
What group of people would have women assume the gender role needed by society to meet the needs of the society or meet the demands of the nation/tribe/society
The vulcan people had women assume a male gender, assume a life of celibecy, known as the sworn virgins in order to help meet the demands of society by doing the work usually done by men
Are women truly inferior to men?
No they are not truly inferior to men
Who started the Structuralism School of Thought?
Wilhem Wundt started the first branch of psychology, they didn’t look at anything gender related as they would leave women out as they were viewed as infirior
Why is Sigmund Freud Important? What was his theory?
Sigmund Freud is known for having began the branch of Psychoanalytic theory of personality. In his theory, he blieved that childhood experiences were the most important in the formation of a persons personality. Freud believed that the sexual personality of individuals formed when the children began to discover their genitals. At this time, little boys would begin to gain an attraction for their mothers, who give them pleasure in their new found genitals. However, the mother rejects the little boy as she doesn’t desire the little boy but the father. Furthermore, the little boy fears the father will find this out and would then destroy the little boy’s new found genitals. Consequently, the little boy will then identify with the father and take up his personality as to have the father like him, and would then eventually find a partner that is similar to the little boys mother. In the same way this happens to the little girls, but their fixation lies in giving the father a child that has all of the parts that a person should have, and hate the mother for not having given them and their father a child with all the private parts needed. However, the father rejects them and fear the mother will destroy their parts and make sure that they never get their father. In turn they also identify with the mother so they will be liked and they will eventually find someone like their father and they will be able to give them a good child with all the right parts
What is an imperical Observation
Gathering informatin through our senses, and this is then called or makes up the data of our experiment
What is objectivity in an experiment
The observation must be free of any bias, and we do this by following the research method
Correlational Research
Research that is used to determine relationship between two factors and how strong the relationship is with the correlational coefficient and we can then predict outcomes.
What three types of correlational results could one have
One could have positive correlational research, negative correlation and no corrolation
Experimental Research
Type of research that answers the why question as it gives a cause and effect conclusion. In this research, one manipulates at least one variable and then observes the effects of this independent variable on the dependent variable, controlling the environment for any other variables. The results are always compared to a control group.
How are surveys used in research?
A survey is used to ask about things that one can’t control to get their opinion and is usually used in correlational research
How are Case Studys used in reasearch?
A case study is whe one looks for a very long period of time at a patient in great detail to then obtain an understanding of the situation at hand and apply it to everyone
Longitudinal Design
Investigate particiapants over a long period of time to allow the observer to obtain data of how the person is developing their personlity or whatever they are looking at
Cross Sectional Study
Different people of different ages are studied all at the same time and are then compared to one another to obtain knoweldge of the whole range of the population
Researchers investiage a phenomona and study the studies other people have done. Then they take all off their information and quantify the data in a statistical manner
Gender Stereotypes
A blief about the psychological traits and characteristics as well as activities appropriate for men and women
What are the gender stereotypes of men?
Men are more leaned toward being indipendent and towards the sciences and economics and government policy
What are the gender stereotypes of women?
Women are more leaned toward being more interdependent, social, and towards that arts and humanities
What are the steps leading to gender descrimination?
Do the sterotyped sex generally accept the sterotype?
Most of the times, the sterotype is usually always accepted by the sex being stereotyped
its an attitude involving an irrational generalization of an entire category of people and usually is based on the cognitive component
It’s the behavior that leds to keep people from action because of various attitudes and is based onth ephysical component