Diagnostics - DUTCH Test Flashcards
What is the DUTCH Test?
The DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) is a urine test measuring various hormones and their metabolites.
Which laboratories offer the DUTCH Test?
The DUTCH Test is offered by Genova and ZRT.
When is the DUTCH Test recommended?
It is recommended for evaluating reproductive hormone imbalances (e.g., low libido, PMS, irregular or painful periods), especially when stress is suspected.
What hormones does the DUTCH Test measure?
It tests metabolites of major hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol.
What is crucial for accurately interpreting a DUTCH Test?
Knowledge of the patient’s menstrual history and stage (e.g., menopause, pregnancy) and any hormone-altering medications is crucial for accurate interpretation.
What do the metabolic pathways in the DUTCH Test indicate?
They indicate potential hormonal disruptions, guiding treatment options. Results are organized by metabolic pathways to identify impacted areas and possible remedies.
What are the three main estrogens tested in the DUTCH Test?
The three main estrogens are E1 (Estrone), E2 (Estradiol), and E3 (Estriol).
What are the three phase I pathways for estrogen metabolism?
- 2-OH pathway: Safest due to anti-cancer properties.
- 4-OH pathway: Most genotoxic, producing reactive DNA-damaging products (quinones).
- 16-OH pathway: Creates the most potent estrogenic metabolites
How does phase II detoxification affect estrogens?
Phase II detoxification can deactivate and eliminate 4-OH and 2-OH estrogens via methylation.