chapter 12 (part 2) Flashcards
another name for towns
mostly composed of traders and shop owners; started in burgs(towns) in Europe
Middle class
Most common industries (in middle class/burgs)
trade, clothing, and banking
confederation of Northern German towns
Hanseatic League
known for the manufacturing of wool
what were the flanders known for
thick, massive walls, small windows and rounded arches
tall walls, stained glass windows, gave the church a tall. Light appearance
best example of Gothic architecture
Cathedral of Notre Dame
powerful banking family of Florence, Italy
Medici Family
decisive factor in the rise of the middle class and the beginning of free market capitalism
Growth of towns
⅓ to ½ of the population of Europe died between 1334 and 1351; spread by poor sanitation and hygiene
Black Death (a form of Bubonic Plague)
location of first Medieval university for the study of medicine
most responsible for scholasticism (combination of Greek philosophy and Romanism) in the Church
Thomas Aquinas
combination of Greek philosophy and Romanism
emphasized observation and experimentation as a source of true knowledge about nature
Roger Bacon
“Morningstar of the Reformation”
John Wycliffe
taught the truth of God’s Word over the teachings of the Church; oxford Professor
John Wycliffe
where did John Wycliffe attend college
when did John Wycliffe translate the Bible into English
followers of John Wycliffe
what happened to john wycliffe’s body
burned 30 years after his death
Catholic professor from Bohemia
John Huss
Where was John Huss from
Taught that only God, not the church, forgives sin
John Huss
Catholic church meeting that executed Huss and burned Wycliffe
Council of Constance
followers of John Huss
Followers of John Huss
Brethren of the Common Life
Gerhard Groote
wrote The Imitation of Christ
Thomas a Kempis
great spiritual leader of florence; burned at the stake for his teachings
Jerome Savonarola
wrote Divine Comedy about a vision he had of heaven, hell, and purgatory
wrote Canterbury Tales which describes a group of Pilgrims who enter a story-telling contest on their journey to Canterbury
Geoffrey Chaucer
describes a group of Pilgrims who enter a story-telling contest on their journey to Canterbury
Canterbury Tales
The Revival of Classical Learning
The Italian Renaissance
the study of history, grammar, speech, and poetry;
these studies were the focus of the Renaissance Era (1350-1600)
time where the focus was the study of history, grammar, speech, and poetry; dates?
the Renaissance Era (1350-1600)
the study of humanities; during the Renaissance, it grew into denying God and exalting man
the “Father of Humanism”; author
wrote The Decameron
wrote The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli
funded Renaissance artists’ material and financial
What did Giotto create? (art)
The Last Judgment
painted The Last Judgment
Personified the idea of the Renaissance Man (someone who studies many subjects)
Leonardo DaVinci
someone who studies many subjects
Renaissance Man
Two paintings by Leonardo DaVinci
Mona Lisa and The Last Supper
painted the Sistine Madonna and The School of Athens
what did Rafael paint
Sistine Madonna and The School of Athens
Painted The Sistine Chapel
What did Michelangelo paint
The Sistine Chapel
Sculpted David and Moses
What did Michelangelo sculpt?
David and Moses
invented the movable-type printing press in 1440
Johann Gutenburg
creative first printed version of the Bible (in 1446)
Johann Gutenburg
first printed version of the Bible
Gutenburg Bible