post-reformation Europe--CH15 Flashcards
the peasant’s ignored Luther’s advice and revolted against the nobles
Peasants Revolt (The nobles crushed the rebellion)
first protestant confession of faith
Augsburg Confession
wrote Augsburg Confession
Philipp Melanchthon
Augsburg Confession was a Statement of beliefs presented by the Lutherans to which emperor?
Charles V
The Catholic Church’s attempt to destroy the Reformation in Europe
Counter Reformation
a Catholic “court” that would find, try, and punish heretics
the “right arm” of the Inquisition (most devout in finding heretics and spreading Romanism)
Jesuits was founded by ___
Ignatius Loyola
Rome’s strongest stand against Protestantism
The Council of Trent
Ruled Spain and the Holy Roman Empire from 1516-1556
Charles V:
Supported the Inquisition; Spain became the most powerful European nation
Charles V
became the most powerful European nation (under Charles V rule)
Son of Charles V
Phillip II
Fanatical support of the church led to his failed invasion of england
Philip II
brought the Inquisition into Portugal in 1536; resulting violence broke the nation and they fell to spain in 1580
King John III
King John III brought the Inquisition into ______ in 1536; resulting violence broke the nation and they fell to spain in 1580
Who did Portugal fall to?
Contributions to Culture (Brazil)
Spanish language, horses, cattle, oranges, and lemons
main language of Brazil
wrote Don Quixote
Miguel de Cervantes
what did Miguel de Cervantes write
Don Quixote
poem by Luis de Camoes
Os Lusiadas
wrote Os Lusiadas
Luis de Camoes
Much of the Netherlands (Holland and Belgium) lies _____
below sea level
damlike barriers of earth and stone built to keep water out
what is Netherlands known as
The Low Countries
name for people who live in netherlands
The Netherlands were controlled by ____ during the 1500s
The Reformation gave the Dutch (Netherlands) the desire to fight for freedom from ____
Phillip II
A spanish ruling council that led the Inquisition against the protestants in the Netherlands
Council of Blood
led Spanish troops in the Netherlands
Duke of Alva
Dutch nobleman who led the fight for freedom during the mid. 1500s
William the Silent
Divided Germany into states?
Peace of Augsburg