pharynx/larynx Flashcards
constrictor muscles of the pharynx
superior pharyngeal constrictor
middle pharyngeal constrictor
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle attachments
Anterior Attachments
* Pterygomandibular Raphe (with Buccinator muscle)
* Pterygoid Hamulus of the Medial Pterygoid Plate
* Side/base of tongue and posterior mandible behind mylohyoid line
Posterior Attachments
* Pharyngeal Raphe
* Pharyngeal Tubercle on skull
middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle attachments
Anterior Attachments
* Greater horn of the Hyoid bone
Posterior Attachments
* Pharyngeal Raphae
inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle attachments
Anterior Attachments
* Cricothyroid and Thyroid Cartilage
Posterior Attachments
* Pharyngeal Raphe
elavator muscles of the pharynx (5)
Palatopharyngeus muscle
Levator Veli Palatini muscle
Salpingophayngeus muscle
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Muscularis uvulae muscle
where do the elevator muscles of the pharynx (5) insert?
pharyngeal constrictor muscles and posterolateral border of thyroid cartilage
Palatopharyngeus muscle origin
soft palate
Levator Veli Palatini muscle origin
base of skull and travels under medial pterygoid plates bilaterally
Salpingophayngeus muscle origin
cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic tub
Stylopharyngeus muscle origin
Styloid Process
muscularis uvulae muscle origin
posterior nasal spine
Palatopharyngeus muscle
Levator Veli Palatini muscle
Salpingophayngeus muscle
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Muscularis uvulae muscle
Palatopharyngeus muscle: elevates pharynx, closes larynx when swallowing
Levator Veli Palatini muscle: elevates soft palate during swallowing
Salpingophayngeus muscle: elevates pharynx, equalize pressure in middle ear
Stylopharyngeus muscle: swallowing
Muscularis uvulae muscle: elevate uvula
Palatopharyngeus muscle function
Elevates pharynx
Closes larynx when swallowing
Levator Veli Palatini muscle function
Elevates soft palate during swallowing
Salpingopharyngeus muscle function
Elevates pharynx
Equalize pressure in middle ear
Stylopharyngeus muscle function
helps with swallowing
Muscularis Uvulae muscle function
elevate uvula
nasopharynx sensory innervation
CN V-2
oropharynx sensory innervation
laryngopharynx sensory innervation
motor innervation of stylopharyngeus
motor innervation of pharyngeal muscles (except stylopharyngeus)
pharynx vascularization
ascending palatine a. (branch from EXA)
tonsillar a. (facial artery)
larynx prevents material from entering the
airway (epiglottis lays over the vocal folds)
main functions of the larynx (4)
prevent material from entering airway
couch reflex
phonation of larynx
Tensing, abducting, adducting vocal folds causes air to vibrate during exhalation
actions during breathing (larynx)
Abduction of vocal cords
glottis open
airway open
cough reflex
Temporary closure of vocal folds to build up air pressure
larynx cartilage (4)
larynx ligaments (3)
joints of larynx (2)
cricoarytenoid joint is a ____ joint
what ligaments are in the cricoarytenoid joint?
abduct vocal ligaments
adduct vocal ligaments
Cricothyroideus muscle function
Pulls thyroid cartilage anteriorly increasing tension in vocal ligament
cricothyroideus muscle motor innervation
superior laryngeal n. (CN X)
*external laryngeal n.
motor innervation of the vocal folds in the larynx
recurrent laryngeal n. (CN X)
rima glottis
space between the 2 vocal cords
opens during breathing/closes during speech - vibrate
vocal cords + rima glottis
vocal folds (true) origin and insertion
arytenoid to thyroid cartilage (ligament)
vagus nerve branch innervation of larynx (2)
superior laryngeal n.
recurrent laryngeal n.
branches of the superior laryngeal n. to the larynx
external laryngeal n.
internal laryngeal n.
external laryngeal n. motor/sensory
internal laryngeal n. motor sensory
external laryngeal n.: motor (cricothyroideus)
internal laryngeal n.: sensory (above vocal cords)
recurrent laryngeal n. motor and sensory
motor: laryngeal m.
visceral sensory: below vocal cords
larynx vascularization
external carotid artery
–> superior thyroid artery
thyrocervical trunk
–> inferior thyroid artery