PD Musculoskeletal Upper and Lower Extremity Exam Flashcards
oh lawd help me
Each extremity/joint needs to be inspected for these 7 things..
- Symmetry
- Atrophy/hypertrophy
- Swelling
- Erythema
- Deformity
- Bony landmarks
- Skin
Palpating a joint allows for assessment of…
Warmth, tenderness, deformity, crepitus
Range of motion tests should be ____ first then ____
Active, passive
Palpations on the shoulder
Sternoclavicular joint to acromioclavicular joint
Range of motion on shoulder
Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, Apley’s scratch test!!

Deltoid muscle strength test

Supraspinatus/empty can test

Lift off/subscapularis test

Serratus anterior test

Rhomboid test, verebral border of scapula should not wing out

Neer’s impingement sign, pain suggestive of subacromial impingement

Hawkins Kennedy test for impingement

Adson’s test for subclavian artery compression, thoracic outlet syndrome (don’t forget to palpate the pulse yo)

AC joint arthrosis test

Apprehension test for anterior shoulder instability

Sulcus sign for inferior shoudler instability

Jerk sign for posterior shoulder instability

Load and shift test for anterior and posterior shoulder instability
Range of motion on elbow
Flexion, extension, pronation, supination

Lateral epiconditis (tennis elbow), pain with resisted extension of wrist

Medial epicnodylitis (golfer’s elbow) test - palpate, resisted pronate, flex wrist
Range of motion on wrist
Flexion, extension, ulnar deviation, radial deviation

Finkelstein’s test for De Quarvian’s Tenosynovitis

Phalen’s test for carpal tunnel syndrome

Tinel’s sign for carpal tunnel syndrome
Bouchard’s nodes
Located at the PIP, indicative of osteoarthritis
Heberden’s nodes
Located at the DIP joint, indicative of osteoarthritis
Ulnar deviation is a sign of what disorder?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Dupuytren’s contracture
Chronic hand deformity that causes knots to form in the palmar tissue creating a consistent bent position for ring and pinky fingers, different from trigger finger
Swan neck deformity and boutoneire deformity
kind of as the name sounds, and what i have :(
Range of motion on hip
Gait, flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation
Groin and anterior thigh pain indicates…
…osteoarthritis of femoral head and acetabolum
Posterior hip pain indicates…
…sacroiliac pain
Lateral hip pain indicates…
Greater trochanteric bursitis

Patrick’s FABER test for sacroiliis
Trendelenberg test
Watch walking for a trendelenberg gait

Thomas test for flexion contracture of hip, flex knee and hip of other side to see if affected side remains in a flexion contracture
Length leg discrepency
Measure from ASIS to medial malleolus to determine if both sides are same
Genu varum
out bowing knees
Genu valgus
Inward bowing knees
Range of motion on knee
Flexion and extension

Varus knee stress test for LCL

Valgus stress knee test for mcl
Anterior and posterior drawer test
With a slightly flexed knee, pushing and pulling on the leg to assess the integrity of the ACL/PCL, not very accurate

Lachman’s test for ACL tear

Thesalay’s test for meniscus tear

McMurray’s test for meniscal tear

Apley’s grind test for meniscal tear

Patellar apprehension test for patellar sublaxation

Patellar compression test for patellofemoral syndrome
Range of motion on ankle
Flexion, extension, inversion, eversion

Kleigar’s test/external rotation test for anteiror tibiofibular ligament, high ankle sprain

Talar tilt test for calcenofibular lig

Anterior drawer test for anterior talofibular lig

thompson test for achilles tendon rupture