Muscles of Mastication, Infratemporal Fossa, TMJ Flashcards
what are the six components of the temporomandibular joint?
Mandibular fossa
Articular disc
Mandibular condyle
Joint capsule
Inferior joint space
Superior joint space
what is the first and second movements of the jaw?
rotation then translation
masseter origin and insertion
zygomatic arch
angle and ramus of mandible
function of masseter
elevate mandible
(protrusion by superficial head)
what does the temporal fossa contain?
superficial temporal a.
deep temporal a.
temporalis origin and insertion
temporal fossa
coronoid process (mandible)
temporalis function
elevate mandible
retrusion of mandible
lateral pterygoid origin and insertion
– Origin
* Superior head – greater wing
* Inferior head – lateral wall of lateral
pterygoid plate
– Insertion
* Superior head - articular disk and TMJ
* Inferior Head - Pterygoid fovea of
lateral pterygoid function
protrusion of mandible
medial pterygoid origin and insertion
* Deep Head: Medial surface of lateral
pterygoid plate/pterygoid fossa
* Superficial head: Maxillary tuberosity
* Medial surface of ramus/angle of mandible
medial pterygoid function
elevation of mandible
protrusion of mandible
minor: lateral excursion of mandible
muscles of mastication (4)
lateral pterygoid
medial pterygoid
movements of the jaw
inratemporal fossa is the space below the…
temporal fossa
most of the temporalis is in the ____ fossa
masseter is ____ to the infratemporal fossa
medial pterygoid is ___ to the infratemporal
lateral pterygoid is ___ to the infratemporal
neurovasculature of the temporalis, masseter, medial/later pterygoids run within what?
infratemporal fossa
What arteries are the temporal fossa mostly vascularized by?
superficial temporal a.
anterior deep temporal a.
posterior deep temporal a.
what branch of the external carotid a. innervates the infratemporal fossa?
maxillary a.
3 anatomic subdivisions of the maxillary a.
- mandibular
- pterygoid
- pterygopalatine
mandibular branches: #
pterygoid branches: #
pterygopalatine branches: #
mandibular branches: 4
pterygoid branches: 4
pterygopalatine branches: 5
mandibular a. branches
*deep auricular a.
*anterior tympanic a.
*middle meningeal a.
*inferior alveolar a. (mylohyoid a.)
deep auricular a. supplies (3)
- Tympanic membrane
- External acoustic meatus
anterior tympanic a. supplies the
middle ear cavity
middle meningeal a. supplies the
cranial dura
inferior alveolar a. supplies the
lower lip
*ends at mental foramen
mental a. anastomosis with what?
inferior labial a.
branches of the pterygoid a. (4)
masseteric a.
pterygoid a.
buccal a.
deep temporal a.
what drains the infratemporal fossa?
*superficial temporal v.
*pterygoid plexus
(drains to maxillary vein -> IJV -> EJV)
veins serving tissue supplied by the maxillary artery drain into ___ ___
pterygoid plexus
What main nerve innervates the temporal fossa?
CN V3 (3 branches)
branches of CN V3 that innervate the temporal fossa (3)
auriculotemporal n. (sensory)
posterior deep temporal n. (motor)
anterior deep temporal n. (motor)
auriculotemporal n.: sensory or motor
posterior deep temporal n.: sensory or motor
anterior deep temporal n.: sensory or motor
auriculotemporal n. (sensory)
posterior deep temporal n. (motor)
anterior deep temporal n. (motor)
*branches of CN V-3 - ITF
infratemporal fossa branches of CN V -3 (6)
Meningeal n.
Masseteric n.
Deep temporal n.
Lateral pterygoid n.
Medial pterygoid n.
Long Buccal n.
long buccal n. innervates
- Skin lateral to buccinator
- Mucus membrane medial to buccinator
- Buccal gingiva of the mandibular molar
CN V-3 ____ foramen
Auriculotemporal n. runs ____ and ____ to the parotid gland
posterior and deep
Auriculotemporal n. innervates
- Sensory to the skin surrounding and above the ear
- External acoustic meatus
- Outer tympanic membrane
- Some small branches to the TMJ as well
Lesser petrosal n. (CN IX) is ____ motor
what nerve runs with Auriculotemporal n. to parotid gland?
lesser petrosal n. (CN IX)
what nerve synpases in the otic ganglia?
lesser petrosal n. (CN IX)
what nerve runs with lesser petrosal n. to parotid gland?
Auriculotemporal n.
lesser petrosal n. (CN IX) is sympathetic or parasympathetic?
lingual n. innervation
- General sensation for anterior 2/3
tongue - Lingual side gingiva. Floor of mouth
what nerve hitchikes with the lingual nerve?
chorda tympani (CN VII)
what nerve hitchhikes on CN V-3/lingual nerve?
chorda tympani
chorda tympani hitchhikes with what other nerve?
lingual nerve (CN V-3)
inferior alveolar n. runs on the ____ side of the ramus of mandible
what does the inferior alveolar n. exit through?
mandibular foramen
inferior alveolar n. innervation
General sensation for mandibular teeth
and buccal gingiva
branches of the inferior alveolar n.
- Mylohyoid n. – early branch, to mylohyoid muscle
- Mental n. – thru mental foramen, skin over chin
- Incisive n. – continuation in mandible past mental
foramen, serves 1st premolar, canine, incisors, and