Stress and Fatigue - Stress in Clinical Practice: Flashcards
Q: What is a common underlying or perpetuating factor for many client symptoms in clinical practice?
A: Stress is often the key underlying or perpetuating factor for many client symptoms.
Q: What are some typical symptoms that may trace back to stress?
A: Typical symptoms include insomnia, fatigue, depression, irritability, headache, and digestive disturbances.
Q: Name some conditions linked to chronic stress.
A: Conditions include anorexia nervosa, asthma, autoimmunity, cancer, CVD, chronic fatigue syndrome, recurrent infections, mood disorders, Type 2 diabetes, IBS, ulcers, headaches, hypertension, menstrual irregularities, PMS, and thyroid disorders.
Q: Why is assessing client stress levels important in consultations?
A: Assessing stress levels helps identify stress as a potential underlying or perpetuating factor in the client’s condition.
Q: What does hyperactivation of the HPAA typically result in?
A: It leads to depression, anxiety disorders, and metabolic syndrome, including hyperglycaemia, hypertension, lipid abnormalities, and central adiposity.
Q: What are the effects of hypo-activation of the HPAA?
A: It is associated with fatigue, irritability, pain, and disorders like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and arthritis.
Q: How can functional testing aid in stress-related conditions?
A: Functional testing helps determine where a client falls on the continuum of HPAA activation (hyperactivation or hypo-activation).